Running is far more effective than other types of cardio when it comes to bodybuilding and making gains Running has long been thought to have a negative affect
How To Improve Your Mobility For Maximum Gains and Functionality
Take Your Gains To The Next Level With Better Mobility Have you ever noticed almost every single person has a different way of performing the same exercise?
Top 10 Ways To Naturally Gain Muscle Faster For Optimal Growth
We all know the old saying “work smarter, not harder”. But do you know how that applies to building muscle in the gym? It’s true that amazing gains never come
7 Reasons Why You Can’t Build Muscle
Reasons Why You're Not Seeing Changes in Your Physique If gaining muscle mass was easy, everyone would be walking around with 21-inch arms. Some people think
WATCH: This Is How To Properly Measure Your Gains
See the progress before your eyes. Whether you are working out and dieting in order to get the most massive and shredded physiques in the world, or just try to
8 Factors That Can Kill Your Gains Faster Than Masturbation
Avoid these mistakes that can be holding back your gains It's a calm and uneventful Saturday evening, and you have got an hour to spare before you head out to
How To Increase The Time Under Tension To Maximize Your Gains
Increase The Time Under Tension With These Steps Time under tension (or TuT) plays a vital role in muscle development. As the name suggests, TuT is the amount
Make A Change To Make Some Gains
There are plenty of ways to make changes for some massive gains. So with the new year creeping up on us now, change is imminent, and change for many of us,
WATCH: Is Soy Protein Bad For You?
So you ditched meat - but is soy bad for your bodybuilding diet? Check out a video by a vegan bodybuilder Brian Turner as he breaks down the pros and cons of
WATCH: Bodybuilder Explains His Synthol Addiction
How do you feel about this one? Many of you probably already know the bodybuilder Scooby - one of the earlier bodybuilders to really make a name for himself on
WATCH: How To Make Protein And Low Calorie Pizza
Pizza for bodybuilders. So what do you think? Is there a way to make pizza healthy and a useful part of a bodybuilding diet? While this high protein and low
WATCH: WTF Is Up With This Mouse Bodybuilder Video??
Is this the weirdest video you've ever seen? So this is the strangest thing we might have seen put together on the internet regarding bodybuilding. Mostly
Dallas McCarver Reveals Progress Update Pic
Dallas McCarver has made serious gains recently. We all remember Dallas McCarver's medical emergency at the 2016 Arnold Classic. Dallas showed he had the
Shawn Rhoden Looks To Have Packed On More Mass In Latest Progress Updates
Shawn Rhoden bulking up. Check out this image that Shawn posted about 10 weeks away from Mr.Olympia. He appears to be much bigger than before. Can he get to
Carlito XXXL Is Displaying Some Monster Gains
XXXL is right. The veiny monster from Sweden recently posted some progress of his Gains on social media.
Akim Williams Is Showing Big Gains While Training in Kuwait
Akim Williams is yet another example of the magic behind Kuwait. It seems that everyone who needs a career boost in the IFBB is heading to Oxygen in Kuwait.
Flex Wheeler Reveals His Progress
Our first look at Flex Wheeler's physique leading up to Mr. Olympia. It's still months away from Mr.Olympia (Classlc Physique) competition and Flex is
WATCH: The Ultimate Video Explaining How To Get Major Bicep Gains
Let us know how you feel about these. Arms and biceps are the go-to body parts that people want to get swole. Even if you are an amateur or beginner lifter -
WATCH: Guy Injects Muscle Expanding Solution Into His Bicep
Another oil gains video? Check out this raw video of a man injecting what appears to be oil into his bicep. Anything to get those muscles to grow... right?
THROWBACK: Rich Piana Explains Sex and Gains
Do you think having sex can effect your gains? Well watch what Rich thinks about that. (Warning: Graphic Content)
WATCH: Bodybuilder Eats Bugs For Gains In Thailand
This is what happens when a bodybuilder visits Thailand. Maybe you hate bugs, maybe you don't. But it doesn't change the fact that to many across the world -
WATCH: Vin Diesel Hits The Gym For Fast & Furious 8
Getting furious in the gym. The next installment in the Fast and Furious franchise is on the way - which means that this generation's biggest muscle packed
WATCH: Santa Clause Hits The Gym
It's a real LiftMas Miracle! Whether or not you celebrate Christmas - today is a day for all people to gather and be kind to each other. It's also a day where
WATCH: This Monkey Is Training Hardcore To Get Gains
A bodybuilder monkey. They say that the link between monkeys and humans is very close. So maybe it shouldn't come as a surprise that this monkey is all about