Is "getting off" before hitting the gym negatively affecting your gains? There is a lot that has been said about if you should have sex or masturbate before a
5 Exercises For Building A Cobra Back
Barely be able to fit through doors Your back is the biggest muscle group after your legs. It can also be one of the hardest muscle groups to train since you
Are “Gymcels” Ruining Gym Culture?
Cringey Tik Tok trend? Or inspiration to get up and exercise? We have all seen the edits on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and other social media platforms that
The Four Best Machines To Build Big Quads
Here are four great machines to build up your quads! Every muscle can be built with free weights such as barbells and dumbbells, or gym machines, but quads in
Victor Martinez’s Guide To Finding The Right Gym
Choosing the Right Gym: Victor Martinez's Perspective When it comes to finding the right gym, there are a lot of options. But not all gyms are created equal -
6 Best Gyms in The World You Need To Train In Before You Die
Our List Of The Best Gyms in the World You might have read one of those "Best Hotels in the World" or a "Places to Eat at Before You Die" articles, but have
How To Improve Your Bench Press
Bench More Weight Almost Instantly With These Techniques The bench press has been the benchmark for who is the strongest for a long time, and not just in
These Are The 7 Most Important Lifts
The Best Seven Exercises You Can Do In The Gym No two exercises are created equal. In this article, we won't be getting into the argument if compound lifts are
Grow Your Calves With This One Simple Trick
This One Tip Will Turn Your Calves Into Bulls I'll come out clean I suffered from severe chicken leg syndrome (CLS) for a long time. My quads and hams weren't
7 Common (But Lethal) Fitness Mistakes You Need To Avoid
Avoid These 7 Fatal Training Mistakes Making mistakes is unavoidable while you're learning something new, but if you don't improve on these errors and keep
10 Gym Terms Every Beginner Needs To Know
The Common Gym Terms Everyone Should Know Whenever you begin something new, there are some jargons which the experienced use that can make you feel out of
6 Forgotten But Incredibly-Effective Exercises Which Need To Be Brought Back
Reliving the Golden Days The beautiful sport of bodybuilding has evolved with time. Machines, juices, and glamour have taken over the bodybuilding world. Don't
How to Implement Reactive Deloads
Ever wonder how to cause less fatigue and add deloads into each week's workout plan? Here’s the dream. You go to the gym. You lift weights. You sleep and
Habits of Successful and Motivated Fit People
What Successful and Motivated Fitness Enthusiasts Do Differently Only the people with the right habits can be successful in building muscle mass, losing weight
5 Best Supersets To Crush Biceps
Here are some supersets to hit biceps hard! Spending a training day focused solely on the biceps seems like an exercise in vanity. Why not incorporate the
Eight Best Dumbbell Exercises For Your Forearms
Here are some of the top dumbbell exercises to pump your forearms. Why are the forearms so underappreciated? They’re front and center, playing a role in every
6 Common Mistakes Women Make in the Gym
These are the six most common mistakes women make in the gym. Some time ago, fitness was a men's thing but it's changing as more women are joining the fitness
A Beginner’s Guide To The Gym For Beginner Level Gains
Everything you need from this beginner's guide to the gym. So, you’re new to the gym and its time to check out a beginner's guide to the gym. Or you’ve been
Gym Problems Fixed 101
Here are some quick fixes to major gym problems that are faced! So there are times in life when problems unexpectedly occur, and you are left having to think
10 Workout Excuses: Stupid Reasons Not to Workout Today
Best Workout Excuses to Miss the Gym You're always just one excuse away from skipping the gym. Going to the gym and training every day of the week is
Strongman Rob Kearney Gives A Tour Of His New Home Gym
Strongman Rob Kearney was able to put together a home gym exactly to his liking. There are many home gyms that have become staples over the years. The Iron
The Only Rules You Should Break In The Gym
The Gym Rules You Need To Break To Take Your Gains To The Next Level As cliché as it might sound, the rules are meant to be broken. The gym isn't one of the
How Not to be a Douche in the Gym
How Not to be a Douche in the Gym So we had a year where all the gyms were closed, so you think we would all be more appreciative and courteous once they
Read This To Make Continuous Progress in The Gym
Make Constant Progress With These Tips If you have been working out for some time, chances are you know what it feels like to hit a plateau. Hitting a plateau