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Try Reverse Pyramid Training to Elevate Strength & Muscle Gains

reverse pyramid training

Reverse pyramid training will explode your strength. 

Several highly effective training routines are available to boost strength and build muscle. It begins with identifying your fitness goals and crafting a workout to meet those needs (1). However, one undeniable truth is that as you progress, you’ll need to introduce adaptations and incorporate variety into your training to continue making strides. This is where set and rep schemes like drop sets, supersets, and pyramid sets come into play. Today, we’ll examine how the workout strategy reverse pyramid training can improve your strength and muscle gains. 

Pyramid training involves using lighter weights and many reps to start an exercise. Then, you increase the weight and reduce the number of reps for the next set. This culminates in you doing your heaviest set and the lowest number of reps during your final set. 

Doing pyramid sets is an effective way to increase your strength and build muscle. However, after a while, you’ll need to change even this effective training structure as your body will get used to it, which could lead to a plateau

In addition, standard pyramid training doesn’t allow you to have as intense of sets each working set, which is essential for maximizing muscle growth. Furthermore, when you work up to your heaviest load, your muscles are already fatigued. Welcome reverse pyramid training! The reverse pyramid scheme is one of the changes you can adopt, and in this post, we look at how to use it to improve your strength and muscle growth. 

What Is Reverse Pyramid Training?

reverse pyramid training

As the name suggests, reverse pyramid training takes the pyramid set structure and flips it on its head. This time, you start with heavy weights and reduce the weight from there (2). You can use reverse pyramid training for isolation or compound exercises, but it’s best suited for compound routines that work many muscles simultaneously. 

How do you incorporate this exactly? Let’s say that for your first set, you start with a heavy load that allows you to perform only four to six reps. To implement reverse pyramid training, you reduce the weight by 10-15% for your next set and then increase your rep range by two to hit six to eight reps. Then, for your final set, drop the weight by another 10-15% and add two more reps for eight to ten reps.

Reverse pyramid training is a great way to maximize your progress and get multi-layered gains. It engages your slow twitch (endurance) and fast twitch (strength and power-focused) muscle fibers. Hitting both muscle fibers is crucial to optimize strength and hypertrophy

How Do You Make Progress 

With the reverse pyramid training scheme, the weight or reps increase with each workout. Experts call this the double progression system. Introducing progress with this training methodology is vital so your body doesn’t get used to it. Below is a simple way that you can do that.

  1. Start workout one as described above with a heavy weight that can get you to that initial number of reps and then progressively pyramid down as stated. This could be seven reps for set one in your four to six-rep range.
  2. Keep the same high weight for your next week of pyramid training, but aim for a maximum of eight reps this time.
  3. Then, for your next workout, you can slightly increase the weight by five pounds and aim for the four to six-rep range in your first set. 
  4. Note that you should reduce the weight if you fail to hit your minimum number of reps at any point. Adjust your sets individually as needed, but try to maintain your rest intervals between sets strictly. 

How It Improves Strength

Strength training involves a lot of multi-joint exercises, and reverse pyramid training ensures you’re pushing yourself each workout. Not having intense enough sets will kill your gains. 

In addition, it’ll stop you from using a heavy load too often, making your reps lower than they should be for muscle growth. Reverse pyramid training will also take you through different rep schemes — heavy weight with fewer reps, lighter weight with more reps — maximizing strength and muscle growth. 

This training strategy ultimately affects your fast-twitch muscle fibers responsible for strength and power. Training like this is excellent for athletes who notice that they are just slogging it out in their recent strength training. Reverse pyramid training will help increase your strength without risking overtraining or improper form since you’re not stuck lifting maximum loads each set. 

Reverse Pyramid Training & Muscle Growth

strength and muscle growth

Reverse pyramid training leads to a greater volume of reps while training. Research shows that increasing your training volume is a great way to increase muscle growth (3). The first heavy set also tells you exactly how to load your muscles in subsequent sets, letting you train as close as possible to failure.

Other Advantages of Reverse Pyramid Training

Ultimately, reverse pyramid training allows you to lift while practicing the progressive overload principle. With it, you can slowly add challenges to your training using reps, sets, and loads. This provides the right stimulus to keep your muscles growing.

Reverse pyramid training also brings much-needed variety to your workout. It engages your fast-twitch muscles first as you apply your strength and focus to lift the heaviest weight. Your slow twitch endurance-oriented muscles aren’t left out either and come into play towards the end of your training. 

Adding Reverse Pyramid Training to Your Workouts

Reverse pyramid training is best utilized with compound movements because using the heaviest weight you can lift while fresh is critical for optimizing muscle growth in large muscle groups. So, for the best results, we recommend using this strategy on your chest and back workouts on multi-joint exercises. Some great resistance exercises that go well with reverse pyramid training include the barbell bench press, shoulder press, and bent-over row

Ramp or standard pyramid training fares best with secondary muscle groups like biceps and triceps and isolating your leg muscles like quads and hamstrings. That’s because these muscles groups are single-joint exercises and respond better to volume than heavy weights. 

Want to shake up your training routine and take your strength and muscle gains to the next level? Give reverse pyramid training a try and experience peak strength like never before.

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more workout tips! 


  1. Kraemer, W. J., & Ratamess, N. A. (2004). Fundamentals of resistance training: progression and exercise prescription. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 36(4), 674–688. https://doi.org/10.1249/01.mss.0000121945.36635.61 
  2. Cattan, G. H. (2021). Pyramidal Systems in Resistance Training. Encyclopedia, 1(2), 423–432. https://doi.org/10.3390/encyclopedia1020035 
  3. Schoenfeld, B. J., Contreras, B., Krieger, J., Grgic, J., Delcastillo, K., Belliard, R., & Alto, A. (2019). Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 51(1), 94–103. https://doi.org/10.1249/MSS.0000000000001764

WATCH: ‘DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story’ Official Release Trailer | Available Now On Digital!

DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story is now available on all major digital platforms

The highly-anticipated moment has finally arrived—DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story is now readily available across major digital platforms. This freshly released documentary delves deep into the life, bodybuilding journey, and profound impact of Tony Pearson. You can stream or download DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story today right here.

Tony Pearson, widely known as the “Michael Jackson of Bodybuilding,” once stood at the pinnacle of the bodybuilding world before his seemingly abrupt disappearance from the sport. Distributed by Generation Iron Network and produced by Tequila Mockingbird Productions,  DRIVEN aims to untangle this mystery while simultaneously spotlighting the dramatic challenges he encountered and his unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. You can get a glimpse of this compelling documentary in the trailer above.

The True Story of Tony Pearson

In the realm of bodybuilding, few names shine as brilliantly as Tony Pearson’s. With unrelenting dedication and passion, Pearson graced the bodybuilding stage for the final time at the remarkable age of 63, marking the conclusion of a stellar career adorned with prestigious titles like Mr. America and Mr. Universe.

His sculpted physique and charismatic presence not only adorned the covers of renowned fitness magazines but also captured the hearts of global audiences. Among his numerous awe-inspiring moments, a groundbreaking couple’s routine performed at the Santa Monica Civic Center left spectators spellbound, resulting in a well-deserved standing ovation.

