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Build Shredded Obliques With This Workout

Build Shredded Obliques With This Workout

Get Ripped Obliques with this Workout

A midriff cannot be deemed complete without shredded obliques. Obliques are the fish gill-like muscles present on the side of your abs. Most people are too busy performing crunches and hanging leg raises that they completely forget about training their obliques.

While it is important to have a low body fat percentage to show the obliques, you still need to train them. The obliques need to be trained for both function and show. The oblique family plays a major role in many different movements and are an essential part of the core.

1. Cable Woodchoppers – 3 Sets 15 Reps

Unlike the free weight, cables are incredibly effective in maintaining constant tension on your working muscles. Cable woodchoppers target your obliques and will give you a muscle tearing pump by the end of the exercise.

Attach a D-handlebar to a tower, and move the cable to the highest pulley position. Stand at an arm’s distance from the pulley. With your right side to the cable, grab the bar with both hands. In one motion, pull the handle down and across your body to your front knee while rotating your torso. Repeat with your left side.

decline db bench press

2. Decline Bench Oblique Crunches – 3 Sets 20-15-15 Reps

The decline oblique crunches are one of the most underutilized exercises. It’s important to squeeze and contract your obliques while performing these exercises and maintain a full range of motion.

Lie on your left side on a decline bench. Keep your right hand on the back of your head and place your left hand on your right obliques. Touch the bench at the bottom of the movement and your upper body should be perpendicular to the floor at the top of the movement. Repeat on your right side.

3. Side Planks – 3 Sets 1 Minute, 45, 45 Seconds on Each Side

Planks have earned a name for themselves for being a great core builder. Planks exploded onto the scene with the introduction of CrossFit. Side planks are a plank variation which helps in building definition in your obliques.

Start on your side with your feet place one on top of the other and one forearm directly below your shoulder. Raise your hips and contract your core until your body is in a straight line. Don’t let your hips fall down during the working set.

Landmine row

4. Landmines – 3 Sets 15 Reps Each Side

Landmines are a great core builder and your obliques take the most beating in this exercise. If you don’t have the landmine equipment at your gym, you can perform this exercise by placing a barbell in a corner and holding one end of the barbell with both your hands.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while holding the barbell with both hands in front of your face. Keep your elbows locked out while you twist to your right side. Go as far as you can without twisting to your hips. Return to the starting position and repeat for the left side.

5. Russian Twists

Russian twists are one of the most common oblique exercises. Most people make the mistake of going too heavy on this exercise. Use a weight plate or a dumbbell with which you can follow a full controlled range of motion.

Sit with your feet placed flat on the floor and your back at a 60-degree angle. Hold a weight plate over your knees with your arms stretched out. Rotate to your right side and contract your obliques. Return to the starting position and repeat for the left side.

Which is your favorite oblique exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

Top 10 Exercises For Increasing Bicep Size

Top 10 Exercises For Increasing Bicep Size

Everyone wants have some impressive guns to show off when they rip off their shirt at the beach. In order to get extraordinary looking biceps it requires hard work, dedication, and the right programming for ultimate success. This article breaks down all the requirements needed to build some awesome biceps!

Isolation Exercises for The Biceps

While the biceps are a relatively small muscle, many look to improve their appearance by increasing the size of their biceps. This is most commonly done by incorporating a number of bicep “isolation” exercises which place a maximal stress on the muscle and force it to adapt.

The biceps are a muscle found in the upper arm which are primarily responsible for flexing the elbow. It is a two headed muscle which means that the muscle originates from two different points on the scapula (shoulder blade). This therefore means that, along with flexing the elbow, the biceps assist in generating and controlling movement of the shoulder too.

With this understanding, in order to properly perform bicep isolation exercises, the movements involved with each exercise must revolve around elbow flexion, extension and shoulder rotation.

Muscular Growth Requirements

Before assessing 10 of the best bicep exercises, we must consider two major influencers in the muscle building process. To optimize the rate of muscle growth, it is essential to increase the number of calories and protein consumed in the daily diet. Failing to do so will not allow significant changes in muscle mass to be made.

Consuming more calories is the first requirement of muscle building. Calories are a unit of measurement for energy and therefore, the higher the amount of calories consumed, the greater amount of energy available for the body.

This additional energy is needed by the body to speed up the recovery process after resistance training sessions. The amount of calories required will vary from person to person as a result of sex, physical characteristics and activity levels.

Increasing the amount of protein consumed daily should also be considered when looking to enhance muscle size. Protein is the macronutrient responsible for all growth and repair within the body and therefore, it also plays a crucial role in building muscle size. For those aiming to increase muscle size, the recommendation for daily protein consumption is to consume between 1.0 – 1.6 grams per kilogram of Bodyweight (1).

Only once these two factors have been put in place can physical training be considered. For building size in the biceps, a combination of compound and bicep isolation exercises should be used. Compound exercises are “big” movements which utilize many muscles whereas isolation exercises focus on just one muscle group. As suggested previously, isolation exercises are highly important for maximizing bicep development.

When it comes to strength training there are a number of factors that need to be considered, such as training frequency and training volume. Research suggests that for optimal muscle growth, each muscle group should be trained multiple times per week. By repeatedly placing a demand on the muscles of the body, they must adapt rapidly which leads to an increase in muscle strength and size (2).

Lastly, training volume is a topic that has been rigorously researched over the years – specifically the impact of heavy weight, low reps and light weight, high reps training on hypertrophy. While there are a number of differing opinions on this topic, studies indicate that both methods are equally as effective for building muscle (3). Providing training is kept regular, the method that is used to elicit hypertrophy is of little consequence.

The Top 10 Bicep Builders

As will soon be apparent, there is a lot more to bicep training than just the simple bicep curl. The following list includes exercises which manipulate the hand position and use different pieces of gym equipment to apply a stimulus to the bicep in a different way. Training doesn’t have to be boring and I hope that the following list will provide a bank of interesting and diverse bicep exercises that can be added to workouts.

Let’s begin with some barbell-based exercises…

1) Conventional Barbell Curl

Probably the most common bicep builder in the list. This barbell curl will allow the greatest amount of weight to be lifted in comparison to any other exercise. This is because a barbell forces the body into a fixed position and therefore stability becomes enhanced. Being more stable while moving through the range of any exercise will have a positive impact on performance and allow for heavier loads to be lifted.

A recent study reviewed the EMG levels during three bicep exercises and found that the barbell brought about a greater activation of the muscle than dumbbells. EMG simply refers to the electrical activity present within the muscle. Therefore, the barbell curl is extremely effective at targeting the biceps (4).

