Victor Martinez finds Larry Wheels’ “steroid relapse” comments a bit overdramatic

In the latest episode of the Generation Iron Podcast, hosted by Victor Martinez, Ehsan Farahi, Edwin Mejia Jr., and Vlad Yudin, the hosts delve into some intriguing topics, addressing fan questions and controversial statements from prominent figures in the bodybuilding community. Most notably, Victor Martinez reacts to Larry Wheels’ recent announcement that he had relapsed on steroids – and why he finds the statement overdramatic and insulting.

Victor Martinez returns alongside the rest of the GI crew to discuss more trending topics from this past week in bodybuilding. In this episode, Victor and the gang discuss:

  • Bodybuilding diets, eggs and cholesterol – a follow up
  • Natural supplements for recovery and testosterone boosting
  • Larry Wheels recent statement on his steroid relapse
  • Ethics in fitness journalism for the internet era

As always, Victor Martinez holds nothing back with candid opinions for yet another electric episode. Let’s dive in.


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The Cholesterol Debate: Eggs and Heart Health

Fan Question #1: Criticism on Cholesterol Discussion

A fan wrote in, criticizing the podcast’s previous discussions about eggs and cholesterol. The fan mentioned that his doctor advised him that cholesterol from egg yolks is good cholesterol, suggesting a misunderstanding or miscommunication from the hosts.

Victor Martinez responded assertively, pointing out that the listener might not have paid full attention to the previous conversation. He reiterated that cholesterol from eggs is generally not a problem unless an individual already has heart or cholesterol issues.

Victor clarified that while some of the hosts may have expressed concerns about cholesterol levels, his stance was aligned with more recent medical opinions which indicate that egg cholesterol is not inherently unhealthy. This nuanced view highlights the importance of understanding dietary impacts on individual health conditions rather than making broad generalizations.

Natural Supplements for Recovery: Beyond PEDs

Fan Question #2: Herbal Supplements for Pro Bodybuilders

Another fan inquired about herbal or natural supplements that professional bodybuilders use effectively for recovery without resorting to Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs).

Victor Martinez endorsed MHP’s EXPEL diuretic supplement as a great natural option for aiding recovery. He praised it as the best on the market, emphasizing its efficacy. Additionally, Victor recommended dandelion, tribulus, and ashwagandha for their natural testosterone-boosting properties. These supplements are well-regarded in the bodybuilding community for their ability to support muscle recovery and enhance performance without the side effects associated with synthetic PEDs.

XPEL is a trusted diuretic formula used by fitness models, bodybuilders and millions of consumers for over a decade because it works, and is safer than other options.

Larry Wheels’ Steroid Relapse and Retirement From Bodybuilding

Powerlifter and bodybuilder Larry Wheels recently announced his decision to quit bodybuilding after relapsing on steroids, following several health scares.

Victor’s Critical Perspective

Victor Martinez offered a critical analysis of Larry Wheels’ statement. He contested the idea that steroids can cause physical addiction comparable to hard drugs, arguing that steroids are not physically addicting. Victor believes Larry is seeking sympathy by framing his use of steroids as a disease, akin to severe drug addiction. He expressed skepticism about the term “relapse” in this context, arguing that it misrepresents the nature of steroid use.

Victor suggested that Larry Wheels likely resumed steroids due to the competitive advantages they offer, such as faster recovery and increased strength, making professional success more attainable. While Victor acknowledges the allure of these benefits, he supports Larry’s decision to quit competing to avoid further steroid use. He prefers honesty, advocating for Larry to openly admit returning to steroids rather than equating it with a drug relapse, which often involves severe life disruptions.

The Ethics of Fitness Journalism: The William Bonac Incident

The discussion also touched on a recent incident where a vlogger approached William Bonac at an event, asking him directly if he used steroids, sparking a debate on the ethics of such interactions.

Respect and Professionalism in Journalism

Victor Martinez commended William Bonac for handling the intrusive questions with grace. He condemned the vlogger’s actions as rude and unprofessional, equating them to “gotcha” journalism—a tactic designed to provoke a reaction for viral content. Victor emphasized that such behavior is disrespectful and undermines the integrity of both the interviewer and the athlete.

Vlad Yudin echoed these sentiments, arguing that harassing someone while filming or live streaming is problematic, regardless of whether the individual is a celebrity or not. This discussion highlights the broader issue of maintaining professionalism and respect in fitness journalism, particularly in an era where social media influencers often prioritize sensationalism over ethical reporting.

Wrap Up

This episode of the Generation Iron Podcast provided a thorough examination of various aspects of the bodybuilding world, from diet and supplements to the ethical considerations of fitness journalism. Victor Martinez, along with his co-hosts, offered valuable insights and candid opinions, making this a must-listen for bodybuilding enthusiasts and fitness professionals alike. By addressing fan questions and current controversies, the podcast continues to foster an informed and respectful discourse within the community.

You can watch the full episode above. And don’t forget to check back every week for new episodes on the Generation Iron Fitness Network or wherever podcasts are downloaded!

Derek Dufour
Derek Dufour has been managing all digital operations on the Generation Iron Network for over six years. He currently manages a team of editors, writers, and designers to provide up-to-date content across the GI Network.