Female Bodybuilder Claims Steroid Use Significantly Increased Sex Drive: “I Became Insatiable”

Michele Umezu bodybuilding steroids sex
Photos via Instagram @micheleumezu

Michele Umezu saw her sex drive increase while using steroids during her bodybuilding career.

NPC Bikini bodybuilder Michele Umezu and ex-girlfriend of soccer legend Ronaldo opened up about her “insatiable” sex drive caused by her use of anabolic steroids. Now 41 years old, Umezu admits to having dabbled in steroid use to get her physique in top shape. She also admits that during this time she was unaware of how to properly utilize PEDs, leading to many side effects, including a major increase in her libido.

As reported by The Sun, Michele Umezu spoke with local media detailing the various side effects caused by her improper steroid usage. This included issues with acne and hair loss, among other side effects.

“I didn’t understand much about the subject during that period. My ex administered everything incorrectly and I had acne, thicker body hair, hair loss, and my voice changed at the time.”

Michele MUmezu is a fitness enthusiast that has focused on bodybuilding in recent years. She has built an Instagram following over 200k due to her impressive physique. On her social media pages, Umezu shares different workout posts to show off her progress.

Umezu has been open about her steroid use and shared details of her experiences.

Photo via Instagram @micheleumezu

Michele Umezu Experienced Increased Sex Drive

Michele Umezu, who has a child with soccer player Ronaldo Nazario de Lima, saw a major increase in he sex drive due to steroids.

“In fact, there are hormones like testosterone that increase libido and usually women who use them have a high libido. I became insatiable.”

Increased sex drive is a well understood side effect of anabolic steroids. In fact, Generation Iron has previously spoken with anabolic medical expert, Dr. Thomas O’Connor, on how the increased testosterone and sex drive are often an addictive feature of steroids.

But after long-term use of steroids, the body becomes less capable of producing testosterone naturally. This leads to various side effects when a bodybuilder or individual decides to stop using steroids. For men, erectile dysfunction is common but it can also lead to an overall lack of arousal for any individual whose hormones have faded.

This is largely why Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) has grown in popularity for those retiring from pro sports. TRT helps bring testosterone levels back to normal – where the body otherwise would be unable to produce it.

Below is our interview with Dr. Thomas O’Connor discussing steroids, sex drive, and arousal:

After years of steroid use, Michele Umezu believes that it is a health issue and that she has had difficulties since.

“This is not healthy. It was already a collateral problem of the hormone as well. They say testosterone is a youth hormone drug.”

In a recent interview, six-time Olympia champion and IFBB Pro, Dorian Yates broke down some of his contest prep and discussed his reasoning for using TRT. Dorian Yates put together one of the best bodybuilding careers of all-time. In retirement, he has dabbled in many areas but remains interested in his fitness. The use of steroids in bodybuilding has become an issue in recent years. There was an unfortunate string of deaths at the end of 2021. Former Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden and George Peterson passed away due to complications with their heart. In April 2022, Cedric McMillan also tragically passed away.

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Greg Patuto
Greg has covered the four major sports for six years and has been featured on sites such as Sports Illustrated, Fox Sports, SB Nation, NJ.com, and FanSided. Now, he is transitioning into the world of bodybuilding and strength sports.