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Danny “Nitro” Clark Talks Sex, Drugs, & Revelation In American Gladiators | The Mike O’Hearn Show

Danny Clark, aka Nitro from American Gladiators, shares the highs and lows of being a part of the strength sports phenomenon

In 2023, we suddenly have not one but two American Gladiators documentary series airing on television. One is a 30 For 30 ESPN documentary showcasing the dark side of the strength competition program. The other is a Netflix documentary mini series focusing on the original cast of Gladiators. So it seemed like there was no better time for Mike O’Hearn to reconnect with his roots and interview Danny Clark, aka Nitro, about the rise and fall of American Gladiators. In Generation Iron and Barbend’s latest episode of The Mike O’Hearn Show, Danny “Nitro” Clark speaks on the Gladiator mentality, the challenges, and the revelations that came from his life in American Gladiators and beyond.

Mike O’Hearn is most likely best known in the bodybuilding world as a natural bodybuilder who competed in the Mr. Universe. But is also known by many for his time on American Gladiators. O’Hearn was part of the “later generation” of Gladiators upon the competition series short-lived revival. But this didn’t stop him from eventually meeting and befriending Danny Clark – who was Nitro during the original run of the show.

In fact, Mike O’Hearn looked towards Danny Clark as an inspiration upon entering the American Gladiators revival. With two documentary series releasing this year about the famed competition show, O’Hearn reconnected with Nitro to discuss the past, present, and future of American Gladiators. Let’s dive in.

Reflecting on how Gladiators were “disposable”

Reflecting back on their respective careers on the show, Danny “Nitro” Clark and Mike O’Hearn discuss the differences between the original program and the 2000s rival. One of the biggest changes was how the athletes were treated. As Clark puts it, the original Gladiators were almost “disposable.”

American Gladiators was far different from something like WWE Professional Wrestling. While that program does involve some truly dangerous stunts, the matches are ultimately scripted. American Gladiators was a true competition show. As such, injuries were a major concern for most of the competitors.

Danny Clark admits that one serious injury could instantly end your Gladiator career. There was a line out the door for new Gladiators due to the popularity of the show – and with very few safeguards in place, an injury could lead to an immediate fire from the show.

Mike O’Hearn’s era of athletes were competing in a different world of sports and tv. Athlete health was far more considered and important. Not to mention that Mike O’Hearn himself had always put a focus on longevity. Both O’Hearn and Clark joke that perhaps the new era of American Gladiators posed a threat to the legacy of the original athlete lineup for this very reason.

Fame, sex, and drugs vs finding your passion

Mike O’Hearn has spoken multiple times on this podcast about the importance of finding passion behind what you do. In bodybuilding or any other competitive endeavor – competing for fame will often lead to failure. Danny “Nitro” Clark agrees. Though he had to learn it the hard way.

Danny Clark may have known that strength sports was his passion – but he also had a very real desire to be seen and adored. So when he found success via American Gladiators, he overloaded on the indulgences. Sex, drugs, and constant partying became part of his life. However, looking back, he acknowledges that he felt empty underneath being high and drunk.

After the end of American Gladiators, Danny Clark suffered a heart attack. During his conversation with Mike O’Hearn, Clark details what the experience was like. He realized in that moment, before going into surgery, that he was facing death in the face. Suddenly everything snapped into perspective. It wasn’t money, or sex, or fame that he clung onto. In those possible final moments he though about his loved ones.

Thankfully, Danny Clark’s surgery was a success. But sitting across from Mike O’Hearn in this moment – he can firmly claim that he is a different man today than who he was before the heart attack. He realized that, underneath it all, it was his passion that really drove him to success in American Gladiators. Not the fame, not the money. Those were just complications and desperate desires that made his life full of distractions.

He now looks at his life as focusing on his passion, so that he can be happy every day and spend it with the family and friends he loves. He thinks that is an important message to give aspiring young individuals today. Whether it be sports, a career, or just overall happiness in life – you have to love what you do so much that you are willing to do the hard parts.

Danny Clark ends on this note about the key to success:

“The main key to success – the ability to do what you don’t want to do in order to be what you want to be.”

Wrap Up

Danny “Nitro” Clark and Mike O’Hearn go into far greater detail about American Gladiators, the upcoming Netflix documentary mini series, and more. Make sure to catch it all on the latest episode of The Mike O’Hearn Show above. Don’t forget to check back every Friday for new episodes only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network or wherever podcasts are downloaded.

Jay Cutler Shares Ripped Physique Update Halfway Through “Fit-For-50” Transformation

Physique Update

Jay Cutler is officially halfway through his goal and has made incredible strides in six weeks.

Jay Cutler has remained extremely active and motivated during his time off stage. At the beginning of the year, the bodybuilding legend shared that he would be going through a “Fit-For-50” transformation process. Now, he is halfway through the process and looking as shredded as ever.

Cutler was one of the best in the world during his peak. He finished as the runner-up to Ronnie Coleman on multiple occasions before winning his first Olympia title in 2006. This would be the first of four in his career. Cutler also won the Arnold Classic three times. Since retiring from competition, Cutler continues to share his passion for fitness.

Cutler has been open about his bodybuilding journey, including discussing his steroid cycle. Now mind you, he insists he isn’t returning to actively competing, but he recently started a challenge to transform his physique for turning 50.

Jay Cutler recently took to social media to show off a workout followed by a posing session. As he is midway through his goal, he is looking as good as he has since retiring from competition.

