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Everything You Need To Know About The Inverted Row

strong back

The Ultimate Exercise For Building The Back

There are a number of popular resistance exercises that are used to develop the major muscles of the back such as the lats, rhomboids, and traps.

Regardless of your level of experience, the inverted row is an exercise that can prove to be highly beneficial for building the back.

This article will firstly detail how to perform the inverted row and then discuss a number of the benefits that are associated with the exercise.

Finally, the article will provide a number of inverted row variations and alternatives that can be used to align with your needs, limitations, and goals.

How to Perform the Inverted Row

While the inverted row is relatively straightforward in set-up and execution, it is worthwhile running through the below steps to ensure that you are performing the movement safely and effectively.

Step One: The exercise will be completed using a squat rack or Smith’s machine and the first step is to adjust the bar height.

When under the bar, ensure that it is slightly lower than the pecs to optimize lat development. For trap development, align the bar over the middle of the pecs.

Step Two: Grasp the bar using a grip that is similar to a conventional barbell row. This means using an overhand grip and placing the hands slightly wider than shoulder-width.

Keep the legs extended away from the body and avoid letting the hips drop – the body should be held long.

Step Three: Before initiating the row, pull the shoulders back and down, drive the chest up, and engage the core muscles.

Row the chest towards the bar by squeezing between the shoulder blades and bending at the elbows.

Step Four: Once the chest has risen to the bar, emphasize the squeeze between the shoulder blades before reversing the movement in a controlled fashion.

back workout

Inverted Row Benefits

As mentioned, the inverted row can serve as an effective exercise for every lifter, regardless of their level of experience.

With that being said, there are specific benefits that a beginner lifter may experience with the inverted row that differ from the benefits experienced by an advanced lifter.

Beginner Inverted Row Benefits

1) Foundational Strength Exercise

The inverted row has been found to highly activate a number of major muscles found in the back, shoulders, and arms (1).

Therefore, the inverted is a superb exercise and allows the beginner to effectively build strength in the upper body.

2) Highly Adaptable

One of the best things about the inverted row is that it can be easily adapted to increase or reduce the demand on the back.

For example, by bringing the feet further away, the body becomes more parallel to the floor. This, in turn, increases the range of motion of the row thus increasing the demand.

3) Improving Technique and Movement

When it comes to strength training for beginners, the focus should initially be on improving movement efficiency.

A combination of building a base level of strength and enhancing technique can allow the lifter to then progress onto more challenging back-based exercises such as the barbell bent row.

back exercise

Intermediate / Advanced Inverted Row Benefits

1) Increasing Training Volume

While more challenging exercises will likely be prioritized for the intermediate or advanced lifter, the inverted row can be effectively used to increase training volume.

Research has highlighted that a high training volume is best for enhancing the rate of growth (2) and therefore, using the inverted row as an accessory exercise can prove to be beneficial for back hypertrophy.

2) Less Taxing on Joints

While heavy rowing exercises are beneficial for accelerating the rate of strength development, they can be highly taxing on the shoulder and elbow joints.

Considering that the conventional inverted row uses only bodyweight, it will reduce the amount of stress that these joints experience while still effectively working the back muscles.

3) Improving Muscle Activation

The inverted row provides a great opportunity to develop muscle activation. As highlighted, the inverted row can be easily manipulated to increase the demand or develop specific characteristics.

By focusing on time under tension through the use of eccentric and tempo sets, you can effectively improve back and shoulder muscle activation (3).

strong back

Inverted Row Progressions and Alternatives

This section will detail a number of progressions and alternatives that can be used to increase or reduce the demand of the inverted row.

Inverted Row Progressions

1)  Tempo Inverted Row

The tempo variation is excellent for improving time under tension and muscle contractility. The method very simply involves manipulating the tempo of each contraction.

A common tempo method is the “3112” which involves a three-second lowering phase, one-second hold at the bottom, one-second lifting phase, and a two-second hold at the top.

2) Feet Elevated / Weighted Inverted Row

For those who are looking to increase the intensity of the inverted row, consider elevating the feet and / or add weight.

For these progressions, simply place the feet on a bench or box and position a weight plate on the chest before performing a set of rows.

