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Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Mass Gainer Review

Transparent Labs Mass Gainer Review

Everything you need to know about Transparent Labs Mass Gainer to build effective muscle.

Product Overview

Mass gainer supplements have become increasingly popular for bodybuilders for those looking to put on increased muscle mass. Providing people with a good amount of protein, carbs, and fats, the intention is to give people a high-calorie supplement to meet their daily caloric intake while promoting healthy weight gain. Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Mass Gainer is a great supplement for building muscle and gaining weight in an efficient manner.

ProteinSeries Mass Gainer is a supplement that has been designed for those looking to increase lean muscle mass with a pure and effective product. Backed by science, Mass Gainer offers high-quality ingredients to add to your dietary regimen as a supplement to your workout, or as a meal replacement.

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Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Mass Gainer is great for packing on muscle and healthy weight. Perfect as a meal replacement or a mass gaining supplement, this product is pumped with protein and no added artificial substances.

Many times, mass gainer supplements are filled with junk ingredients and mysterious blends that you are not entirely sure of. However, Transparent Labs is a company who prides themselves on clean and transparent labels to ensure high-quality products and solid customer service. With zero artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives, this mass gainer is made from clean ingredients with a label consumers can trust.

Transparent Labs manufactures all of their products in a state-of-the-art facility in Utah that is current good manufacturing processes (CGMP) and registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To ensure that you are not getting a sneaky dose of anabolics, (as some companies have been caught slipping these into their products) each batch of every product is third party tested for an accurate assessment of the quality and ingredients to assure consumers their products are clean and safe for all. If the nutrition label fits your diet, then this mass gainer is the perfect solution to your muscle-building and weight-gaining needs.

ProteinSeries Mass Gainer Highlights

ProteinSeries Mass Gainer is loaded with everything you need to enhance lean muscle growth to safely and efficiently pack on muscle and healthy weight, it is a good product for a nice lean bulk. This supplement is great for the perfect meal replacement, or a great weight gainer protein supplement to pair with a workout. The pure formulas included with this supplement provide amazing benefits for not only growth, but your overall health and wellness.

Mass Gainer offers 53 grams of protein per serving, which is derived from 100% Grass-Fed Whey Concentrate. At 750 calories for two scoops, you get 12 grams of fat and 109 grams of clean and natural carbs derived from organic tapioca, oat, and sweet potato sources. With no artificial sweeteners, food dyes, or harmful additives, you know exactly what you are getting with this mass gainer to ensure high-quality and healthy muscle growth.

ProteinSeries Mass Gainer Ingredients

Grass-Fed Whey Protein Concentrate

Whey protein concentrate differs from whey protein isolate because it undergoes less of a filtering process. Whey isolate tends to drop the carbs and fat as a result of the process, while whey concentrate provides a healthy dose of protein, carbs, and fat. Whey concentrate will keep you full longer and decrease those cravings (1) by lowering your blood sugar spikes to keep unhealthy foods away. Whey concentrate also contains glutathione, a strong antioxidant in the body that can reduce stress as well as boost your immune system (2). This source of protein has great effects on muscle growth and overall strength.

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine is a chemical mostly found in the muscles, but also the brain, that is commonly used for increasing athletic performance and supporting muscle mass, as well as cognitive function (3). Creatine is best for turning leftover energy back into useful, more powerful energy. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) gives your body’s cells energy, but once that is used up from exercise or physical exertion, it turns into adenosine diphosphate (ADP), the phosphate by-product. Creatine helps turn ADP back into ATP for energy and recovery (4), boosting your overall athletic performance to keep your workouts moving.

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT)

Medium Chain Triglycerides, or MCT, is commonly found in coconuts or palm kernel oil and is great for people who have issues taking in fat or nutrients, those seeking weight loss, or appetite control (5), and providing extra energy during exercise. MCT allows your body to make ketones, a carb-less energy source for your brain and can keep you full longer while storing less fat.

Stevia & Monkfruit

Both of these sweeteners provide great flavor and are amazing alternatives to sugar. With very few calories, if any at all, each provides more flavor than sugar alone (6). With very few disadvantages, Transparent Labs stays away from artificial ingredients by using stevia and monkfruit in their Mass Gainer.

Other Ingredients: Organic tapioca maltodextrin, Hydrox cookie meal, natural cookies and cream flavor, coconut milk powder, VitaFiber, oat flour, sweet potato, and sodium chloride

Transparent Labs Mass Gainer Nutrition Facts

Price & Flavors

ProteinSeries Mass Gainer is an effective supplement to add to your muscle-building and weight-gaining needs. Although it is more of a premium priced option, you are getting quality ingredients in a quality supplement. One 6.5 lbs. tub costs $79.99 and holds 15 servings per container.

The flavors include chocolate glazed donut and sweet vanilla.

Sponsored Athlete

Strongman Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson works with Transparent Labs to bring high-quality supplements to consumers everywhere. As a force in the world of strongmen, he became the first to win the Arnold Strongman Classic, Europe’s Strongest Man, and World’s Strongest Man in the same year. As an actor, he is most recognizable for his role on HBO’s Game of Thrones as “The Mountain”. Björnsson uses his platform, along with Transparent Labs, to bring the best quality supplements to the world of health and fitness.

Overall Value

Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Mass Gainer is a great choice for those looking to put on muscle and healthy weight in a safe and effective way. Packed with high-quality protein, carbs, and fat, this supplement is the perfect solution to add to a workout, or act as a meal replacement. From a company that prides itself on transparency and clean labels, consumers can trust that the ingredients are pure and effective. What you are really getting is a solid mass gainer to aid in muscle growth with zero harmful additives or fillers from a company consumers can trust.

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Transparent Labs and Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson Instagram


  1. Hulmi, Juha J.; Laakso, Mia; Mero, Antti A.; Hakkinen, Keijo; Ahtiainen, Juha P.; Peltonen, Heikki (2015). “The effects of whey protein with or without carbohydrates on resistance training adaptations”. (source)
  2. Bounous, G. (2000). “Whey protein concentrate (WPC) and glutathione modulation in cancer treatment”. (source)
  3. Avgerinos, Konstantinos I.; Spyrou, Nikolaos; Bougioukas, Konstantinos I.; Kapogiannis, Dimitrios (2018). “Effects of creatine supplementation on cognitive function of healthy individuals: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials”. (source)
  4. Xiong, Qiang; Du, Fei; Zhu, Xiaohong; Zhang, Pengyuan; Suntharalingam, Piradeep; Ippolito, Joseph; Kamdar, Forum D.; Chen, Wei; Zhang, Jianyi (2011). “ATP Production Rate via Creatine Kinase or ATP Synthase In Vivo”. (source)
  5. St-Onge, M-P; Bourque, C.; Jones, P. J. H.; Ross, R.; Parsons, W. E. (2003). “Medium-versus long-chain triglycerides for 27 days increases fat oxidation and energy expenditure without resulting in changes in body composition in overweight women”. (source)
  6. Wal, Pranay; Pal, Rashmi Saxena; Wal, Ankita (2018). “A Review On The Sugar Alternates”. (source)

How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat For A Desired Physique

This is how to get rid of stubborn belly fat so you can be comfortable and confident with a shredded aesthetic.