Jay Cutler’s Midpoint Physique Transformation

Cutler compared his current progress to a show he considered one of his best in 2009.

“I’m officially 1/2 way thru my 12 week prep toward my Fit to 50 body transformation… but here’s a cool slide of my 7 weeks out vs one of my best onstage performances 2009…. While I’m not satisfied with the progress I’ve now turned things up this past week to cardio 2x a day and really chopping away at the food. I’ve really buckled down with zig zag diet and upping the fasted cardio time.”


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During this transformation, Cutler has focused on his diet and adding cardio. He does two sessions of cardio per day while upping his fasted cardio time.

Cutler quickly shut down the thought of returning to Masters Olympia this year. It seems as though he is not interested in stepping on a stage competitively but did not throw out the thought of guest posing.

Jay Cutler is only halfway through his transformation and has already made great strides. Fans will continue to follow his progress as he builds an elite-level physique ahead of his 50th birthday.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

A Breakdown Of Greek Yogurt & Why This Helps With Gains

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt

Can this bring you closer to your goals?

We often look for those healthy bodybuilding snacks and good alternatives to cheat meals and junk foods that we can munch on during the day; but often times fail to see that certain foods, like Greek yogurt, are exactly what we need. Too often do we end up resorting to quick carbs and protein bars for those convenient and quick on the go treats. And yes, these snacks will pump us with some pretty valuable nutrients, while also balancing out our macronutrients. The problem is many of these snacks are sources with junk food sources, complicated blends, and artificial ingredients, so are they really the best option? Finding the right snack, meal, or ingredient is difficult but it doesn’t have to be.

The benefit to Greek yogurt is that you can use it for a host of different functions. For those who want something light in the morning, mix it with fruit and granola for an easy breakfast with no hassle or clean-up. Need a quick bite pre-workout or post-workout? Don’t hesitate to grab a Greek yogurt and see what can happen. The best part is that you can add Greek yogurt to a smoothie for a thicker consistency. All of your bases are covered.

Let’s take a look at Greek yogurt and see what this is all about. Most of us have had it before but probably don’t realize just how great this food can be. We’ll talk what it is, benefits, the difference from regular yogurt, and how this can affect your bodybuilding goals for the better. With the results, this is definitely something to place in your training and diet routine.

Greek yogurt

What Is Greek Yogurt?

Greek yogurt is produced by taking out whey and other liquids that regular yogurt contains. This makes Greek yogurt thicker since most of the liquid is removed. As a cultured dairy product, this is made by converting lactose into lactic acid through certain bacteria. It is high in protein, calcium, and nutrients, while being low in fat, a popular reason people gravitate towards Greek yogurt.

Difference Between Greek Yogurt & Regular Yogurt

Aside from the process of how it is made, the benefit to Greek yogurt is the amount of protein you get versus regular yogurt. Both are good sources of nutrients and contain vitamins and minerals to help you greatly. But by reducing the whey content in Greek yogurt, this lessens the amount of sugar and carbs, thus putting an emphasis on protein, which is what we as bodybuilders want.

Greek yogurt

Benefits Of Greek Yogurt

The benefits of Greek yogurt are hard to ignore and can benefit you when it comes to training, performance, health, and wellness. Benefits of Greek yogurt include:

  • High in protein: Being high in protein, this will help keep you full and aid in weight loss. Also, with protein as the building block of all muscle, you give yourself a better chance at increased growth and recovery.
  • Good source of probiotics: This allows for a solid ratio of good bacteria to other bacteria to improve blood lipid levels, reduce damage, and assist in recovery. It also promotes digestive health and can help give your metabolism a boost.
  • Quality calcium: A great source of calcium, this allows you to improve bone and joint strength while never suffering a deficiency of this vital mineral.
  • Aid in weight loss: By working to keep you full, this allows for less snacking and can kill those unwanted cravings. For those looking to drop fat, this is a great option to mix into your diet.
  • Versatile food: This is a versatile food and is perfect to use for a meal, especially breakfast, or a snack anytime of the day. Plus, it is an added ingredient in things like smoothies that can add consistency and allow you to reap all the benefits. Not to mention, Greek yogurt is great for a pre-workout meal, as it can provide good pumps.

How To Choose The Right Greek Yogurt For You

When looking at Greek yogurt, it is important you find ways to maximize your health. Looking for those all-natural products that are low in sugar is a great way to ensure all your gains stay in place. Some artificial flavors just aren’t needed and you are better off adding your own ingredients, like fruit, nuts, and granola, to get that taste.

Also, looking for live cultures can help strengthen your immune system and improve those symptoms for whoever might be lactose intolerant. This is a great way to work for your health with just that added bonus that requires no extra work from you. Considering the fat content as well is important for this can change how you approach buying your Greek yogurt. While it is generally low in fat, some brands may be lower than others, so reading the nutrition label will give you great insight.

Greek Yogurt & Bodybuilding

At the end of the day, Greek yogurt is a great food for bodybuilders. The versatility allows this to slide anywhere in your day and you can always reap the benefits of this great food and what it has to offer. The macros, specifically high protein content, is something to keep in mind and since this is low-carb and low-fat food, and those looking to lose fat can do so with a healthy option.

Your main job as a bodybuilder, and perhaps the toughest part of the sport, is to balance many things at once. Between diet, training, supplementation, personal lives, jobs, and the list goes on and on, having a go to snack or food that we can trust makes our lives just that much easier. Greek yogurt has the ability to be that go to food and can serve you well in the long run.