To perform the barbell curl, grab the barbell with hands approximately shoulder-width apart and stand tall with the chest up. From that position, with arms extended, pin the elbows in tight to the ribcage and focus on hinging only at the elbow. By doing so, the forearm should rise up until the hands are approximately in line with the shoulder before lowering the bar back to the starting position.

It is thought that by adjusting the width of the grip, it is possible to target different parts of the bicep. By narrowing the grip the demand will be placed more on the long head of the bicep whereas a wider grip will shift the demand onto the short head.

2) Wide-Grip Barbell Curl

Leading directly on from this, we have the wide-grip barbell curl. For comprehensive bicep development, it’s important to target the different heads equally and, as mentioned, this is a superb variation that can be used to target the short head of the bicep.

The reason the wide-grip is so effective for short head activation comes down to the biceps control over shoulder movement. By gripping the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width, external rotation of the shoulder occurs. This external rotation changes the position of the upper arm which has a direct impact on the activity of the short head.

3) EZ-Bar Curl

The final barbell-based bicep exercise is the EZ-bar curl. The EZ bar is an undulating barbell which allows the user to grasp the bar with a greater degree of comfort. The bends in the bar take away some of the tension in the wrists and forearm which can be a great help, especially when lifting heavy loads.

In the same bicep study (4), the EZ-bar was also found to activate the biceps brachii to a greater extent when compared to a dumbbell curl. Small, insignificant differences were found between the conventional and EZ curl and therefore, personal preference should dictate which variation to use.

With all barbell exercises and heavy loads, it can be tempting to use other body parts in order to get the bar up. One of the more common ways of doing this is to drive the hips through powerfully to get the barbell moving. Remember, that the bicep curl is an isolation exercise with the purpose of stressing only the biceps and, as a result, the only joint that should move is the elbow.

4) Dumbbell Bicep Curl

Next, we have dumbbell-based bicep exercises. Although the previous study suggested that the bicep curl with dumbbells may not be as effective for bicep activation, it should certainly not be disregarded. As stated earlier, dumbbells are far less stable than barbells; one of the benefits of this is that the surrounding stabilizing musculature is forced to engage in order to facilitate form.

Another positive regarding dumbbells, is their versatility. With the barbell curl, there is a limit to the number of variations that can be performed; not so with the dumbbells, as will soon become clear.

Furthermore, the dynamic of the curl can be altered by adjusting the grip used. With the dumbbell, it is possible to apply a load to the biceps in many different ways by using different grips or by manipulating the arm position. By using two individual weights, shoulder rotation can take place with exercises such as the dumbbell bicep curl. The barbell, on the other hand, only allows for a limited number of different grips and does not allow for any rotation to take place.

5) Dumbbell Hammer Curl

One final benefit that the dumbbells have over the barbell is that the dumbbells may allow for a slightly greater range of motion. With the barbell, as soon as the bar touches the hips, it can go no further. With dumbbells however, the arms can fully extend so that the weight is held by the side of the hips. This stretches out the bicep to its maximum potential prior to contracting.

The hammer position involves holding the dumbbells with a neutral grip (palms facing the hips) and requires a great deal of work from all elbow flexing muscles. This grip may allow for a more powerful contraction from the biceps and therefore, some individuals may find this variation easier to perform than the conventional curl.

6) Zottman Curl

This is potentially a new exercise for many however, it’s an extremely effective bicep developer. This is one exercise that effectively combines dumbbells and rotation. The biceps assist in the action of rotating of the forearm which explains why rotation is utilized in this exercise.

With the Zottman curl, the arms start extended down by the hips with the palms facing away from the body. A standard curl is performed until the dumbbells are elevated in line with the shoulders. A short pause is taken at that point of peak bicep contraction to allow a rotation through the shoulder to take place. Once this full rotation has occurred, the dumbbells are then lowered back to the original position and the movement repeated for the desired number of reps.

7) Dumbbell Concentration Curl

The concentration curl is an important exercise for anyone who is struggling to move only through the elbow. The technique required for this exercise involves using the knee to support the arm thus preventing the upper arm from moving back or forth. By preventing this from occurring, it is impossible to “cheat” and therefore, the biceps must complete all the work.

To complete the concentration curl, either from a standing or seated position, place the elbow on the inside of the knee. Starting with the arm fully extended, drive the dumbbell up to the shoulders and return in a controlled manner.

8) Incline Dumbbell Curl

By placing a bench on an incline and lying back on it, the elbows moves away from the side of the ribcage to behind the body. Research indicates that this change in position increases the stretch placed on the long head of the biceps (5). Additionally, the bench can be considered a useful addition as it minimizes movement from the trunk of the body and therefore may facilitate better form.

As a consequence of both of these, the incline curl is likely to be more challenging to complete in comparison to free-standing bicep curl exercises.

9) Incline Dumbbell Inner-Biceps Curl

This exercise is almost identical to the aforementioned incline bicep curl and also stretches the long head maximally. The only difference between the two exercises is the position that the dumbbells are held. For the inner-bicep curl, the dumbbells should start wider than the hips and that angle should then be maintained throughout the duration of the movement.

10) Overhead Cable Curl

The final bicep exercise moves away from dumbbells and barbells and instead uses the cables. The overhead cable curl involves adjusting the pulleys so that they are approximately in line with the shoulders. From that position, grasp the handles and ensure that the wrist, elbow and shoulder are all in a straight line, parallel to the floor. From that position, brace hard to enhance stability, and focus on powerfully contracting the biceps so that the hands come in towards the side of the head.

Final Word

Providing a calorie deficit, high protein diet and adequate resistance training are all implemented, muscles will begin to grow. Now, this is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all bicep exercises, rather the purpose was to provide a number of options to keep training interesting and the bicep growing!

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.


1- Food Funct. 2016 Mar;7(3):1251-65. doi: 10.1039/c5fo01530h. PMID: 26797090 DOI: 10.1039/c5fo01530h

2- Schoenfeld, Brad J.; Ratamess, Nicholas A.; Peterson, Mark D.; Contreras, Bret; Tiryaki-Sonmez, Gul (2015-7). “Influence of Resistance Training Frequency on Muscular Adaptations in Well-Trained Men”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29 (7): 1821–1829. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000000970. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 25932981.

3- Schoenfeld, Brad J.; Peterson, Mark D.; Ogborn, Dan; Contreras, Bret; Sonmez, Gul T. (2015-10). “Effects of Low- vs. High-Load Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy in Well-Trained Men”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29 (10): 2954–2963. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000000958. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 25853914.