Most people get a gym membership to lose weight and get in shape but stubborn belly fat is certainly something that is much harder to lose than with a simple gym membership. It takes constant work, continued dedication, and knowing just how to get rid of stubborn belly fat in a safe and effective way so as to not hurt your lifestyle or overall goals.

Belly fat can be very stubborn and might take some serious work ethic to lose. Don’t fool yourself into thinking love handles are cute. Anyone who says they are is lying and while the sentiment of keeping your confidence up is there, why not try and give yourself the best chance at seeing the weight loss you know you deserve by looking into ways on how to lose stubborn belly fat. Trust us, we know it’s hard, but it’s absolutely possible.

There is no such thing as “spot reduction” and you can’t expect to lose the fat around your midriff with a few ab crunches. If you have been trying to lose your stubborn belly fat but have not been successful, this article is what you need. Taking that leap and finding out just how to get rid of stubborn belly fat is important, but again, takes more than just working out.

It requires a solid plan of attack, a great strength training program, a clean diet, and an effective supplementation routine. But more importantly, it takes a will to want to change and get better because that is the only way we get things done and make it happen. Stubborn belly fat is just that; stubborn. But it is possible to lose it, work hard, and see a shredded physique others will certainly envy.

Let’s dive right into this and find out just how to get rid of stubborn belly fat so all of our goals can be achieved. With the right plan and routines, we can absolutely work to change our physiques and give ourselves the best chance at serious growth. When you work hard and follow the process, you won’t be disappointed by the results. Without further adieu, let’s take a look at how to get rid of stubborn belly fat.

strong man masculine performance

Top Ways To Get Rid Of Stubborn Belly Fat

From your diet, to your training, supplementation, and other factors, losing that stubborn belly fat is achievable and absolutely worth trying to do.


Diet and nutrition play an integral role in losing body fat and many of our gains happen in the kitchen. If you don’t understand nutrition and can’t design a diet plan for yourself, it’s advisable you take the help of a professional. Experts know just what works and doesn’t work for people and can put you on a solid plan to get you on track to fully succeed.


Think of protein as an absolutely necessary part of your diet. Protein is beyond important for our weight loss and muscle building goals, and as the key and foundational blocks to muscle growth, it would be foolish to ignore protein. A high protein intake from valuable sources can lead to fullness and reduced snacking, a great first step in how to lose stubborn belly fat (1). By building muscle and increasing strength, you also work to change your body composition and rely on fat stores for fuel, thus breaking up that stubborn belly fat and thinning out.


Fiber is also an important component to this as it is vital to look for ways to keep yourself full. When you stay full for longer, you don’t snack and pump excess and unnecessary calories into your body that will just be stored as fat (2). Fiber will also help keep your digestive system healthy overall.

Carbs & Fats

Carbs and fats tend to be where things get tricky. We need them for they are two of the three macronutrients our bodies need to thrive. But eating too much, or eating the wrong kind, can start to hurt our gains. These two provide for things like energy and cognitive focus, but it is important to remember to have them in moderation so as to not pack on unwanted weight which can be stored and seen as stubborn belly fat.

Things To Avoid

One key piece to the puzzle on how to lose stubborn belly fat is to not eat a lot of sugary foods. While it is of course okay to indulge here and there, a constant intake of sugar can lead to weight gain and that stubborn belly fat you seek gone (3). Limiting your alcohol intake is also wise for heavy alcohol consumption can work against your weight loss goals.

strong man


Strength training and cardio are perfect for kicking off your training routine for strength training works to change your body composition and pack on that lean muscle, while cardio can give you a great boost to shed calories and work to burn that stubborn belly fat.

If you’ve been reading about losing weight, you might have come across the concept of fasted training. Fasted training is when you work out first thing in the morning before eating your breakfast. The fasted training works because your body has already entered in a fat burning state because of being fasted throughout the time you were sleeping (4). Make the most of fasted training by following high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts.

Although spot reduction doesn’t work, you can target the areas you need to work on during your workouts. You can target your abdominals by doing specific exercises to get them in shape. Working with exercises that target stubborn belly fat is a great way to begin the process and can really attack those stubborn spots.

Compound exercises are also great for eliminating stubborn belly fat because they work multiple muscles at once to burn calories, build muscle, get a sweat going, and make you feel accomplished. Compound exercises like deadlifts, squats, and push-ups are perfect for targeting those stubborn areas while also giving your body great changes to composition and lean muscle growth.

Compound Exercises For Stubborn Belly Fat

Let’s take a look at some good exercises to help form a training plan that will really spark some weight loss and help you see that desired physique by losing stubborn belly fat.

Exercises Sets Reps
Walking Lunge 3 10-12
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 3 10-12
Dumbbell Goblet Squat 3 10-12
Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups 3 10
Dips 3 8-10


Exercises Sets Reps
Box Squat 4 8-12
Inverted Row 4 6-8
Barbell Romanian Deadlift 4 8
Barbell Overhead Press 4 8-10


Advanced/Mass Building
Exercises Sets Reps
Barbell Bent-over Row 4 6-8
Barbell Bench Press 4 8-10
Barbell Deadlift 4 8-10
Barbell Clean & Press 4 6-8


When it comes to your strength training, look into exercises that you enjoy performing and that are manageable for your body. A lot of exercises may fit your lifestyle and fitness capacity while others may cause unwanted strain which you just don’t need. Talking with a trainer and knowing your body is absolutely key when looking to lose stubborn belly fat and getting your weightlifting goals to where they need to be.

protein powder


Having a good supplementation routine is absolutely vital on your journey to lose stubborn belly fat. With so many supplements out there, and so many companies created said supplements, it can be difficult to choose and quite frankly it can be overwhelming. With the right supplement, you will be well on your way to producing a body you can be confident in and never have to worry about that stubborn belly fat again.

For your workout goals, a supplement like a pre-workout can give you those desired energy boost and really work for muscle pumps to get you ready to tackle any workout that comes your way. An intra-workout BCAA will work to keep you primed and ready to tackle any challenge that may arise by reducing fatigue and muscle soreness to allow for better, stronger, and more effective workouts. Of course, having a multivitamin will work to give you those daily nutrients you need most and something like a testosterone booster will work to increase vitality and boost those low T levels in men who may be suffering as a result.

But two supplements are vital to losing stubborn belly fat and keeping you on track when it comes to your weight loss and fitness goals. A fat burner is a must if you want that extra boost in getting rid of stubborn belly fat as it will work to boost your metabolism and move that stored fat around to be used as fuel (5). A protein powder will give you the edge when it comes to growth and recovery, while also keeping you full and providing a clean source of protein to boost all of your gains.

Let’s take a look at two awesome supplements which can give you the best chance at changing your physique and helping to answer the question of how to get rid of stubborn belly fat.

Fat Burner: Burn Lab Pro

Burn Lab Pro is a great all-around fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits. It is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free giving you the best option on the market.

Burn Lab Pro is an all-around great fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits to really enhance your results. Instead of an unhealthy, stim-driven formula, Burn Lab Pro is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free to give you an effective supplement without any fear of jitters or crashing. Burn Lab Pro allows you to shed more body fat from every workout, gain more lean muscle, see better results from diet and exercise, and give you a safe and natural fat burner supplement to tackle any issues. With 5 powerful and research-backed ingredients, this is the ultimate fat burner for whatever your needs may be.