Yet beneath Tony Pearson’s remarkable success lies an extraordinary journey, far removed from the typical narrative of a rise to fame in the world of bodybuilding. The impetus behind his unwavering determination traces back to a traumatic childhood marred by abuse at the hands of his guardian, Auntie Bettie. This very drive led him into the world of bodybuilding as an escape from his abusive upbringing.

Tony Pearson Andrew Menjivar Cameron Mitchell
Andrew Menjivar, Tony Pearson, & Cameron Mitchell. Photo by Tshombe Sampson.

DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story is a documentary that promises to unveil this powerful narrative. It features poignant interviews with Pearson himself and captivating footage from his illustrious bodybuilding career, shedding light on the enduring impact of his abusive upbringing and his unyielding resilience.

The film also offers insights into the pivotal figures who played significant roles in Tony Pearson’s life, with appearances by Fabio, actor James Maslow, and bodybuilding superstar Mike O’Hearn. Director Andrew Menjivar alongside producers Cameron A. Mitchell and Thresa Richardson were granted special access to Tony’s most personal contacts, allowing them to conduct insightful interviews with individuals from his past and present. Particularly noteworthy is Thresa Richardson’s perspective, having grown up under the roof of Joe and Betty Weider, renowned figures in the fitness industry, which adds a profound layer to the storytelling.

Edwin Mejia Jr., co-founder and head of content at Generation Iron, expressed their enthusiasm, stating, “Generation Iron and The Vladar Company are renowned for their contributions to premium original strength sports content. Our interest in DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story was sparked by Tony’s remarkable life journey, and we are eager to share it with our dedicated audience of fitness, strength sports, and bodybuilding enthusiasts.”

Director Andrew Menjivar, founder of Tequila Mockingbird Productions, added, “The entire team is thrilled to present this documentary that delves deep into the extraordinary life of Tony Pearson, a true icon of the golden era of bodybuilding. This film, based on Tony’s own memoir, not only chronicles his remarkable career in the world of bodybuilding but also sheds light on the profound challenges he overcame during his harsh upbringing in the Deep South. DRIVEN is a story that exemplifies the extraordinary power of resilience and determination and transcends the confines of the sport to inspire audiences worldwide.”

DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story holds great significance in a world grappling with the widespread issue of child abuse. By illuminating Tony’s transformative journey, the documentary underscores the enduring impact of abuse on individuals and highlights the potential for self-improvement and personal growth. The film aims to inspire audiences by showcasing how one can conquer adversity, both physically and emotionally, and forge a path towards personal fulfillment.

How To Watch DRIVEN

Produced by Tequila Mockingbird Productions and distributed by Generation Iron Network, DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story is now available on all major digital platforms, including Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, and more. Prepare for an unforgettable cinematic experience that celebrates Tony Pearson’s indomitable spirit and his relentless pursuit of excellence.

You can stream or download your digital copy today right here or by clicking on the banner below.

Driven Tony Pearson Story

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?

creatine causing hair loss

Creatine and Hair Loss: Misconception or Real Concern?

Creatine is a popular supplement among athletes and fitness enthusiasts, known for its ability to enhance muscle growth and improve performance. While there are numerous benefits to using creatine supplements, there are also some concerns about its side effects. One of the most common questions asked by people who use creatine is whether it causes hair loss or not. Let’s explore the connection between creatine and hair loss and provide you with all the essential information you need to know. 

Let’s take a closer look at what creatine is, how it works, its benefits and potential side effects, as well as the causes of hair loss and misconceptions surrounding it. So, if you’re worried about losing your luscious locks due to creatine consumption, read on to learn more.

Understanding the Basics: What is Creatine?

Creatine is a compound that can be found in muscles. You get some of it through foods such as meat and fish, and it aids in supplying energy for high-intensity activities. Athletes and bodybuilders often use creatine supplements to enhance their muscle strength and power. Before incorporating any new dietary supplement, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional.

Purpose and Benefits of Creatine Supplements


Creatine supplements offer a range of benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts engaging in physical activity. By increasing phosphocreatine levels in the muscles, these supplements can improve athletic performance, particularly in high-intensity, short-duration activities. One of the primary benefits of creatine supplementation is its ability to aid in increasing muscle mass and strength during physical activity. Not only can these supplements reduce fatigue, but they also enhance exercise recovery, allowing individuals to push themselves harder during their workouts.

It’s important to note that proper dosage and hydration are crucial when using creatine supplements to maximize their effectiveness. So, if you’re looking to take your athletic performance to the next level during physical activity, incorporating creatine supplements into your routine may be worth considering.

Unveiling the Side Effects of Creatine Supplements

Creatine supplements are generally considered safe when used as directed. Some individuals may experience gastrointestinal issues, such as bloating or diarrhea. It is important to stay properly hydrated when taking creatine supplements. Additionally, long-term use of high doses may potentially affect kidney function, so it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any underlying medical conditions.

It’s worth noting that these side effects are not observed in everyone, and many individuals can safely take creatine without experiencing any negative effects. Ensuring the proper dosage, hydration, and consultation with a healthcare professional are key to minimizing any potential risks associated with creatine supplementation.

Impact on Weight Gain and Dehydration

Creatine supplementation can have an impact on weight gain due to increased water retention in the muscles. This initial weight gain is a temporary effect that results from the extra water stored in the muscle tissues. It’s important to be mindful of these changes in body weight when starting creatine supplementation. Additionally, it is crucial to maintain adequate hydration while using creatine supplements to avoid dehydration. This means drinking enough water throughout the day to compensate for the increased water retention in the muscles.

Along with creatine supplementation, maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise routine is essential for overall health and weight management. It’s important to listen to your body and make adjustments to your creatine supplementation as needed.

Potential Risks to Kidneys

While creatine supplementation is generally considered safe for healthy individuals, there are potential risks to kidney function that should be taken into consideration. Some studies have suggested a potential link between high-dose creatine supplementation and kidney function, particularly in individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions. It is important for those considering creatine supplements to consult a healthcare professional, especially if they have any underlying kidney issues.

Proper hydration and following the recommended dosage guidelines are crucial for maintaining kidney health. Regular monitoring of kidney function is also recommended for those using creatine supplements long-term. Additionally, it is essential to choose reputable brands and consider the quality and purity of the creatine product. By taking these precautions, healthy individuals can minimize potential risks to their kidneys.

Hair Loss: Causes and Misconceptions

Hair loss can occur due to various factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, and certain medical conditions. Although there are misconceptions about creatine causing hair loss, the scientific evidence supporting this claim is limited. It is important to understand the underlying causes of hair loss, including a receding hairline, before attributing it solely to creatine supplements. Consulting with a dermatologist or healthcare professional can help in obtaining an accurate diagnosis and personalized advice. To maintain optimal hair health, it is crucial to follow a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and a proper hair care routine. Keeping these factors in mind can contribute to the overall well-being of your hair.

