INBA Australia Athlete Jodie Litzow’s Glamorous Natural Bodybuilding Transformation

Jodie Litzow natural bodybuilding transformation
Image via Instagram @jodie_litzow

INBA Australia Phyisue pro Jodie Litzow displays an 11-year transformation photo. 

A total body transformation takes time. Patience and consistently following a structured diet and training plan are the key to improving your physique. And it doesn’t happen overnight. International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA) Australia Physique competitor is testimony to how following natural bodybuilding regimens consistently can transform your physique over time. Jodie Litzow uploaded an astonishing 11-year natural bodybuilding transformation photo to Instagram (IG). 

Jodie Litzow recently earned her Professional Natural Bodybuilding (PNBA) pro card. She posted her natural bodybuilding transformation to IG on December 13, 2021, showing her body in 2010 compared to 2021. Litzow stated:

“This woman was brave, blissfully ignorant of what laid ahead, but was done with feeling like shit both in body and more importantly in her own head.”

You can see her full transformation photo on IG below:

INBA PNBA Women’s Physique Category 

Women in the Physique division will have the second most muscular body in the women’s natural bodybuilding categories–Women’s Bodybuilding competitors have the most muscle mass. For example, if you look at the Bikini Divas division, muscle mass is an integral part of the judging, but the athletes won’t be as big as the ones in Women’s Physique. The judges score the Women’s Physique class on symmetry, muscularity, definition (conditioning), and stage presence. 

Claire Burton is another Women’s Physique contender who won the gold medal in the Masters division and the silver medal in the Open class at 2021 Natural Olympia. Melanie Pfeifer is the strong woman who took first place in the Women’s Physique Open class at 2021 Natural Olympia after a breast cancer diagnosis. Anitra Jeffrey also competes in the Physique class, placing fifth at 2021 Natural Olympia. 

Natural Bodybuilding 

For many INBA PNBA competitors, natural bodybuilding has been an outlet for better mental health and physical health. Some INBA PNBA athletes that have faced a battle with cancer point to natural bodybuilding for their improvement. Moreover, multi-media athlete Brandon Lirio says that weightlifting helped him overcome anxiety by balancing his hormones. 

Natural bodybuilding doesn’t allow drug use. So the candid competitors who follow INBA PNBA’s World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) drug guidelines–those who don’t end up in the Hall of Shame–have a safe environment to compete in the sport of bodybuilding and manage their health simultaneously. 

Since drugs are banned, INBA PNBA natural bodybuilders must think outside the box to develop the best physique they can naturally to claim a medal at the most extensive natural bodybuilding competition worldwide (Natural Olympia). For example, the 2021 Natural Olympia Men’s Bodybuilding Masters third-place finisher, Peter Cichonski, trains outside to help with recovery and build muscle. 

And many natural bodybuilders train with less volume compared to performance enhancers. Of course, as a natural, athletes can’t handle the same workload an enhanced (steroid) user may be able to. For example, Kenyan Natural Olympia champ Meshack Ochieng trains each muscle group once a week during the off-season. 

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Terry Ramos
As a personal trainer and writer, Terry loves changing lives through coaching and the written word. Terry has a B.S. in Kinesiology and is an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer and ISSA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He enjoys playing music, reading, and watching films when he's not writing or training.