Price: $59.00

Check out our individual review for Burn Lab Pro here!

Check out our list of the Best Fat Burners for more great fat burning products!

Protein Powder: Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate

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Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate is organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free, boasting a great formula for a top protein powder. With nothing artificial added, this is a clean protein that is easier on your stomach.

Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey boasts an impressive array of eco-friendly accomplishments. It’s organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free. There are no artificial sweeteners — a rarity in a world full of whey protein powder, which are almost always filled with chemical flavorings to disguise the chalkiness of protein. There are also no artificial colorings or preservatives added. If you have a sensitive stomach, allergies, or just care about the environment, this is an excellent choice for you and your body weight goals and is easy to digest compared to a whey concentrate.

Price: $59.00

Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate here!

Check out our list of the Best Protein Powders for more great protein supplements!

Other Helpful Tips For How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

While a solid training plan, good diet routine, and proper supplements, you can work to change your physique and burn that stubborn belly fat. But there are some other lifestyle factors that may also help you on your weight loss journey.

Work To Reduce Stress

Our lives can be stressful and we know we have to find a balance between our work life, personal life, and everything else in between. But too much stress can boost our levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, thus triggering negative effects on our body.

Cortisol can increase our appetite and influence fat storage (6). When we get stressed, we often turn to those comfort foods but those are typically foods high in carbs, fat, and sugar. Finding ways to reduce stress like working out, meditation, or yoga are ways to stay active while working on producing a better, healthier mind set.


Get Adequate Amounts Of Sleep

We all say we love to sleep yet too often do we not get enough. This ties into our busy lives, for it can be challenging to often times get the proper amount of sleep we need. But with quality sleep we give our bodies time to recover and rest to tackle any challenge that comes from the next day. Especially if you work out, sleep is the time our body heals itself and allows for muscle growth and gains to fully flourish (7).

Keep Track Of Everything

One way to help stick to your goals is to stay on track with everything you do. Writing down your meals, what times you ate, what supplements you took, and what your workouts were like can prove to be very beneficial for you in the long run.

While you don’t need to be religious with every detail, being organized and having a list ready is a great way to set goals, boost confidence, and make sure those goals are achieved. Staying more organized can also help reduce stress of the many things you need to do and will promote better sleep knowing you didn’t forget to do anything.

Wrap Up

Losing stubborn belly fat can be hard but there are ways on how to get rid of stubborn belly fat that can boost your training, performance, overall health, and wellness. Whether it be your diet, supplementation routine, training plan, or just making every day changes to better yourself, losing that stubborn belly fat is not as overwhelming as it may seem.

Look into fun ways to stay engaged and remember that determination and a will to get it done goes a long way. With a great plan of attack, your goal of how to lose stubborn belly fat is much closer than you think.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Burn Lab Pro, Transparent Labs and Envato


  1. Leidy, Heather J.; Clifton, Peter M.; Astrup, Arne; Wycherley, Thomas P.; et al. “The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance”. (source)
  2. Slavin, Joanne L. (2005). “Dietary fiber and body weight”. (source)
  3. Malik, Vasanti S.; Schulze, Matthias B.; Hu, Frank B. (2006). “Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain: a systematic review”. (source)
  4. De Bock, K.; Derave, W.; Eijnde, B. O.; Hesselink, M. K.; et al. (2008). “Effect of training in the fasted state on metabolic responses during exercise with carbohydrate intake”. (source)
  5. Jeukendrup, A. E.; Randell, R. (2011). “Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism”. (source)
  6. Moyer, A. E.; Rodin, J.; Grilo, C. M.; Cummings, N.; et al. (1994). “Stress-induced cortisol response and fat distribution in women”. (source)
  7. Dattilo, M.; Antunes, H. K. M.; Medeiros, A.; Neto, M. M.; et al. (2011). “Sleep and muscle recovery: endocrinological and molecular basis for a new and promising hypothesis”. (source)

Andrew Tate Reveals His Physique Diet: 1 Meal, 15 Cups Of Coffee, 3 Cigars, & No Steroids

Andrew Tate claims to have never taken steroids but runs on his own “super drugs.”

Kickboxer turned controversial influencer Andrew Tate is currently under house arrest in Romania. Recently, he sat down with the PBD Podcast for a five-hour conversation that ranged from his life in prison to his health. During the interview, Tate claims that he runs on his own “super drugs” of nicotine and caffeine while only eating once a day.

Tate was released from prison and put under house arrest at the end of March. He spent months in a Romanian jail under suspicion of human trafficking and organized crime. The investigation remains ongoing but Tate won an appeal back in March to move his holding to house arrest.

Tate came into the public light a bit when he appeared on the British version of Big Brother. During his time on the show, he received criticism for making controversial comments regarding race and sexuality. Prior to this, Tate was a champion kickboxer, who’s career began in 2005.

Tate has continued to train hard and work on his physique but has done it using some unorthodox methods.

@cobratate Instagram

Andrew Tate’s Daily Meal Plan Consists of 15 Cups of Coffee, 3 Cigars

Andrew Tate faced health issues while in jail. Doctors wanted to take a look at a dark spot on his lungs and he opted to get a procedure done in Romania. They did a biopsy on the piece on his lungs and determined that it was not cancer.

During this procedure, doctors revealed to Tate that he did not have any damage in his lungs from smoking, which was a surprise.

“It was actually very refreshing to hear that I have zero smoke damage in my lungs. Zero? I’ll accept a little bit. I’ll take a little bit but I think it’s because I train every single day. I workout every single day. I train hard every single day. You burn it off, a couple cigars here and there. You know, it’s not cigarettes. I think cigars are better than cigarettes.”

When cigars were not available, Tate turned to cigarettes in prison. He revealed that he was still able to follow this plan in prison by getting the ample amount of coffee and nicotine.

Tate claims that he has never taken a steroid or a pill but runs on what he calls “super drugs.”

“I also believe nicotine is a super drug so I’m not gonna stop. I think nicotine and caffeine.”

“Nicotine and caffeine are what I run on. That’s all I run on. Coffee is for closers, bro. I have about 10-15 cups of coffee a day and 2-3 cigars a day. I only eat once a day.”

Along with his plethora of cigars and coffee, Andrew Tate will squeeze one meal in per day. This typically occurs at night and will consist of mostly meat.

“People look army physique when I put pictures up and they’re like ‘what’s your meal plan?’ And I’m like ‘bro, cigars and coffee.’ I eat once a day. I eat dinner and 80-90% of my calories are on meat. I’ll just have like three steaks for dinner.”

Tate’s Quotes Twitter

Andrew Tate’s Testosterone Levels Are Above Average

While all tests were being run on Andrew Tate, he also shared that his testosterone levels were checked and he came in above average.

“I’m not going to try to be an expert on male hormones because I’m not. I don’t understand them. I don’t know what measurement it’s in but it was between 9-27 is a normal range. I’ve never taken a steroid in my life. I don’t inject anything. I don’t take any pills, nothing. I was 32. I was above the normal scale and I’m 36 years old. It’s supposed to be going down.”

This type of lifestyle and meal plan is not for everyone but for Tate, it seems to be what is working.