Wrap Up

Greek yogurt is a great food to add to your diet, especially for bodybuilding. For those looking for a healthy option as a nice bodybuilding snack, or something to accompany your meal with, you’ve found it here with this great option. Knowing what to look for when buying is important and this can greatly affect how you approach your nutrition plan.

Give Greek yogurt a try, add your favorite ingredients in or place with a smoothie, and enjoy all of those benefits with no extra work from you.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Lange, I. ; et al. (2020). “Technology and factors influencing Greek-style yogurt- a Review”. (source)
  2. Kechagia, M.; et al. (2013). “Health Benefits of Probiotics: A Review”. (source)
  3. Cormick, G.; et al. (2019). “Calcium Intake and Health”. (source)

CBD Gel Capsules for Muscle Soreness

best CBD gummies for muscle recovery

Game changing recovery

When it comes to bodybuilding and strength training, not many people realize the importance of recovery. This is an area that many of us tend to fall short in. For a lot of us, recovery is something as simple as sitting on the couch, just not lifting for the day. However, it is crucial to go the extra mile and put forth effort into your recovery to speed it up and further your progress. One way to take the extra step for your recovery is with supplementation, and CBD gel capsules are a great supplement to choose. 

CBD is a great supplement for post-workout recovery that comes in many forms, whether they be topical or oral, and brings a large variety of benefits to the table. CBD can target specific areas of pain relief and really take your recovery to the next level. The problem with that is, with CBD rising in popularity and supplement companies trying to capitalize on it. The result you will see is a lot of products that are not as effective, and far too overpriced; we see this many times with things like protein powders or pre-workouts. That being said, one CBD product that we can recommend is Venga CBD Ultra Gels

Let’s dive in.

Importance of Recovery

CBD workout products

Recovery is something that many of us overlook, and if you are someone who is into bodybuilding, powerlifting and strength training as a whole, or any other type of sport that will require some form of physical training, recovery is crucial. While you may think that the workout is where you grow, this is only part of it. The workout is where you break down the muscle fibers and then recovery is when your body works to build back those broken down fibers better and stronger. 

Now, many of us take our rest days and just hang out at home or do light cardio and think that is enough for our bodies to grow back bigger and stronger, but this is not always enough. Supplementation is huge when it comes to helping your body overcome fatigue and soreness, and while things like creatine and protein powder are fantastic for that, sometimes it is best to take a supplement designed for that exactly.

This is where CBD products can come into play, CBD gel capsules in particular.

What is CBD? 

The next thing to cover is discussing exactly what CBD is, as it is still something that not everyone knows about, so let’s break it down. Cannabidiol, (CBD), is the second most prevalent active ingredient in marijuana, the first being THC, and this is the ingredient that gets you “high”. CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana and it is derived directly from the hemp plant, a cousin of marijuana, or manufactured in a lab rather than just grown. CBD is one of hundreds of components in marijuana and without all of those ingredients, you will not get high, so sorry if that disappoints you.

How Does CBD Help Recovery? 

post-workout CBD topicals

Now, you are probably wondering, what does CBD have to do with recovery? If it is the part of marijuana that does not get you high, what does it do for you? When CBD is put into gel capsules, many studies point to the idea that the CBD will interact with and stimulate your body to use its own endocannabinoids more effectively. These endocannabinoids work to block and reduce pain, which is something that makes it so appealing to athletes of all kinds. More studies that have tested CBD for chronic neuropathic pain find that it brings multiple benefits to the table. Benefits include:

  • Reduction of the intensity of pain 
  • Aid in sleep
  • A decrease in the psychological effects that pain can bring.

Because of the benefits that it can potentially bring to you, CBD is a growing industry and just about every supplement aisle will have CBD products, from creams to CBD gel capsules. The reason you see so many of these products is because companies are working to produce the highest quality CBD supplements, but this is not always the case. 

A lot of times, unfortunately what you will find is that there are so many options for products like CBD gel capsules out there that are just junk. There is no doubt that it is great for the consumer to have tons of options to choose from, it also makes it ten times more difficult because finding the right CBD gel capsule takes research, time, and money, which are all things that you do not want to waste

We’re here to help you explore the best CBD gel capsules for muscle soreness and recovery so the muscle soreness and fatigue is more than taken care of.

Venga CBD Ultra Gels

Help support your muscle growth and recovery. Venga Ultra Gels deliver 500% more CBD into your bloodstream than typical CBD products!

One CBD gel capsule product that stands out above the competition is Venga CBD Ultra Gels. Venga CBD Ultra Gels are for athletes who train hard and are looking to get more performance out of their bodies. Discomfort and slow recovery are things that no athlete wants to deal with, and if you are, then Venga CBD Ultra Gels are for you.

Venga Ultra Gels are formulated as a daily CBD supplement to support your body, it is not something you would just take for instant pain relief. Venga uses water soluble technology that works to give you a competitive advantage by delivering 500% more CBD into your bloodstream over typical CBD products.

It also works to give you the following benefits: 

NanoCell Technology: Works to get Maximum CBD in your bloodstream from an oral supplement. You get the most CBD in your body to help fight pain, recover faster, and perform at your best.

Speeds Recovery

CBD has been proven to reduce inflammation and swelling, which are the number 1 causes of discomfort within the body and can be detrimental to your performance in bodybuilding or strength sports.

Most Effective CBD

There are up to 10x more cannabinoids than typical industrial hemp, which means more elements are available to aid the recovery and support processes.