Role of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in Hair Loss

hair transplant

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone derived from testosterone, plays a significant role in male pattern baldness and other hair loss conditions related to hormonal imbalances. It has the potential to affect hair follicles, resulting in hair loss for individuals who have a genetic predisposition. Both men and women can experience hair loss due to hormonal imbalances and sensitivity to DHT. Understanding the mechanisms through which DHT acts on hair follicles is crucial for addressing hair loss concerns, including those related to dermatology. To get personalized treatment options and a comprehensive evaluation, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional. By doing so, you can better understand the impact of DHT on hair loss and explore suitable solutions.

Creatine and Hair Loss: Is there a Connection?

The relationship between creatine supplementation and hair loss is not well-established. Limited studies suggest a potential association with increased DHT levels, but more research is needed. The current evidence does not conclusively prove that creatine directly causes hair loss. Individual factors, such as genetics and overall health, should be considered when assessing the potential impact of creatine on hair loss. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific situation.

Delving into the Relationship Between Creatine, DHT and Hair Loss

When it comes to understanding the relationship between creatine, DHT, and hair loss, it is important to delve into the science behind these factors. Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that plays a crucial role in energy production during high-intensity exercise, making it popular among athletes and rugby players. On the other hand, DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is a hormone derived from testosterone that is known to contribute to hair loss, especially in individuals with a genetic predisposition to androgenetic alopecia. DHT interacts with hair follicles, causing them to shrink and eventually stop producing hair. This is due to the conversion of testosterone to DHT in the presence of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. DHT is a major contributing factor in androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, which affects both men and women.

While some studies have suggested a potential link between creatine supplementation and increased DHT levels, more research is needed to establish a direct causative relationship between creatine and hair loss. It is worth noting that normal clinical limits of DHT levels vary among individuals, and factors such as genetics and other lifestyle factors can also affect hair loss. Additionally, one single study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found no significant difference in DHT levels between male rugby players who took creatine monohydrate and those who took a placebo. The researchers in this study did not assess hair loss in the participants, but they did observe the effect on hormone levels. Therefore, we can only observe the effect on hormone levels here.

As with any supplement, it is important to consider potential side effects and practice safe and responsible use. Maintaining a balanced diet that includes red meat, seafood, and other sources of nutrients is key for overall health and hair growth. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation regimen to ensure it aligns with your specific needs and goals. Remember, while the relationship between creatine and hair loss is still being explored, understanding the factors that contribute to hair loss and taking a holistic approach to your well-being is always a good idea.

Can Regular Intake of Creatine Supplements Trigger Hair Loss?

Regular intake of creatine supplements does not directly trigger hair loss. Hair loss is influenced by various factors, including genetics, hormones, and overall health. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle and consulting with a healthcare professional for personalized advice are essential for addressing hair loss concerns.

How do Creatine Supplements Influence Testosterone Levels?

Creatine supplementation has been extensively studied, and it has been found that it does not significantly influence testosterone levels. Multiple scientific studies have shown no correlation between creatine intake and changes in testosterone levels. Creatine primarily enhances muscle mass and strength without affecting testosterone levels.

Is It Safe to Consume Creatine Without Risking Hair Loss?

Current evidence suggests that using creatine supplements is generally safe and does not cause hair loss. While it may exacerbate existing conditions in some individuals, healthy people without a genetic predisposition for hair loss can typically use creatine without worrying about its impact on their hair health. It’s always important to follow recommended dosages and consult a healthcare professional if concerns arise.

Hair Transplants

Now, if you are experiencing hair loss and have exhausted all other options, then perhaps a hair transplant is what you should go with, and we know just the place. 

Vera Clinic

Vera Clinic has been providing hair transplant operations for a decade and is staffed with the best hair transplant doctors in Turkey. The Clinic has been on the rise, being the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey since it was established.

One clinic that we can firmly recommend and specializes in hair transplants is Vera Clinic, a place for hair transplant in Turkey. You might not think of going to Turkey for a hair transplant, but if you want the best of the best, a good option is Vera Clinic.

Vera Clinic is an international hospital collaborating with highly accomplished specialists. Their team is full of top notch dentists, hair transplant and plastic surgeons, and surgeons in Turkey. They also have been providing hair transplant operations for about a decade, and are staffed with the best hair transplant doctors in Turkey. 

hair transplant

With hair transplants becoming more common, Vera Clinic is also rising in popularity and their reputation is growing. Vera Clinic has performed over 30,000 successful surgeries since they were founded, which is another factor that makes them the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey. Also, they has earned recognition from the European Awards in Medicine 2021 as the Best Hair Transplant Clinic of Europe.

The Best Creatine

Now that it has been cleared up that creatine does not directly impact hair loss, what creatine is the best for you?

Transparent Labs Creatine HMB

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Creatine HMB is clean and effective for tackling all of your strength building needs. With no artificial additives or preservatives, what you get is pure creatine with added HMB for better strength.

Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB is designed for those looking to enhance strength and endurance, while also decreasing body fat without sacrificing lean muscle mass. This supplement will also increase bioavailability and absorption so you do not lose out on any added benefits creatine has to offer.

With no added dyes or harmful additives, this product is simple and effective in helping you towards the intended goal. Being gluten-free and non-GMO as well adds to the cleanliness and quality of this supplement.



  • Great benefits
  • Transparent formula
  • Honest company


  • Premium price
  • Only available on their website

Price: $44.99


In conclusion, there is no direct evidence to suggest that creatine causes hair loss. Hair loss is a complex issue with multiple factors at play, including genetics and hormonal imbalances. While creatine may potentially have an indirect impact on hair loss by increasing DHT levels, more research is needed to establish a definitive link. If you are concerned about hair loss, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance based on your specific situation, but Vera Clinic is a great option if you are looking for a transplant. As far as creatine, Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB is your best bet!

 Remember, maintaining a balanced diet, managing stress levels, and adopting a healthy lifestyle are crucial for overall well-being, including the health of your hair.

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Getting Rid of Water Retention


Combatting the Effects of Water Retention

Anabolic steroids have been around for decades, and athletes and bodybuilders have used them for various reasons, such as packing on muscle mass and getting stronger. However, one of the side effects of anabolic steroid usage is water retention. This occurs when the body retains too much fluid, leading to bloating and swelling in different parts of the body. How exactly do anabolic steroids affect water retention? What are the dangers associated with it? Can it be mitigated? 

We will also explore supplements that can help reduce water retention, and provide a case study on real-life impacts of steroid usage. Lastly, we will discuss safe alternatives to anabolic steroids and what to do if you experience severe water retention from steroid usage. 

So let’s get started!

Differentiating Anabolic Steroids and Corticosteroids

anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids and corticosteroids are two distinct categories of steroids. While anabolic steroids are primarily used for performance enhancement, corticosteroids have medical purposes, such as reducing inflammation. Understanding the differences between these two types is crucial to avoid confusion and misuse. Anabolic steroids can have both positive and negative effects on the body, including water retention. On the other hand, corticosteroids do not typically cause water retention. Differentiating between anabolic steroids and corticosteroids is essential for informed decision-making and proper use of these substances.