“I’m not sure if it’s genetics but that’s just how I feel best. If I smoke and drink coffee all the time, I feel hungry, which motivates me and I feel energetic. It’s energetic hunger. That’s how I wanna feel. If I eat, I’m just tired.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Header image via Twitter @Cobratate

How to Boost Your Metabolism Scientifically

Jeff Nippard provides insight on the research behind metabolic rate

When it comes to your metabolism, this plays a large role in your fitness goals. A faster metabolism helps people lose weight more rapidly, while a slower one helps keep the pounds on. Well known strength coach and internet personality, Jeff Nippard, uploaded a video to YouTube on June 11, 2023 that dives into the science behind human metabolism. He explains what actually works and what doesn’t when it comes to boosting your metabolism. 

Full Name: Jeff Nippard
Weight Height Date of Birth
178lbs 5’5” 10/6/1990
Division Era Nationality
Powerlifting/Bodybuilding 2010s. 2020s Canadian

If you have made an attempt to lose weight or drop body fat in the past but not had the results you desired, then perhaps utilizing one or more of these strategies just might be what you need to start getting that progress and shedding that unwanted body weight.

What is Your Metabolism?

Before we dive in on Jeff Nippard helping you boost your metabolism, it should probably be defined. The term “metabolism” refers to all of your body’s active regulatory processes. These processes can include things such as chemical reactions like digesting food, utilizing oxygen, or burning calories.

In the fitness industry, a person’s metabolism refers to their basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is how many calories they burn just by being alive combined with how many they burn through exercise.

Everyone’s metabolism will differ from someone else’s, sometimes more severely than others. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds and consume 2,000 calories a day, the reactions you have may be completely opposite of what someone of the same weight would experience if they ate the same amount. The reason for the difference is chalked up to a few things, such as genetics, sex, diet, or exercise.

How to Boost Your Metabolism

Throughout his video, Nippard shows the studies and then breaks down the available research into three different categories: 

  • What (probably) works 
  • What might work
  • Which practices aren’t well-supported

Now, let’s explore the options that he believes have actual evidence-based support when it comes to boosting metabolism.

Gain Muscle Mass

not gaining muscle mass

Just one pound of lean skeletal muscle burns roughly three times more calories per day, and that is by simply existing, than a pound of fat does. With that knowledge on the table, Nippard states that one of the most reliable ways to increase your daily metabolism is to build some muscle mass.

Nippard throws out some math suggesting that adding 30 pounds of muscle mass would increase your metabolic rate by almost 200 calories per day. 30 extra pounds is a staggering amount for some folks, particularly women, and especially because it is muscle. But, keep in mind that muscle mass does a lot more than just burn a few extra calories.

How It Can Be Done

An increase in muscle mass will improve your body composition, improve your strength, and even help to stabilize your joints.

So how can you put on that extra muscle mass?

  • Start a resistance training program 
  • Employ progressive overload to continue challenging your body and promote muscle growth
  • Eating a caloric surplus will speed up the muscle gaining process (but can also increase fat)

If you’re new to hitting the weights you more than likely do not need to consume massive amounts of food to add muscle. As long as you stick to a solid diet and workout routine, hitting the weights a few times per week, you are able to get the “newbie gains” and put on muscle pretty quickly. Proper supplementation can also greatly help.

Eat More

When you restrict your food intake for an extended period of time, your metabolism actually tends to slow down a bit. Less food coming in means the body has less “work” to do in terms of breaking food down and utilizing it for your energy. This process is commonly referred to as “metabolic adaptation”.

Nippard argues that by dieting down slowly you can actually combat the effects of slower metabolism. Eating more food than you otherwise might and aiming for a moderate rate of weight loss rather than a quick and drastic drop should help you keep your metabolism up and running as usual.

How It Can Be Done

Nippard encourages that when you are trying to lose weight, you should lose no more than 1% of your total bodyweight per week.

Here’s how to precisely measure your weight loss:

  • Use a calorie calculator to see how many calories you burn daily
  • Subtract a specific amount from that number to create a caloric deficit (this depends on how much weight you can lose in a week)

From here, you’ll need to do some quick math.

  • For a person that weighs 150 pounds, one percent of body weight is a one-and-a-half-pound weekly ceiling
  • One pound of fat is said to be 3,500 calories, so a pound and a half pounds of fat is made up of 5,250 calories
  • To lose one percent of your body weight over a week, divide that number by seven and get a 750-calorie daily deficit as your metabolic “ceiling”

While it may not literally elevate your BMR, taking a slower and careful approach to your energy balance can help you to avoid the negative effects of metabolic adaptation (starvation mode).

Losing weight too quickly can yield many negative effects such as:

  •  Muscle loss
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Hormonal dysfunction


Your metabolism is made up of internal factors that are out of your control, combined with your overall activity level. That activity is then divided into two different categories: dedicated exercise and something else known as non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). 

NEAT can be thought of as the energy that your metabolism burns to physically keep your body up and running. Something as simple as playing video games will burn these calories. 

How It Can Be Done

You may not have the bandwidth to spend more time in the gym in an attempt to boost your metabolism, training for hours upon hours like the Golden Era bodybuilders, or honestly you just do not want to do that. However, Nippard suggests you can boost your metabolism by enhancing your NEAT. 

Enhancing your NEAT can be done through small, simple lifestyle adjustments to your daily habits. These adjustments can include:

  • Parking as far away at the store
  • Taking the stairs rather than the elevator
  • Pacing around while on a phone call instead of sitting
  • Opt for a standing desk if you can
  • Hand wash dishes rather than use the dishwasher

You may think the only time you burn calories is when you exercise, but that is not the case. You can enhance your NEAT through just making small adjustments, and in turn boost your metabolism.

Other Metabolism Boosting Options

These options we have discussed are never truly guaranteed, and maybe you want to go above and beyond, which there are options for. Other metabolism boosting options include things such as:

  • Drink more water
  • Eat more spicy foods
  • Utilize a weighted vest more

These practices may result in small or inconsistent increases in metabolic rate, however Jeff Nippard doesn’t regard them as substantial enough to hang your hat on. On the contrary, these popular “metabolism-boosters” do not have the support of the scientific community (according to Nippard):

  • Green tea
  • Sauna
  • Cold plunges
  • Eating more frequently

These options have long been regarded as great ways to get boost your metabolism, but do not have scientific support. So, there is no harm in trying them but do not expect the best results.

Metabolism Boosting Wrap Up

Jeff Nippard utilizes science to explain what works and what doesn’t regarding popular trends in the fitness industry. When it comes to boosting your metabolism, there are plenty of options that are thought to work, but may not be as effective as you think, and Jeff Nippard provides plenty of options that have scientific support.

Do you agree with Nippard’s methods?

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Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2023, May 6). Metabolism. Encyclopædia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/science/metabolism

professional, C. C. medical. (n.d.). Metabolism: What it is, how it works and disorders. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/21893-metabolism

Brian Shaw Shares Full Day of Eating in Prep for Final Strongman Competition

Brian Shaw consumed a massive amount of calories in his full day of eating in prep for his final strongman competition.