4- Marcolin, Giuseppe; Panizzolo, Fausto Antonio; Petrone, Nicola; Moro, Tatiana; Grigoletto, Davide; Piccolo, Davide; Paoli, Antonio (July 13, 2018). “Differences in electromyographic activity of biceps brachii and brachioradialis while performing three variants of curl”. PeerJ. 6. doi:10.7717/peerj.5165. ISSN 2167-8359. PMC PMCPMC6047503. PMID 30013836.

5- Oliveira, Liliam F.; Matta, Thiago T.; Alves, Daniel S.; Garcia, Marco A.C.; Vieira, Taian M.M. (March 1, 2009). “Effect of the shoulder position on the biceps brachii emg in different dumbbell curls”. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. 8 (1): 24–29. ISSN 1303-2968. PMC PMCPMC3737788. PMID 24150552.

Alex Cambronero Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Alex Cambronero

Classic physique is a growing division, and there are many top notch competitors that seem to get better and better each year. Among those competitors, and one that truly comes in embodying the image of gclassic physique, is Alex Cambronero.

Below is a complete breakdown of Alex Cambronero’s profile, stats, biography, training and diet regimens.

Full Name: Alex Cambronero (Classic Physique Bodybuilder)

Weight Height Date Of Birth
240-250lbs 5’7″ 5/18/1982
Division Era Nationality
Classic Physique 2010, 2020 Costa Rican


Alex Cambronero Biography

Born in Costa Rica in 1982, Alex was a pleasant and friendly child. He was someone got along well with everyone at school, having a diverse group of friends, including rockers, rappers, and jocks from all backgrounds, including white, black, and Latino.

Alex began training at a young age, but it was not until 2011 when he would eventually step on stage, in the NPC.

Alex Cambronero Competition History

Image courtesy of Instagram (@fello_cambronero)

Alex Cambronero initially stepped on stage at the 2011 NPC Nationals, and it earned him a 10th place placing in the light heavyweight division. The 10th place placing did not stop him, as he continued training, dieting, and competing, and he surely progressed. Alex has been on the Mr. Olympia stage numerous times, which is the highest ranking competition in bodybuilding.

Over the years, Alex has built up quite the reputation in the classic physique division, with many competition under his belt. Let’s take a look at all of the competitions Alex Cambronero has participated in:

  • 2011 NPC Nationals, Men’s Bodybuilding – Light-Heavyweight, 10th place
  • 2012 NPC USAs, Men’s Bodybuilding – Light-Heavyweight, 9th place
  • 2012 NPC Nationals, Men’s Bodybuilding – Light-Heavyweight, 7th place
  • 2015 IFBB Tampa Pro, Men’s Bodybuilding – up to 212 lbs, 2nd place
  • 2015 IFBB Texas Pro “Wings of Strength,” Men’s Bodybuilding – up to 212 lbs, 1st place
  • 2015 IFBB Olympia, Men’s Bodybuilding – up to 212 lbs, 12th place
  • 2016 IFBB Toronto Pro Supershow, Men’s Bodybuilding – up to 212 lbs, 1st place
  • 2016 IFBB Olympia, Men’s Bodybuilding – up to 212 lbs, 10th place
  • 2017 IFBB New York Pro Show, Men’s Bodybuilding – up to 212 lbs, 5th place
  • 2017 IFBB Chicago Pro “Wings of Strength”, Men’s Bodybuilding – up to 212 lbs, 2nd place
  • 2017 IFBB Vancouver Pro, Men’s Bodybuilding – up to 212 lbs, 7th place
  • 2018 IFBB Europa Dallas Pro, Men’s Bodybuilding – up to 212 lbs, 1st place
  • 2018 IFBB Olympia, Men’s Bodybuilding – up to 212 lbs, 8th place
  • 2019 IFBB Pittsburgh Pro, Men’s Classic Physique, 1st place
  • 2019 IFBB New York Pro Show, Men’s Classic Physique, 2nd place
  • 2019 IFBB Olympia, Men’s Classic Physique, 6th place
  • 2019 IFBB Yamamoto Pro Cup, Men’s Classic Physique, 2nd place
  • 2020 IFBB Arnold Classic USA (PRO), Men’s Classic Physique, 1st place
  • 2020 IFBB Olympia, Men’s Classic Physique, 4th place
  • 2021 IFBB Arnold Classic USA Pro, Men’s Classic Physique, 2nd place
  • 2021 IFBB Olympia Pro, Men’s Classic Physique, 6th plac
  • 2021 IFBB Hurricane Pro, Men’s Classic Physique, 1st place
  • 2022 Mr. Olympia, Men’s Classic Physique, 9th place
  • 2023 Arnold Classic USA, Men’s Classic Physique, 3rd place

As you can see, Alex Cambronero is no joke. He may not be as well known as other classic physique competitors, but he certainly has a long list of shows under his belt. So, how does he train to stay competing at this level?

Training of Alex Cambronero

Image courtesy of Instagram (@fello_cambronero)

As you can probably imagine, Alex Cambronero does not get to the Olympia stage multiple times by moving empty barbells and light dumbbells. However, he does not go overly heavy either. Alex trains with pretty heavy weight, but also pretty high reps, keeping his sets between 8-12 repetitions usually.

In his recent video with Kamar Elgargni on the NPC News YouTube channel, the duo hit back together. This is a good example of Alex’s training, as he is shown utilizing a lot of old school exercises like pullovers, t-bar rows, and lat pulldowns, things that really build a good V-taper, which is arguably one of Alex’s strongest points.

Nutrition and Supplementation

Every experienced lifter will know, diet and supplementation is a huge part of bodybuilding, especially at the professional level. To continuously compete, you have to really focus on diet so your body can recover and grow to its full potential, and Alex clearly knows that.

While his exact diet and supplement routine is not available for public knowledge, Alex has stated that he does not eat much when it comes time to diet down for a show. He actually has had issues with consuming too many carbs for the final round of the 2020 Olympia.

Alex stated that he had tried something different to fill out, resulting in his stomach being bloated and gassy. He attributes the reason to overeating, as he does not each much at all when it is close to a show, then the day before the show he had eaten too much.

Alex is also sponsored by MegaFit Meals!

Personal Life

Outside of bodybuilding, Alex is married to Maggie Cambronero, who isa female IFBB Pro. Maggie is a successful bodybuilder in her own right, having placed 4th at the 2013 San Antonio Texas Pro. The couple first met at the Riddle Bar South Beach, and after sparks flew, they were married just two months later.

Image courtesy of Instagram (@fello_cambronero)

It is no doubt that Maggie has played a significant role in Alex’s success. Both being bodybuilders, it makes it much easier to meal prep and stick to a diet and training regimen when your partner is also living that lifestyle. She also is there to provide Alex with support and motivation throughout his career.

