This Is Why You Should Never Date A Bodybuilder

Sex Before Working Out Generation Iron

Reasons You Should Never Date A Bodybuilder.

The idea of dating a muscular man or woman can be tempting. Having a big partner around you can make you feel safe and secure, plus all that muscle mass shows some serious hard work and dedication to crafting themselves into a stronger, more aesthetic individual. This is also the reason many men join a gym so they could get more girls, although usually it is other men that will end up giving them compliments.

Just like with most things, dating a bodybuilder can have its pros and cons. And in this case, the cons can be a little heavier than the pros. In the end, it is your decision to make, but let’s take a look at the reasons to never date a bodybuilder.

The Top Reasons to Never Date a Bodybuilder

1. You Don’t Like Making Food

No matter who you are or where you’re from, if you’re going to date a bodybuilder you should be ready for this, bodybuilders need meals. The diet part of your fitness journey is one of the most important aspects of bodybuilding, and no bodybuilder will ever compromise on it, as getting in the proper amount of macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbs) is crucial for making some serious progress. You can workout all that you want, but you will never be able to out train a bad diet.

If you happen to find a lazy partner, you could end up cooking all his or her meals. Pro tip: if you’re starting to date a bodybuilder, give them absolutely no clue you can cook. Pretend as if you have no idea how it is done and you can spend the rest of your life in peace.

2. Bodybuilders Can Seem to Be Self Centered

Bodybuilding is a sport where an athlete has to focus on themselves, despite having a great support system they still need to be dialed in and really focus on themselves. This is where bodybuilders can end up coming off as selfish and self-centered. It can be even more prominent if he is prepping for a contest, as the prep process is when times are the toughest for a bodybuilder. They are depleted of food, doing massive amounts of cardio, and trying to just get through each day

Fitness athletes are known to skip family and friends time to work on their art. You should be ready if this happens to you. Let us break this for you, if you like having all the attention, things might not work between you two.

reasons to not date a bodybuilder

3. You Don’t Like Working Out

Having a ripped partner and being fit yourself are two different things. You can expect your better half to ask you to start working out, and don’t take that personally. If you’re not into the fit lifestyle, it will be better to set the expectations from the beginning, although this could be a deal breaker for a bodybuilding partner.

You will also have to bear with them if they are always talking about the gym or if they are spending most of his time in the gym. Some bodybuilders can tend to have a small world which revolves around fitness and staying in shape, and every aspect of their life will seem to be focused on that.

4. Protein Farts

It is no secret bodybuilders eat a lot of protein, as this is the building block of muscle mass and in order to recover and grow, a bodybuilder needs to consume adequate amounts of protein. Unfortunately protein can also be one of the hardest nutrients for your body to digest, and this can lead to farts, protein farts. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, just google it, but they can be absolutely deadly for anyone within the space.

Trust us, you don’t want to be anywhere near protein farts, but unfortunately at the same time, you cannot ask or expect your bodybuilding better half to stop eating protein. This will be a part of your life, and you will have to live with it. However, you could have them use something like Transparent Labs Grass-Fed Whey which digests a bit easier.

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Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate is organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free, boasting a great formula for a top protein powder. With nothing artificial added, this is a clean protein that is easier on your stomach.

5. Steroid Use

Last but not least on the reasons to never date a bodybuilder, is steroids. If your boyfriend looks anything like the guys on the Mr. Olympia stage, there is a good chance he is on steroids. Even the women nowadays could be using these anabolic substances. This might come as a surprise to you since most bodybuilders don’t like to share this part of their lifestyle with the world, it is almost like taboo to discuss.

If you have reservations about anabolic drug use, then you should stay away from dating a bodybuilder. It is better to clear this out before you start dating a bodybuilder. Don’t be surprised if you still find out about it later after they have denied using it.

Wrap Up

Overall, when it comes to the reasons to not dating a bodybuilder, there are plenty of reasons supporting this argument. What reasons stand out to you the most? Have you ever dated a bodybuilder?

Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

Dylan Wolf
I work mainly in content writing, focusing my free time on bodybuilding and strength sports. I was introduced to fitness in high school and after watching Generation Iron movies. I love to train. I have competed multiple times, even winning a junior title in classic physique. I have a bachelor's in criminal justice and business obtained through Alvernia University. When I am not focused on work or training, I enjoy watching films or reading about anything and everything.