The cheat sheet for shredded gains.
Shed your spare tire along with your winter coat. Though the winter season is often associated with gaining weight (or bulking), hibernation time is over. Spring is upon us and before you know it you’ll be scrambling with some fad diet for summer. Why not get ahead of the game by priming your body this spring with some fat shredding, mass building types to get you lean and solid for the new season.
These 6 techniques take advantage of the workout you’re already doing by tweaking common movements to give you a one of a kind type of body and truly honoring your genetics. Check out the techniques below.
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Negative Reps
It may be counter intuitive but you’re actually stronger in lowering weight than you are at lifting it. Next time you’re doing a set – get a spotter to help you lift the positive (eccentric) portion of the exercise while you do a brunt of the (cocentric) negative portion of the weight. Go heavy, you’ll feel it.
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