In preparation for his final strongman appearance, veteran competitor and multiple-time World’s Strongest Man winner Brian Shaw recently revealed his full day of eating ahead of the 2023 Shaw Classic. After suffering, a terrible leg infection that derailed his 2023 World Strongest Man campaign, Shaw was forced to regroup and has now decided to make his very own Shaw Classic his final strongman competition ever.

Sure to go down as one of the all-time greatest strongman athletes to ever compete, Brian Shaw is a living legend, in the strength sports community. With four World’s Strongest Man wins under his belt, Shaw has established himself as the cream of the crop in strongman. Shaw didn’t reach the pinnacle of the sport by accident. It took many hard years of training and well-executed preparation to lead him to victory time and again.

As he prepares for his final strongman competition ever, Brian Shaw is making sure to leave no stone unturned. His training, his eating, everything is being curated down to be my new detail to ensure he gives his best performance possible at the 2023 Shaw Classic.

Hoping to come out on top in his final appearance, Brian Shaw is getting himself organized and is diligent about his preparation. That not only means training hard and heavy, but also eating the right things to facilitate his best possible performance. His full day of eating consisted of six meals in total that only a top athlete could consume.

Brian Shaw’s Full Day of Eating

Brian Shaw shares full day of eating for his final strongman competition.
Brian Shaw shares full day of eating for his final strongman competition

Meal One

Meal one consisted of a stack of pancakes. Brian Shaw took five for himself, leaving the remainder for his sons. Shaw also mixed eight ounces of bison meat together with six eggs, adding butter, syrup, and ketchup. Shaw topped things off with a tall glass of orange juice.

Meal Two

For his second meal, Brian Shaw consumed far fewer calories than his breakfast. This second meal was still very high in protein and had a decent amount of carbs to give him quality energy. Shaw brings his second meal to work, a quality protein shake. Three scoops of whey protein, one banana, water, and some peanut butter. Shaw also has an apple and some cookies with the shake.

  • Calories: 1,190
  • Protein: 85
  • Carbs: 132
  • Fat: 36

Meal Three

For his third meal, what Brian Shaw calls the “First Lunch”, he has pasta and bison meat. This time around Shaw consumes one pound of bison meat as opposed to the 8 ounces in his first meal. Shaw says he likes to eat fast and with no distractions. Six meals is a lot to consume so there’s no time to waste.

“When the food sits down in front of me, I focus and quite literally dig into it.”

  • Calories: 1,495
  • Protein: 131
  • Carbs: 153
  • Fat: 43

Meal Four

For meal four Brian Shaw once again prepared a pound of bison meat and had rice instead of pasta this time around. He topped things off with green beans and barbecue sauce.

  • Calories: 1,532
  • Protein: 129
  • Carbs: 161.5
  • Fat: 40

Brian Shaw added his eating strategy has one goal in mind: to get him strong and sturdy.

“It (2023 Shaw Classic) is just about being big and strong. My portion sizes from this point will only get bigger, they will not get smaller. How I am feeling in the gym is also showing me that eating this way is translating to my performance.”


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Meal Five

Meal five consisted of four servings of ravioli, two servings of chicken meatballs, a salad, and eight ounces of bison meat. If anything has become clear about his prep, bison meat is a major cornerstone of every meal. Shaw also drank two cans of Coca-Cola all in preparation for a tough training session.

  • Calories: 2,555
  • Protein: 145
  • Carbs: 209
  • Fat: 135

Meal Six

For his sixth and final meal, Brian Shaw makes ice cream using milk and five scoops of mass gainer. Shaw also had some cheesecake to top things off.

  • Calories: 1,420
  • Protein: 97.5
  • Carbs: 153
  • Fat: 47.25


When it was all said and done, Brian Shaw consumed 10,432 calories for the day; 690 grams of protein, 1,048 grams of carbs, and 396 grams of fat. That’s quite a lot of food, to say the least. But considering how massive Shaw is and how hard he trains, it’s a drop in the bucket.

What do you think of Brian Shaw and his full day of eating?

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.


Victor Martinez Shares The Most Expensive & Cheapest Steroids On The Market For Bodybuilding

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder, Victor Martinez goes into detail about the true cost of steroids during a year of bodybuilding prep on the GI Podcast

While anyone can work out by doing cardio outside or bodyweight exercises – the truth is that bodybuilding training is not free. There is a wide variety of costs that go into transforming your physique for the stage. Your nutrition plan, your supplements, and your training equipment/gym all come with a cost. Yes, this also means steroids for those who are willing to take the risk for highest performance. But how much is the cost of steroids really? With the entire market being underground for bodybuilding use – it can be hard to get accurate info. In the latest episode of the Generation Iron Podcast, Victor Martinez cuts through the fat and breaks down the financial cost of steroids in bodybuilding.

Today, it’s common to find videos and articles explaining how to be a bodybuilder on a budget. You can research a grocery budget for nutrition. Figure out a gym membership that works for your bodybuilding needs. You can also run costs on your supplement budget based on the ideal stack for your prep. But one part of a bodybuilding budget that is rarely discussed openly is steroids.

For those familiar with the bodybuilding world, it’s an open secret that most competitive bodybuilders use steroids to achieve the otherworldly physiques that we often see on stage. Since these are banned substances in the United States – there is less open discussion about PEDs. This includes the cost and how it will overall affect your budget.

Victor Martinez competed as a pro bodybuilder during the 2000s and into the 2010s. So he has a relatively intimate understanding with the financial costs of steroids during bodybuilding prep.

That’s why in this week’s Generation Iron Podcast, Martinez is breaking down his personal experiences and sharing the true cost of steroids during a year of bodybuilding prep. He also breaks down the most expensive and cheapest substances on the market. Let’s jump into it.

Disclaimer: Generation Iron team are not medical professionals and are not advising for or against the use of any performance enhancing drugs, rather stating the facts surrounding these substances.

RELATED: An Investigation Into Modern Bodybuilding, Health, & PED Use


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What is the average cost of steroids for a bodybuilder?

During the podcast conversation, Victor Martinez is asked what is the average cost for steroids during a year of bodybuilding prep. Martinez admits that this can range depending on what substances a bodybuilder wants to acquire and how you get them. Since steroids are a banned substance, they are acquired via some form of underground market. Who you buy from can largely determine the price.

That being said, Victor Martinez pulls from his past experience to give an estimate on how much steroids cost him in a year. On the cheapest end, Martinez says that a bodybuilder can probably spend minimum $5,000 dollars on steroids during prep. But often times the cost can go as high as $15,000 total.

That’s certainly something to consider when looking at your yearly income and the rest of your bodybuilding budget. Victor Martinez is even asked if steroids or food have a higher total budget for a bodybuilder. Martinez says food certainly costs more. Combine that with gym membership costs, supplements, and possibly a coach or trainer – the total cost of bodybuilding can add up quick.

What is the most expensive steroid product on the market? What is the cheapest?

Speaking further on the cost of steroids, Victor Martinez answers the question – what is the most expensive steroid that a bodybuilder can currently buy on the black market? Martinez states that Primo, a steroid that helps with hardening for tightening up a physique can run extremely expensive. He believes just one cc of the substance can cost as much as $20.

Compare this to something like Tren, which Victor Martinez says you can probably buy a bottle for $20. This leads us into the other question – what are the cheapest steroids on the market? Victor Martinez says that testosterone substances are often the cheapest. This includes Tren as mentioned above.

