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Hugh Jackman Works Core, Biceps, and Legs For Marvel’s Deadpool 3

Hugh Jackman is looking like a prime athlete ahead of his portrayal of Wolverine in Deadpool 3.

I’m preparation for his latest portrayal of Wolverine in the upcoming Deadpool 3, Hugh Jackman is working his ab core, biceps, and legs overtime. Jackman has always gave it his all in each portrayal of the popular Marvel character and this go around appears to be no different.

Prepping for a bodybuilding competition or a MMA bout requires maximum effort. An athlete must push their bodies and minds to the next level in order to perform at their highest potential. But these days professional athletes aren’t the only ones that have to get themselves ready for an event. In the modern era actors also have to transform their bodies to suit their chosen roles. It either enough to just read your lines and perform in front of the camera. These days if you want to star in a superhero property featuring otherworldly characters in top physical condition you need to look the part as well.

Hugh Jackman AKA Huge Jacked Man AKA Wolverine has wowed audiences with the portrayal of the popular Marvel character for decades now. Just when it seemed like Jackman was finished with his portrayal of the iconic character, it was confirmed that he would be reprising the role in the upcoming Deadpool 3. Starring opposite Ryan Reynolds, Jackman is looking to get back in top condition for the film. That means hitting the gym hard and leaving no stone unturned in his quest to build a superhero physique.

Looking to embody the savage physicality of Wolverine, Hugh Jackman his beefing up his physique with some intensive bodybuilding. Jackman has been pumping iron and you can see he’s already bulking up for the role. From the post below you can see Jackman carving out some mountainous bicep peaks with dumbbell curls.

Hulking Biceps


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No superhero physique can be complete without building some impressive wheels to go along with his arms. Hugh Jackman has chosen to utilize leg presses as one of his leg development methods to bulk up his lower half.

Leg Development


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It’s clear that Hugh Jackman has the bodybuilding down to a science at this point. But no amount of muscle building is a replacement for dynamic athleticism. Jackman recently showcased just how athletic he is at 46 as he works core in preparation.

Core Strength


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Hugh Jackman is getting into beastly condition and he’ll no doubt do justice to the Wolverine character once again.

What do you think of Hugh Jackman and his training for Deadpool 3?

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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Lee Haney Gives Advice To Young Bodybuilders: “You Gotta Be Careful With What You Hear On The Internet”

Diet Tips

Lee Haney emphasizes that not all seen on the internet can be trusted.

Bodybuilding legend Lee Haney is forever part of history as one of two athletes with eight Olympia victories over the course of his career. If there is anyone that a young bodybuilder should look to for advice, Haney is near the top of the list. In a recent interview, Haney shared some tips about looking up information on the internet.

Haney is considered one of the all-time greats because of the package that he was able to bring year in and year out. From 1984-1991, there was no one better as Haney won eight straight Sandow trophies. Following his final Olympia victory, Haney retired at the height of bodybuilding.

READ MORE: Lee Haney’s Legendary Old School Workout

Despite not being a competitor for decades now, Haney remains up to date with all things bodybuilding. This includes the current state of the Men’s Open division and even mental health in the sport. Now, he continues to look out for the next generation of competitors by sharing some advice.

Lee Haney

Lee Haney: “You Gotta Be Careful”

Lee Haney joined RxMuscle for an interview and was able to speak on the importance of health and safety in bodybuilding. He highlighted the internet nowadays and how there is plenty of inaccurate information out there.

“So much is on the internet now. Every now and then I would get an athlete reach out to me and ask about training systems, carb loading, carb depleting, last minute contest prep.”

Since a young age, a child is taught to not believe everything that they read. The same goes for adults trying to take on different challenges in life. The internet is not always a safe place and that is what Haney was emphasizing.

“I always emphasize that you gotta be careful with what you hear on the internet.”


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Lee Haney has gone on record in the past sharing advice for bodybuilders about contest prep. This could be about diets and different dehydration tips. The use of diuretics in bodybuilding has become a topic in recent years because of the harm that it could do to competitors.

READ MORE: Lee Haney Shares Tips For Healthy Contest Prep

Ronnie Coleman, who is tied with Haney with eight Olympia wins, has spoken out his own personal experiences when it comes to using diuretics. He highlighted his prep for the 2001 Olympia, where he thought he was going to die.