Inverted Row Alternatives

1) Knee Bent Inverted Row

As the name suggests, for this variation, instead of keeping the legs entirely straight, bend both knees to 90 degrees.

This seemingly small alteration will change the dynamic of the movement, reduce the range of motion, increase stability and place the body in a more mechanically advantageous position.

2) TRX Inverted Row

The TRX is a highly functional bodyweight trainer. If you do not have access to the squat rack or Smith’s machine, the TRX can step in.

While holding onto both handles, walk the feet forward so that you lean backward and replicate the position of the inverted row. From there, perform a standard set of rows.

3) Chest Supported Row

The chest supported is an excellent alternative that will effectively target the back and shoulder muscles while providing spinal stability.

For this, set a bench of a slight incline and lie directly on top of it. Reach down, grasp the weight and perform a rowing action.

Final Word

The inverted row is a simple yet highly effective bodyweight exercise that can lead to substantial improvements in back strength, size, and contractility. While it is especially useful for the beginner, the inverted row can also be highly valuable for the advanced lifter.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


1 – Youdas, James W.; Keith, Julianne M.; Nonn, Danielle E.; Squires, Adam C.; Hollman, John H. (2016-07). “Activation of Spinal Stabilizers and Shoulder Complex Muscles During an Inverted Row Using a Portable Pull-up Device and Body Weight Resistance”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 30 (7): 1933–1941. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000001210. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 26422610.

2 -SCHOENFELD, BRAD J.; CONTRERAS, BRET; KRIEGER, JAMES; GRGIC, JOZO; DELCASTILLO, KENNETH; BELLIARD, RAMON; ALTO, ANDREW (2019-1). “Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men”. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 51 (1): 94–103. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000001764. ISSN 0195-9131. PMC 6303131. PMID 30153194.

3 – Burd, Nicholas A; Andrews, Richard J; West, Daniel WD; Little, Jonathan P; Cochran, Andrew JR; Hector, Amy J; Cashaback, Joshua GA; Gibala, Martin J; Potvin, James R; Baker, Steven K; Phillips, Stuart M (2012-01-15). “Muscle time under tension during resistance exercise stimulates differential muscle protein sub-fractional synthetic responses in men”. The Journal of Physiology. 590 (Pt 2): 351–362. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2011.221200. ISSN 0022-3751. PMC 3285070. PMID 22106173.

World’s Strongest Man Mitchell Hooper Discusses Mental Health Struggles, Suicidal Thoughts

2023 World’s Strongest Man Mitchell Hooper recently discussed his issues with mental health and suicidal thoughts.

Mitchell Hooper, the 2023 World’s Strongest Man, recently sat down with Flex Lewis to discuss a number of topics including his struggles with mental health. After having one of the most impressive rookie years in strongman history, Hooper topped things off with an impressive victory at the World’s Strongest Man. Hooper has entered rarified air with the victory. But perhaps what is more impressive is his willingness to open up about his mental health, including dealing with suicidal thoughts.

Mental health is one of the most important issues in the world today. More than one and five US adults live with mental illness. Mental health issues have been on the rise since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. So it comes as no surprise that high-level professional athletes are being plagued with mental health issues. 2023 World’s Strongest Man Mitchell Hooper just happens to be one of many athletes who have struggled with their internal world.

Sitting down for an interview with six-time 212 Olympia champion Flex Lewis, Mitchell Hooper, covered a great deal of subjects. He spoke about his performance at the 2023 World’s Strongest Man and minced no words.

“It was, if you know the events and you know what I’m good at, it was a more than perfect performance… In my estimation, I probably have three or four more chances at the most to win, and the odds that all of those go perfectly are very low. So, I thought I had about a 25% chance.”

From these statements alone, we get the idea that Mitchell Hooper is a deep thinker and very self-deprecating. Cooper even discussed the mental hurdles. He had to climb ahead of his victory at the 2023 Arnold Strongman Classic.

“Going into Arnolds, it was probably one of the most difficult times of my life. I’d speak to my coach a couple times a week, and if you watch him going up to me after, you can see that I’m fighting back tears. And it’s not tears of joy, it’s tears because there were times I didn’t think I was gonna make it here.

According to Hooper, he’s been a victim of his own success.

