Prepping for the next big bikini competition. Krystal says it best at the end of her latest video diary: time
Bikini Diaries
BIKINI DIARIES: WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS… Hitting up the CT premiere, Olympia, and some serious weights. Krystal Lavenne shipped out to Las Vegas last
BIKINI DIARIES: HOW TO KEEP LEAN ON THE ROAD Krystal is on the move again. Since Krystal is in the thick of bikini season - it's important for her to always
BIKINI DIARIES: PARTY HARD, LIFT HARDER Moving on up. This week on Bikini Diaries Krystal Lavenne hits up the night life with an epic ladies night - but
BIKINI DIARIES: KRYSTAL COMPETING AT THE VICTOR MARTINEZ LEGENDS CHAMPIONSHIPS Krystal becomes legend. This is what it's all about. The passion, the struggle, the hard work and dedication - it
BIKINI DIARIES: CALIFORNIA DREAMING & COMPETITION PREP The Body Bawse is ready to take the stage again. In this week's Bikini Diaries, Krystal Lavenne gives us an inside
BIKINI DIARIES: KRYSTAL GETS SOME INK DONE A new tattoo and a new exercise machine. This latest Bikini Diaries is all about trying new things. Our very own
BIKINI DIARIES: GETTING OILED UP Beach. Gym. Repeat. The bikini life never gets old during the middle of summer and the work outs don't let up
BIKINI DIARIES: WHEN THE BOAT’S A ROCKIN’… Rocking the boat and rocking the gym. This week Krystal Lavenne takes the bikini life out into the open waters
BIKINI DIARIES: CLEANING HOUSE & BIG BOOTY WORKOUT Midnight Madness. The body bawse Krystal Lavenne is back again and this time she's hitting up a grill filled
BIKINI DIARIES: SOAKING UP THE REAL BIKINI LIFE All bikinis all the time. We're in the dead heat of summer here in NYC and that means it's the ultimate beach,
BIKINI DIARIES: LOW CUT Shredding abs and hair. In this week's episode of the Krystal Lavenne Bikini Diaries - the body bawse decides to
BIKINI DIARIES: WORKING LEGS AND GETTING SWEATY Keeping tight for the summer season. Independence Day is right around the corner and that means we all have to get
BIKINI DIARIES: WET, HOT, BIKINI SUMMER Bikin Life True Summer Style. As the temperature rises here in NYC - the tops start coming off and people start
BIKINI DIARIES: TRAINING ABS IN GERMANY Across the sea again. In this week's episode of The Krystal Lavenne Bikini Diaries we find the body bawse herself
BIKINI DIARIES: DO IT ‘TIL YOU COLLAPSE Before and after a hardcore bikini run. This week Krystal Lavenne takes us with her on a hardcore run through
BIKINI DIARIES: SEXY SIX PACK PHOTO SHOOT Guerrilla style. Krystal Lavenne gets ready for a guerrilla style photo shoot out in sunny NYC to show off her six
BIKINI DIARIES: KRYSTAL DOES EUROPE The body bawse goes abroad. Nothing ever slows down for Krystal Lavenne. In this week's bikini diary episode,
KRYSTAL LAVENNE BIKINI DIARIES: A VERY SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WORKOUT Birthday dancing & birthday lifting. When a birthday celebration comes along some people might wonder - do
KRYSTAL LAVENNE BIKINI DIARIES: LIFT HARD, PARTY HARD Krystal dances just as intensely as she lifts. With such a regimented schedule - it's sometimes hard to imagine
KRYSTAL LAVENNE BIKINI DIARIES: DOMINATING THE WEIGHTS Krystal is back in action. After a week of feeling a little under the weather - the Body Bawse is back and better
KRYSTAL LAVENNE BIKINI DIARIES: SWEATING IT OUT Krystal sweats it out in her latest video diary. The life of a bikini competitor (and a GI Weekly host) is a very
KRYSTAL LAVENNE BIKINI DIARIES: STRUTTING THROUGH CENTRAL PARK Bikini life in the sun. Over here in NYC, the weather is finally picking up with warmth and sunshine. And no one
KRYSTAL LAVENNE BIKINI DIARIES: BENDING OVER BACKWARDS Krystal gets zen before a powerful workout. Working out at a bodybuilding level can start to make you stiff. Same