Lee Haney finished by explaining how there are plenty of great coaches out there but some do not have the same qualifications as others. This means it is important for the athletes to be cautious of what they are being told and what they read.

“A lot of these, you got a lot of coaches out here. A lot of them are great but then you have some who really are not qualified to do that. So, you got to be careful of what you hear.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

How To Maintain Muscle Mass During The Month Of Ramadan

Muscle Ramadan

Looking to maintain that muscle mass and shredded aesthetic during Ramadan? No problem!

The month of Ramadan begins on April 12 and runs through May 12 and for those wondering how to maintain muscle mass during Ramadan, a good planned approach will allow you to do so. Practiced by millions of Muslims around the world, Ramadan is a fast that requires those to abstain from eating and drinking, among other things, to achieve a consciousness and closer connection to God.

This can be especially challenging for bodybuilders and other athletes, and even those looking to just keep a desired physique, as fasting is typically not part of a well-thought out routine to keep on muscle mass and maintain that shredded aesthetic.

We all know that maintaining muscle requires a strict workout routine and careful diet and fasting can be a detriment to those gains we’ve worked all year for. During Ramadan, your workout plan needs to evolve and adapt to changes in not only fasting, but also sleep patterns, when you eat and drink, and the times of day you exercise. This may require some careful planning to ensure you get the most out of your training and diet plans, while also sticking to the requirements of this sacred holiday.

While it may not be the easiest, it is certainly possible to maintain muscle during Ramadan and here’s how. We want to give you the best chance at achieving all your goals and the key to success during Ramadan requires careful planning and a diligence that will test your will and physical capabilities. But do not fear, for we have some helpful advice and ways for you to continue to thrive during Ramadan.


How To Effectively Maximize Training & Workouts

When it comes to your workouts, there are some key ways to stay fit during Ramadan that will keep on that muscle mass.

Stick With What You Know

Instead of switching up your workout routine which will challenge your body in new and unique ways, look to stay with your existing workouts and what you know during the month of Ramadan. You will still build muscle and can sprinkle in new exercises to cause muscle confusion and continue to see growth, but starting a whole new routine may cause you to fight the urge to break the fast even more so and can negatively impact other areas of your daily lifestyle.

Resistance Training

Resistance training is a great way to progressively build muscle mass and staying consistent with this, especially during Ramadan, will prove to be key in the long run. By increasing volume and focusing on power and explosiveness, you can work with things like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and other forms of resistance training to really give your muscles what they need most (1).

strong man_pushups

High Reps & Focus On Intensity

Sticking with higher intensity will work your muscles effectively and putting in higher reps will continue to build muscle even during a fast. Increasing the number of sets and reps for your workout, while putting in different techniques like drop sets will not only work your muscles and target deeper into those muscles, but will also ensure you don’t lose muscle. It can also in fact assist you in putting lean muscle on. Lighter weight will allow you to maintain muscle mass and also allow you to perform these higher reps without putting yourself in a hole.


Sleep is super important even outside of Ramadan, but during this month of fasting, getting adequate sleep will support muscle growth and muscle building so you start to build those muscles you want to keep. Not to mention, you are not able to eat or drink anything during Ramadan, so energy drinks and pre-workouts are off the table, so get some good sleep.

It should go without saying that proper sleep will allow you to function better in daily life and make better decisions when it comes to training, planning your diet, and just living and all-around better lifestyle (2).

How To Optimize Your Nutrition Routine

Nutrition is one of the biggest components of your routine when it comes to staying fit, whether you are bulking, cutting, or maintaining. Hitting your macros and making sure they are from quality sources is key!

Make Protein A Priority

Since protein is the main building block of all muscle, making sure you get adequate amounts of protein during Ramadan will allow you to maintain muscle mass and will keep you full for longer. This is where a high-quality protein supplement will come to your aid for they will provide a clean source of protein that is easily digestible to hit you faster to maximize the benefits. Something like a whey protein is useful, but also a plant-based protein powder is a great way to avoid dairy and still allow you to maintain muscle (3).

Avoid Sugar & Fast Carbs

We all love both sugar and carbs, but being cautious of your intake will prove to be important when it comes to your nutrition routine. Since you’ve been fasting all day during the month of Ramadan, it can be easy to fall into the trap of eating whatever, but it is vital to fight this urge and not consume too many sugars and carbs. A high-carb meal should have equal amounts of protein if that is the route you choose to go.

leafy greens

Focus On Greens

Looking to incorporate as many vegetables and leafy greens into your diet as possible will provide those micronutrients and other essentials you’ve missed from a whole day of fasting during Ramadan. This is important for your cells, muscles, and other bodily functions overall to pump you with key vitamins and minerals so you don’t suffer any negative consequences to your growth and recovery.