“You’re getting assessed by people on your character who don’t know you… Mental health-wise I probably haven’t had the year that a lot of people would expect… I am a victim of my own success.”

Mental Health Struggles

Mitchell Hooper continued to elaborate about his mental state when he was at his lowest point.

“The hardest bit of all of this is that I know that my family listens to this, and this is stuff that I’ve never spoken about before. But, I’ve sat by myself in the bathroom, looking up train schedules like when I could go to the train track,” said Hooper. “Like looking up a train schedule of when I could go lie on the tracks.”

Mitchell Hooper went on to explain that this wasn’t the only time that he had considered taking his own life.

Mitchell Hooper was candid about his mental health struggles
Mitchell Hooper was candid about his mental health struggles

“I had a rope, I drove into the woods and I was sitting there and thinking ‘am I going to do this or am I not’. Also learning about tying it correctly, and knowing how to do it all, and looking at the trees thinking which one should I choose. Eventually, I said if I’m not there (the basketball game) it will raise concern.”

While he may have struggled with suicidal thoughts in the past, it appears that Mitchell Hooper is in a much better place now.

“The more fulfilled I am, the less likely it is to happen. And fulfillment is not happiness.”

If even the strongest human on the planet can deal with mental health struggles, anyone can. It’s important to seek out professional help when you’re in need. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, be sure to contact the suicide prevention hotline. To see the full conversation between Mitchell Hooper and Flex Lewis click here.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Chris Bumstead Shares Top 10 Exercises To Build Muscle

Chris Bumstead 2022 Classic Physique Olympia

Chris Bumstead shared the top exercises he would keep in order to build muscle for competitions.

Chris Bumstead has completely taken over, not just Classic Physique, but bodybuilding as a whole. He has built a brand that has taken his stock to monumental heights and that is only going to get bigger. Bumstead knows a thing or two about building a muscular physique and recently shared his Top 10 exercises to keep.

Full Name: Chris Bumstead (Classic Physique Bodybuilder)

Weight Height Date Of Birth
215-220 lbs 6’1″ 2/2/1995
Division Era Nationality
Classic Physique 2010s, 2020s Canadian

Bumstead took over the Classic Physique Olympia title from Breon Ansley in 2019 after two-consecutive silvers. From that moment on, Bumstead has not relinquished the title and has become the class of the division. Each year, Bumstead puts his focus on the biggest show of the year and has not disappointed with four-straight titles.

The topic of retirement seems to come up each year around Bumstead but he has claimed to still be chasing Mr. Olympia titles. Along with retirement rumors, Bumstead has messed around with the idea of competing in Men’s Open but there is no plan to do so just yet. He has admitted to possibly competing in one show before he hangs it up.

Along with sharing different workouts and diet plans, Bumstead decided to speak on some of the top workouts he uses in order to build muscle.

Physique Update

Chris Bumstead Discusses Top 10 Muscle-Building Exercises

During a recent YouTube video, Chris Bumstead listed the 10 exercises he would keep in his routine to build muscle mass for competitions:

Chris Bumstead by explaining the leg exercises he would use and it consisted of different types of squats.

“Squats. Just overall leg growth. They help glutes, quads, a large portion of the legs. Barbell back squats. Super simple. If it’s my whole life, I might actually do some Smith machine squats because it” help my knees and be a little bit easier.

Deadlifts just to get something that’ll target my hamstrings so I don’t have to take out another in 1- or something to hamstring focused.”


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From there, Bumstead moved onto the upper body exercises.

“Pull-ups so I can hit my back and biceps in one, neutral grip. Incline dumbbell press. I find incline a little bit better on your shoulders o if it’s the only exercise you do, you won’t f**k up your shoulders too much.

Dumbbell curl because how do you want to live without doing dumbbell curls for the rest of your life? Standing supinated. Bentover row. That’ll help with stability and the core as well and then lower and upper back.”

Chris Bumstead is one of the top bodybuilders in the world right now and knows how to build a championship physique. After breaking down some of his favorite exercises, fans can continue to build a workout plan that works for them based on his recommendations.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Jeff Nippard’s Push Workout for Muscular Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

jeff nippard how hard to train
Image via Instagram @jeffnippard

Nippard likes finishing his push workout with an AMRAP to increase the intensity. 