Understanding Steroids and Their Categories

Different types of steroids have varying effects on the body. Steroids can be categorized as either anabolic or corticosteroids. Anabolic steroids are commonly used by bodybuilders to enhance performance, while corticosteroids are used for medical purposes. It is important to understand the differences between these two categories. Anabolic steroids, when used improperly, can lead to serious health risks such as increased blood pressure and liver damage. Corticosteroids, on the other hand, can help reduce inflammation and suppress the immune system. Both categories of steroids have their own benefits and risks, so it’s essential to use them responsibly under medical supervision.

The Role of Testosterone in Anabolic Steroids

Testosterone plays a vital role in the use of anabolic steroids. These steroids are designed to mimic the effects of testosterone in the body. By increasing testosterone levels, anabolic steroids help promote muscle growth and enhance strength. This hormone is responsible for the anabolic effects of these steroids, which go beyond what natural testosterone levels can achieve. Understanding the role of testosterone is crucial in comprehending the overall effects of anabolic steroids. The powerful influence of testosterone is what makes these substances so effective for bodybuilders and athletes.

Impact of Anabolic Steroids on the Body


Anabolic steroids have both positive and negative effects on the body. These substances are known to promote muscle growth and enhance athletic performance. However, it’s important to note that anabolic steroids also come with a range of potential side effects, so it is crucial to weigh the benefits against the risks before using them. Understanding the impact of anabolic steroids on the body is essential for making informed decisions about their use. By considering factors such as calories, your cortisol levels, and potential delayed puberty, individuals can make more educated choices when it comes to anabolic steroid usage.

How Anabolic Steroids Influence Water Retention

Anabolic steroids have the potential to cause water retention in the body, leading to fluid buildup. This common side effect can result in temporary weight gain and bloating. It’s important to understand how anabolic steroids affect water retention in order to effectively manage their use. Monitoring and maintaining a healthy fluid balance becomes crucial when using anabolic steroids. By being aware of the impact of these substances on water retention, individuals can make informed decisions and take appropriate measures to mitigate any negative effects.

Why Anabolic Steroids Lead to Fluid Retention

Anabolic steroids can cause an increase in fluid retention within the body. This is attributed to their impact on hormone levels and electrolyte balance. Steroids have the ability to influence the production of hormones like aldosterone, which plays a vital role in regulating fluid balance. 

Dangers of Water Retention Due to Anabolic Steroids

Excessive water retention from anabolic steroids can have serious consequences for the body. It puts strain on the cardiovascular system, leading to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues. Additionally, water retention can impact blood sugar levels and metabolism, disrupting the body’s normal functions. Monitoring and managing fluid balance is essential to prevent adverse effects. While it may seem harmless to have a little water retention, it could lead to nasty side effects, and being aware of the potential dangers of this, individuals can take steps to minimize the negative impacts on their health.

Long-term Effects of Water Retention

Prolonged water retention can have significant implications for long-term health. It is essential to understand the potential consequences of this condition, especially when it comes to using anabolic steroids. Excessive water retention can contribute to chronic conditions like high blood pressure and may impact overall organ function and well-being. Being aware of these potential risks is crucial for making informed decisions. To mitigate the effects of water retention, monitoring and managing fluid balance is key, particularly when using anabolic steroids. 

Other Causes of Water Retention

Now, water retention is not solely caused by the use of anabolic steroids, there are other factors that cause this to happen, such as the hormones during the menstrual cycle. One of the biggest reasons people retain water is a high sodium diet, meaning they consume a lot of sodium but do not do anything to flush it out. This can cause the body to hold more water, and your physique to look a little less than ideal.

How to Mitigate Water Retention

To reduce water retention while using anabolic steroids, there are strategies you can follow. Regulating sodium intake helps maintain fluid balance. Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet. Maintaining a clean diet while on anabolic steroids is extremely important to avoid excess water retention and bloating. Try to avoid processed food and foods that are high in sodium. Seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is important. Knowing how to mitigate water retention minimizes associated risks.

Role of Supplements in Reducing Water Retention

Certain supplements can play a role in reducing water retention associated with anabolic steroid use. Natural diuretics like dandelion root can help maintain fluid balance by promoting increased urine production. Additionally, potassium supplements have the ability to counteract the effects of sodium on water retention. However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any supplements into your routine. 


XPEL is a trusted diuretic formula used by fitness models, bodybuilders and millions of consumers for over a decade because it works, and is safer than other options.

While we are on the topic of using supplements to get rid of water retention, it is worth noting that many times, diuretics can be dangerous. However, MHP has released an herbal diuretic that helps shed water weight in a safe way. 

XPEL is packed with all natural ingredients such as Vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which are combined in a formula designed to remove excess water weight and reduce bloating fast, and safely. While you see a lot of bodybuilders using diuretics for competitions such as the Mr. Olympia, XPEL can help you get slim and slender for any occasion whether it’s going to the beach, out on a date, easing menstrual cramps, or just to help you look and feel your best.


XPEL Ingredients

The ingredients in XPEL include:

  • Vitamin B6 which plays a key role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which can aid digestion and reduce bloating.
  • Potassium which may reduce bloating by helping to balance the body’s sodium levels.
  • Magnesium which might be helpful for reducing unpleasant menstrual symptoms in women because of its ability to reduce bloating and water retention.
  • Calcium which helps to lower the amount of acid in the stomach.
  • 8 natural herbs which help facilitate the kidneys to excrete water retention including: Uva ursi, Juniper berry, Dandelion, Horsetail, Hydrangea root, Bucha leaf, Couch grass and Cornsilk stylus.  

Price, Effectiveness, and How to Take

xpel diuretic

When it comes to how to take XPEL, you need 4 capsules with 16 ounces of water, twice daily. Once served in the morning, and one in the afternoon, and do not surpass that.

As far as the price, you can get 20 servings for $29.99! For effectiveness, the Generation Iron team had the pleasure of trying XPEL, one instance was leading up to a bodybuilding competition, and come the morning of show day, the physique was as dry as could be! Take a look: 

Steroids water retention
Left: 170 lbs before using XPEL Right: 163 lbs after using XPEL for a bodybuilding show prep


How Can One Identify Water Retention Caused by Steroid Usage?

Identifying water retention caused by steroid usage involves recognizing symptoms and signs such as bloating, swelling, and weight gain. Differentiating between natural water retention and that caused by anabolic steroids is crucial, as is understanding diagnostic methods used to confirm fluid retention due to steroid usage.

Alternatives to Anabolic Steroids: Is there a Safer Option?

Looking for safer options to anabolic steroids that don’t cause water retention? Explore alternative supplements that offer similar benefits without the risk of fluid buildup. Discover non-steroidal alternatives for achieving desired results. Understand the potential risks and benefits of using alternative substances. Achieve your goals without the adverse effects of water retention.

What Should One Do if Experiencing Severe Water Retention from Anabolic Steroids?

If you’re experiencing severe water retention from anabolic steroids, there are steps you can take to manage and reduce it. Mitigate the adverse effects by exploring potential treatments and remedies. Seek professional advice for addressing excessive fluid retention caused by anabolic steroids.


In summary, water retention is a common side effect associated with anabolic steroid usage. The increase in water retention can lead to bloating and weight gain, which can be uncomfortable and undesirable. It is important to mitigate water retention when using anabolic steroids to minimize the potential negative effects on the body. This can be done through various methods, such as implementing a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and incorporating supplements that help reduce water retention. 