RELATED: Most Dangerous PEDs In Bodybuilding – “Tren Is The Crack Of Steroids”

Tom Platz’s statement on steroid cycle and cost – is he lying?

The discussion of steroid and the cost of buying them brings Victor Martinez and the GI crew to discuss Tom Platz’s statements on his steroid cycle and how much he would spend. A video recently went viral showcasing an older Tom Platz detailing his steroid cycle regimen.

Platz stated that he would spend no more than $300 on steroids. In that budget, he claims to have only taken 100mg of Deca and and 20mg of Winstrol. This is certainly much less than what the average pro bodybuilder may take today. Does this mean he is lying to reduce the perception of how many steroids Tom Platz took?

Victor Martinez doesn’t necessarily think that Tom Platz is lying. Martinez points out that steroids are made and obtained very differently today than in Platz’s era of the sport. More often than not, Golden Age bodybuilders could (illegally) obtain steroids that were made directly from a lab.

Today, most steroids are created completely underground. No longer in corporate labs. Therefore no longer fully pure. Often times you don’t know 100% what is in the steroid substances purchased on the black market today. Fillers and other substances can be included. Some studies have shown that you may even get a completely different drug.

Victor Martinez believes that for this reason, the lower amounts and cheaper cost make sense for Tom Platz. The purity was better. Less of the substance can go a longer way.

In addition to this, the cost that Tom Platz mentions does not take consideration into account. $300 dollars in 1980 would be the equivalent to $1,104.48 today. While this may still be overall cheaper than what most bodybuilders pay overall – it puts into perspective just how much $300 was worth during Platz’ prime career.

Wrap Up

Victor Martinez shares some true insider insight regarding the cost of steroids and how that cost has evolved over time. You can watch his full comments in the latest episode of the Generation Iron Podcast above. Don’t forget to check out new episodes every Tuesday only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network or wherever podcasts are downloaded.

What is the CrossFit Open?

female shred stack

One of the Biggest Parts of the CrossFit Season

The CrossFit training style catches a lot of hate from the fitness industry with the different variations of pull-ups that many claim do not count, as well as the other interesting movements that make up the sport. However, despite all of the hate, CrossFit is still becoming an increasingly popular sport as it gives anyone a shot at joining, and the CrossFit open is one of the most important parts of the season. But, what exactly is the CrossFit Open?

What is CrossFit?

The first thing we should address is exactly what CrossFit is. Many see it as just clean and jerks, power snatches, and those kipping pull-ups, however it is more than that. CrossFit is a form of high intensity interval training (HIIT). To keep it simple, CrossFit is a strength and conditioning workout that consists of mostly functional movements performed at a high intensity level.

Functional movements are actions that you perform in your day-to-day life and they consist of things like squatting, pulling, pushing etc. Many CrossFit workouts feature variations of squats, push-ups, and weight lifting that last for predetermined amounts of time to help build muscle mass and strength at the same time. 

CrossFit is different than something like bodybuilding or powerlifting, as you are not trying to step on the Mr. Olympia stage or be the next Ed Coan (one of the greatest powerlifters of all time), rather you are trying to become functionally strong and muscular. CrossFit is also more inclusive than other sports, and that is thanks to events like the CrossFit open.

CrossFit Open Overview

Now that we have established what exactly the sport is, let’s dive into what the Open is. The CrossFit Open started as a solution to a problem in the sport. The CrossFit Games had an open enrollment format in 2007 and 2008, then there were qualifying processes implemented in 2009 and 2010 called “sectionals”. The only issue was that this format lacked consistency and predictability, so CrossFit founded the Open as an online competition accessible to the masses. 

Today, the CrossFit Open is viewed as the largest participatory sporting event on Earth, with 294,980 athletes having competed in 2022. The CrossFit Open signifies the start of the CrossFit season. It also allows all of the athletes across the world to bond over a three week shared experience of hard work, fitness, friendship, and fun.

So, what does the Open do for you besides giving you some time with other CrossFit Athletes? Well, if you perform well enough in the Open, you can advance to the next stage of the season, which is Quarterfinals. From there, if you continue to perform well, you can qualify for semifinals, eventually climbing up the ladder to the CrossFit Games.

How to Participate in the CrossFit Open

The process to participate in the Open is fairly simple and is as follows: 

The fee to sign up is $20, and you will be placed in a division based on your age and region. You can compete on behalf of your gym if you have an affiliate, but no worries if you do not. Everyone can sign up for the Open, and if you want a chance to win the title of Fittest on Earth, you have to sign up, even if you are a defending champion from the Games.

What Does the Open Look Like?

Since 2011, the format of the CrossFit Open has made some significant changes. It used to be 5 weeks, but now it is only 3. CrossFit will announce the workouts for the week on the week of the games, and participants then have four days from the time of the announcement to complete their workouts and submit the scores. 

Scoring needs to meet specific requirements within the realm of the workout itself, and CrossFit will dictate movement standards and floor layout plans to ensure that the test is the same for everyone around the world. 

If you do well enough on the workouts, there is a possibility that CrossFit will request video documentation of the performance just to prove that you have met all of the specifications for weights, layout, and whatever else they require. Every participant must check one of two boxes to validate their performance: 

  • Perform the test at a valid CrossFit affiliate and receive validation from the affiliate manager
  • Upload a video of the workout to the CrossFit Games website

Where do I Perform the Workouts?

Back in January of 2023, CrossFit provided a list of equipment needed for all in-season competitions, however not everything is necessary for the Open. For example, heavy dumbbells and kettlebells will not be included in Open programming, but there is a possibility that they will show up at different stages of online competition, so it is best to do the workouts in a place with all of the required and recommended equipment. 

This leads to a lot of participants who belong to an affiliate just doing the open workouts at their gym, but not everyone has an affiliate. The workouts are intended to be accessible to anyone, meaning home gyms and other gyms that are not specifically CrossFit gyms should be acceptable places to complete the workouts, if the athlete is able to provide a proper video of the workout.

2023 CrossFit Event Calendar

As stated above, if an athlete has success in the CrossFit Open, this could very well lead to a spot in the Quarterfinals. If they do good there, then this is followed by the Semifinals, and, eventually, the CrossFit Games. 

Here are the important dates for the 2023 CrossFit season:

CrossFit Open: February 16-March 6

Quarterfinals: March 16-April 2

Semifinals: April 28-June 4

2023 CrossFit Games: August 1-6

CrossFit Wrap Up


Overall, CrossFit is a sport that has caught a lot of hate over the years for the interesting style of training utilized. However, it is a very popular sport that is only growing, and just about everyone is able to participate, thanks to things like the CrossFit Open.

Will you be signing up for next year’s CrossFit Open?

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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*All images courtesy of Envato

Ronnie Coleman Reacts To Some Of Chris Bumstead’s Biggest And Best Lifts

Chris Bumstead

Chris Bumstead is one of the top bodybuilders in the world and Ronnie Coleman acknowledged the work that has been put in.

Ronnie Coleman’s work on the stage is the reason he is known as one of the great bodybuilders of all-time. His work off the stage in the gym has him as one of the strongest ever. Coleman knows a thing or two about insane lifts in the gym and recently reacted to some from Chris Bumstead.

