Try these supplements to really see your progress greatly improve and help keep you on the right track.
So you’re interested in Intermittent Fasting (IF), or you’re currently actually following an IF diet. Either way, you’re here looking for the best intermittent fasting supplements to take – to maintain muscle mass while in a calorie deficit or to just improve your performance without having to break your fast.
We’ve tried and tested hundreds of different products on the market. And right now, we’ll be showing you the top options that you should be taking to get the best results for intermittent fasting when it comes from the best fasting supplements.
Top 4 Intermittent Fasting Supplements
#1 Fat Burner Supplements
We’ve said this a couple of times already. If you’re following an intermittent fasting diet, then you’re end goal is most likely to lose body fat and fat burning supplements are great aids to help. That being said, naturally, a fat burner supplement will be high on your priorities so you can see weight loss and not break a fast which are important.
But not just any burner, you want a fat burner that contains ingredients to further help protect your muscle mass while in a calorie deficit and aid in intermittent fasting diets so you don’t have to break your fast and leave your fasted state. Let’s be honest. You don’t need a burner supplement to lose body weight…simply being in a calorie deficit will get the job done. So remember that no burner supplement is a magic pill although it can work as a fasting supplement.
But what an effective fat burner should do is promote fat loss further while protecting muscle mass during fasted training – to make it perfectly suited to an intermittent fasting diet, and that’s exactly what Performance Lab Burn is made for.
Top Recommended Fat Burner: Performance Lab Burn
The main benefit that this burner offers is that it “helps you lose fat and keep muscle”. For us, that’s exactly what a fat burner should do – after all, no-one wants to lose hard-earned muscle mass while trying to get shredded, especially if in a diet like intermittent fasting.
To deliver this, Performance Lab Burn contains HMB; and a clinical study concluded that HMB “promotes an advantageous reduction of fat mass and increase in fat-free mass”.
In order to help you burn more fat than you would normally, it contains many tried-and-tested thermogenics such as cayenne pepper extract, a staple in an intermittent fasting supplement. Which has proven to boost your metabolic rate in numerous studies (in fact, there is actually a study titled “capsaicinoids supplementation decreases perfect body fat and fat mass” to prove our point).
We appreciate that Performance Lab Burn is a science-backed fat burner and not just fueled on unproven claims.
#2 Caffeine Supplements
It’s pretty well known that many people like drinking coffee while in the fasting stage of their intermittent fasting days and also for a pre-workout boost and energy. There’s nothing really wrong with coffee. And to be honest, nothing is going to stop coffee-lovers from drinking coffee and caffeine works to kickstart your metabolism and act as a natural fasting supplement great for weight loss which is important.
In fact, the good news is that caffeine consumption doesn’t officially break a fast (unless you follow that dumb trend and add butter to your coffee – since that will break your fast).
However, we bet you didn’t know that caffeine consumption depletes B-Vitamins. Well now you do but there are fasting supplements and ways to work around this with intermittent fasting so you take supplements while fasting to help you.
Here’s where a caffeine supplement containing B-Vitamins can come in…
Top Recommended Caffeine Supplement: Performance Caffeine 2
Heard about nootropic supplements? They’re supplements that are capable of improving your cognition (helping you to think clearer and perform better mentally).
Well, Performance Lab Stim is a next-gen caffeine pill that can also be classed under the “nootropic” category of fasting supplements and will prove to be one of the better supplements while fasting to see gains.
As well as delivering clean, natural caffeine, it also provides you with all the B-Vitamins that caffeine depletes in the exact quantities it depletes them in – helping to keep you fueled nutritionally and on a solid intermittent fasting plan.
The cherry on-top is the addition of L-Tyrosine, one of the most clinically backed nootropic ingredients to further improve your cognition.
In summary, this is an advanced caffeine supplement that you can take as a coffee alternative or to give you a clean energy boost for fasted workouts. Performance Lab Stim is also designed to stack safely with their non-stim fat burner and other products.
#3 Prebiotic Supplements
Gut health is something that’s seriously overlooked when it comes to fitness and overall health and can be really enhanced by an intermittent fasting supplement.
We bet you didn’t know that a prebiotic supplement can actually promote fat loss and strengthen your immune system, did you? These are some of the reasons to commit to intermittent fasting after all keeping you in a fasted state.
In fact, a clinical study states that “almost 70% of the entire immune system” is located in the gut.
Top Recommended Prebiotic Supplement: Performance Lab Prebiotic
Performance Lab Prebiotic has made use of the nutritional technology available when it comes to gut health providing a high quality fasting supplement.
Containing Orafti® Synergy1, which has shown to have a positive effect on immune system in numerous studies, it’s also free from allergens, gluten, soy, synthetic additives which are all good signs from a quality fasting supplement for health benefits.
It’s also completely vegan-friendly, with its capsules being made from prebiotic fiber. Making it the cleanest prebiotic on the market and great fasting supplement, in our honest opinion.
#4 Multivitamin Supplement
Multivitamin supplements are arguably the most underrated in the industry. They kind of get a bad reputation from the really cheap supplements that turn your pee yellow, but are very useful when dieting like intermittent fasting where many nutrients are lost or not received.
Trust us, though. Multivitamins can offer a lot more benefits than changing the color of your urine…
When intermittent fasting, you’re having one or two less meals than you would normally (by skipping breakfast). And, more often than not, intermittent fasters are in a calorie deficit too since they often aim to lose body fat which can effect energy levels and allow for inadequate nutrients.
As a result, intermittent fasters need to obtain all their nutrients in less meals (and calories) than normal; to put that into perspective, people not keeping an eye on their calories often don’t consume the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals which can hurt their goals of ultimate health benefits.
Therefore, multivitamins provide great “nutritional insurance” to make sure you do obtain all essential nutrients for peak health so you thrive with a fasting supplement for weight loss and the best benefits.
Top Recommended Multivitamin Supplement: Performance Lab NutriGenesis® Multi
What sets this multivitamin apart is Performance Lab’s own patented NutriGenesis® technology; they are able to produce “nature-identical” vitamins and minerals (completely with co-factors) that your body recognizes and absorbs as actual food so all the nutrients you miss out from an intermittent fasting diet reach your body to help you lose weight and keep your energy levels high.
The result? A next-gen multivitamin that actually improves your general health and provides for one of the better supplements while fasting to help you.
Performance Lab NutriGenesis® Multi delivers over at least 100% of the daily recommended values of over 17 essential vitamins and minerals too, giving you a great fasting supplement.
It’s also extremely clean too, being free from allergens, gluten, soy, synthetic additives, GMOs – and it’s also banned substance tested too.
Without a doubt (in our honest opinion) the cleanest and highest quality multivitamin on the market and a great fasting supplement aid for those looking to take supplements.
CLICK HERE to get the best deal for Performance Lab NutriGenesis® Multi for Men
CLICK HERE to get the best deal for Performance Lab NutriGenesis® Multi for Women
Wrap It Up
Intermittent fasting isn’t for everyone. But we’re guessing that you’re someone who enjoys skipping breakfast since you’re reading this article and are looking to take supplements to help.
The fact is that most people who follow an intermittent fasting diet are aiming to lose body fat/weight. Since this requires you to be in a calorie deficit, you have the challenge of consuming all nutrients that you need in fewer meals and fat soluble vitamins can help.
Intermittent fasting supplements such as multivitamins will help provide you with nutritional insurance, so you don’t have to worry (as much) about getting the right vitamins or minerals through your meals and fasting period.
Supplements such as BCAAs will then help protect your hard-earned muscle mass while you’re in a calorie deficit too by providing you with solid ingredients.