However, diuretics can be dangerous! But, with XPEL, an herbal diuretic, you can shed that unwanted water weight no problem, without the risk associated with regular diuretics. 

Will you be giving it a try?

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


Gaspari movie

Chris Bumstead Attacks Back Workout With Iain Valliere

Back Wokrout
@cbum Instagram

The reigning Classic Physique Olympia champion, Chris Bumstead hit a back workout with Iain Valliere.

Chris Bumstead is currently preparing for what he hopes will be his fifth consecutive Classic Physique Olympia title. As we creep closer to the show, in this post we detail Bumstead’s intense back workout with Pro Bodybuilder, Iain Valliere for a back day.

Valliere might have retired from competitive bodybuilding but will continue to train hard in the gym. During his career, Valliere found great success in recent years. In 2020, Valliere returned to the Olympia after winning the New York Pro and improved to seventh in Men’s Open. The 2021 season was successful for Valliere as well, winning back-to-back shows during the Tampa Pro and Texas Pro. This year, Valliere won gold during the Toronto Pro Supershow.

As for Bumstead, he continues to be one of the biggest stars in bodybuilding. He won his first Olympia title in 2019 and has not relinquished the title since. On his YouTube page, Bumstead shared his latest back workout during prep.

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Chris Bumstead & Iain Valliere Back Workout

Pullover Machine

The workout began with warmup sets on the pullover machine. Bumstead spoke on his back routine and how he likes to fire up the back with this exercise.

“My back is fuc*ing random. I do like two working sets. One of them is optional, like a droplet or something. If I feel good, I’ll do three but typically two working sets. Six exercises, warmup with some pullovers.”

Bent-Over Rows

Bent-over rows were next on the list. Bumstead had been performing more chest-supported exercises and decided to mix it up.

“I’ve been neglecting rows so we’re starting with that today. to going crazy heavy, just trying to control the first five or six reps and lockout on the squeeze. And focus on squeezing up into my hips and lower lats. I’m gonna do one or two sets reverse grip to hit even more lower lats.”

Chest Supported Rows

Chris Bumstead returned to chest-supported exercises with a row machine. He discussed his weight with Valliere, who admitted he is leaner than this time last year.

“I’ve plateaued for like three weeks almost…I’m getting leaner though. Until I’m like four weeks out, I’m not going to worry about my weight.”

“You’re definitely getting leaner. You’re in good shape for six weeks out,” Valliere said.


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Dual Cable Lat Pulldowns

During the next exercise, which was lat pulldowns, Bumstead joked about making the switch to Men’s Physique.

“Men’s Physique this year. Men’s Physique weight cutoffs are what my weight cutoff was last year so might as well hop into Men’s Physique this year, change it all up. I’ve been training abs for like five weeks now. Catch me in the board shorts for 2023.”

Plate Loaded Machine Low Row

“We’ve had a nice little workout. Some sh*t that’s been aching in pain for me felt pretty good today.”

Chest Supported Dumbbell Lat Raises

During the last exercise of the day, Bumstead shared that he will be putting out another video explaining his split. He has isolated back on its own day rather than doing it with biceps.

“I switched my split up a little bit. Maybe my next video, I’ll explain what my split is but I do arms after back now. So instead of doing back and bi’s, I do a complete day to focus on a back workout and have arms tomorrow. Because of that, I’ve added in rear delts to back day.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Ritual Essential Women’s Multivitamin Review

Everything you need to know about Ritual Essential Women’s Multivitamin

Ritual is a female-founded company that takes a transparent and straightforward approach to supplements. The founder, Kat Schneider, started the company after seeing how many synthetic ingredients and additives were in her prenatal supplements. She partnered with a team of researchers to create a supplement for women, without all the muck. The ingredients are traceable, simple, transparent, and affordable. The result was a line of supplements from protein to women’s multivitamins containing optimized ingredients that most women are otherwise missing.

Nothing can replace whole-foods, but modern farming and food production techniques mean that we cannot get the same amount of nutrition from food as we once did. If you are feeling fatigued, week, anxious, or even depressed, it could be that you lack some essential minerals or vitamins. And if you live an active lifestyle, it is even more important to give your body what it needs. If you are a woman who is new to the world of fitness and supplements, check out Stephanie Buttermore for some inspiration.

I am always looking for clean and reliable ways to supplement my diet. I thought I had it down, but recently I have been feeling pretty low on energy. Therefore, I decided to try a women’s multivitamin, and here I will review the product and my experience taking it.

Ritual Essential Multivitamin made the top 5 of our Best Women’s Product of the Year in the 2020 GI Supplement Awards!

Generation Iron Supplement Awards Women's Product Ritual Essential For Women

Check out the winner and other finalists on the Supplement Awards page here.

What is it?

Ritual Essential For Women 50+ is a great multivitamin to fill in any gaps for those active females. With 8 ingredients, this works to provide foundational health with a smart design to absorb all of these nutrients effectively.

Ritual Essential Women’s Multivitamin is a multivitamin designed to provide women with nutrients and minerals that they are often lacking. The ingredient list is simple and straightforward, and it comes in small, easy to take capsules with a minty aroma.


Ritual have an in-house team of scientists who looked through thousands of studies to find what women commonly lack and, importantly, how the body best absorbs those nutrients. They came up with nine ingredients that are deemed to be essential for women, and put it right in the women’s multivitamin.

They are also vegan, non- GMO, gluten-free, free from harmful fillers or colorants, and peppermint scented.

The ingredients are:

  • Magnesium – Support normal muscle contraction and comes from sources that are easily absorbed by the body. A lack of magnesium can leave some people feeling anxious.
  • Omega-3 DHA – Sourced from microalgae making it vegan and sustainable. Omega-3 is excellent for heart health, amongst many other benefits.
  • Iron – In the chelated form, which is gentle on the stomach. Iron supports red blood cell formation. Women often lack iron, especially when menstruating can cause people to feel week and moody.
  • Folate – Supports DNA methylation.
  • B12 – B12 deficiency is common and leads to fatigue. They use the biologically active form, which is found in our bodies, as opposed to cyanocobalamin.
  • D3 – In its vegan-certified form from sustainably-harvested lichen. Vitamin D3 is essential for healthy bones.
  • Boron – Helps calcium absorption and comes from food sources.
  • K2 – Supports bone health and can be challenging to get from food for many people. This nutrient comes from a soy-free source.
  • E – The majority of people do not get enough vitamin E. In this supplement, it is soy-free and comes from a tocopherol source.

What Ingredients Are Not included?

You may have noticed that this women’s multivitamin has very few ingredients compared to many other multivitamins in the market. According to the scientists at Ritual, less is more.

Many supplements on the market contain ingredients such as vitamin C, copper, and selenium. However, most people get enough of these nutrients from their food alone. Taking more of them isn’t necessary, and it can even be harmful. Ritual takes the approach that you should be eating a well-balanced diet first, and this multivitamin is here to fill in the gaps, which is why they tailor their products for men or women, as we need different things.