This is not the first time that Coleman has commented on work from Bumstead. The eight-time Olympia champion called Bumstead’s physique the best ever in Classic Physique and might be the “best physique he has ever seen.”

Bumstead has won four-consecutive Classic Physique Olympia titles and will enter the 2023 competition as the favorite to win his fifth. Coleman currently holds the record, along with Lee Haney, for most Olympia titles ever with eight. Off the stage, Coleman has created a successful social media page because of his entertainment factor and knowledge about fitness.

Coleman has made videos on his YouTube page answering questions from fans and showing off different workouts. This time, he reacted to some of the biggest and best lifts from Bumstead.

Ronnie Coleman Impressed By Lifts From Chris Bumstead

Ronnie Coleman has reacted to lifts by many athletes, including Brian Shaw. This time, he took some time to acknowledge the strength of Chris Bumstead.

“I’ve been hearing a lot of hype about my boy CBum. I thought it’d be only fair if I did a reaction video to some of his lifts and some of his posters out there.”


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The video began with Bumstead hitting some bicep curls. Coleman claims that he knows where Bumstead got his thickness rom, especially in his biceps.

“CBum curling like it ain’t nothing. Light weight, light weight. Ain’t nothing to it but to do it, baby. Light weight, he’s playing with it making it look real easy. Show them why you got all that thickness.”

Bumstead hit deadlifts in the next video. There was 600 pounds on the bar and Bumstead made it look effortless. Coleman used to hit extremely heavy deadlifts himself in the gym and believes that Bumstead could load up a lot more weight on the bar.

“Deadlifts, one of my favorite, playing with that weight. He’s making 600 look like it’s 200.

CBum, you were lifting that weight like it ain’t nothing. I think you had it in you to do eight, maybe 900. Let’s hook up with your boy and show them how it’s done.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Lee Priest Shares His Intense 16-Week Contest Prep Diet

lee priest diet

Lee Priest would get sick the first 1-2 weeks of his contest prep clean dieting protocol. 

Are you interested in bodybuilding? If so, you should know it’s more than being strong or fast. In this sport, your physical appearance is what counts. That’s why exercise and food are crucial in achieving the perfect body. If you want to optimize your training, you’ll need an eating plan that supports it. One great example is Lee Priest’s diet. With the right combination of exercise and nutrition, you can transform your physique and impress the judges.

The main goal of most bodybuilders is to develop a muscular, lean, and well-balanced physique. To achieve this, they go through a bulking phase, eating and lifting weights to bulk up as much as possible. Then next is the cutting phase, where the goal is to lose the fat gained in the bulking phase but keep the muscles. This usually happens before a major competition.

“The Blond Myth” is an Australian bodybuilder who contested in big leagues like the Arnold Classic and Mr. Olympia. He enjoyed an illustrious career that lasted over 20 years, including appearances against legends like Dorian Yates and continues to perform even after stepping away from the competition. Lee Priest was and is also known for being on the controversial side, which he addresses in this tell-it movie with Generation Iron titled “Lee Priest vs Bodybuilding.”  

Recently, Lee Priest talked about his diet philosophy for contest prep in his competition days. In the YouTube video, he also revealed that not much has changed about his dieting plan and training. Here’s an in-depth look into Lee Priest’s diet regimen and how he structured his bulking and cutting phase.

Full Name: Lee Priest
Weight Height Date of Birth
200 – 225 lbs 5’4” 7/6/1972
Division Era Nationality
Men’s Open 1990s – 2010s Australian


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Lee Priest Diet Contest Prep

As with other bodybuilders, Lee Priest’s bodybuilding diet had bulking and cutting phases, leading to physiological changes in the body (1). He consumes protein and carbohydrates like chicken breast, rice, and fruits. He says he ate fruit even when people considered it controversial to include it in your diet as a bodybuilder. 

“I ate a ton of fruit, and now I hear some bodybuilder saying they’re starting to have fruit in the diet I’m thinking I always did that. Because when I went to America, people were like, can’t have fruit, it’s got sugar in it. I’m like, I’m training twice a day. I’m doing two to three hours of cardio. I don’t think having a couple of apples is going to do anything to me.”

Bulking Phase

Lee Priest controversially states that he ate whatever he wanted for his bulking phase. That included fats, sugars, and even food that has preservatives. This would often take his weight above 285 lbs.

Bulking phase is also called offseason dieting, and during this phase, bodybuilders aim for about a 15% increase in their calorie intake. Experts also advise that your protein intake is at least 1.2 to 1.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight or more while cutting to help preserve muscle mass (2)

Cutting Phase 

Lee Priest says the key to diet success was consistency and his ability to go on a cutting phase diet abruptly. He would go from eating whatever he wanted to 16 weeks of clean dieting. The 16 weeks ended about four weeks before any competition in which he would appear. 

“The thing was I’d go from eating anything I wanted like sh*t food, and come Monday, I’d go strict on my diet. I’d go straight to chicken breast and rice and cardio an hour a day.”

In the cutting phase, bodybuilders eliminate the 15% calorie intake added during their bulking phase. However, at this point, you may need more protein to maintain your muscle mass. This is when experts say you can increase your protein intake to around 1.8 to 2.7 grams per kilogram of your bodyweight.


This method of dieting was not without consequences, however, as Priest says that he would get sick for the first 1-2 weeks of the clean diet. 

“My body would just go into this f**king rebound where I just cut all the bad food out, fats and sugars, two weeks I’d be sick until I started getting into the diet.” 

But in those first two weeks, there would be noticeable changes. People commented that he had lost a bit of weight and would lose as much as 15 lbs in two weeks. Priest believes that cutting out all the sodium and preservatives did the trick. 

Beyond the Muscle: Lee Priest’s Life Story

Lee Priest’s training and nutrition advice is certainly valuable – but you can also take a deeper dive into the life behind the icon. Lee Priest Vs Bodybuilding is our feature length documentary exploring Priest’s entire life story and the many controversies and hurdles along the way.

Staying Motivated

One thing that Lee Priest noticed was that whenever he went into his diet lighter, it made things a bit harder. The higher the weight he had to lose, the more he could motivate himself and get going. 

“One year I started my diet I only got to like 250 and mentally hit was harder because if I’m 285, I’m a fat pig I figure f**k Lee, you’ve got to train hard, you’ve got to diet strict, gotta do cardio. When I started with 250 I’m like I’m already 30 pounds ahead I can take it easy. So, I found it actually harder getting ready when I was lighter. When you’re heavy, you got motivation to get in shape.”


Lee Priest was consistent with his dieting and would be in stellar shape four weeks before the show.  He says things would even out after the initial weight drop, and he could get in shape for the season.

“I was always ready about 12-13 weeks, and then I did all my photo shoots before the contest, so I’d get in shape pretty quick once I turned it on.”

You can watch the full video of Lee Priest talking about his contest prep diet on YouTube below:

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more bodybuilder diets! 