Hydration is absolutely key, but it’s important to do so slowly. You want to be sure your body properly absorbs water and while it is tempting to drink massive amounts of water, do so in a way that will allow your body to properly absorb and maintain it (4). For those who work out after breaking the fast, be sure to constantly sip water during and after working out. As much as we love coffee and other sources of caffeine, try and avoid it as much as possible for it can dehydrate you further.

Ramadan Gains Wrap Up

Ramadan is a sacred time for many and it can be a battle of juggling sticking to the routine and the rules of Ramadan while also sticking to your workout routine to maintain muscle mass so you don’t lose those hard earned gains. Remember to be smart with your plan of attack and although it may take some extra diligence, it will all be worth it for it is possible to take advantage of this month and be successful.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Laursen, Paul B.; Jenkins, David G. (2002). “The scientific basis for high-intensity interval training: optimizing training programmes and maximizing performance in highly trained endurance athletes”. (source)
  2. Driver, Helen S.; Taylor, Sheila R. (2000). “Exercise and sleep”. (source)
  3. Pasiakos, Stefan M.; McLellan, Tom M.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)
  4. Shirreffs, S. M. (2009). “Hydration in sport and exercise: water, sports drinks and other drinks”. (source)

The Truth About Genetics, Bodybuilding & How To Overcome Them


The painful truth about genetics and its role in bodybuilding.

Genetics. That one painful or amazing word, depending on who you are. If you have good genetics, the world favors you. Things come easy to you in certain areas. Ever meet that person who never studies for a test but still gets A’s? Yeah, that’s genetics.

If you have bad genetics (or just mediocre genetics), you hate these people. Well, hate them may be too strong. You despise their gifted ability that comes so naturally to them. Better? But they don’t understand the amount of extra work “normal” people have to do in order to reach that elite level, whether it be in sports, strength, or intelligence.

This idea of genetics transcends all areas of your life, from athletics and those gifted few who make it to the professional level, academics and those who we mentioned above just have the “it” factor for school, or any other area of society where people can just naturally succeed.


Bodybuilding & Genetics

In bodybuilding people often ask the question, “Do genetics really play such a large role in success?” The painful truth is yes, yes it does. Now let’s be clear, good genetics doesn’t mean you will magically become Arnold Schwarzenegger with no work. Good genes don’t make you a champion. They simply effect how quickly results will be achieved. It effects how your body responds to the amount of work you put in. It allows you an automatic edge up on the competition that you can take full advantage of if you so please.

To put it simply, if you put in the same exact amount of work as someone with amazing genes, that person will see far better results than you. Facts are facts. If you have a faster metabolism, you will keep lean muscle far easier. If you have super-efficient satellite cells surrounding your muscle fibers, muscle growth will be achieved at a much faster rate.

For people with bad genes, this can be very frustrating. But the real problem is not a lack of genetics, but rather the question that we ask. There is nothing we can do about genetics because it is something we are born with and have to live with. What we can change is our mindset. The question shouldn’t be, “Are genetics important?”, but instead, “How do I maximize my own potential?”

It’s easy to get discouraged when you see a person with good genes earn great results twice as fast as you can, but you should avoid comparing yourself to those people. Instead of becoming discouraged you should become inspired. Let the heroes, the greats, and the champions inspire you to work harder. Avoid the phrase, “You can only be an Olympia champion if you hit the genetic jackpot.” In the end, it’s not a mistake to work hard and fail, it’s only a mistake if you don’t try to begin with.

And even still, while these Olympia champs may have started with good genetics, it took time and time again to see gains. Years in the gym, years of rehab, years of recovery from injury, and years of learning the right mindset to develop a killer routine. Genetics are often times used as a crutch for those who don’t have good genes. “Oh, so and so has better genetics so they beat me.” Wrong. “So and so” developed a better routine and was willing to put in work. Now they’re an Olympia champ.

Are you a hard gainer? Do you have trouble losing that extra fat? This will not be the death of you. You will have to work harder. You will have to experiment with your training. You will see results. As long as you are consistent with your training this will always remain true. It might be true that some athletes have a much easier time perfecting their physique, but if you think smart, keep a positive mindset, and push harder every day you will see results.


