Sarah Villegas issues a challenge to Shanique Grant. There's nothing like to good competition. It appears that Sarah Villegas understands that notion well. In
Shanique Grant
After Finally Competing in First Olympia, Will Shanique Grant Dominate Women’s Physique?
Shanique Grant is the youngest Miss Olympia champion ever! There are times in life when the odds are stacked against you, when you feel like nothing is going
Shanique Grant Has One of the Most Incredibly Proportioned Physiques of All Time
Shanique Grant has an incredible physique. The human body can be a truly extraordinary. All the muscle and diverse properties that make up a human being is
This Physique Is the Definition of Unreal, Cartoonish Proportions
Proportions on a different level. While Open Weight bodybuilding may feature some of the most freakish humans to ever walk the face of the earth, that doesn't
Weeks Out From The Arnold, Shanique Grant Is Looking Like A Superhero!
Shanique Grant is looking like a champion. The Arnold Sports Festival showcases a wide range of talent on the professional bodybuilding scene. The competitors
Shanique Grant Is Out Of The Olympia Due To Detached Retina
Bad luck once again strikes for Shanique Grant just weeks out from the Olympia. Training for athletic competition requires a ton of dedication and passion to
Shanique Grant Shows Off Incredible Back And Crazy Proportions Weeks Out
Shanique Grant has unrivaled symmetry. The Olympia is just weeks away now and everyone is chomping at the bit to see their favorite competitors show the
Shanique Grant Has The Crazy Proportions Of An Alpha Female
The true female alpha. All of you bodybuilding fans out there are focused on who the alpha male is and that’s fine. After all, bodybuilding was once a solely