Works Fast

Venga CBD Ultra Gels are geared towards getting to work in your body faster than any other oral CBD supplement, which is key for bodybuilders, powerlifters, and weightlifters to recover fast!

How to Take Venga CBD Ultra Gels

Venga Ultra Gels are to be taken daily, just like a multivitamin. The soft gel form allows you to easily adjust your dosage to match your training intensity, which is something that you do not usually see in CBD gels.

For example:

  • Taking CBD Gels for general health & wellness: 1 Ultra Gel per day
  • Taking CBD Gels during a hard training block: Up to 3 Ultra Gels per day
  • Taking CBD Gels after injury/surgery: 4+ Ultra Gels per day for a week

You cannot overdose on CBD Ultra Gels, nor will they get you high. Another thing worth mentioning, is unlike other CBD products, Venga Ultra Gels can be taken on an empty stomach. This product is not known to cause digestion or gut health issues, and many athletes who use Venga Ultra Gels get terrific results when taking them first thing in the morning.

Venga CBD Ultra Gels Price

One thing to keep in mind is that quality is not cheap, and with a product that stands out, you will pay a little more than some of the competitors. 

With Venga CBD Ultra Gels, it is $85.00 for 30 servings. Or you have the option to get them monthly, for $68.00 a month.

Our Verdict on Venga CBD Ultra Gels

We always make sure to include our two cents in a review, and our team at Generation Iron was fortunate enough to try Venga CBD Ultra Gels for a period of time. We noticed the following results: 

  • Less muscle soreness and fatigue
  • Better sleep
  • Feeling better and more well rested when it came time to lift

The main takeaway was that Venga CBD Ultra Gels were very effective and well worth the money. 

Questions, Comments, and Concerns

Let’s address some common points that people may bring up when it comes to purchasing Venga CBD Ultra Gels.

What if it Doesn’t Help?

Venga CBD has helped thousands of athletes, and they are so confident that they offer a 60-day money back guarantee.

It is Too Expensive

Venga products are actually some of the least expensive CBD on the market on an active milligram basis. Due to their CBD being water-soluble, you are getting 500% more CBD in your system than a typical product.

CBD Gel Capsules Wrap Up

Overall, recovery is not something to play around with, especially when you are into bodybuilding and strength sports. It is crucial for growth and progress. While taking a rest day here and there is great, supplementation is another option to even further your recovery. CBD gel capsules are great options to really make that muscle soreness and fatigue take a seat. 

One option we recommend is Venga CBD Ultra Gels, will you be trying them?

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information. 

Follow us on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter, and let us know what you think after trying the product!

How to and Exercise Guide: Leg Press Smith Machine

leg press smith machine
Image via Muscle & Strength

The leg press done on the Smith machine offers greater back support. 

Are you searching for a method to enhance muscle size in your lower body? If so, consider incorporating the leg press Smith machine routine into your workout regimen. The leg press is a highly effective triple extension exercise that targets and strengthens your leg muscles. Typically, this exercise uses a horizontal, 45-degree, or vertical leg press machine.

There are slight variations to a leg press done on either of those three machines. The vertical leg press, in particular, is good for its complete back support and allows for many stance variations that you can use to target your muscles more intensely. However, what if your gym doesn’t have one? They likely have a Smith machine, and the Smith machine leg press mimics the same biomechanics.

The leg press Smith machine is an excellent exercise that can bring much-needed muscle growth to your legs. This exercise also improves your mobility and strength. Check out the proper way to do this exercise and why the leg press Smith machine should be part of your workout in this exercise guide.

Leg Press Smith Machine Technique and Muscles Worked

The leg press Smith machine works on your quadriceps, calves, glutes, and hamstrings. This exercise mainly targets your quads, but the other muscles also get recruited. Doing this exercise repeatedly is sure to give you great-looking legs. 

Just like all other exercises, to get the benefits of the leg press Smith machine, it has to be done in proper form. It’s best to do some warmup sets first, which is always important in preventing injury and improving your range of motion.  Here’s a step-by-step guide on properly doing the leg press on a Smith machine.

  1. Adjust the Smith machine to be the appropriate height of three feet off the ground. Set the weight that you intend to use on the machine.
  2. Lie supine with your back on the ground as you face up.
  3. Set your legs hip-width apart and put the balls of your feet on the underside of the bar. 
  4. Extend your feet to unrack the weight and slowly lower it by flexing your hips and bending the knees. This is your starting position.
  5. Brace your abs, then drive the weight up using your glutes and quads
  6. Lower the weight back slowly to the safety brackets to complete the rep.

*Note: Use gradual and show movements when lifting and lowering the weights to get the best results. You might need a spotter to help with the unracking. Don’t fully extend your knees for more tension on your quads, which could lead to injury. 

Leg Press Smith Machine Benefits

This exercise offers numerous benefits for those who want to build and strengthen their lower body. Let’s take a look at them below.

Better Posture, Mobility, and Flexibility

This movement targets the muscles of your legs with emphasis on the quads. Stronger quads improve posture, mobility, and flexibility (1).

Muscle Specific Variations 

Doing a leg press on the Smith machine can help you focus on and build specific muscles by changing your stance. This study shows how different stances can lead to more activation of certain leg muscles (2).

Back Support

You lie on your back and use your legs when doing this workout. This offers better support and reduces the risk of back pain, as you would get when doing routines like squats.