How To Overcome The “Genetic” Problem & See Gains

In order to overcome this so-called “genetic” problem, what it takes is putting the right plan in place so you don’t need the excuse. Focusing on training and a plan that actual builds and maintains muscle is paramount to your success, and while it can be hard some days to really feel the want to workout, this is what separates the weak from the strong, the winners from the losers, and the champs versus everyone else.

A solid plan may be hard to find but it is absolutely possible and looking to professional bodybuilders and their workouts is a quick way to see gains for you know exactly what you are getting. Plus, they are living proof of what these workouts can do.

Of course, gains happen also in the kitchen and a well-balanced diet of those macronutrients and whole foods is equally as important as your training routine for it will keep you powered and fueled in an efficient way for the best possible gains. Lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats will work wonders for you, no matter what your genetics may be.

On top of a healthy diet, supplementation can be a game changer and things like protein powders will enhance growth and recovery, pre-workouts will boost energy and provide for muscle pumps, and a fat burner can suppress your appetite, burn more calories, and help shed that unwanted fat. So, if you are someone constantly complaining about genetics, supplements are your ticket to get there if you use them in a responsible and appropriate way.

Wrap Up

You hear the idea of bodybuilding and genetics all of the time. People say someone is bigger because of genetics, or worse, they point to the role of PEDs, but regardless, what another athletes does or has is out of your control. You need to focus on you and with the right training, diet, and supplementation, you can keep up, it might just a little extra work.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato

Training Programming: Progressive Overload is Your New Best Friend

Progressive Overload is Your New Best Friend

Progressive overload is a term that’s quite often tossed around a lot. Many people think it’s as simple as slapping on more weight, but it’s more nuanced than this.

Many people debate whether progressive overload is the precursor to adaptation or if it’s the result of adaptations. The chicken vs the egg type of situation.

In principle, progressive overload is more of a precursor. It’s an increase in training stress imposed for further adaptations.

However, in practice, progressive overload doesn’t inherently cause muscle growth. Each time, you add more weight than you could previously handle, it’s not this overloading act that causes adaptations, but it’s the previous adaptations that allowed you to apply further overload. So you’re not necessarily bigger because you’re attempting to display more strength, but rather, you’re able to display more strength this workout because you got bigger.

In fact, currently being able to overload doesn’t even guarantee future adaptations or overload. It merely implies it. For example, many people can beat their performance last week, but not experience muscle growth due to hypertrophy being such a slow process or the fact that didn’t get a hypertrophy adaptation.

So while this may sound contradicting, based on what progressive overload is in nature and what it does in practice, both of these set of views can be true:

  • Progressive overload drives strength/hypertrophy. It literally brings you in the direction for more gains. In addition, more overload generally correlates with more adaptations (1).
  • Progressive overload does not technically cause adaptations. Adaptations reveals progressive overload to be possible. Arguably, progressive overload is more of a proxy measurement of gains rather than the direct cause of them.

Regardless, we know progressive overload must be in a training program or else that program is painfully sub-optimal.

low cable fly

How Necessary is Progressive Overload?

Progressive overload is like our way to track calories, but for our training stimulus. If we don’t do it, we don’t truly know where we’re at. We won’t know if the signal for muscle growth we’re attempting is strong enough to expand our tissues.

From a fat loss perspective, progressive overload also allows you to know your workout is burning more calories over time. This effect is minor, but if you’re able to go from lifting 200 lbs for 8 reps to lifting 250 lbs for 12 reps, your body is going to be expending much more energy in the latter scenario.

cable front raise

How to Apply Progressive Overload

Progressive overload can be applied in many ways, but the 2 true and accurate way of doing so is weight and reps. If you can lift heavier weights for the same reps, then the stimulus has objectively increased.

Similarly, if you can lift the same weight for more reps, surely overload has occurred.

Other methods have more flaws and can’t make up the bulk of your progression. For example, increasing sets is useful, but it is truly not overload. If you do the same work, but add another set, you are technically imposing a greater stressor than last week, but it won’t reveal if overload is taking place.

This is because you could’ve done an extra set last week, but you simply didn’t add it. So adding sets can be useful for other reasons, but to truly know you’re overloading and adapting, load or rep progressions must take place.

In practical settings, we know that overload doesn’t take place linearly. We can’t just add weight and reps without changing other factors every week. If we could, we’d all be able to bench 400 lbs for 50 reps in a matter of months.