Alex’s Neck

You may have noticed Alex has a slight tilt to his neck. At first glance, it may seem like a posture issue or a result of an injury, but it has a unique backstory. Alex has said that his head tilt actually resulted from an accident while racing BMX in his younger days. He attempted a backflip on his bike but unfortunately landed hard on his head, breaking his collarbone and fracturing his skull.

The accident had also damaged one of his optic nerves permanently. When Alex keeps his head straight, the damaged eye moves to the side, making it difficult for him to focus his vision. However, tilting his head to the side allows him to see clearly, which is a small price to pay for clear vision.

Wrap Up

Overall, Alex Cambronero may not be the most well-known bodybuilder in the classic physique division, but he surely brings a complete package. He also is a seasoned veteran in bodybuilding, having many competitions under his belt.

Do you think Alex Cambronero will be a Mr. Olympia winner one day?

Dear Beginner, Please Stop Making These 10 Fatal Mistakes

Fatal Mistakes new

Dear Beginner, Please Stop Making These 10 Fatal Mistakes

The weight room can be an intimidating place for a newbie, especially for a person who has joined the gym to tackle personal insecurities. If you’re one of these people, you’re not alone. Most people get a gym membership to make a statement but their new-found enthusiasm exposes them to committing these fatal mistakes. 

Working out is a craft that requires time to learn and master. All the beginners go through a learning curve that involves learning, unlearning, and re-learning techniques. In fitness, there are multiple ways of reaching your destination, and the smoothness of your journey will depend on the path you choose.

The pros that you see today on Instagram or lifting the Mr. Olympia trophy were once all gym noobs. They all made the fatal mistakes we’ll be talking about in this article. The difference between them and the guy who gives up is that they never stopped learning and improving.

In this article, we’ll go over the mistakes beginners make which keeps them from achieving any kind of progress and results in them quitting training. If you’re a newbie, don’t be surprised if you find yourself nodding your head throughout the article. We’ve all been there.

Most Common Gym Beginner Mistakes

I’m My Own Coach

The majority of the beginners who join a gym train alone. Working out is pretty different from attending a class at Harvard. While everything taught in a class could be taught online, there are hundreds of things that could go wrong while you’re under a bar that could lead to an injury.

Hiring a coach is looked upon as an expense rather than an investment. Engaging the right trainer according to your goals can save you a lot of time, effort, and money. A coach also adds the accountability factor to the mix which can make all the difference in the world. 

Confusion Over Supplements

Usually, there are two types of beginners. First – the ones who go all-in on the supplements. These people will buy everything they can find on the shelves. On the other hand, people from the second group look at taking supplements as a sin. 

You need to strike the right balance between the supplements you should take as a rookie. If you’re in the gym to put on muscle mass, a whey protein supplement should be a part of your diet. A fat-burner is a great product for people who want to shed extra kilos. 


gym belt

Not using gym accessories is one of the most common beginner mistakes. Taking another real-life example, would you ride a bike without a helmet or drive your car without a seatbelt? Why isn’t the same logic applied for lifting weights?

Not only do the gym accessories help in reducing the probabilities of an injury, but they can also boost your performance. A weightlifting belt, lifting straps, knee and wrist wraps should have a permanent place in your gym bag.

Copying the Pros or Bros

The beginners who start their fitness journeys without the support wheels (read – coaches), end up copying the people they see around them in the gym. The sad news is, monkey see monkey do doesn’t work in the gym.

A noob is the favorite target of a gym bro. Taking training advice from a gym bro is like asking for stock tips from Jordan Belfort. A fitness enthusiast should spend the first couple of months learning the correct form of performing the exercises. 

Limiting Fitness to the Gym

Some people think they’re done for the day right when they step out of the gym. Heck, some of these newbies even go to McDonald’s for their post-workout meal. Fitness isn’t a two-hour thing. It is a lifestyle.

Training, diet, and recovery are the three pillars of fitness. Hitting the gym is just 33.33% of the equation. Reading labels before eating, hitting the sack on time, passing on the hangouts at the bar should become second-nature if you want to see considerable progress in your physique.

Not Following a Program

Fatal Mistakes new

Training, diet, and nutrition programs are the routes to reach your transformation destination. As Benjamin Franklin supposedly once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” If you don’t have a training program, you should save yourself the trouble of going to the gym.

Also, following a vanilla training program is yet another fatal mistake. If you want to see results, you should follow a customized fitness program designed according to your goals and lifestyle. Following a plan made for someone else isn’t going to do you any good.

Overdependence on Training Partner

Most beginners join the gym with a training partner. Training with a buddy can be great as it can be a source of motivation and accountability. Training partners are also great butlers – we mean spotters. 

On the contrary, having the wrong training partner can be considered a fatal mistake. Your mental focus could take a hit if your buddy takes way too many off days. For a beginner, we would recommend a coach more than a training partner.

No Goal Setting

Setting goals is one of the most overlooked aspects of a physique transformation. The dilemma here is that while some people don’t set any goals at all, others set unachievable expectations.

You should always set small goals. For example, instead of starting off wanting to train six days a week, start by hitting the gym twice or thrice a week and then progress from there. Checking off achievements from your list will give you confidence and an adrenaline boost.

Cardio is Life

fatal mistakes

Most people who get a gym membership to lose weight and “tone” their bodies never enter the free-weights section. While sweating off on the cardio equipment for hours will surely help you lose the extra tire, weight training is what will help you tone and carve your muscles.

If compound lifts like the deadlifts, squats, and bench presses feel too daunting, you can perform easier versions of them using dumbbells or cables. Additionally, resistance training can also improve your performance in cardio exercises.  

Most Common Blunder – Indiscipline

A body transformation requires 4 P’s – patience, persistence, perseverance, and passion. You need to follow a strict schedule. You should be hitting the gym, eating your meals, and sleeping on time. 

A fit lifestyle requires a lot of self-control. The next time you find yourself heading towards a pizzeria, take a U-turn and be ready to smack the back of your hand when it is reaching out to grab the donut. 

How many of these fatal mistakes are you currently committing?

Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Follow This 4-Week Forearms Workout Plan To Turn Your Tiny Twigs Into Wood Logs

Follow This 4-Week Forearms Workout Plan To Turn Your Tiny Twigs Into Wood Logs

Follow This 4-Week Forearms Workout Plan to Turn Your Tiny Twigs into Logs

Forearms are the under-loved siblings of the biceps and triceps. They are like the calves of the legs. The majority of people think that training biceps will automatically build their forearms. The said overlooking is why most people limit their forearm training to a couple of sets at the end of their arm workouts.