Great Results At Light to Medium Weight

Leg presses on the Smith machine have you move the weight with better control. This means more focus on using a proper stance and activating the right muscles. Your leg growth results could be phenomenal when paired with a high volume of reps and lighter weight. 

Leg Press Smith Machine Alternatives

leg press machine

Here are some other routines you can use to build your leg muscles.

Leg Extensions

This is another machine-assisted routine, but the difference is that it builds only your quads. So if your focus is to bulk up your thighs or correct an imbalance with your quads, this might be movement. 

Bulgarian Split Squats

Bulgarian split squats are a compound exercise that works on glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. They also build the muscles in your core. This routine can be done with just your bodyweight, but you can do it with a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells to add intensity. 

Dumbbell Lunges 

Dumbbell lunges build your hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. This exercise uses dumbbells and also works on your coordination and balance.

Step Ups

Step-ups are an exercise that works on your hamstrings and quads. You can do this movement with your bodyweight or opt for dumbbells or kettlebells to increase resistance and muscle hypertrophy in your legs. 


Is leg press on Smith machine effective? 

A leg press on a Smith machine effectively builds leg muscles like quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

Can you build legs on Smith machine?

Yes, you can build your legs on a Smith machine. One great routine is the leg press Smith machine, which we discuss more in the article above.

How do you get big legs with a Smith machine?

Doing this lower body movement is a great way to build big legs. It targets the quads, one of the leg’s biggest muscles, and building your quads increases your leg size.

If your gym doesn’t have a vertical leg press machine (most don’t), try it on the Smith machine. You’ll reap the same benefits, including growing your legs while protecting your back.

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more exercise guides!


  1. Clayton, J. D., Kirkwood, R. N., & Gregory, D. E. (2019). The influence of hip mobility and quadriceps fatigue on sagittal spinal posture and muscle activation in rugby scrum performance. European journal of sport science, 19(5), 603–611. https://doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2018.1537379 
  2. Escamilla, R. F., Fleisig, G. S., Zheng, N., Lander, J. E., Barrentine, S. W., Andrews, J. R., Bergemann, B. W., & Moorman, C. T., 3rd (2001). Effects of technique variations on knee biomechanics during the squat and leg press. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 33(9), 1552–1566. https://doi.org/10.1097/00005768-200109000-00020

Arnold Schwarzenegger Fools Fans By Performing Splits On Kitchen Counter


Arnold Schwarzenegger pulled a prank on fans on social media.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has kept his physique in shape in retirement but just how good is his flexibility? The bodybuilding legend decided to play a prank on his fans on Instagram performing splits on his kitchen counter.

Schwarzenegger built a career that has him known as the greatest bodybuilder of all-time. After coming over from Austria, Schwarzenegger caught eyes because of his insane physique and turned it into a legendary career on stage. On his way to seven Olympia titles, Arnold did great things for the sport of bodybuilding as a whole. He continues to be an influential figure in the sport.

The 75-year-old bodybuilder continues to train in the gym. He has changed his diet and nutrition plan, which he has been open about. Schwarzenegger claims to be following a diet that is 80% vegan.

Muscle & Fitness Magazine

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pranks Fans

The video began with Arnold Schwarzenegger seemingly propped up on his kitchen counter in a split. He positioned a pair of prop legs and stood in the center to make it seem like it was him.

“Mobility and flexibility are so important to me. Subscribe to the Pump Club at the link in my bio for more tips and tricks ????.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared in the video with a cigar in his mouth. Many fans were interested in the video as it racked up over 100,000 views in under an hour.

“Flexibility is just as important as weight training itself. So here we go. Suck it in.”

From his “starting” position, Schwarzenegger then began to stretch his upper body back and forth.

“Up with your arms and then reach slowly to the side. Nice and then the other side.”

The video ended with Schwarzenegger finishing his stretches and walking away from the counter, revealing that the legs were indeed fake.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

YouTube Sensation MrBeast Shows Off Crazy Weight Loss Transformation

Physique Transformation

MrBeast has taken on a new lifestyle and wanted to show off the results to his weight loss transformation.

MrBeast, who’s real name is James Stephen Donaldson, has taken over YouTube and created an empire for himself. Over the years, he has taken his business to the next level and is beginning to do the same with his physique. Donaldson recently shared a transformation showing off his weight loss.

From his days as a teenager, MrBeast began creating different videos for entertainment. He continues to create videos including different challenges and experiments he does. Along with personal challenges, MrBeast often gives others a chance to win different items.

Donaldson has become extremely popular. He is one of the most subscribed to individuals on YouTube with 163 million. MrBeast has a personal page along with one showing off his gaming, reaction videos, and philanthropy work. Of course, many fitness stars focus on transforming their physiques because of competition but many actors and celebrities have done the same.

Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne Johnson are two of the more popular actors who have maintained a shredded physique, along with Zac Efron and Chris Hemsworth. MrBeast has started taking on a similar mindset in bettering himself and taking on a new lifestyle.


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MrBeast Shows Off Physique Transformation

MrBeast showed off his transformation on both Twitter and Instagram. In his caption, he committed to a cleaner diet and workout plan, including 12,500 steps per day.

“Woke up and realized I was obese so I started lifting and walking 12,500 steps a day. Still got a long way to being yoked but I’m happy with my progress so far ???? (also if I’m not actually jacked out of my mind in a year it’s 100% @paras_kaltsas fault. I just do what he says haha)”


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The work that MrBeast has put in has been impressive and has gained the attention of many. This includes bodybuilding legend Arnold SchwarzeneggerThe greatest bodybuilder of all-time commented on Donaldson’s post on Instagram with a single thumbs up.