Jeff Nippard, a Canadian bodybuilder and powerlifter with a massive following, simplifies his training and backs it up with studies to prove its effectiveness. As a result, he has amassed over 3 million subscribers on YouTube! Jeff Nippard recently shared his push workout routine on his YouTube page, including the machine shoulder press. Many bodybuilders practice splitting their training into push, pull, and legs. This workout philosophy ensures that you target and build multiple large muscles in a day’s training.

Push day involves focusing on shoulders, chest, and triceps exercises. In his push day workout, Jeff Nippard shares his routines and other important tips. Now, let’s dig into Jeff Nippard’s push day!

Full Name: Jeff Nippard
Weight Height Date of Birth
180 lbs 5’5” 10/06/1990
Profession Era Nationality
Bodybuilder 2000s – Till Date Canadian


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Jeff Nippard’s Push Workout

Jeff Nippard held the 2012 Mr. Junior Canada title and was also a Canadian bench press national record holder, so he knows something about improving your bench press. This push day workout uses minimalist training principles (which he’s also a big fan of), and he suggests doing a warm-up before getting into it. For his warm-up, Nippard does a treadmill walk for light cardio and dynamic stretching, such as arms swings and shoulder rotations.

Exercises Sets Reps
Close Grip Barbell Incline Bench Press 3 8-15
Machine Shoulder Press 3 10-12
Floor Reset Skull Crusher 3 6-8
Bent Over Cable Fly 3 10-12
Machine Lateral Raise 3 20
Plate Front Raise 2 15-20
Diamond Pushup 1 Failure 

Jeff Nippard educates and shares scientific backing for his routines with his fans. He trains many natural bodybuilders and works with powerlifters in the men’s and women’s divisions. This push workout mixes free weight and machine movementws; we look at each below. 

Close Grip Barbell Incline Bench Press

The close grip barbell incline bench press is a compound pushing exercise that mainly targets your triceps. This exercise also builds the muscles of your chest and shoulders. Using a close grip is what causes it to be a great triceps muscle builder (1).

The close grip barbell incline bench press is Jeff Nippard’s main push day exercise. He started with three pyramid sets to warm up. The first warmup set was with an empty barbell for 10 reps, then he did four reps with half of his working set weight, and finally, three reps with 75% of his working weight last. 

Nippard did three sets for his working set, starting with moderate weights and eight reps for set one. Next, he did five reps with a heavier weight before doing the final 15 reps with a light weight.

Machine Shoulder Press

machine shoulder press

The machine shoulder press is a great way to work all three deltoid heads. This exercise also builds your triceps, traps, and your upper pecs. Using a machine means more control, and you can train heavier without worrying about injuries. Jeff Nippard says, 

Obviously, machines won’t hit some of the smaller stabilizing muscles quite as well as free weights will. But as long as you’re still including some free weight exercises, I think that concern about machines pretty much goes away anyway!

He uses a thumbless grip to do three sets of 10 to 12 reps for this movement. He says this gives him more mind-muscle connection. Nippard also brings the weight as low as the machine allows for a complete range of motion for full deltoid contraction. 

Floor Reset Skull Crusher

The floor rest skull crusher is an isolation exercise that targets the triceps. Nippard does the floor reset variation for this exercise with an EZ bar. For this routine, Jeff Nippard suggests applying the principle of progressive overload. He also says you can induce even more hypertrophy by resisting and controlling the negative. 

“I would suggest resisting and controlling the negative all the way down to the floor from a pure hypertrophy standpoint.”

Bent Over Cable Fly

Bent over cable flyes are an excellent accessory movement Jeff Nippard included in his workout. This exercise mainly targets the muscles of your shoulder, specifically your rear delts and upper back. This exercise helps to increase your range of motion and improves your posture.

Jeff Nippard says you can change your position to focus more on your pecs. Lean forward over the cables and keep your bodyweight grounded with the floor. Bending until your torso is almost parallel with the floor emphasizes your mid-pectorals.

Machine Lateral Raise

The machine lateral raise is a variation of dumbbell lateral raises and is a great way to accentuate your V-taper. This exercise targets the lateral and anterior deltoid heads. Nippard performs 3 sets with 20 reps in each set. 

