Will Tennyson Attempts C.T. Fletcher’s Arm Workout

Will Tennyson is known to take on any challenge, but can he survive a C.T. Fletcher arm day?

Will Tennyson is a well known YouTuber and bodybuilder that has trained with some of the strongest and most prominent athletes in their sport. He has been seen taking on the workouts of anyone from arm wrestling champion Michael Todd, to the current World’s Strongest Man, Mitchell Hooper. He has also tried the diets of several different influential figures in the fitness industry, so he is no stranger to a challenge. In this post we will detail an arm day workout session by Will Tennyson with legendary bodybuilder, powerlifter, and “Iron Addict” C.T. Fletcher.

In the video, Will Tennyson heads to the gym to participate an arm day session with C.T. Fletcher, a three-time World Bench Press Champion and three-time World Strict Curl Champion. At the age of 64, Fletcher now owns one of the most hardcore gyms in the country, the Iron Addicts Gym. Fletcher is also known for the “gauntlet,” which is a brutal triceps routine that consists of 200 skull crushers performed on the ground. Fletcher was also the main focus in Generation Iron’s Documentary film’ CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession

C.T. Fletcher’s Brutal Arm Workout

Now, let’s take a look at the exercises that C.T. Fletcher had Will Tennyson doing during this brutal workout. 

The Gauntlet

Will Tennyson Arms
Image Courtesy of YouTube (Will Tennyson)

As stated above, C.T. Fletcher is known for “the gauntlet”, which is 200 skull crushers on the ground. C.T. states that the gauntlet will build some big triceps, which is key for a big bench. Using multiple sets of dumbbells, Tennyson dives into the skull crushers, and after watching this, we do not envy him. Tennyson completes all 200 skull crushers, with C.T. Fletcher screaming at him the entire time, which is nothing out of the ordinary for Fletcher.

Strict Curl

Will Tennyson Arms
Image Courtesy of YouTube (Will Tennyson)

From there, C.T. Fletcher takes Will over to the strict curl section, where he has to do a 125 lb strict curl under Fletcher’s guidance (Fletcher is an expert in this movement). C.T. has Will go up in weight, throwing 150 lbs on the strict curl bar. Will could not complete the curl unfortunately, but C.T.’s son steps in and curls is no problem, with no warm up.

Bench Press

Will Tennyson Bench
Image Courtesy of YouTube (Will Tennyson)

Even though Will’s triceps are absolutely fried, C.T. has him move over to the bench press for some interesting sets and reps. C.T. instructs Will to do “the marathon”, which is 225 reps of bench press. The weight stays the same, but the reps continue to go up. The first set starts at one rep, then the next goes to two reps, all the way up to 20 reps on the 20th set. Sounds easy, right? Well, there is also minimal rest time in between each set, making it even more difficult. Somehow, Will manages to make it through this absolutely brutal exercise, but he’s not done yet.

Preacher Curl

Preacher Curl
Image Courtesy of YouTube (Will Tennyson)

After the bench press, C.T. and Will move over to the preacher curl machine, where Will is going to be tested again, as he can only curl when C.T. says “preach”, and Will has no idea when it is going to happen or how many times. It is almost like a game of “Simon Says”. C.T. also does not allow Will to take the tension of the biceps, meaning even when he is resting between reps he still is in a position that the biceps are having tension put on them.

Standing Cable Pushdowns

C.T. Fletcher
Image Courtesy of YouTube (Will Tennyson)

Using a strange cable attachment, C.T. has Will doing standing cable pushdowns as the final exercise of this arm workout. Again under C.T. ‘s guidance, Will is instructed when to lift, up until the tenth set, where he has to go all out, taking the movement to muscular failure.

C.T. Fletcher and Will Tennyson Arm Day Wrap Up

Overall, C.T. Fletcher is someone you may want to avoid in the gym if you can’t handle an intense workout, as he is going to push you to your absolute limits, and that shows during this workout with Will Tennyson. As for Will, he has completed the brutal workout of yet another influential figure in the fitness industry.

Whose workout do you think Will Tennyson will conquer next?

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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Dylan Wolf
I work mainly in content writing, focusing my free time on bodybuilding and strength sports. I was introduced to fitness in high school and after watching Generation Iron movies. I love to train. I have competed multiple times, even winning a junior title in classic physique. I have a bachelor's in criminal justice and business obtained through Alvernia University. When I am not focused on work or training, I enjoy watching films or reading about anything and everything.