It is clear that MrBeast is committed to his new goals and will continue to work to improve himself. He shared that he is not done yet and has more improvements that he wants to make to his physique.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

73-Year-Old Strongman Odd Haugen Outlasts Larry Wheels In Grip Strength Challenge

Grip Strength

The Strongman legend took down Larry Wheels in three tests of grip strength.

Larry Wheels recently tested his super-human strength against a legend in Strongman. Odd Haugen is a 73-year-old powerlifter who continues to impress and inspire with his feats of strength. Recently Haugen took down Wheels in a test of grip strength.

Haugen has been nicknamed “The Visegrip Viking” in retirement. He put together an incredible career as a Strongman but since retiring, he has focused on grip strength and the results are insane.

Wheels continues to lift heavy in the gym while preparing his physique for bodybuilding. He has shared his goals to compete in Classic Physique in the future and is detailing his physique in order to do so. In a recent YouTube video, Wheels threw it back to a Strongman challenge against one of the greats.

Physique Update

Larry Wheels vs. Odd Haugen’s Challenge

The video began in the gym as Larry Wheels and Odd Haugen went through three lifts in order to test grip strength.

Saxon Bar Deadlift

The first lift was the Saxon Bar deadlift. For this test, the bar is shaped like a block, meaning that it cannot be lifted in any other way than with a pinch grip.

Wheels lifted 120kg (264.5lb), which was his own PR. He attempted to add five more kilograms but was unable to maintain his grip. Haugen stepped up to the bar and successfully lifted the 125kg (275.5lb) bar. He was unable to go any heavier.

Circus Dumbbell

Circus Dumbbell is a Strongman event where competitors use both hands to lift a dumbbell to their shoulder and overhead. Haugen and Wheels modified the lift and wanted to do it with one hand.

“Last time I was here, Martins and I tried it. I was able to do it. Martins was not. Even Brian Shaw tried it and he couldn’t do it,” Haugen said.

Wheels attempted a 78kg (172lb) dumbbell but could not handle the 2 3/8 handle. Haugen was next and successfully completed the lift. The duo then moved onto a 3-inch handle and once again, Haugen was successful. Weightlifting straps offer immense grip support and often are relied on by professionals.


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Rollin Thunder

The third and final test for the Strongmen was Rollin Thunder, which has a thick, rolling handle. Haugen was able to lift 90kg (198.4lb) multiple times. He said that he had more in the tank but did not attempt a heavier lift.

“He had me beat on every move we did today,” Larry Wheel said.

“I think the longer we went on, the weaker I was going to get. It was really cool to witness that. Honestly, blown away. Huge inspiration for the next generation to see that you can be 73 ears old and stronger than a World Record powerlifter.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

The Ultimate Landmine Row Guide: Benefits, How To, and Variations

landmine row

The landmine row is a classic exercise to build a strong back.

The landmine row is an incredibly effective exercise to work your upper body, your back in particular. It is a compound exercise that can help you build strength and add muscle mass to your back


Your back is the second largest muscle group that you can train, following your legs. To train the back muscles optimally and ensure overall development, you need to perform a variety of exercises to ensure optimal muscle fiber recruitment, and rows are the best way to build that thickness up.

Since the only equipment you need for landmine rows is a barbell, you could do this exercise even in a bare-bone gym. The anchored barbell also allows you to really focus on the mind-muscle connection and get maximum contraction and muscle fiber recruitment in your back while performing the exercise.

landmine row

What is a Landmine Row?

Don’t worry, this type of landmine has nothing to do with walking across a mine field. Instead, it is a type of row that is designed to help you gain some solid muscle in your back.

To set up a landmine row, you could:

  1. Place a weight plate at one end of the barbell to anchor it to the floor. 
  2. Anchor the barbell in the corner of a wall or squat rack in your gym. 
  3. Use a piece of specialized equipment like a landmine tube. 
  4. Ask your training partner to step onto the other end of the barbell while you complete your set. 

Must Read: How The Landmine Press Boosts Strength Training

Muscles Worked 

Muscle anatomy

Since the landmine row is a compound (multi-joint) life, it engages multiple muscles, including:

  • Rhomboids
  • Teres Major & Teres Minor
  • Erector Spinae
  • Posterior Deltoid
  • Trapezius
  • Infraspinatus
  • Latissimus Dorsi
  • Brachialis
  • Brachioradialis
  • Biceps Brachii
  • Lower Pectoralis Major

Benefits of the Landmine Row

cobra back

1. Allows a Bigger and Controlled Range of Motion

Since the barbell is anchored at one end while performing the landmine row, the other end moves at an angle. The angle of the bar allows you to apply force vertically and horizontally. You use a steady, controlled speed to move the barbell in a natural arc instead of in a straight line. 

Since the bar follows a natural arc, you will feel more in control while performing the lift and might experience greater muscle fiber recruitment and better muscle pumps as you’ll be able to hold for longer at contraction points.  

2. Changes in “Strength Curve

The strength curve of an exercise refers to how “heavy” an exercise is at different points. While using a regular barbell, you will experience the same amount of force whether you are holding it one foot or five feet off the ground. The landmine, however, varies at different points.

When you first lift a landmine off the ground (do not try this in a war-infested zone), it is a horizontal movement, and so you are fighting against gravity – making the movement harder in the process.

