Strongman Chad Coy has competed in 120 strongman events and shares his learned wisdom gained throughout his career. Strongman Chad Coy describes himself as a
Nick Best
How A Painful 425-Pound Bench Press Accident Saved Strongman Nick Best’s Life | Legends Of Iron Podcast
Strongman Nick Best discloses how a bench pressing tragedy saved his life. Sometimes the worst thing that happens in your life is your greatest blessing. In
Powerlifters Joe Sullivan and Brianny Terry On Relationship Challenges as Elite Competitors | Legends Of Iron Podcast
Powerlifters Joe Sullivan and Brianny Terry disclose the hurdles of being in a relationship as elite competitors and what it takes to keep the relationship
Willie Wessels Shares The Craziest Strongman Stories Of All Time (Yes, Strongmen Do Sh*t Their Pants)
Willie Wessels has been in powerlifting and strongman for a very long time... and he has some wild stories to tell Willie Wessels is a strongman and
Brittany Diamond and Ben Pollack: The Triple Threat Strongman, Powerlifting, & Bodybuilding Couple | Legends Of Iron
Strongwoman Brittany Diamond and Powerlifter & Bodybuilder Ben Pollack discuss the joys of being one of the world's newest strongest couples. Bodybuilding,
Nick Best Announces Retirement From Full-Time Strongman Competition
Nick Best will continue to train in hopes of breaking some records. Nick Best has competed in his final full strongman competition. Over the weekend, he
4x World’s Strongest Man Magnus Ver Magnusson On How He Out-Worked Everyone | Legends Of Iron Podcast
The legendary Magnus Ver Magnusson reflects back on what made him one of the best strongmen that ever lived... and the impact he still has on the sport. If you
Thomas Evans Has The Foundation To Be The Future Of Strongman | Legends Of Iron
Pro strongman and rising star Thomas Evans has nothing holding him back from future greatness. If you don't yet know pro strongman Thomas Evans, you soon will.
MuscleMed’s Legends Of Iron Podcast Picked Up By Generation Iron Network
The unfiltered bodybuilding interview podcast joins Generation Iron’s catalogue of shows Generation Iron Network has announced that the MuscleMeds produced
Nick Best Crushes A 500-Pound Deadlift For 50 Total Reps At 53 Years Old
Strongman Nick Best completed five sets of 10 reps and made it look easy. Age, injuries, heavy deadlifts -- nothing matters for Nick Best and he showed that in