The most basic way of applying overload over time is a double progression model. You set a rep range and once you’re able to reach the end of the rep range with a weight for all assigned sets, you increase the load. Afterwards, you increase reps until you max out the rep range again in which it’ll be time to add weight again.

joint support supplements

It could look something like this for 3 sets of squats with a rep range of 8-12.

  • Week 1: 225 x 12, 10, 8
  • Week 2: 225 x 12, 12, 12
  • Week 3: 250 x 12, 11, 9
  • Week 4: 250 x 12, 12, 12
  • Week 5: 255 x 11, 9, 8
  • Week 6: 255 x 12, 11, 10
  • Week 7: 255 x 12, 12, 11
  • Week 8: 255 x 12, 12, 12

You will need a logbook to do this, which is simply a fancy word meaning notebook or app to track. Really any dollar store notebook will be fine. If you’re not currently tracking your performance, this is the wake up to do so. What gets measured gets managed and your muscle and strength are too precious to leave to chance.

Keep in mind, your form must be solid and consistent. If you don’t squat to depth or the bar doesn’t touch your chest on bench, you don’t count it. The logbook is essentially where you’re tracking your training stimulus. Just like you wouldn’t track calories inaccurately, you only count reps with solid form to the full range you’re intending.

In addition, it’s important to be patient with overload during a deficit. If you’re cutting, total food intake and bodyweight are lower, so some of your big lifts may progress slower. Keep in mind, some progression should still take place. If it’s not, you might be sacrificing too much performance by dieting needlessly aggressive.

But at the end of the day, focus on adding weight and reps to your performance week to week. Don’t go into the gym with the mindset of training hard. Go into the gym with a mindset of tracking your performance and beating the logbook. Feelings don’t bring growth. Numbers will. Show me someone who can lift heavy weights for a bunch of reps and I’ll show you someone who’s got tons of muscle.

Wrap Up

Progressive overload is a nice way to increase your gains and can be placed into your routine no problem. With the right approach, you will better prepare for anything that comes your way so consider progressive overload in your routine today.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Peterson, M.; et al. (2010). “Progression of volume load and muscular adaptation during resistance exercise”. (source)

Stoltman Brothers To Be Featured On HBO’s “Real Sports”


The new HBO segment special will take a look at the real lives of Tom and Luke Stoltman.

Tom Stoltman and Luke Stoltman continue to be two of the biggest names in Strongman and will now have another chance to show their lives. The Stoltman Brothers run a successful YouTube page where they show different workouts and diet plans. Now, the Stoltman brothers will be featured on HBO’s Real Sports with Bryan Gumbel. The show is scheduled to air on Tuesday, March 21st 2023  at 10 p.m eastern on HBO.

In a recent tailer, the brothers can be seen preparing meals and hitting the gym to train Log Press. The crew went to Scotland to film the brothers as they were preparing for a show. Out of the gym, they will be interviewed discussing their lives. Fans can also stream the show on the HBO Max App.

Stoltman Brothers Preparing For 2023 World’s Strongest Man

The upcoming 2023 World’s Strongest Man competition will feature some of the top names in the sport and of course, the Stoltman Brothers are on the list.

Tom Stoltman will return looking to defend his title as a two-time reigning champion. Both brothers are coming off an appearance at the 2023 Arnold Strongman Classic. The 2023 WSM is scheduled for April 19-23 in Myrtle Beach, SC and the full events schedule has been released.

READ MORE: Tom Stoltman Shares Workout To Build Size And Strength In Shoulders

Recently, the Stoltman Brothers shared a massive 10,000-calorie diet used during prep. The duo has also attacked a 20,000-calorie breakfast challenge, showing off their massive appetites on several occasions. This diet plan is not foreign to Strongmen as they look to take in enough calories to maintain strength and energy.


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Luke Stoltman will appear in the WSM for the eighth consecutive year. Over the course of his career, he has totaled five gold medals in the Scotland’s Strongest Man show and has won other titles, such as the 2021 Giants Live World Tour Finals and 2021 Europe’s Strongest Man.

Last May, Luke Stoltman went on YouTube to share a video defending a leaked call recorded during a private conversation. He shared different details about Giants Live and the World’s Strongest Man competition. In his video, he was able to set the record straight and is now ready to return to the WSM.