However, as you go further up, the weight moves in an arc, increasing the slope. Meaning – Even though there is the same amount of weight on the bar, the higher the bar is, the “lighter” it will feel.

Related: How The Horizontal Row Enhances Solid Back Development

3. Great For Beginners 

Since the landmine row has a pre-defined pattern of movement, it makes it easy for beginners to perform the exercise with the correct form. And because the bar moves in an arc, it increases your shoulder stabilizer muscle recruitment which can be very hard to achieve for a beginner in exercises like the barbell or dumbbell row.

Check Out: 5 Tips For A Weight Room Beginner

4. Improves Muscle Balance and Stability 

The landmine row can be easily adapted into a unilateral exercise which can help improve your muscle imbalances, core stability, and overall body balance.  

Related: The Benefits Of Unilateral Training & Why It Matters

5. Reduces Chances of Injury

The landmine row is a great alternative for people with pre-existing back issues as it allows a greater degree of freedom to work around your injuries

This exercise also places less pressure on your shoulders and spine as compared to the barbell or T-bar row.

Must Read: 4 Golden Rules You Need To Follow To Lift For Decades Injury-Free


This is how to perform the landmine row correctly:

  1. Secure one end of a barbell in a corner or a landmine attachment. 
  2. Load appropriate weight on the free end.
  3. Face away from the anchor point and stand near the shoulder of the other end.
  4. Stand over the barbell with one foot on either side with a slightly wider than shoulder-width stance.
  5. Bend down and grip the barbell with both hands. 
  6. Hinge at your lower back and push your hips back as you lower your upper torso until it is at a 30-40 degree angle with the floor.
  7. Slightly bend your knees and keep your back straight. Maintain this position throughout the exercise.
  8. Take a deep breath and brace your core
  9. Pull the barbell towards your chest while leading with your elbows.
  10. Focus on pulling back your shoulder blades as you elevate the bar.
  11. Pause and contract your lats at the top of the movement.
  12. While exhaling, return to the starting position with a slow and controlled motion.
  13. Repeat for recommended or desired number of reps

Pro Tip: You could also use a V-handle bar attachment in this exercise as it can help you get a better grip on the bar.

Common Mistakes

Landmine row

Here are some of the most common mistakes that lifters commit while performing the landmine row:

1. Bending Too Low

Many gym-goers overdo the movement by bending over way too much. Bending over too low has a couple of drawbacks:

  • You cannot lift heavy as your center of gravity is off. This is a major setback as optimal back training requires both volume and intensity.
  • Makes your lower back vulnerable to an injury.

On the other hand, some lifters do not bend over at all. You need to be at a 30-40 degree angle with the floor to train your target muscles effectively.

Related: 7 Common (But Lethal) Fitness Mistakes You Need To Avoid

2. Flaring Out Your Elbows 

Bodybuilding requires optimal muscle fiber recruitment and annihilation that you can only achieve through a solid mind-muscle connection.

If you flair out your elbows while performing the landmine row, you will not be able to contract your shoulder blades and lats at the top of the movement. Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible to make the most of the exercise.

3. Incorrect Back Posture

You need to ensure that you maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise. Most lifters either make the mistake of arching their back or worse – hunching over.

The most common reason for a bad form is excessive use of weight. If you cannot maintain a neutral spine or cannot bend over to the 30-40 degree mark, you should drop the weight (and your ego) and try again.

4. Not Trying New Things

Apart from trying advanced training techniques like dead stops, intra-set stretching, and varied TuTs, the anchored barbell allows you to try many variations to train your back from different angles. This point is also a perfect segue into…


Trying different variations and alternatives of the landmine row is a great way to ensure you never hit a plateau. Here are some variations that you need to try in your next back workout:

1. Parallel One-Arm Landmine Row

parallel bar

Since unilateral exercises allow you to focus on one side at a time, they are a great alternative if you are dealing with muscle or strength imbalances.


  1. Anchor a barbell in a corner.
  2. Stand on the right side of the barbell so that your left foot is a few inches away from the bar. 
  3. Assume a shoulder-width stance.
  4. Hinge at your hips and bend over while maintaining a neutral spine until your torso is at a 30-40 degree angle with the floor. 
  5. Grab the shoulder of the barbell with your left hand and place your right elbow on your right knee to help stabilize your lower back and pelvis. 
  6. Take a deep breath and pull the bar towards your chest. 
  7. Pause and contract at the top of the movement. 
  8. Return to the starting position slowly while breathing out.
  9. Repeat for recommended reps before switching sides.

2. Meadows Row

This variation was made famous by the late, John Meadows. Although the Meadows row primarily targets your back, it also challenges one’s grip and indirectly targets the bicep.


  1. Position a barbell in a landmine attachment or the corner of a wall.
  2. Stand at one end of the barbell so that your body is perpendicular to the bar.
  3. Assume a split stance with the inside leg back and the outside leg forward.
  4. Bend forward until your chest is just above parallel to the floor.
  5. Grab the bar with a pronated grip.
  6. Begin the movement by driving the elbow behind the body while retracting the shoulder blade.
  7. Pause and contract your lat at the top of the movement.
  8. Return to the starting position.
  9. Repeat for recommended reps before switching sides.

Pro Tip: In the Parallel One-Arm landmine row and Meadows row, you could also use a bench to add variety to the exercise. Using a bench reduces your core engagement and allows you to focus on contracting your lats and shoulder blades during the movement.