While doing his reps, Jeff Nippard does the first five reps with slow eccentrics. He says this will help you feel the side delt fibers pulling. He then does rep six to 20 regularly with constant tension. 

“For those first five reps, the slow eccentrics should help you find your delts on the negative, and you should be able to zone in on feeling the side delt fibers pulling, and then, when you’ve locked that connection in, from there, you can kind of just blast them with more standard constant tension reps.”

Plate Front Raise

The plate front raise primarily builds your anterior delts. Other muscles this exercise also builds include the upper pecs, lateral delts, and traps. This great push shoulder exercise will add strength and definition to your shoulders. 

Nippard says that although the delts can tolerate a lot of volume, he feels the anterior delts get enough stimulation from compound movements. This makes them overdeveloped compared to the lateral delts, explaining why he doesn’t do as much for them. You can engage your side and anterior delts by rotating your arms internally during the front raise. 

Diamond Pushup

The main target of diamond pushups is the triceps. However, this routine also works on your rear delts, chest, and abs. In fact, activation of the pectoralis minor, infraspinatus, and triceps is greater because of the palmar width used in the diamond pushups (2). Lower body muscles like the glutes, hamstrings, and quads also get activated with this exercise. 

Jeff Nippard finishes this push workout with an all-out set. This builds mental fortitude because you know you gave your training session your best. 

“I like finishing the workout with an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) set because there are no sets lefts to interfere, so you can just give it everything you’ve got.”

You can watch Nippard’s full push workout on his YouTube channel below:

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more bodybuilding workouts! 


  1. Larsen, S., Gomo, O., & van den Tillaar, R. (2021). A Biomechanical Analysis of Wide, Medium, and Narrow Grip Width Effects on Kinematics, Horizontal Kinetics, and Muscle Activity on the Sticking Region in Recreationally Trained Males During 1-RM Bench Pressing. Frontiers in sports and active living, 2, 637066. https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2020.637066 
  2. Kim, Y. S., Kim, D. Y., & Ha, M. S. (2016). Effect of the push-up exercise at different palmar width on muscle activities. Journal of physical therapy science, 28(2), 446–449. https://doi.org/10.1589/jpts.28.446

Frank Zane Shares Personal Bodybuilding Secret: “Meditation Is Two Times More Restorative Than Sleep”

Frank Zane admitted to sleeping less than five hours per night.

Frank Zane is considered one of the best to ever do it in the sport of bodybuilding — and for good reason. He is one of the pioneers of bodybuilding and continues to share his knowledge and improve himself at 81 years old. During a recent edition of his personal blog, Zane compared meditation to sleep.

During his career, Frank Zane became known for his battles with the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He took home a Mr. America and Mr. Universe title in 1968 to go along with his three Olympias. Even though he is decades out of competition, Zane still has the mind and motivation to not only train himself but to share his knowledge with the next generation.

Zane has appeared on many podcasts and started a blog to discuss some of the major topics around bodybuilding and adding knowledge about overall fitness.

Frank Zane

Frank Zane Discusses Sleep Compared To Meditation

Frank Zane has not been shy about sharing his own routines and workout plans in retirement. During a recent edition of his blog, Zane admitted to sleeping less but that meditation is better.

“Sleep or meditate. The fact is that meditation is two times more restorative than sleep. I find myself sleeping less (5 hours a night) and meditating more (1 to 2 hours a day) as I ripen with age.”


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As Zane creeps into his 80s, he admits to having more energy thanks to his meditation. Along with endurance work, Zane claims that gym goers and weightlifters will be rejuvenated.

“Over time as you train and get in better shape, doing endurance work as well as weight training, you will feel more energetic. I notice this as I’ve worked up to 30 minutes of stationary bike 3 or 4 week.”

This new method has kept Frank Zane energetic and feeling better than ever. This is a plan that he urges others to try in order to feel better inside and out.

