The reasons why going vegan today and adopting a plant-based lifestyle could be a game changer for you. A lot has been said about the vegan diet, especially
5 Ways To Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle
How To Shed Weight Without Losing Muscle Most people, especially the experienced lifters, are paranoid to shed the winter weight they gained during the bulking
What Do Healthy Testosterone Levels Look Like?
Are you in a healthy range? Testosterone is a vital hormone that plays a crucial role in the overall health and well-being of both men and women. Commonly
Understanding Body Mass Index (BMI)
What It Is and How It Works Body Mass Index, commonly known as BMI, is a simple and widely used tool to assess a person’s body weight in relation to their
The Best Metabolism Trackers of 2024
Your Guide to Monitoring and Boosting Metabolic Health for Bodybuilding goals Understanding your metabolism is key to achieving your health and fitness goals.
The Importance of Liver Health For Bodybuilders
Bodybuilders are dying to get big Bodybuilding is a demanding pursuit that requires a keen focus on various aspects of physical health. One critical facet
Supplements: What Are The Best Fat Burners, The Side Effects, And Alternatives?
The best fat burners and why you should reconsider taking them. Everyone wants a leg up when it comes to their fitness journey, whether that be a fat burner or
Sleep Problems? Here Are 10 Ways To Sleep Like A Baby
10 Ways To Sleep Better A good night's sleep is one of the most underrated things when it comes to not only your overall health, but also your recovery from
Magic Spoon Cereal Review
If you've been struggling to maintain a healthy diet alongside a routine of regular exercise, you're not alone. It seems like the bodybuilder's constant
Top 10 Ways To Naturally Gain Muscle Faster For Optimal Growth
We all know the old saying “work smarter, not harder”. But do you know how that applies to building muscle in the gym? It’s true that amazing gains never come
3 Nutrition Tips For Winter
Three tips to live by during the off season. Classically, winter is known in the fitness community as 'Bulking Season,' which in reality becomes justification
How to Eat Clean Like A Professional Bodybuilder
Having Eating Clean is One of the Most Impactful Things You Can do for Your Fitness. Other than time spent working out in the gym, eating a healthy diet is the
This is Why You Should Never Eat Cheat Meals
This is Why You Should Never Eat Cheat Meals After bicep days, cheat days are the second most favorite day of the week for most fitness enthusiasts. Just like
Feeling Dizzy After Working Out? Here Are 5 Tips
If you're feeling dizzy or light-headed after a workout, you could be over-exerting yourself. It's in the nature of a bodybuilder to push himself past his
5 Ways to Live Healthier and Look Better Naked
Ways to Live Healthier and Look Good Naked Ask the people around you if they want to live healthier, and almost all will reply affirmatively. If we take the
Try These Easy Exercises To Test Your Heart Health At Home
It can be a scary thought to visit a doctor these days, but there are still ways you can take charge of your fitness from home. A lot of us suffer from vague
5 Gym Habits You Should Follow Post COVID
Gym Hygiene Habits To Live By As much as it might sting, the fact is COVID-19 is here to stay. We should make peace with it and develop healthy habits to
Could Bodybuilders Be At Risk For This Once Uncommon Kidney Injury?
No pain, no gain. It's the common adage when it comes to building muscle and strength. If you aren't feeling your muscles getting pushed to the limit then
10 Reasons Why You’re Always Tired and How To Fix It
10 Reasons Why You're Always Tired & How To Fix It "I love feeling tired all the time" - no one ever. If it's hard for you to get out of bed, if the
How A Chance Encounter With An Australian Instructor Helped Mel Gibson Lose 30 Pounds
Mel Gibson Looses Over 30lb In 8 Weeks Due to Chance Encounter. Gibson can bulk up or lean down for any given role, but in his later years the actor has
Do You Know Your Metabolic Type?
Have you ever used your metabolic type to help calculate the right diet? All people have unique rates and methods of metabolism. We all have that one friend
Drinking and Bodybuilding: How To Make Huge Gains Without Sacrificing Your Social Life
If you're committed to bodybuilding but still have a social life on the weekends, don't worry: you're not alone. A lot of pro bodybuilders live their
Overeating In Quarantine? Lee Labrada Has A Simple Solution
IFBB Hall of Famer Lee Labrada shared some tips on mental and physical health with fans today. Maintaining your health during quarantine can be challenging.
Average Gains or Bigorexia? Craig Golias Shares 200lbs Transformation
'Bigorexia' is obviously a controversial problem in the bodybuilding world, but this is definitely a situation where the term applies. Amateur