Strong is the new sexy
In the current era of bodybuilding and the fitness industry as a whole, the landscape has changed dramatically. Back in the Golden Era the only bodybuilders that were truly admired were the men who competed in professional competitions, most of them in the heavyweight division as there were not multiple divisions now like 212 and classic physique. Back then, symmetry was king and mass monsters weren’t even a thought in anyone’s minds. These days we’ve seen so many drastic changes to the endeavor that it doesn’t look the same anymore. Now, that’s not to suggest that’s a bad thing by any means. In fact, it’s great that bodybuilding is changing and is perhaps the reason why the industry is still flourishing today.
These days, it is not just competitive bodybuilders, but fitness personalities that are all the rage. Individuals who never even stepped on a posing stage are offering inspiration to a slew of fans and making a positive impact on people through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and hard training. The fitness industry is also not just men anymore, females have just as much influence as the men. One popular personality on the female end of the spectrum, you have the beautiful and strong Cassandra Martin.
Below is a complete breakdown of Cassandra Martin’s profile, stats, biography, training and diet regimens.
Full Name: Cassandra Martin (Fitness Influencer) |
Weight | Height | Date Of Birth |
125-135lbs | 5’5″ | 5/27/1990 |
Division | Era | Nationality |
Classic Physique | 2010s, 2020s | American |
Cassandra Martin Biography
Female fitness has had a stigma for quite some time. “A woman with muscle isn’t attractive!” Cassandra Martin has clearly put that old adage to bed as she is as beautiful as she is strong. But she wasn’t always the fitness girl with millions of fans.
Before she found resistance training it was clear that Cassandra Martin wasn’t your average girl. When she was growing up she was less concerned with make up and dresses and more concerned with sports and hobbies that are usually associated with boys. She continued this “unconventional” approach even after graduating from college, when she became a construction worker alongside her boyfriend.
While she may have been naturally lean, Cassandra Martin didn’t have much of an interest in building up her body. Or at least that was the case before she was introduced to female fitness icon Jamie Eason. Like Reg Park was to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Eason was to Cassandra Martin. After seeing some of Eason’s magazine covers, Martin was inspired to make changes to her own physique. With the help of her boyfriend, who was a fitness nut himself, she began to lift weights and has since put on a great deal of muscle mass while maintaining her beautiful, womanly curves.
But her inspiration wouldn’t end there. Sure, she put on some muscle mass and began to have an awe inspiring figure, but it wasn’t enough. Cassandra Martin would soon discover that she wanted to take her physique to whole new levels and build tremendous strength along with it.
Cassandra Martin Strength Focus
Eventually, Martin would begin to lift heavier and heavier weight. Her inspiration for this was none other than the legendary bodybuilder and eight time Mr. Olympia champion, Ronnie Coleman. After watching archived videos of Coleman displaying his own tremendous strength, such as his 800 lb squat, Martin would go on to set a new goal for herself. Sculpting her body was no longer enough. Building functional strength to go along with her newly constructed physique was now absolutely paramount to her success.
Unlike many other fitness models who follow more of a “sex sells” mindset when it comes to social media presentation, Cassandra took a very different approach. She was inspired by women like Dana Lynn Bailey to show the masses her work ethic in the gym rather than simply trying be a sex symbol. Cassandra Martin wanted to start a social media page that would both exemplify her strength as an athlete as well as show others that she could still maintain her femininity.
There’s nothing wrong with being a sex symbol, but Cassandra Martin has goals that run far deeper than that. Inspiration comes in all different forms and she wanted to present herself in a way that would push the next generation of fitness enthusiasts to show off their ability to work hard rather than just the ability to look good.
Since embarking on her social media journey, Cassandra Martin has become a household name and has acquired millions of fans purely through demonstrating her hard work, dedication, and positivity through bodybuilding training. Strong is the new sexy and that is the exact definition of Cassandra Martin.
Cassandra Martin Workout Routine
When it come to her training, she does not focus specifically on strength or physique, but instead has an approach that focuses on both. Cassandra Martin likes to take what she refers to as a “powerbuilding” approach training, which is where she combines the best parts of bodybuilding and powerlifting workouts. This approach is designed to allow the athlete to simultaneously put on lean tissue, but also and increase her strength.
Martin will typically work out once a day, six days a week, with one day dedicated to recovery from her training.
This is how her training split breaks down:
Tuesday: Chest
Wednesday: Back
Thursday: Glutes, calves, and hamstrings
Friday: Shoulders
Saturday: Arms
Sunday: Rest
Cassandra Martin Diet
When it comes to sculpting a world-class physique like Cassandra Martin, diet plays a huge factor in it. Sure, she has a cheat meal every now and then, but mainly eats healthy things, focusing on her protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Martin breaks her food up into typically 5 meals a day, and has two different diets for bulking and cutting.
Let’s look at her bulking diet:
Meal One (Breakfast):
- 2 full eggs
- 4 egg whites
- 4oz beef hamburger
Meal Two (Snack):
- 2oz Turkey Sausage
- 2 Whole Eggs
- 4 Egg Whites
- 1 cup Oatmeal
Meal Three (Lunch)
- 5oz Ground Beef
- 2 cups Jasmine Rice
- 1 cup Broccoli
Meal Four (Snack):
- 1 scoop protein
Meal Five (Dinner)
- 6oz Sirloin Steak
- 2 cups Jasmine Rice
- 1 cup Asparagus Spears
Wrap Up
Overall, Cassandra Martin is quite the influencer. She is the perfect balance of femininity and muscle mass. She trains heavy and hard and maintains a clean diet, but also keeps her gorgeous curves.
What do you think of Cassandra Martin?
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