Running is one of the cornerstones of fitness, but are you sure you're doing it correctly? Despite the belief of bodybuilders that cardio kills gains, it
Top 5 Exercises for a Totally Shredded Back
Looking to get a ripped back but don't know where to start? We've got you covered with these 5 back exercises When it comes to perfecting your physique, the
How to Eat Clean Like A Professional Bodybuilder
Having Eating Clean is One of the Most Impactful Things You Can do for Your Fitness. Other than time spent working out in the gym, eating a healthy diet is the
Are “Stretching Intervals” the Secret to Better Fitness?
What role does stretching play in your workout routine? Most people in the health and fitness community will tell you that stretching is good for you, but the
Top 5 Moves For Massive Arms
Arms are one of the cornerstones of any self-respecting bodybuilder's workout routine. When you picture someone working out at the gym, probably the first
Top 5 Tips For Keeping Up With Your Cardio Indoors
There are ways to keep up with your cardio while working out at home. Cardio might not be the most appealing type of exercise in the world, but it's an
Try These Easy Exercises To Test Your Heart Health At Home
It can be a scary thought to visit a doctor these days, but there are still ways you can take charge of your fitness from home. A lot of us suffer from vague
Exhausted With Home Workouts? Try These Alternatives
With the second wave bearing down on cities across America, many of us are exploring our options as we struggle with how to keep up our fitness even though it
German Bodybuilder Jo Lindner Shares Secret To Perfect Calves
When it comes to working out, it's almost too easy to make jokes about how many guys skip leg day. Leg day can be one of the most challenging muscle
Watch: In The Gym with Big Neechi, Kali Muscle, Breon Aynsley and NDO Champ
Have you ever wanted to know what it was like to be in the gym training with a real Mr. Olympia? Well, now you can know - or you can watch, at least. Check out
Top 5 Moves for Jacked Quads From Home
The quads are an often-neglected muscle group when it comes to working out. Memes about neglecting leg day for chest day are so ubiquitous at this point it
Drinking and Bodybuilding: How To Make Huge Gains Without Sacrificing Your Social Life
If you're committed to bodybuilding but still have a social life on the weekends, don't worry: you're not alone. A lot of pro bodybuilders live their
How Your Medicine Ball Can Help You Work Out From Home
The medicine ball -- a boring, familiar workout object. Is that true? Many of us have overlooked the medicine ball as a useful workout tool. In the era
5 Tips For Getting Started On Your Own Home Gym
If you've been putting off setting up a home gym because you "have too much other work to do," I have great news for you - you're probably under
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Son Joseph Baena Shares Home Back Workout
Arnold Schwarzenegger's son is following in his footsteps and already has an impressive physique that would make the pros envious. Joseph Baena, who is
Jay Cutler Shares Insane Home Workout From Quarantine
Jay Cutler isn't letting this pandemic interfere with his fitness and neither should you. One silver lining to come out of this extremely difficult situation
Watch YouTuber MattDoesFitness Try Conor McGregor’s Workout And Diet
Bodybuilding YouTuber MattDoesFitness takes on fitness challenges of all shapes and sizes, and he just took on a huge one: trying out the workout and diet of
10 Reasons You Should Be Exercising Outdoors During the Pandemic
If the gym is closed, the next best thing is working out in your backyard or at a local park. With thousands of gyms closed across the country, many of us are
We Have To Talk About How Incredibly Jacked Chris Cuomo Is In Quarantine
Chris Cuomo is making the most of his downtime after being diagnosed with the novel coronavirus and put in 14-day isolation. Chris Cuomo, CNN
Dexter Jackson Shares His Secret to Shredded Abs
Olympia competitor Dexter Jackson has often faced off with one of pro bodybuilding's greatest enemies: the bubble gut. Bodybuilding's Dexter Jackson
Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares Old Home Workout Routines
Arnold Schwarzenegger reached out to fans who are feeling bored at home and provided them with a very special treat. During the height of COVID when gyms were
The Physique That Conquered the Arnold Classic: Inside William Bonac’s Workouts
William Bonac won the Arnold Classic 2020 this weekend, successfully reclaiming the title from reigning champion Brandon Curry, who did not compete this
How To Make Fitness Resolutions That Actually Stick in 2020
New year, new you, okay, okay. So we've all heard that one before. The holidays are a time when a lot of gym-goers start to focus in on what they want and