READ MORE: Luke Stoltman Crushes PR 738-Pound Squat Double

Tom Stoltman has won two Scotland’s Strongest Man and Britain’s Strongest Man titles each. He also has back-to-back WSM wins under his belt. In recent years, Tom Stoltman has hit his stride and can add another if he is victorious in April.

Heading into the event, there is no doubt that the Stoltman Brothers are ready to make an impact. There could be another title coming into the family if all goes right. If you ever wondered about their lives in and out of the gym, tune into the HBO segment on Tuesday night to get a bit of insight.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Victor Martinez and the GI Team Answer: What’s Better for Muscle Growth, Turkesterone or Anavar?

Victor Martinez and the GI crew compare Turkesterone or Anavar for muscle growth. 

Everyone wants to know how drugs affect your physique in the gym. What are the different drugs used for? Which ones do bodybuilders use to support muscle growth, and which are better suited for weight loss? Bodybuilding legend Victor Martinez and the Generation Iron team — Victor Martinez, Ehsan Farahi, Vlad Yudin, and Edwin Mejia Jr.  discuss what’s better for muscle growth, Turkesterone or Anavar? 

In addition to discussing these anabolic steroids, the GI team talks about how Ozempic works for weight loss and carb cycling to burn stubborn belly fat. They also discuss the gym culture in America and how it differs in other countries like Kuwait. 

*Note: The Generation Iron team does not endorse or recommend using any drugs discussed in this podcast. It’s all for conversational and educational purposes on how they may affect your body based on anecdotal evidence. 


To start the podcast, the crew discussed Ozempic. According to Martinez, Ozempic is a type II diabetic drug to treat diabetes — Edwin Mejia Jr. (GI producer) joked that the Kardashians also used it. Martinez said that it’s very effective for burning body fat and that the side effect of this drug is kidney failure. 

The GI crew added that a prescription is needed, or you’ll be paying $1200 to $1500 a month, and insurance companies will usually accept only obese patients. The consensus is that it’s good for you if you have an eating problem and struggle with obesity. However, it’s not recommended to do if you’re using it to get in shape. 

Turkesterone or Anavar for Muscle Growth

The Generation Iron team received an email from fans about the pros and cons of Turkesterone (a plant-based anabolic steroid) or Anavar (a steroid) to help with muscle growth. Specifically, Turkesterone is a plant-based ecdysteroid, a performance-enhancing found in herbs — thistle plants native to Central Asia. And on the other hand, Anavar is a medication prescribed to help people regain their weight from medical conditions, including surgery, chronic infection, and trauma. 


Turkesterone is a promising natural compound that has been gaining attention in the world of health and fitness, and for a good reason. This powerful substance, derived from the Ajuga Turkestanica plant, boasts an array of benefits that can help improve your overall well-being. Turkesterone enhances muscle growth and strength, making it an excellent addition to any workout routine. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory properties that aid in reducing inflammation, promoting faster recovery, and reducing the risk of injury. 

But, as with any supplement, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects. Some users of Turkesterone have reported mild gastrointestinal issues, such as an upset stomach. Therefore, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before diving into the world of Turkesterone to ensure its safe and effective incorporation into your lifestyle (1).


Anavar, a widely recognized steroid, has gained immense popularity in fitness and bodybuilding due to its multiple benefits. It not only aids in shedding body fat but also effectively supports muscle growth and strength gains. This makes it ideal for individuals seeking a well-toned and lean physique. Additionally, Anavar has a low androgenic effect, resulting in minimal side effects compared to other steroids. As a result, it is often considered a safer choice, especially for women. However, like any other medication, Anavar is not entirely without consequences. 

Some potential side effects may include liver toxicity, mild hair loss, and a temporary decrease in natural testosterone production. Therefore, users must consult with their healthcare professionals and adhere to a properly designed cycle to maximize Anavar’s benefits while minimizing undesirable bodily impacts (2).

Victor Martinez noted that even though people are starting to use these steroids again, they’re not new, and people are just beginning to use them again. After a brief discussion, the GI team decided Anavar was the better option. It’s simply the drug more known regarding how it works, its use, dosage, and side effects. Turkesterone isn’t as established, and there isn’t as much research or anecdotal evidence. 

Carb Cycling

Another topic discussed in the episode is what carb cycling is and how does it work? Victor Martinez said it’s lowering your intake of carbs. Martinez used an example and said you would start with about 200 grams of carbs, then reduce your consumption from there — 150g as lower to 100g — he said your body sustaining 100g per day is usually insufficient. 