“I feel exhilarated after a workout and later that evening start getting sleep so that by 11 pm I’m ready for sleep. Some aminos (especially tryptophan and arginine) with a piece of fruit and in a half hour I’m drifting off into deep dreamlike sleep. No need to yawn the next day after deep restful sleep because I’m totally relaxed and calm as I carry on.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Iain Valliere Says Bodybuilders Do Not Want To Face ‘Good Vito’, Says He Is An “Absolute F**king Freak”

Iain Valliere

Iain Valliere sees insane potential in up-and-comer Vitaliy “Good Vito” Ugolnikov.

There are many up-and-comers in the Men’s Open division. Vitaliy Ugolnikovknown as Good Vito, is in that category and he is gaining attention of those in the IFBB. Iain Valliere sat down for an interview and had plenty of good things to say about Ugolnikov. This includes how he would stack up against some of the others in the division.

Ugolnikov has yet to qualify for the Olympia but that could be coming in the next few months. Like many others, Good Vito began in the IFBB Elite Pro League and made the jump to NPC. He earned his Pro Card in 2022 during the Musclecontest International Brazil Nationals. 

During his time on stage, Ugolnikov has impressed with his insane size and conditioning. Because of this, there are plenty of eyes on Good Vito and believe he can be a champion at the next level.

Pro Card

Iain Valliere Discusses Good Vito’s Potential

Iain Valliere has been open and honest about his opinions of bodybuilding since bursting onto the scene. During a recent conversation with Fouad Abiad on Bro Chat Podcasthe shared his thoughts on Good Vito and even drew comparisons to Hadi Choopan.

“Look from the front double, is this guy an absolute f**king freak.

Every bodybuilder in North America thinks the exact same thing.”

Valliere believes that many bodybuilders do not want to compete again Good Vito on stage because of his insane features. With that being said, he believes there is work to be done with his back, especially when being compared to the reigning Olympia champion.

“Vito is not nearly as strong in the back and the conditioning department…I don’t think he has a bad back bt it’s definitely one of the more important factors. I’m not saying this guy doesn’t have a back. I’m just saying in the context of being in that top five.”

Both Abiad and Iain Valliere believe that Good Vito would be a dark-horse competitor should he earn a ticket to the Olympia in November.

“His legs are just outrageous. Look at the f**king muscularity on that guy. Yeah, very young…He’s 12 weeks out. He’s doing one of the later European shows, I think. At least I think. He just posted an update.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

WATCH: Man Goes Supplement Shopping With Enormous Weight On His Back


Christopher Dorn, known as Dream, recently loaded up a barbell but not to workout.

Christopher Dorn, who has become known on social media as Dream, has built a following due to his insane feats of strength. While fitness influencers typically show off their powers in the gym, Dorn has done so in many places outside of the gym. During a recent TikTok, Dream was seen carrying around a loaded barbell while going shopping for supplements.

TikTok has become a popular platform for fitness. Different influencers and gym goers create videos in the gym showing off lifts and workouts. It can also be used in other ways and that is shown by Joey Swoll.

Swoll has used his TikTok reputation to have a voice for those who might not have the same platform. In videos, Swoll is seen defending victims of “toxic gym culture.” This could be in the form of ego lifters or gym goers being treated unfairly. Recently, Swoll urged those to be respectful when filing in a public gym.

Dorn has been showing off his strength in a unique way and decided to take it inside a supplement shop.

Dream Goes Shopping With Weights In Recent Video

The video begins with Dorn being seen with a barbell loaded with four plates on each side. He has the weight sitting on his shoulders and he is using one arm to stabilize it.

@itsdreamsworl Act natural #fyp #foryou #gymtok #viral #foryoupage @Inspired Nutra ♬ Kill The Still – MUPP

It is not surprising that the other shoppers in the store could not stop watching Dorn walk around effortlessly with the weight on his back. Dorn goes shopping down an aisle and proceeds to the checkout counter once he finds what he is looking for. Once he checks out, Dorn walks out of the store with the weight still on his back, much to the amazement of fellow shoppers.

Of course, this video gained much attention of commenters.

“Bro walking with my max deadlift,” one commenter wrote.

“Bet none of them recommended bro with any kind of supplemtns lmfao he doing something right.”