  1. Mitchell, L., Slater, G., Hackett, D., Johnson, N., & O’connor, H. (2018). Physiological implications of preparing for a natural male bodybuilding competition. European journal of sport science, 18(5), 619–629. https://doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2018.1444095
  2.  Gentil P. (2015). A nutrition and conditioning intervention for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: observations and suggestions. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 12, 50. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12970-015-0111-x

This Is What Your Body Fat Percentage Really Looks Like

Cutting The Fat

As fitness enthusiasts working out and being healthy is at the top of our list. The human body can be a great machine if you use it right. But as bodybuilders we know that all the fitness in the world won’t give you quite the same satisfaction if you have nothing to “show” for it. If your body fat percentage is too high, your gains are not as satisfying. There are science-backed methods behind fat-loss and we will give you all the tools you need to customize your own fat-burning routine. There is no one way to burn fat and build muscle, especially for bodybuilders.

The big show is a big part of bodybuilding, and if you can’t quite hit that balance between aesthetics and size you’ll always feel incomplete. The main hindrance between most builders and the perfect ratio, is body fat. Fat can be the stubborn veil keeping all your hard earned gains from seeing the light of day.

Causes of an Increase in Body Fat Percentage

When it comes to what is causing you to pack on the pounds, there are a few things that can actually be the root cause of it. They are as follows:

While the first two on the list are no-brainers, the second two are not as talked about as they should be. Stress causes a raise in the hormone called cortisol, which was found to be directly related to more flub around the waist. A supplement such as ashwagandha is believed to decrease cortisol levels.

Testosterone also plays a large role in body fat percentage, as when you have lower levels of testosterone it is found that you have higher levels of body fat, especially in the abdomen area. High body fat levels can also decrease testosterone levels, as fat cells metabolize the hormone more quickly.

What Does Your Body Fat Percentage Look Like?

But how far are you, and what do you have to do to look like the shredded monsters you see on the internet? Losing stubborn belly fat and weight, while retaining muscle is a 24/7 job. It requires you to eat healthier foods in calculated amounts, train hard in the gym, and sleep more than what you’re currently sleeping now. Here’s what you need to know about how to burn fat. We’ve got your complete guide down below.

The problem is that there’s a lot of talk about body fat but very few actually show what this looks like on an actual person. Sure you know what 5% – 10% looks like, this is the range for most fitness models. But what about the not so flattering part? The beginning, before the contract offers start rolling in?

Shredded midriff

5-9% Body Fat

At 5-9 percent body fat, you’re a Greek God. No really, this is the stage where you would probably be sculpted in ancient Roman Times (Michelangelo anyone?). You’re definition and vascularity are awe inspiring as the nooks and crannies of the human muscular system are all on full display.

How to get there

Genetics.” Yes we know that’s want you want to hear so you can start making excuses but the truth is this takes HARD WORK…sorry guys. If you’re at this stage you either get paid to do this or you should. You’ve sacrificed cheat meals, you’re on a strict diet that involves eliminating certain macronutrients, probably low carb, and each meal is planned out. Ice cream? What’s that? The thing is, losing fat is a science with a lot of nuances and therefore we have many different diets.

Sacrifices You Need To Make To Get Shredded

10-15% Body Fat

When you are around the body fat percentage of 10-15, you’ve definitely got a six pack and vascularity to boot. You’ve got vascular arms and you’re pretty ripped, just not as ripped as the creme de’ le creme class above.

How to get there

Adhere to a strict diet, count the calories going in and out of your body, eat clean for most of the week and then once in a while splurge on some wings. Cheat meal? yes. Cheat day? No. This range tends to fluctuate from 9-12 % as they’re not as regimented as the 5% group.

16-20% Body Fat

At the lower end of this body fat percentage range, you’ve got some vascularity and definition in places but your lower abs probably aren’t popping like you want them to. At the higher end of this body fat percentage range, maybe the top top abs are showing but the smaller cuts in the biceps and triceps can’t be seen. You don’t have a “dad bod” but there’s definitely some fat hiding your shape.

How to get to there

Be health conscious by eliminating major no-no’s like fried foods, burgers, simple sugars, but at the same time you’re still able to have a beer with the fellas on weekends. 80-20 rule is probably best depending on your metabolism.

While many builders strive for the lowest body fat possible you have to remember that to a certain degree fat is good. Your body needs at least 3% body fat in order for your organs to function. A good guide of body fat % is key to long term goals. This means most casual builders will probably fall into the 10-20% range to look cut and still feel strong. Ultimately it’s up to you, all 3 ranges can maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Try Intermittent Fasting

One of the diets and eating patterns that has risen in popularity the most in the health and fitness space is intermittent fasting, often abbreviated to IF. We all know that fasting refers to the abstinence from food, but what else does it entail?

There are various protocols that exist for IF. Some of them include alternate day fasting, which is when you simply fast every other day and eat normally during your non-fasting days. Another type of IF that exists is the Warrior Diet, which is when you fast all day and eat all of your allotted calories in one sitting.

Despite all of the different protocols out there, the type that’s most commonly used in bodybuilding and fitness circles is the 16:8 protocol, also known as time-restricted feeding. This is when you fast for 16 hours and then you have an 8 hour “feeding window”, where you consume your daily calorie allotment. Since this is the most popular type of fasting in the bodybuilding and fitness industry, this is what will be referred to when the abbreviation “IF” is used.

But one thing to remember here is that IF is not a type of diet, technically. It is actually a type of eating pattern. The goal is to consume the same number of calories and macronutrients that you would consume if you were following a standard meal schedule. The only aspect of your nutrition that you’re modifying here is meal frequency, not types or quantities of food.

The times that one would have their fasting and feeding windows are completely up to the individual is why this diet has become so popular. It allows people to be able to make mealtimes conform to their schedule, rather than trying to force smaller, more frequent meals, which has been often promoted in the fitness more recently.

This higher meal frequency theory comes from the common misconception that eating more frequent, smaller meals will “speed up” your metabolism, making you burn more calories at rest. This is simply not true. What matters the most about nutrition regarding body composition goals are the total amount of calories that are consumed, not how often you’re eating.

Fat Burners to Decrease Body Fat Percentage

In addition to a well-adjusted diet and fasting period, fat-burners are proven to accelerate the decrease of body fat percentage by enhancing metabolism, reducing cravings, and increasing intra-workout energy.
The best ones even go the extra mile to protect against muscle breakdown and maintain muscle.

National Bodybuilding Co. Strongest Fat Burner is a great supplement for weight loss and optimizing muscle building. A clean, high-quality, and science driven fat burner allows for optimal benefits.

The right fat burner can accelerate metabolism, increase mobilization of stored body fat (to be used as energy), fight against hunger and cravings, reduce muscle breakdown, improve lean body mass and keep you healthy overall.

Although there is no magic pill, most value products that combine high-quality ingredients, natural ingredients and a proven track record. Our list of highly recommended fat burners rate, research and test brands to ensure you only get what’s on the label, and nothing more. Testing for purity, quality, and safety go hand in hand with assuring you have the best possible Fat Burner on hand for cutting fat or improving your physique overall. Even more important is having a third-party test supplements within a lab for individual ingredients that are all-natural, free of synthetics and or additives.

Body Fat Percentage Wrap Up

Overall, you will look and feel different at each body fat percentage. There are plenty of ways to combat too much body fat, and many of them involve adjusting your diet.

What’s more important? Nachos on game night or a deeper V for your waistline? You be the judge.

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