If you feel that your forearms are lagging as compared to your upper arms, it’s time you stop treating them as accessory muscles. A pair of beefed-up forearms can add to the symmetry of your arms and make them look bigger. Plus, when it comes summer time and you are rocking some t-shirts or 3/4 sleeve shirts, you don’t want to be caught with pencils for forearms.

Let’s dive in.

The Best 4-Week Forearm Building Workout

Build Massive Forearms with this Workout

Week 1:

  • Reverse Grip Barbell Curls – 5 Sets 20-20-15-15-12 Reps
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curls- 5 Sets 20-20-15-15-12 Reps
  • Preacher Curls – 5 Sets 20-20-15-15-12 Reps
  • Towel Cable Rows – 5 Sets 20-20-15-15-12 Reps
  • Behind the Back Barbell Crush – 5 Sets 20-20-15-15-12 Reps

Since the forearms are a small muscle group, you don’t necessarily need to dedicate an entire workout to training them (although you could incorporate them into an active rest day if you so choose). If you have weaker lower arms as compared to your bis and tris, you should begin or even finish your arm training with them, maybe even do them as a burnout. It can’t hurt to throw some forearms into one of your workouts!

We would recommend that you train bis and forearms or tris and forearms on a single day. Targeting the three muscles together on the same day isn’t going to be as effective as focusing on two.

If you don’t already carry a hand towel to the gym, you should get used to bringing not one but two wipers. Using the hand towels recruits all the muscle fibers in your forearms as it makes holding onto the weight harder.

Week 2

  • Wrist Curls – 5 Sets 20-20-15-15-12 Reps
  • Close Grip Bench Press – 5 Sets 10-8-6-5-4 Reps
  • Cable Kickbacks – 5 Sets 10-8-6-5-4 Reps
  • Barbell Skullcrushers – 5 Sets 10-8-6-5-4 Reps
  • Farmer’s Walk – 5 Sets 1-Minute Walk

The second week’s workout will be a triceps and forearms session. In the first and third week, you can club the tricep workout with your chest session. Train your biceps with your back in the second and fourth weeks.

You’ll be performing a lower number of reps in your tricep exercises as compared to the bicep exercises. Triceps are mostly formed of fast-twitch muscle fibers and respond better to lower reps and heavier weights.

In all the exercises you perform, make sure you’re focusing on your forearms and maintaining a mind-muscle connection. While doing the farmer’s walk, hold onto a heavy pair of dumbbells so that you have to struggle past the 30-second mark.

Week 3

  • Towel Kettlebell Curls – 5 Sets 20-20-15-15-12 Reps
  • Reverse Grip 21s – 5 Sets
  • Zottman Curls – 5 Sets 20-20-15-15-12 Reps
  • Behind the Back Cable Curls – 5 Sets 20-20-15-15-12 Reps
  • Wrist Rollers – 5 Sets 10 Rolls Up 10 Down

If you don’t have access to kettlebells in your gym, you can use the good-old dumbbells instead. You might have performed the 21’s but the reverse grip 21’s are a whole new game.

Zottman curls are one of the most underutilized arm training exercises. The Zottman curls are arguably the most brutal exercise on the list and you will certainly have to keep your ego in check while performing it.

Week 4

  • Cable Pressdowns – 5 Sets 10-8-6-5-4 Reps
  • Reverse Wrist Curls – 5 Sets 20-20-15-15-12 Reps
  • Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions – 5 Sets 10-10-8-8-8 Reps
  • Grip Crush – 5 Sets 20-20-15-15-12 Reps
  • Dead Hangs – 5 Sets 1-Minute Each

Most people make the mistake of lifting too heavy when it comes to forearm training. Going overboard with the weights while training your lower arms can result in an injury as the wrists are relatively smaller joints and aren’t meant to take the constant tension produced by exercises like the wrist curls.

Supplements for Bigger Forearms


While lifting is certainly an important part of growing your forearms, you cannot forget that recovery is where the real growth is, your work does not end when you leave the gym. A good supplementation routing can help you grow your forearms to Popeye sizes, without ingesting too much spinach.


Creatine is a very popular and widely researched supplement that is on the market for athletes of all experience levels. It aides in giving great potential to increase muscle growth, enhance focus, provide for better bulking, and boost recovery.

Protein Powder

Protein plays a vital role in maintaining, growing and repairing body tissue. While you can certainly get a good amount of protein from your diet, protein powder aides in making sure that you hit your macros for the day. While it may not always be a replacement for your meals, whey protein powder can be used as an emergency energy source. Protein is also essential for the production of a number of key hormones which promote growth and maturation from a protein powder.


Branch chain amino acids, or BCAAs, have long sat on shelves as popular supplements for athletes of all experience levels. BCAAs are used to boost their training and improve all aspects of a workout and recovery regimen. They work to enhance muscle growth, reduce muscle soreness and exercise fatigue, and prevent muscle wasting.


Multivitamins are a beneficial aid for active people and those who need more vitamins in their diets, not just for muscle mass but for health overall. Vitamins are important for daily life and health functions of the body and you will find that some multivitamins can bring benefits like muscle maintenance and immune health to give you extra energy so you get all you need in your day to make you better.

Forearm Training Wrap Up

In the forearm training, your aim should be to go after the pump rather than trying to kill the muscles with heavier weights. There is not really any point in hitting massive weights for your forearms, a nice moderate weight and a good contraction will more than do the job.

You can push the envelope with the intensity in lower arm training with exercises like the grip crushes as there isn’t any wrist curling involved, and remember to always make recovery a priority.

How often do you train your forearms? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

How The Viking Press Works To Enhance Those Boulder Shoulders

Viking Press_Athlete

Build Strongman-like shoulders with this massive exercise to not only boost your physique, but your confidence as well.

We’ve all seen those guys in the gym. Massive pecs, bulging biceps, everything we want most out of our training. But what makes that physique stand out are those boulder shoulders, those tiny mountains sitting beside their heads. It may seem easy to grow your shoulders, performing those staple exercises like front and side raises, a military press, or the upright row.

While those are great, looking towards more massive lifts can really work to create those boulder shoulders. The Viking Press is a monster shoulder workout to give you Strongman-like strength and those desired rounded delts to really add to your physique. Plus, you look like a beast doing this press.

When it comes to shoulder strength, there is way more to it than just looking good and pumping out that awesome physique and this viking exercise can help get you there. With strong, stable shoulders, you allow yourself to thrive with more functional movements, as well as those sport specific exercises we need most, especially out of a press. Anything from throwing a ball to carrying groceries, all the way to lifting massive weights with the overhead press will all be enhanced (1).