That’s where “carb cycling” comes in, where you up your intake of carbohydrates for a few days. Vlad Yudin (GI director) chimed in and asked Martinez if it could be bad carbs or if it had to be clean carbs. Martinez responded that the carbs sources should preferably come from complex carbs, such as rice and potatoes. According to Martinez, it will shock your system to start burning fat. Martinez said, “so you have like 3 days low, you have 2 days high, or 1 day high, 2 days low.” 

Gym Culture in Kuwait Vs. the States

The GI podcast crew ended the podcast talking about the gym culture in other countries such as Kuwait — which the GI crew says has a very supportive gym environment — versus the states. And how much equipment is needed to prepare for bigger shows — Victor Martinez said nothing is better than free weights

Wrap Up 

Victor Martinez and the GI team discuss the anabolic steroids Turkesterone and Anavar and name which one is better for muscle growth. They also talked about the drug Ozempic and how some people use it for weight loss — although it’s meant for people with obesity or who are diabetic. Carb cycling was another topic covered, a very effective fat-burning strategy. Lastly, the crew talked about gym culture in the states versus Kuwait. You can watch the full video of the late Generation Iron podcast above. 

Don’t forget to also check back every Tuesday for new episodes every Tuesday only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network or wherever podcasts are downloaded. 


  1. Dinan, L., Bourne, P., Whiting, P., Tsitsekli, A., Saatov, Z., Dhadialla, T. S., Hormann, R. E., Lafont, R., & Coll, J. (2003). Synthesis and biological activities of turkesterone 11alpha-acyl derivatives. Journal of insect science (Online), 3, 6. https://doi.org/10.1093/jis/3.1.6
  2. Przkora, R., Herndon, D. N., & Suman, O. E. (2007). The effects of oxandrolone and exercise on muscle mass and function in children with severe burns. Pediatrics, 119(1), e109–e116. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2006-1548

Mother-Of-One Successfully Took On Bodybuilding Following Kidney Cancer Diagnosis


Annamarya Scaccia became a bodybuilder following surgery, focused on watching her son grow up.

The sport of bodybuilding has been used in many ways by many different people. Whether you are competing professionally or looking to begin a career in the sport, it can be done by anyone with dedication to fitness. Over the last three years, mother-of-one Annamayra Scaccia used bodybuilding to get back into fitness.

Scaccia, who trained as a kickboxer for years, was diagnosed with kidney cancer on Sept. 30, 2020. At the time, she did not know what type of cancer she had or the severity of it. The doctors shared that she would need a nephrectomy, which is a procedure to remove part of the kidney.

At the time of her diagnosis, Scaccia was focused on her son, according to The U.S. Sun.

“I was terrified because I didn’t know if my worst fear would come true, that I wouldn’t be able to watch my son grow up…He was frightened of losing me and clinging to me wherever we went.”

Just two months before her diagnosis, Scaccia went to the doctor for a routine checkup but the creatine levels in her kidneys was a concern. An ultrasound discovered a five-centimeter mass on her left kidney. The doctor found it to be cancerous and could have been growing for close to five years.

Scaccia had been training six days a week for two hours a day to continue her career as a kickboxer. She has plans of competing in Muay Thai fights. After undergoing surgery and recovery for six months, Scaccia decided to switch gears to bodybuilding.

Annamarya Scaccia’s Journey Into Bodybuilding

Doctors revealed that Scaccia had Stage 1 chromophore renal cell carcinoma. The surgery was a success and Scaccia was able to recover over six months. After that, she continued her love for fitness but in a different way.

Scaccia took her time ramping up exercises but was able to get on stage to compete as a natural bodybuilder. Once she was healthy enough to go full force in the gym, she would spend three hours a day working on her physique.

READ MORE: Mother And Fitness Enthusiast Shows Off Shredded Abs Just Weeks After Giving Birth

In November 2021, Scaccia competed in her first bodybuilding show as a Figure competitor. One year later, she competed in two shows before taking a break from competition. Scaccia plans to return to the stage in 2024 but there is no timetable yet.

“My cancer didn’t take me out, that my cancer didn’t take away fitness from me, that I am more than my diagnosis.”

