Build tree trunk legs with these exercises for only the best gains Whether for functional or more sport specific needs, building tree trunk legs can be of
Tom Platz Discusses Diet in His Early Years of Training
See how he went from skinny legs to "The Quadfather" Tom Platz carved out a legendary status in bodybuilding, often known for his colossal, shredded quads, but
A Guide to Being Hip Dominant vs Quad Dominant
Which area dominates your lifts? When it comes to strength training, it's common for athletes and fitness enthusiasts to categorize themselves as either hip
How Knee Sleeves Can Enhance These 5 Leg Building Exercises
The best exercises for you to use those knee sleeves. Our knees help support virtually all movements and with help from knee sleeves, we can work to better
Hadi Choopan Shares Leg Day Workout 10 Weeks Out From The 2023 Mr. Olympia
Hadi Choopan is ten weeks out from the Mr. Olympia, and crushing legs The 2023 Mr. Olympia contest is just under ten weeks away now, and the competitors are
Let These Guys Be The Reminder To Never Skip Leg Days
Let These Guys Be The Reminder To Never Skip Leg Days Ask a gym goer what their least favorite muscle group to train is, and most probably they'll point you to
Cable Pull Through – Benefits, Muscles Worked, and Alternatives
There are many benefits and alternatives to cable pull-throughs! When it comes to posterior chain development, cable pull-throughs are one of the most
Lunge Vs. Split Squat: Which Is Better For Building Leg Muscle?
Both will really boost leg growth, but is one better? As we all embark on that dreaded leg day, it’s important to realize that certain exercises can
8 Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Quads
8 Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Quads When it coms to your legs, the quadriceps, or quads for short, are an underrated muscle group. They are a key driver
The Most Underrated Leg Exercise
The Most Underrated Leg Exercise You’ve been going to the gym for years. Your upper body looks alright, but your lower body looks like a malnourished fifth
6 Glute Exercises at Home to Tone Your Butt and Improve Your Waist-to-Hip Ratio
Waist-to-Hip Ratio is the Key to Female Physical Attraction Women have a certain gift that men don't have, and they can get this from glute exercises at
The 4 Effective Leg Building Exercises Which No One Does
Build Monster Legs With These Exercises A pair of shredded legs is what separates the men from the boys. Most people stick to the same exercises while training
Crazy Workout To Build Your Hams and Glutes
Develop Your Hamstrings and Glutes With This Workout Posterior (the muscles you can't see in the mirror directly) can be the hardest to develop as it's
Best on the Planet – Legs Which Can Put Tree Trunks To Shame
The Biggest and The Meanest Legs In The Fitness Industry A pair of big wheels are what separate the men from the boys. Shredded legs are a sign of dedication,
Let’s Revive This Forgotten Way of Building Monster Legs
Let's Revive This Forgotten Way of Building Monster Legs Remember when legs were everyone's favorite muscle to train? We neither. Training legs, if done right,
The Ultimate Hamstrings Workout
Follow This Workout For Shredded Hamstrings Hamstrings are one of the weakest muscle groups for most people. It is hard to establish a mind-muscle connection
10 Best Bodyweight Home Workouts For A Chiseled Physique
Why go to a gym when you can build a Greek God physique with these home workouts? Most people have come to believe that they need to work out with dumbbells
Monster Leg Workout With Klaus Myren Riis
Check out this mean but effective leg workout from bodybuilding pro Klaus Myren Riis. Leg day. We all know we need it, but too often we make an excuse and jump
Check Out This Intense Lower Body Workout for Ripped Calves and Hams
Leg day. There. I said it. Leg day can be one of the most challenging and often neglected aspects of being a bodybuilder. It's confusing, it's hard, and --
Build Bigger Quads with Bad Knees
Build Bigger Quads with Bad Knees If “bad knees” is your excuse every leg day, I apologize in advance. You can’t use it as your crutch anymore. Depending on
Why Your Calves are Small and Weak
Why Your Calves are Small and Weak Ahh yes, calves. Those lower limb muscles that either look like toothpicks that girls laugh at or resemble walking tree
Exhausted With Home Workouts? Try These Alternatives
With the second wave bearing down on cities across America, many of us are exploring our options as we struggle with how to keep up our fitness even though it
German Bodybuilder Jo Lindner Shares Secret To Perfect Calves
When it comes to working out, it's almost too easy to make jokes about how many guys skip leg day. Leg day can be one of the most challenging muscle
Watch Brandon and Hudson White Take On Every Level of Pushup
For many of us, the pushup was one of the first exercises we learned. However, being one of the "backbone exercises" of fitness means the pushup has an almost