Preventing injuries is another key factor in shoulder strength and should not be overlooked, especially with this viking exercise. As connectors for our arms to our torso, keeping these muscles and the surrounding attachments stable and healthy is vital for really seeing that huge growth we want most out of a press. And to bring it back to physique, your confidence will improve with those boulders showing through.

Let’s take a look at the Viking Press and see what the hype is all about with this movement. From what it is, to muscles worked, the benefits involved, and how to perform it, this press is something you may want to try in the gym for people to envy. And trust us, they will as you’ll like a fierce Viking. A seriously monster lift, you will build your shoulders, as well as your confidence as you look to be the biggest one there. Don’t be afraid to show off with this press, for it will only increase your confidence.

Viking Press_Athlete

What Is The Viking Press?

The Viking press is one of those shoulder exercises you just can’t overlook. Perfect for those looking to master overhead training and the motion of a press, this requires range of motion as well as strength to really press that weight lifted overhead. What it can do is seriously build shoulder strength and work to increase overhead mobility. By adding stress on your core, this press requires that to be engaged so you can put the stress on your shoulders and not your low back (2).

This press can be used with either two barbells parallel to one another, or with a certain attachment called the Viking attachment. What this does is connects to the barbell and offers two handles so you are only moving one barbell with the press motion. Used for other exercises as well, the Viking attachment is not a bad piece of equipment to check out.

Muscles Worked During This Press

With this press, primarily you target the shoulders, working to really capitalize on those boulder shoulders. Along with upper body muscles, you get some good work with the triceps and back to help stabilize and provide for extra support with the press movement. Working to help stabilize, as well as working with a slight pumping motion, your legs will feel a slight burn which can be beneficial in the long run out of this press.

Viking Press_Athlete

Benefits Of The Viking Press

Build Serious Strength

It probably goes without saying but working with a monster exercise like the Viking press can really build strength and size for a number of benefits towards your training and performance, as well as everyday life. By adjusting the weight accordingly, you can also work on mind-muscle connection since this viking movement is relatively simple to perform.

With this really working those shoulder muscles, it will require a level of strength that your body needs to find, thus increasing growth maybe a bit faster than other exercises would. All in all, the Viking press can really build some serious strength.

Easy On Your Wrists For Protection

For those worried or struggling with wrist pain, your wrists stay in a fixed position so you don’t need to worry about any extra movements with this press. Another shoulder exercise like the Arnold Press is a great one, but tends to cause some wrist pain given the rotation. With this linear viking movement, you don’t have to worry. Our wrists tend to be quite vulnerable joints and keeping these healthy overall is something we shouldn’t take for granted. With this exercise, you can get some great work done while also really protecting against those potentially vulnerable wrists out of a good press exercise.

Stability & Added Upper Body Support

As mentioned before, strong shoulders can aid in stability and work to be helpful with upper body support, especially while you press. You don’t want those shoulder joints to be vulnerable as they are necessary for many workouts, so looking to be proactive with the viking now pays off in the long run (3). This is something we often take for granted and we really shouldn’t so don’t let this slide by and work to get stability at the forefront of your mind with this press.

Boost Your Aesthetic With Those Boulder Shoulders

This is what we all want and this press exercise can help us get there. Those massive shoulders to fill out that tight shirt and show off our gains. The Viking press can help round out your physique and offer great support for those gains we want to see most. While the benefits of strong shoulders help us physically, aesthetically the Viking press can be a great boost to that absolutely massive and shredded physique you want most.

shoulder mobility

How To Perform This Press

For those interested in the Viking attachment, definitely look into this and see what it can do for you. A great attachment, it can make this exercise and others more efficient to maximize gains. For this How-To, we’ll focus on if you don’t have the Viking attachment, so this requires two barbells.

Place your two barbells on the rack parallel to one another with the desired weight on each. As you grip each bar, engage your core and stand in between the two as you prepare to press upward. Giving a slight squat down, press the bars overhead, extending your arms and working to lock them out. Once at the top, hold for a brief pause and gently lower back to the starting position. Repeat for your desired number of reps.

Wrap It All Up

When it comes to those boulder shoulders we all know and love, there are countless exercises we can do to help us get there and this press is one of them. Some of the staples like a front raise, side raise, overhead press, and upright row are all great and should be included but the Viking press challenges you to get that Strongman-like strength and massive physique that people will envy.

Having strong shoulders works for your benefit in a number of ways but what is more than important is knowing how to effectively work these muscles so you see the growth you want most, especially out of a great press. Check out the Viking attachment if that interests you and look to add the Viking press into your routine. You won’t be disappointed that you did.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Williams, Martin R. Jr.; Hendricks, Dustin S.; Dannen, Michael J.; Arnold, Andrea M.; Lawrence, Michael A. (2020). “Activity of Shoulder Stabilizers and Prime Movers During an Unstable Overhead Press”. (source)
  2. Ghigiarelli, Jamie J.; Berrios, Xavier M.; Prendergast, James M.; Gonzalez, Adam M. (2020). “The Viking Press”. (source)
  3. Jaggi, Anju; Alexander, Susan (2017). “Rehabilitation for Shoulder Instability – Current Approaches”. (source)

The Basics: Do You Have What It Takes To Be a Great Bodybuilder?

Do You Have What It Takes To Be a Great Bodybuilder?

Thinking of becoming a bodybuilder? For most this can be a daunting experience. Bodybuilding is not just about lifting weights to develop huge biceps. It takes discipline, dedication and determination, along with a strict nutrition plan to reach success. It also requires patience.

You can’t expect to see results right away, and you shouldn’t give up just because you think you aren’t getting anywhere. The mental and physical benefits of bodybuilding will be worth the time and effort. So if you’ve got the drive and passion for becoming a great bodybuilder, there’s no reason you shouldn’t give it a go! Follow these bodybuilding tips to get you started.

How to Become a Bodybuilder

Educate Yourself

Before you commit to a lifestyle of bodybuilding, it’s important to have a good understanding of what goes into the process. There are different types of strength training exercises you can do to achieve certain bodybuilding goals.

Weightlifting is a tried and true form of strength training that works to strengthen your muscles dramatically and quickly. Calisthenics on the other hand relies solely on your own body weight for resistance, and doesn’t require the use of any exercise equipment. Common exercises include sit ups, lunges, pushups or crunches, which you can do conveniently at any time in any place. However, as you are limited to your body weight, it may take longer to build muscle mass.