Scaccia is now working as an ambassador for the Kidney Cancer Association. She is also a certified fitness and nutrition coach. Scaccia continues to be a role model for those in and out of the fitness industry. She wants to show others that people with her condition can do what they put their minds to, including competing in bodybuilding.

“I want to make fitness fit for people like me, who operate in that grey space of nutrition…I want to open up the world of natural bodybuilding and make it more inclusive and welcoming of people like me.”

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Larry Wheels Shares Physique Update Following Classic Physique Bodybuilding Workout

Physique Update

Larry Wheels has been hard at work tailoring his physique for Classic Physique.

Larry Wheels set a goal of competing on the bodybuilding stage in the Classic Physique division and has started his training regimen. On Saturday, the fitness star shared a physique update to his Instagram page showing off his progress to this point.

Wheels burst onto the scene because of his insane size and feats of strength in powerlifting. During his career, he also dabbled in bodybuilding and arm wrestling. In 2018, Wheels made his bodybuilding debut by competing in the NPC Gold Coast Muscle Classic, where he won gold.

READ MORE: Larry Wheels Gets Posing Tips From William Bonac

Around this time last year, Wheels began getting his health checked by doctors. After using different steroids for over a decade, Wheels decided to ween off gear and begin using testosterone replacement therapy. While on TRT, Wheels has shared many physique updates where he remains shredded and is putting size back on.

“Am I looking classic yet? Be honest.”


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Larry Wheels Classic Physique Workout

Larry Wheels was recently joined by powerlifting legend Eddie Hall, who is also on a bodybuilding journey, for a shoulder workout. Together, the two hit a massive workout at the Pro’s Gym in Columbus, OH while in town for the 2023 Arnold Sports Festival.

Wheels has built his strength to an elite level since weening off steroids and is now looking to get his conditioning at the right level to compete in Classic Physique.

Full Name: Larry Wheels
Weight Height Date Of Birth
244-255 lbs 6’1″ 12/31/1994
Division Era Nationality
Powerlifter 2010 American


Larry Wheels announced last week that he was eyeing Classic Physique as a potential return to the bodybuilding stage. This was because he did not want to put on as much size needed to compete in Men’s Open. He believes that he is as big as he needs to be for Classic. Now, he will have to get in the right conditioning and get his posing to the level it needs to be.

READ MORE: Larry Wheels Training & Diet Program


The Classic Physique division has turned into one of the biggest in bodybuilding. This is because of the aesthetically pleasing physiques and stars at the top, beginning with Chris Bumstead. If Larry Wheels was to eventually insert his name into the competition, it would add even more eyeballs.

Bodybuilding Workouts

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2023 Musclecontest Campinas Bodybuilding Pro Results


Breanda Farias wins the 2023 Musclecontest Campinas Pro!

The 2023 Musclecontest Campinas Pro concluded on Saturday with the Bikini division being highlighted. There was a total of 12 competitors in the show looking for a qualification to the 2023 Olympia. In the end, it was Brenda Farias who was victorious in San Paulo, Brazil.

Farias punched her ticket early in the season and can now prepare for the biggest show of the year. This will be her first qualification. This year, there have been some changes to the process. Unlike other years, there is no point system being used to allow athletes to enter the Olympia. Now, they must win a pro show in order to qualify. Farias has now accomplished this goal early in the bodybuilding season.

The Bikini division continues to be a growing product with a lot of talent at the top. In March, Lauralie Chapados won her second consecutive Arnold Classic title. She defeated the two most recent Olympia champions in Maureen Blanquisco (2022) and Jennifer Dorie (2021). Also, Chapados topped Ashley Kaltwasser, who has many titles on her resume. The Olympia will be another thriller with many competitors who can come out on top.

Gessica Brun finished second in the event while Mirian Barbosa was third. They came up just short but will be favorites in certain events moving forward looking to punch their ticket to the Olympia. Below, check out the full breakdown of the event, along with an official score card.

2023 Musclecontest Campinas Pro Breakdown


  • First Place – Brenda Farias
  • Second Place – Gessica Brun
  • Third Place – Mirian Barbosa
  • Fourth Place – Anna Paula Baggio
  • Fifth Place – Priscila Rodrigues
  • Sixth Place – Luciana de Souza Santos
  • Seventh Place – Mariana Tibirica Menezes
  • Eighth Place – Tais Silva
  • Ninth Place – Greice Fornazin
  • Tenth Place – Silvana Tagliati

2023 Musclecontest Campinas Pro Official Scorecard


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