3. Inverted Row

Inverted row

Inverted rows are one of those exercises that look super easy but will have you running on fumes by the time you are done with them – or they are done with you. 


  1. Stand in front of a squat rack or Smith machine.
  2. Set the bar at the desired setting. If you are a beginner, consider setting it at your waist height as it will allow your arms to fully extend while keeping your body off the floor.
  3. Get under the bar and grab it with a pronated shoulder-width grip.
  4. At the start of the movement, your body will be suspended or just off the floor, with your heels being the only body part in contact with the floor.
  5. Contract your core and glutes and pull yourself up, leading with your chest.
  6. Your body should remain in a straight line throughout the movement. 
  7. Pause and contract for a second at the top of the movement and ensure that your shoulder blades are retracted (imagine squeezing a small ball between the shoulder blades) before slowly lowering to the starting position, with your arms fully extended.
  8. Repeat for recommended reps.

4. Seal Row

landmine row Variation

Seal row is an isolation exercise that will take your back gains to the next level. 


  1. Elevate a flat bench by placing an aerobic step under each side. 
  2. The height of the bench should be adequate so that the weight plates do not touch the floor when your arms are fully extended. 
  3. Grab the bar with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  4. Inhale and pull the bar towards your abdomen.
  5. Pull the bar until it touches the underside of the bench.
  6. Pause and contract your shoulder blades and lats at the top of the movement.
  7. With control, lower the bar back to the starting position.
  8. Repeat for recommended reps.

Related: T-Bar Row Your Way To A Cobra Back: How-To, Muscles Worked, and Variations

5. Pendlay Row

Developed by Olympic weightlifting coach Glenn Pendlay, the Pendlay row is a bodybuilding exercise that activates muscle groups throughout your body—including your lats, rhomboids, biceps, glutes, hamstrings, and rear deltoids


  1. Stand upright in front of a barbell with a shoulder-width stance.
  2. Hinge at your hips and begin to bend your hips and knees to lower your body toward the barbell. 
  3. Grab the bar with an overhand grip and engage your back muscles by rotating your shoulders outward.
  4. Maintain a flat back and keep your chin tucked throughout the movement (as if you were holding an egg under your chin). 
  5. Initiate the upward movement by squeezing your lats and pulling the barbell toward your lower chest. Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible.
  6. Pause and contract your lats at the top of the movement.
  7. While maintaining your rowing alignment, straighten your elbows and allow the barbell to travel back toward the floor until the weight plates contact the ground.
  8. Pause for a second at the starting position.
  9. Repeat for recommended repetitions. 

Next Read: Annihilate Your Workout with These Landmine Exercises


The landmine row is an effective back builder and should be a part of every lifter’s exercise arsenal. Switching up your time under tension and rep tempos while performing the exercises mentioned above will give you enough variations that will keep you busy for a long time. 

Which is your favorite back exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Urs Kalecinski Must Lose 26 Pounds Before Olympia, Measures Body Fat With Greg Doucette

Body fat

Urs Kalecinski is tipping the scales at 275 pounds and must lose over 25 pounds to make Classic Physique weight.

Classic Physique bodybuilder, Urs Kalecinski has emerged as one of the best, young talents in Classic Physique division. After bursting onto the scene over the last year, could there be a switch to Men’s Open in the future? Kalecinski recently hit a workout with Greg Doucette while measuring his overall body fat. After seeing Kalecinski pose at 275 pounds, Doucette detailed why the German bodybuilder needs to lose over 25 pounds to make weight Classic Physique.

“He’s trying to convince you that he’s doing Classic. This is his coming out party. Urs is going to Open, everyone. New flash. He’s not in Classic.”

Kalecinski has been climbing up the division recently. He earned his highest finish at the Olympia in 2022, behind only Chris Bumstead and Ramon Rocha Queiroz. At the Arnold Classic in March, Ramon Dino topped Kalecinski again as the two battled in the final.

Now, Kalecinski is preparing for another appearance on the biggest stage but has some changes to make if he wants to compete in Classic.

Urs Kalecinski workout
Image via Instagram @the.miraclebear

Urs Kalecinski Measures Body Fat

Greg Doucette began measuring Urs Kalecinski’s body fat after watching a posing session before a workout.

“Honestly, you’re way bigger than I was expecting and way leaner at this size. It doesn’t make sense.”

Doucette hit four major parts on Kalecinski’s body — biceps, triceps, back, and midsection. Using his own eyes, Doucette guessed 11% before beginning his tests.

“I don’t know how we’re gonna pinch the skin on this. There’s so much muscle but we’ll try.”


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The biceps measured 3.1% while the triceps hit 4.8%. Doucette moved to the back, which was 11.1%, before finding 5.5% in Kalecinski’s midsection. Kalecinski currently holds 10.3% body fat at 275 pounds.

Doucette then tested Kalecinski’s fat vs mass, which determined the bodybuilder’s weight if he took the stage at 0% body fat. While this is obviously impossible, it helps determine how much weight Kalecinski would have to lose. This weight was 246 pounds, meaning Kalecinski would have to drop 26 pounds of muscle to compete in Classic Physique.

“If I was your coach, I’d say take the next six months off and start training a couple months from the Olympia. What’s the point of training when you’re putting n muscle that you have to remove.”

As of now, there is no plan for Urs Kalecinski to make the jump to Men’s Open. The future is uncertain but for the time being, Kalecinski will continue to train to fight for a Classic Physique Olympia title.

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