Christopher Dorn continues to amaze viewers on TikTok with his feats of strength and has taken it to new heights by shopping with enormous weight.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Seafood Diet Will Cause Leakage For Bodybuilders

Bodybuilder Victor Martinez goes into detail about the benefits of seafood in a bodybuilding diet… and the leakage problems that can occur if you go too far.

Seafood has often been touted as a positive addition into a bodybuilding diet. This is especially true for salmon due to it’s high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. But with summer in the air and seafood on many people’s minds – what other seafood options can be beneficial to bodybuilders? Could a bodybuilder go into an all-seafood diet for their protein? In our latest episode of the Generation Iron Podcast, Pro Bodybuilder Victor Martinez explains the pros and cons of a seafood bodybuilding diet – and the biggest mistake that bodybuilders make when they eat too much seafood.

Diet and nutrition is one of the most important aspects of building a sculpted physique. In a sense, food becomes fuel that needs to be perfectly optimized for the best results in how your body reacts and grows. This can sometimes become a chore – with your meals becoming the same bland foods over and over again. As Jay Cutler once famously said, “I don’t eat for taste, I eat for function.”

However there are ways to mix up a bodybuilding diet – especially when it comes to your protein source. The key is to eat lean proteins, whether it be beef, chicken or fish. With the summer in full spring, Victor Martinez received a fan question asking about switching over to a seafood diet for protein sources. Is this a good idea? Or will it hurt this person’s physique.

Salmon has long been a recommended protein source in bodybuilding diets – but typically as an inclusion to a variety of other different meats. Could a bodybuilder go on an all seafood diet and maintain an impressive physique? And which kinds of seafood are best to recommend? Which are to avoid? Victor Martinez breaks it down. Let’s jump into it.

RELATED:Best Protein Powder Supplements For Strength & Size

The biggest bodybuilding mistake with seafood – too much will lead to smelly leakage

Upon being asked if a bodybuilder can succeed on an all seafood diet (for protein sources) – Victor Martinez stresses that not all seafood is created equal. The key is always to ensure you eat lean protein sources. While bulking can often include dirty fats to build up size, it’s always best to clean bulk so that the cutting phase becomes less challenging and more optimized for best results.

Salmon, catfish, halibut, and cod are all great sources of seafood protein. However, Victor Martinez does warn against going into a complete seafood diet for all of your meals. Not only will this deny you other sources of protein and nutrients that have added benefits. It can also lead to a quality of life issue that will drive your friends and family crazy.

Victor Martinez points out that many fish are high in oily and fatty acids. If you eat all three meals including seafood and fish – you’ll start to notice that your sweat becomes more oily.  This leads to oilier skin and also leads to a “smelly leakage” that others will distinctively smell when you train at the gym.

RELATED:Best Omega-3 Supplements For Health & Support

Touching on the WHO’s latest statement on aspartame and how it may affect the fitness industry

This past week, the WHO’s cancer agency is preparing to announce that the artificial sweetener aspartame, is a possible carcinogen after reviewing the results of many long term studies on the substance. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener often found in zero sugar products. Most commonly known by the mainstream public to be in diet soda.

But aspartame is also in many other zero sugar processed foods. It has been a staple of mainstream diet habits (however ineffective it may actually be in losing weight). Diet drinks and zero sugar products are big business. This kind of claim can completely change the industry. This also includes fitness.

The GI crew finds the results of this study unsurprising, as it is clear that items like diet soda were not healthy for those looking to be in extremely good shape. However, the suggestion that aspartame can directly cause cancer is a big deal.

Soon guidance will be released as to how much of this substance can be safely consumed – this may lead to changes in regulations by the US government. It may also lead to an overall change in habits by consumers.

However, Victor Martinez also notes that he has lost faith in WHO after the rollout of guidance during the pandemic. He believes that these kinds of long term studies change every few decades. While changes in science are normal – Martinez will withhold how this plays out in the fitness industry and in the public as more time passes.

Wrap Up

Victor Martinez and the GI crew discuss many other topics that we didn’t have time to recap here – such as the ingredient taurine and how it can be beneficial to bodybuilders. They also discuss the importance of training calves and forearms despite not being directly judged in mandatory poses. You can see their full discussion by watching the Generation Iron Podcast above. Don’t forget to check back every Tuesday for new episodes only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network or wherever podcasts are downloaded.