Try to find out as much information about strength training as you can before planning a fitness routine. Do research on the important muscle groups and learn the right exercise techniques by

talking to experienced bodybuilders. This extra knowledge will help you determine what type of exercise is right for you and come up with clear, realistic goals for your body.

Plan and Develop Your Fitness Routine

Your strength training routine will largely depend on where your body is at and what your specific bodybuilding goals are. For instance, if you’re a bit overweight, you will need to focus on getting your body fat percentage down before you can begin building your muscles. Doing regular cardio exercises is a great place to start with this.

If you’re ready to begin building muscle, it’s generally a good idea to start with compound exercises. Compound exercises, such as pull ups, dips, rows or squats, focus on training all areas of your body as opposed to a single muscle group. Later on in your strength training routine you can choose to target specific muscle groups through isolation exercises like bicep curls, leg extensions, or triceps extensions.

If you’re going to do weight training, you will obviously need easy access to a range of weightlifting equipment to build your physique, like free weights and weight machines. Join a gym closest to you, or invest in your own home gym equipment for even more convenience. When you start, you will need to figure out the maximum weight you can lift. Choosing the accurate weight for your training level will help you avoid injury and build the right type of muscle.

Set a Meal Plan

A well-designed nutrition plan is crucial if you want to become a great bodybuilder. Without good nutrition, you are unlikely to see much progress in your muscle size and strength. A diet rich in protein can help you to build muscle more quickly. The general rule is to consume about 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. You can find loads of protein in foods such as fish, beans, egg whites, and lean cuts of meat.

It’s also important for a bodybuilder to consume plenty of complex carbohydrates, like whole grain bread, oatmeal, whole grain pasta, brown rice or sweet potatoes. It’s best to consume these on your workout days to ensure you sustain your energy and minimize any unwanted fat. Healthy fats are also an essential component of a good bodybuilding diet regime as it helps to boost testosterone.

Healthy fats can be found in avocados, olive oil, eggs and nuts. Finally, make sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, as these contain important vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fiber that are good for your health and digestion.

To ensure you stay on track with your diet, keep a detailed food diary. Don’t forget to also take photos of your bodybuilding progress along the way so that you can see what you need to work on.

Alex Cordier is a freelance writer, who has been published across various sites on topics including home, travel, health and lifestyle. She is most passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. You can check out more of her articles here.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Photo sources:

Photo 1 – Pxhere – CC0 Public Domain

Photo 2 – Pixabay – CC0 Creative Commons

Photo 3 – Pxhere – CC0 Public Domain

Photo 4 – Pixabay – CC0 Creative Commons

Hunter Labrada Reveals 2023 Off-Season Meal Plan to Get Shredded

Hunter Labrada's diet

IFBB Pro Hunter Labrada reveals his diet during the 2023 off-season! 

Have you ever wondered how a professional bodybuilder eats? IFBB Pro Hunter Labrada shared his full meal plan for his off-season this year — bodybuilders eat differently during the off-season than during the season. (For example, during the off-season, bodybuilders will typically bulk — add more calories and protein to pack on as much muscle as possible. Then, while they’re in-season or in pre-season, they’ll cut.)

While it can be said that Hunter Labrada is from bodybuilding royalty, he hasn’t had it easy. This young bodybuilding competitor may be in the off-season but isn’t slacking. He shared the changes he made to his diet improved his physique – adding more whole foods filled with protein spread out over 6 small meals. 

Hunter Labrada is an IFBB professional and is the son of the legend and Hall of Famer Lee Labrada. He is from Texas, USA, and his mom competed in bodybuilding. So it’s no surprise that Hunter Labrada developed an interest in bodybuilding alongside his love for football.

By 18, Hunter decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. However, it wasn’t until he was 21 that he fully appreciated the intricacies of being a professional bodybuilder. His father felt he had invested too much into playing football to leave it behind. 

However, Hunter eventually convinced his dad that bodybuilding was his passion, and his career began. The initial small competitions helped build his confidence, and he soon rose to the Open division ladder and finally earned his pro card in 2018.

Hunter Labrada had his Mr. Olympia debut in 2020 and got eighth place. He then shocked everyone by returning the next year and moving four places to claim fourth. A strong contender for him was the famous bodybuilder Nick Walker

2022 disappointed Hunter; he couldn’t make the first call and went to seventh. This hasn’t deterred him; he plans to figure out a better process and win. The new diet he’s implementing is one of these changes. Let’s unravel what that entails below. 

Full Name: Hunter Labrada
Weight Height Date Of Birth
235-245 lbs. 5’9’’ 05/17/1992
Profession Era Nationality
Bodybuilder 2010 American

Importance of Diet in Bodybuilding

Your diet is an important part of bodybuilding as much as your training. You must eat the right meals with the correct nutrients to give your muscles the necessary fuel. A good bodybuilding diet emphasizes the need for lean protein to help you build and protect your muscles.

While on a bodybuilding journey, following a regimented eating pattern can be very helpful. While you may not be a professional bodybuilder, paying attention to your body needs and maximizing that can help you with any fitness goal. Before diving into Hunter Labrada’s meal plan, here are some tips that you might find useful. 

Fuel up Before Workouts

Below are some pre-workout tips to enhance your workout performance. 

  • Fuel After Workouts: A good 3:1 ratio of proteins and carbohydrates immediately after your workout is good. You’re in the clear as long as you eat it within 30 mins after your workout. 
  • Eat Healthy Fat: Saturated fats are the enemy, so eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, and monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats. You’ll find these fats in nuts, seeds, and oils. 
  • Consume Lots of Water: Replace the water you lose when you sweat. While beverages and smoothies can help, water lets you stay optimally hydrated.

People have different body requirements, but following these general rules help. A look at Hunter Labrada’s diet below will show that these foundations are at play.

Hunter Labrada’s Meal Plan (Full Day of Eating)

Meal 1

  • 150g chicken
  • 300g rice with soy sauce
  • 200ml orange juice
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Olive oil (or almond butter) 

For this meal, Labrada powers up using protein from chicken and the good fat from almond butter. Orange juice is also rich in vitamin C and supports your immune system. He also includes carbs which play a good role in building up the muscles. 

Meal 2 (Pre-training)

  • 150g chicken
  • 300g rice
  • 30g honey
  • Almond butter (or olive oil) with salt

For meal two, we see the same nutrient group being targeted. The honey included in this meal is a great antioxidant. Honey is also known to promote healing. 

Meal 3 (Pre-Workout)

  • 55g carbs from Karbolyn
  • 1 scoop of Intra (provides 25g carbs)
  • 10g of EAA
  • 1 scoop of pump
  • 5g creatine

Just before a workout, Labrada bulks up on carbohydrates as advised by experts to fuel his workouts. 