Another product they are missing is calcium. Again, most people get enough calcium in their diet, so Ritual has prioritized ingredients to help your body absorb the calcium you already consume in your diet.

How to Take

Ritual recommend two women’s multivitamin capsules taken daily with or without food. Take consistently for at least two weeks to notice any change; although some people, they may not reap the rewards for up to 4 months.

My Experience

I decided to take two supplements daily with breakfast. Ritual claim that they can be taken without food; however, food can prevent stomach reactions and boost absorption and bioavailability.

The minty flavor, clear casing, and small size make them easy to swallow, with no nasty aftertaste.

I had no adverse reactions to taking this multivitamin, such as heartburn, or an upset stomach, that I have experienced with other supplements. Ritual is a vegan, delayed-release capsule that bypasses the stomach to prevent nausea and increase the nutrients’ absorption.

I also noticed that it didn’t turn my pee yellow, which means that my body was adequately absorbing the nutrients. Bright yellow pee implies that your body is expelling a lot of the good stuff, and if that is the case, then what’s the point?

women's vitamin

How it Made Me Feel

I have taken Ritual Women’s Multivitamin for almost four months, and overall, I feel less fatigued and more focused. I also feel less stressed and more grounded.

I even noticed that I was performing better in my workouts. If you are working to gain strength like me, then check out this article on Top 10 Things Every Woman Should Know About Strength Training. Perhaps this is because I am now receiving vitamins that I lacked, or maybe it is the B12, D, and magnesium that have been shown to boost mood.

Whatever the reason, I have felt the benefits, and therefore I will continue to take this supplement.

Will it Work for You?

This is a multivitamin and not a supplement like caffeine that will leave you feeling widely different. The effects are subtle. Whether it works for you depends on whether you lack any nutrients. However, considering it has been well-researched to provide women with what they commonly lack, there is a good chance that this supplement can hep you.

As I see it, if Ritual is in any way responsible for my better mood and lowered fatigue, it is worth taking, and it is worth you trying it.

Women’s Multivitamin Conclusion

For me, adding Ritual to my daily routine is well worth it. Unlike other multivitamins I have tried, it is easy to take and doesn’t leave me with bright yellow urine, making me feel more confident that I am giving my body what it needs, and nothing else.

It has just nine simple ingredients that have been professionally researched, giving women what they most commonly lack, and promotes the absorption of nutrients.

It is a high-quality multivitamin with a minty taste, and I would recommend that you give it a go and see how you feel. Especially if you have been feeling fatigued, stressed, anxious, or unfocused.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Fitness Influencer Shares 165-Pound Weight Loss Journey: “Anything Is Possible”

fitness influencer weight loss
Images via @aayala.catt Instagram

Aayala Catt has gained a massive following due to her incredible fitness journey.

There are different options for those who want to drop a few pounds. Some crank it up in the gym a bit while others have opted for operations, such as gastric sleeve surgery. For Aayala Cattboth options helped her complete her incredible fitness journey.

Catt recently shared a post detailing her road to losing an insane 165 pounds. Catt’s weight loss journey began with a workout plan, followed by an operation, and now Catt remains extremely active in the gym to keep weight off.

Since her transformation, Catt has turned into a fitness influencer on social media, nearing 70,000 followers on Instagram despite only having 18 posts. For Catt, her journey began in 2020 and she did not wait until her surgery to begin.

In 2020, Catt decided to undergo gastric sleeve surgery. Prior to going under the knife, she began taking on some intense bodybuilding-style workouts to drop weight. She lost 25 pounds before surgery and more fell off after thanks to a consistent diet and cardio plan. After losing 165 pounds, Catt required another surgery to remove loose skin. Amazingly enough, Catt lost so much weight that she has to begin putting more on.

Catt got all the way down to 115 pounds and wanted to get to a healthier weight. She was able to reach 165 pounds and this is where she has been able to stay.


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Aayala Catt Shares Fitness Journey

On Sept. 19, Catt took to Instagram to show off her insane fitness journey and weight loss transformation.

“Had a long journey, but having discipline and beliefs in yourself, anything is possible, it’s all in your control. I always wanted to feel good in my own body, until I made the decision to stop making excuses and work for it, so I didn’t give up this time after so many times trying,and now I can finally say I did it.
And so can you.”


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Aayala Catt’s fitness journey has inspired many people who want to lose weight. She was able to get down to her ideal weight and maintain her physique due to motivation and consistency, both in the gym and her diet plan.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Cellucor C4 Ultimate Review For Serious Pre-Workout Performance

Cellucor C4 Ultimate

This pre-workout is great for delivering extreme focus and energy so you feel powerful pumps and see peak performance.

Sometimes it takes us too long to get ready for a workout. We feel sluggish, tired, exhausted after a long day at work or going through daily activities. And yes, there are those times where our bodies just won’t get off the couch, but becoming a couch potato is not an option. Pre-workout supplements are a great way to get you moving so you see those gains you want most. With ingredients to boost energy and help see growth and added gains, these products are a tasty way to get up and get moving. There are so many options of pre-workout on the market, but Cellucor C4 Ultimate is a powerful pre-workout designed to see real energy, serious pumps, and allow you to reach peak performance for the best results.

What a good pre-workout will do is give you a real boost of energy to get you up and moving while also providing focus and alertness so you stay on top of all your workouts. These supplements can also provide for muscle pumps to get your blood flowing so you see that desired growth you want most. By working to reduce fatigue, they can keep you going for longer while also enhancing recovery so you bounce back faster and with less stress. Cellucor C4 Ultimate can do this and more as you seek the most out of your peak performance.

Cellucor C4 Ultimate Highlights

Cellucor C4 Ultimate is a powerful pre-workout supplement designed to increase energy, provide powerful muscle pumps, and enhance focus for peak performance. Effective ingredients and a fully transparent label ensure you get the best for your pre-workout needs.

Cellucor is a leading sports nutrition brand creating award winning products that are quality you can trust in. With a focus on creating the best supplements for athletes everywhere matched by prompt customer service, Cellucor is on a mission to better the lives of their consumers with top tier supplements, amazing benefits and results, and quality care.

Cellucor C4 Ultimate is a great pre-workout supplement designed to help you see results and achieve peak performance so all your goals are met. This supplement will work to deliver serious energy, provide powerful pumps, enhance better muscular endurance, and offer extreme focus so you see huge gains and reach peak performance.

C4 Ultimate is clinically studied ingredients are mixed into a cutting-edge formula to only give you the best when it comes success. A fully transparent label tells you everything you deserve to know and this supplement contains no artificial flavors, dyes, or proprietary blends to ruin a great product.


C4 Ultimate Ingredients

Ultimate Energy

Caffeine Anhydrous: Works to elevate energy so you can tackle any grueling workout while boosting focus and reaction time to improve performance (1).

Theacrine: Can help you push through fatigue and enhance energy and focus for the best in terms of performance (2).

Rauwolfia vomitoria: May boost exercise performance as well as enhancing mood as an effective activator of serotonin receptors.

Ultimate Performance

CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine: Works as a buffer for pH levels to push past fatigue that may strike.