Elon Musk Trained With Georges St-Pierre, Lex Fridman, and John Danaher

Elon Musk and Georges St-Pierre form an unexpected alliance
Elon Musk and Georges St-Pierre form an unexpected alliance

Elon Musk trained with MMA legend Georges St-Pierre.

Former Twitter head and Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently posed for a photo with MMA legend Georges St-Pierre, podcast host Lex Fridman, and famed jiujitsu coach John Danaher after an apparent training session. Musk recently made headlines after the notion of a potential fight with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg hit the internet.

Former two-division UFC champion Georges St-Pierre reached out to Elon Musk when the rumored fight with Mark Zuckerberg spread across the web. St-Pierre sent Musk a message over Twitter offering to help train the billionaire for his potential match with Zuckerberg.

Elon Musk responded to the MMA legend, apparently taking him up on the offer. In his usual straightforward manner, Musk simply responded with, “OK, let’s do it.”

Elon Musk and Georges St-Pierre form an unexpected alliance

While there is no actual video footage of their training, a recent photo surfaced showing Elon Musk alongside Georges St-Pierre. The two were also alongside popular podcast host Lex Fridman who is an avid martial artist in his own right. Interviewing a number of individuals from different backgrounds and disciplines, Fridman has had the pleasure of engaging in one on one talks with both Musk and St-Pierre in the past. Rounding out the crew was genius jiujitsu coach John Danaher, a man with a brilliant mind for martial arts as well as philosophy.

Unexpected Team Up

The four men were all smiles in the photo that spread across social media like wildfire. The always humble Georges St-Pierre made a post about the training on his Instagram, adding in the self-deprecating humor he’s become known for.

Great training session with 3 men I really admire.

Combined IQ in this photo is 1000.

« Not including me » ????????????


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A post shared by Georges St-Pierre (@georgesstpierre)

Lex Fridman also Tweeted about the training. Elon Musk was quick to respond in his own show of self-deprecation.

While the fight between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk is just a rumor at this point, Dana White seems to be adding fuel to the fire. The UFC president recently made a post teasing the fight with promotional apparel.

Zuckerberg vs Musk – who you got? ????


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There may be a whole lot of hype surrounding the potential matchup, but as of now, nothing is confirmed. We’ll just have to wait and see if the training Georges St-Pierre offered Elon Musk will actually be put to use.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Strongman Legend Don Reinhoudt Has Died At 78 Years Old

Passed Away

Don Reinhoudt built a legendary career in both Strongman and powerlifting.

Strongman and powerlifting legend Don Reinhoudt has passed away at 78 years old. He helped bring different strength sports into the light and was one of the all-time greats. Reinhoudt’s cause of death has not been shared at this time.

Reinhoudt made many friends in the industry and was liked by all. Many athletes have shared tributes of Reinhoudt. This includes Ray Williams and “Big Loz” Shahlaei.

“I would like to offer my condolences to the family of Don Reinhoudt. I chased his records for most of my early lifting career. It is men like Don that made powerlifting the amazing sport it has grown into today.”

About Don Reinhoudt

Don Reinhoudt enjoyed athletic success form a young age. He excelled in basketball, football, and track & field in high school. At 24 years old, Reinhoudt began training as a powerlifter and immediately had a knack for the sport.

Reinhoudt first competed in a powerlifting competition in 1972. He finished third during the AAU Men’s World Powerlifting Championships, behind John Kuc and Jim Williams. From there, Reinhoudt competed in eight events and was victorious in each one. Reinhoudt was a four-time champion during the IPF Men’s World Powerlifting Championship from 1973-76.


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Reinhoudt moved from powerlifting to Strongman after putting together incredible success. He was invited to compete in the first-ever World’s Strongest Man competition but declined. He would return the very next year to compete in the show and finished second to reigning champion Bruce Wilhelm. In 1979, Reinhoudt returned to the WSM once again and was able to win the title.

Following his career on stage, Don Reinhoudt continued to show off his insane strength in many ways. He won many prestigious competitions and set many records during his time in both Strongman and powerlifting. Reinhoudt’s impact on both sports will be remembered.

Generation Iron sends condolences to friends and family during this time. For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.