Meal 3 (Post-workout)

  • 80g carbs from Karbolyn or highly-branched cyclic dextrin
  • 50g of whey protein isolate

He fuels his muscle with muscle glycogen (energy for muscles) after his workout – which is critical for muscle recovery and growth. Also, consuming protein within an hour after working out can be beneficial. 

Meal 4 

  • 150g chicken
  • 300g rice with a bit of Korean BBQ marinade (~10g carbs)
  • No additional fats

Labrada’s next meal after his post-workout nutrition is infiltrated with protein (chicken) and complex carbs, which he gets from rice — and of course, he adds some flavor to it by throwing on some low-carb BBQ sauce. 

Meal 5

  • 150g sirloin and 300g rice

Labrada continues his meal plan with more protein and complex carbs. Complex carbohydrates fuel your body and muscles — you’ll receive ample energy and feel satiated. 

Meal 6

  • 100g cream of rice
  • 50g whey isolate
  • 30g honey
  • 30g almond butter with some sea salt

Labrada’s sixth meal of the day includes some whey protein — which can help you get more protein conveniently since it can be tough to get enough protein from food sources alone. And he also added some honey again. 

You can watch the full video of Hunter Labrada sharing his meal below:

As expected from a professional bodybuilder, Hunter Labrada consumes ample daily protein. He eats a quality pre-workout and post-workout meal and also ensures that he replenishes his muscle glycogen with complex carbohydrates. 

And as many bodybuilders do, Labrada breaks up his meal plan into smaller meals rather than larger, fewer meals — which is pretty standard for bodybuilding athletes. 

More IFBB Pro’s Training and Nutrition

If you enjoyed Hunter Labrada’s full day of eating, be sure to check out how some of his competitors train and eat below:

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more insight on elite bodybuilders’ diets!

Kai Greene Discusses Steroids vs. Natural Competition: “I Believe In Unenhanced Athletic Performance”


Kai Greene was asked opinions during an interview about different substances in bodybuilding.

Despite not being part of competition anymore, Kai Greene continues to be a strong fitness mind who crushes different workouts on a daily basis. In a recent interview, Greene was asked about his opinion on steroids and testosterone replacement therapy while also sharing his current diet routine.

Greene has not been on stage since 2016. He was an extremely popular competitor in Men’s Open over the course of two decades. He had a chance to compete against some of the best in the world including Jay Cutler and Dexter Jackson.

Greene became most known for his battles with Phil Heath on the Olympia stage. No matter what sport it is, rivalries are what make it great. Greene and Heath have one of the all-time rivalries in bodybuilding and fans were entertained for years watching the two go at it.

Now, Greene continues to train himself in the gym but is also used as a coach for others. Kai Green is featured in the Generation Iron documentary Kaiwhich takes a comprehensive and official look at the life and career of the bodybuilding legend. The film can be watched here.

Kai Greene

Kai Greene Discusses Steroids, TRT, and Diet Plans

Adam’s Apple YouTube page caught up with Kai Greene for a candid interview, where he was able to discuss steroids and his current diet plan. Greene shared that his diet varies between 2,500 and 6,000 calories per day and that it depends on his target.

“It’s particular work that has to be done and the numbers can vary. I can do anywhere between 6,000 calories in a day and sometimes come down to maybe 2,500, depending on where we are in the process of preparation.”

When it comes to steroids and PEDs, there are many using TRT as a replacement. According to Greene, this is still a steroid.

“If you’re getting it for PED, performance-enhancing or you’re buying testosterone for natural male hormone replacement therapy.

With that said, it is a steroid to my knowledge. But there are plenty of supplements designed to boost your own natural testosterone production.”


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A post shared by Kai Greene (@kaigreene)

During his career, Kai Greene admitted to competing naturally for over 15 years because he believes in natural performance.

“I believe in unenhanced athletic performance. I believe there’s a lot of children getting involved in the sport newly.

“It’s important to be able to find out what you can do and be willing to go as far as you can and beyond that, from an unenhanced perspective, being natural. I competed for more than 15 years as an unenhanced natural athlete, very, very, very proud of that.”

Kai Greene might not be competing anymore but he remains an influential voice in bodybuilding because of where he came from and the success he had on stage. Over the course of his career, he was able to get the most out of his physique and did it naturally.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Edward Von Moger, Calum Von Moger’s Brother, Found Dead Amid Search

Calum brother

Edward von Moger, brother of Calum Von Moger, has been confirmed dead after going missing on Thursday.

Edward Von Moger has been confirmed dead after going missing last week. A body was found on the coast of a beach on Monday in Anglesea, Australia as the police began a search for Edward, who is the brother of Calum Von Moger. He was last seen on Thursday.

According to Daily Mail UK, Magistrate John Bentley revealed von Moger had tragically died over the weekend.

“He’s deceased,” Bentley said of Von Moger. “He was a lovely guy. Those charges are struck out. There’s press interest in this because his brother is quite famous.”

When the body was found, the identity of the human remains found has not been confirmed. A spokeswoman for the police shared at the time that the remains will be examined further to see if there is any connection to the disappearance on Von Moger.

“The remains will be transported to the coroner’s office for examination,” she said.

Brother Edward

Police Conducted A Search For Edward Von Moger

Edward Von Moger was last seen on Thursday, March 2nd 2023. Police found his pickup truck on Friday afternoon on Ellimatta Road in Anglesea. They have teamed up with Air Wing, Search and Rescue Squad, and Life-Saving Victoria teams during the search.

On social media, Calum Von Moger asks followers to aid authorities during the search.

“My little brother Eddie is missing,” Calum posted on Instagram Saturday.

He was last seen three days ago on Thursday, March 2 around 8am.

Please if anyone has seen or heard ANYTHING from him or has any information on his whereabouts please let me know and contact Geelong Police Station.”

Calum Von Moger returned to Instagram at the beginning of 2023 to share his new path, including a workout routine and diet plan. Von Moger plans to turn things around after being in the public eye following some issues over the last few years.

In May, it was reported that Calum Von Moger jumped through a second story window while under the influence of methamphetamine. He received many injuries, including lacerations from the glass and spinal damage from the fall. He was hospitalized, received spinal surgery, and was in a coma for many days.

Calum Von Moger, who’s recovery was chronicled in the Generation Iron original documentary, Calum Von Moger: Unbrokenhas made a full recovery and is now focused on finding his brother.

The investigation and search is still in progress. There will be more details shared once the full story is released. For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

DISCLAIMER: If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or a crisis, please reach out immediately to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741. These services are free and confidential.