Creatine HCL: This is creatine bound to hydrochloric acid which will work towards increased bioavailability and reduce side effects (3).

Creatine Nitrate: Can improve cardiovascular performance and power output for those more grueling workouts while also improving the flow of oxygen.

Ultimate Pumps

L-Citrulline: Can boost nitric oxide while maintaining good blood flow for increased muscle pumps (4).

Citrulline Malate: May help delay the onset of fatigue to keep you working harder and for longer.

Citrulline Nitrate: Can improve vascular function and exercise performance as well as increasing the bioavailability of nitric oxide.

Ultimate Focus

Taurine: Can help with aerobic and anaerobic performance, metabolic stress, and recovery while also improving focus to stay on track (5).

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine: May boost cognition and alertness for increased focus and may also improve mood (6).

AlphaSize A-GPC: Can enhance brain metabolism for improved focus, memory, and sports performance.

Huperzine A: Used to enhance cognition during exercise, this can improve focus, alertness, and muscle strength.

Cellucor C4 Ultimate

Stim Or No Stim Stim
Calories 5
Carbs Less than 1
Sugar N/A
Number Of Servings 12, 20, or 40
Flavors Icy Blue Razz, Strawberry Watermelon, Orange Mango, Sour Batch Bros, Cotton Candy
Best Way To Take Take one scoop with 10-12 fl. oz. of water 20-30 minutes before training.

Price, Flavors & Effectiveness

Cellucor C4 Ultimate is that pre-workout supplement you need most to deliver energy, pumps, muscular endurance and extreme focus to capitalize on all your gains. With 12 servings per container, 1 scoop of this powerful formula will pump you with everything you need to see peak performance and serious gains.


  • Delivers energy, powerful pumps, muscular endurance, and extreme focus, among other benefits
  • Effective ingredients to help see results and achieve peak performance
  • A fully transparent label with no artificial dyes, flavors, or proprietary blends
  • From a well-known company in Cellucor


  • Low number of servings makes us wish there were more and it gets pricey with higher servings
  • Flavor tastes great but may be strong for some

Price: $23.99

Check out our list of the Best Pre-Workout Supplements for more great pre-workout products!


Can I take pre-workout instead of coffee?

Your morning coffee may not be doing it for you, so pre-workout could be a good replacement. Just be wary of the caffeine amount and and beta alanine, and be prepared for the effects of it.

Is pre-workout better than energy drinks?

This all depends on your needs, personal preference, and budget. Typically an energy drink is more expensive per serving than pre-workout, with similar contents.

Isn’t C4 for gym newbies?

Cellucor has been putting C4 out for a long time, and there are definitely a lot of pre-workout brands out there now with quality products, so you may think C4 is for those who do not know much about the gym and other brands. But, Cellucor keeps up with the times and their formula for C4 Ultimate is still top tier, so no, it is not just for gym newbies.

How We Choose

When it comes to choosing the best supplements, Generation Iron looks at everything, dissecting each piece to make sure we are giving an honest review. We look at price, flavors, effectiveness, ingredients, and more. Then, we also sample it for a time period to make sure we like it.

Overall Value

c4 ultimate

Cellucor C4 Ultimate is that powerful pre-workout supplement you need most to boost those gains. Designed to give you great energy boosts, provide for serious pumps, and ultimately lead to peak performance, this effective and cutting-edge formula delivers all those pre-workout needs to you as efficiently as possible.

Cellucor knows the needs of athletes and works hard to deliver everything athletes need to thrive. What you are really getting is a powerful pre-workout with effective ingredients, a transparent label, and a well-known company backing you. Try Cellucor C4 Ultimate today and work to each peak performance in no time.

Try Cellucor C4 Ultimate Today

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Cellucor and Envato


  1. McLellan, T.; Caldwell, J.; Lieberman, H. (2016). “A review of caffeine’s effects on cognitive, physical and occupational performance”. (source)
  2. Bello, M.; Walker, A.; McFadden, B.; Sanders, D.; et al. (2019). “The effects of TeaCrine and caffeine on endurance and cognitive performance during a simulated match in high-level soccer players”. (source)
  3. Franca, E.; Avelar, B.; Yoshioka, C.; Santana, J.; et al. (2015). “Creatine HCL and Creatine Monohydrate Improve Strength but Only Creatine HCL Induced Changes on Body Composition in Recreational Weightlifters”. (source)
  4. Gonzalez, A.; Trexler, E. (2020). “Effects of Citrulline Supplementation on Exercise Performance in Humans: A Review of the Current Literature”. (source)
  5. Waldron, M.; Patterson, S.; Tallent, J.; Jeffries, O. (2018). “The Effects of an Oral Taurine Dose and Supplementation Period on Endurance Exercise Performance in Humans: A Meta-Analysis”. (source)
  6. Coull, N.; Chrisman, B.; Watson, P.; Horsfall, R.; et al. (2016). “Tyrosine Ingestion and Its Effects on Cognitive and Physical Performance in the Heat”. (source)

Smith Machine Overhead Press with Men’s Physique Bodybuilder Zac Aynsley

zac anysley machine shoulder press GI workout

Zac Anysley does partial reps on dumbbell lateral raises to use a heavier weight to explode the medial deltoids. 

Zac Aynsley is an inspiring bodybuilder who turned his life around with the power of bodybuilding. Today, he’s a proud Generation Iron athlete with an incredible story about overcoming adversity and transforming his life – Anysley was featured in the Bigorexia film produced by Generation Iron. We got an exclusive shoulder workout of him performing Smith machine overhead press and dumbbell lateral raises. 

As a teenager, Anysley was bullied for being underweight and weak, spending his days indoors playing video games and not eating right. This took a toll on his mental health, leading to dark thoughts and struggles with suicidal ideation. But he refused to give up on himself and found solace in weightlifting. Aynsley says, “Between 10 and 15, I had suicidal thoughts. I’d regularly climb to the top of water towers thinking, ‘Is this the day I’m going to jump?'”

Even when Zac Aynsley got a DJ gig that had him traveling around England and making a lot more money, things didn’t change much. He ate more unhealthily until a trip to a doctor turned things around. There, he learned that his internal organs weren’t healthy and had to make lifestyle changes to keep living.

That was a turning point for this athlete, who immediately registered in a gym. He also discovered Arnold Schwarzenegger and used him as an inspiration to become healthier. Zac Aynsley saw progress in a few weeks, a kickstart for an impressive career. He’s even received compliments from his hero. 

“For years, I had people telling me I was worthless, but here was the Terminator telling me I looked great. It meant the world to me.” 

Zac Aynsley, also called “Mr. Biceps” for his impressive peaks, is known for his hard work and sacrifice. He’s had several TV appearances, book covers, and other features. Generation Iron hooked up with him recently as he prepares to return to the bodybuilding stage. He’s been training with a mentor and 4-time Men’s Physique Olympia champion Jeremy Buendia

In this exclusive training session, Zac Aynsley showed how he builds his impressive shoulders by doing a Smith machine overhead press. He also does dumbbell lateral raises and seated overhead presses. Learn more about how these routines can help you build boulder shoulders and get special tips for maximum gains from Zac Aynsley.

Full Name: Zac Aynsley
Weight Height Date of Birth
185- 195 lbs 6’0” 7/2/1994
Division Era Nationality
Men’s Physique 2010s British

Zac Ansley’s Shoulder Workout – Smith Machine Overhead Press

Smith Machine Overhead Press

Apart from excellent aesthetics, building your shoulders is a great way to strengthen your upper body. Did you know that more than a third of injuries by athletes that are sports-related happen in the upper body and that 29% of those are shoulder injuries (1)? The Smith machine overhead press helps you train your shoulders, improves your stability, corrects your posture, and prevents injury — using this machine eliminates the need for a spotter as it gives you added support.

Doing a Smith machine overhead press builds your deltoid muscles, specifically your anterior and lateral delts. This exercise also works on your triceps, giving your arms more mass. In addition, a Smith machine overhead press is a safer way to induce muscle hypertrophy in your shoulders. Finally, it can improve your ability to do a regular bench press because it keeps you stable and puts more tension on your shoulders. 

Remember to keep your core tight as you press the bar overhead when doing a Smith machine overhead press. Avoid locking your elbows and do each rep slowly to maximize time under tension and protect your elbow joints.

How to do the Smith Machine Overhead Press

The Smith machine overhead press has a fixed path, which is beneficial if you need to isolate your shoulders. You need a bench and your Smith machine to add this exercise to your routine. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to do the Smith machine overhead press.

  1. Set up an upright bench inside the Smith machine.
  2. Sit on the bench and set the barbell so that it’s in line with your chest.
  3. Using an overhand grip, grab the bar at a slightly wider than shoulder-width distance.
  4. Press up slightly to lift the bar off its safety stops. 
  5. Drop the bar to shoulder height, just below your chin. This is your starting position.
  6. Brace your core and push the bar upwards straight overhead till your arms are fully extended without locking out your elbows.
  7. Slowly lower your bar back to the starting position to complete the rep.


The Smith machine overhead press is a great exercise that offers many benefits if incorporated into your routine. Below are some reasons why you should do this exercise. 

Shoulder Growth 

The Smith machine overhead press removes the need for stabilizing muscles and places the focus squarely on your shoulders. This leads to greater muscle growth and broader shoulders. With this exercise, you can build boulder shoulders to get that capped look you’ve always wanted.

Improves the Stability of Your Shoulders

Your delts help to stabilize your shoulder joint. The Smith machine overhead press builds and strengthens your deltoid muscles. This leads to more stability in the area and reduces your risk of injury.

Slightly Safer

Speaking of injuries, the Smith machine overhead press is safer than the barbell overhead press counterpart because it requires less balancing. This machine also has safety stops; you can easily re-rack the barbell if necessary. 

Carryover to Exercises Like Bench Press

Smith machine overhead presses build and strengthen your shoulders and triceps. These muscles are also important when doing exercises like the bench press. Strengthening them with the Smith machine overhead press will lead to better form when doing the bench press.

Easier on the Lower Back

The Smith machine offers better support for your lower back because the Smith machine uses a fixed bar path that stabilizes your torso. This reduces the need for lower back strength to press the bar overhead. 

Smith Machine Overhead Press Alternatives

Are you planning to do the Smith machine overhead press but aren’t quite sure the Smith machine will always be accessible at your gym? Then, here are some alternatives that are also great for your shoulders.

Barbell Overhead Press

The barbell overhead press is a free-weight version of the Smith machine overhead press, except it uses a barbell. This exercise also mainly targets and builds your shoulder muscles (2). It also works on your triceps and traps and increases your upper body strength. Compared to the machine version, it’ll activate your stabilizers and core. 

Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Dumbbell lateral raises also isolate and target your shoulder muscles (3). To do this routine, you hold dumbbells in both hands and raise them in a plane, known as a shoulder abduction. 

Resistance Band Overhead Press

Not at the gym and don’t have access to weights? You can use resistance bands to do the overhead press, too. Just secure it under a chair or connect it to an anchor and start to press.

Pike Pushups

Pike push-ups allow you to use your bodyweight to build your shoulders. This exercise also works on your triceps, pecs, and core.

The Rest of Aynsley’s Workout 

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

zac anysley machine shoulder press

The dumbbell lateral raise works primarily on the medial deltoids in the shoulders because, during this shoulder exercise, you lift your arms to the side. It’s considered an isolation exercise and is easy to do as you only need dumbbells. You can do this exercise at home or the gym if you find a pair of dumbbells.

The dumbbell lateral raise is a great way to build strong boulder shoulders. This helps you improve at any activity you need strong shoulders, such as pressing movements like bench press. 

While using too much weight is not advised for this exercise, there is a trick for lifting more than you usually would with it. Zac Aynsley achieves this by doing partial reps since the weight is heavy and his elbows are bent. Small nuances like this can often lead to significant changes when building your shoulders. 

Also, remember that more weight leads to greater tension and, thus, more muscle hypertrophy. But you must keep a neutral back and engage your core for each rep. 

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press


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While overhead presses are great for a shoulder workout, the seated overhead press is a version that deserves a spot in your shoulder workout. This exercise allows you to lift heavy weights safely and is vital for shoulder muscle growth. You can also easily have a spotter support you like Zac Aynsley does in this video. 

The seated overhead press doesn’t require as much balancing as the standing version, which allows you to focus your training more on the muscles. It emphasizes your delts, traps, triceps, and upper chest muscles. Using a dumbbell like Zac Aynsley does is great because it allows for a greater range of motion than a barbell

Doing seated overhead presses with dumbbells trains each side of your body to fix any imbalances and makes a strong combo when combined with the machine shoulder press. Plus, research shows overhead presses are a great way to prevent shoulder injuries (4). In addition, trying different hand positions stimulates your muscles from different angles when doing the seated overhead press.

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for exclusive GI bodybuilder workouts!


  1. Enger, M., Skjaker, S. A., Nordsletten, L., Pripp, A. H., Melhuus, K., Moosmayer, S., & Brox, J. I. (2019). Sports-related acute shoulder injuries in an urban population. BMJ open sport & exercise medicine, 5(1), e000551. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjsem-2019-000551
  2. Coratella, G., Tornatore, G., Longo, S., Esposito, F., & Cè, E. (2022). Front vs Back and Barbell vs Machine Overhead Press: An Electromyographic Analysis and Implications For Resistance Training. Frontiers in physiology, 13, 825880. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2022.825880 
  3. Campos, Y. A. C., Vianna, J. M., Guimarães, M. P., Oliveira, J. L. D., Hernández-Mosqueira, C., da Silva, S. F., & Marchetti, P. H. (2020). Different Shoulder Exercises Affect the Activation of Deltoid Portions in Resistance-Trained Individuals. Journal of human kinetics, 75, 5–14. https://doi.org/10.2478/hukin-2020-0033
  4. Niederbracht, Y., Shim, A. L., Sloniger, M. A., Paternostro-Bayles, M., & Short, T. H. (2008). Effects of a shoulder injury prevention strength training program on eccentric external rotator muscle strength and glenohumeral joint imbalance in female overhead activity athletes. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 22(1), 140–145. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0b013e31815f5634