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WATCH: ‘Code Red: Diaries Of Madness’ Official Release Trailer | Available Now On Digital!

Code Red: Diaries Of Madness is now available on all major digital platforms

To announce the release, Generation Iron Network has released a new trailer providing more insight into what’s in store for audiences – you can watch the new release trailer above!

The Hardcore Mentality Of Cristy “Code Red” Nickel

Cristy “Code Red” Nickel not only transformed her own life – but the life of others over the past numerous decades of her fitness and health career. Starting as a Figure bodybuilding competitor only to give up after one failed amateur competition – Cristy eventually turned to boxing where she became a champion pro boxer and dubbed one of the most dangerous women in the sport.

After retiring from pro boxing, Cristy Nickel used her vast knowledge and focus to create the Code Red Lifestyle program. A nutrition plan that has helped thousands transform their physiques, lose weight, and all without relying on fat burners, shakes, or supplements.

Known for her “scared straight” approach to working with clients, Cristy Nickel’s hardcore persona is a staple of changing lives. However, in recent years, Cristy has found that her own physique has been lacking. She has, in fact, looked worse than any other time in her fitness life. Realizing that she needed a change, Cristy set a goal for herself to completely transform her life, health, and physique.

And of course, true to her personality, her goal was set to an incredible, perhaps near-impossible, deadline. To completely transform her physique in only six months and step back on the Figure bodybuilding stage and win a competition.

An Inside Look Into Cristy Nickel’s Transformation

Code Red: Diaries of Madness follows Cristy Nickel on this journey as she spends six months completely changing her life and transforming her body. Utilizing a combination of the Generation Iron film crew cameras and Cristy’s own personal video diaries – Code Red: Diaries of Madness showcases a level of intimacy, both highs and lows, of her shocking lifestyle change and transformation.

The film also tracks Cristy Nickel as she continues to coach three Code Red Lifestyle clients – transforming their bodies as she pushes through her own transformation. Providing a glimpse into her hardcore coaching approach.

You can catch a preview of all of this and more by watching the brand new trailer for Code Red: Diaries of Madness above.

How To Watch Code Red: Diaries of Madness

Code Red: Diaries of Madness is directed by Vlad Yudin (Generation Iron, The Hurt Business, Ronnie Coleman: The King) and produced by both Yudin and Edwin Mejia Jr. (Generation Iron, Jeremy Scott: The People’s Designer, The Hurt Business, Ronnie Coleman: The King).

Code Red: Diaries of Madness is available NOW on all major digital platforms including Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, and Vimeo On Demand. For more information about the film, including ways to watch and pre-order, visit the official documentary website right here or click the banner below.

Code Red: Diaries Of Madness watch now

The Ultimate Miranda Cohen Workout

miranda cohen workout
Image courtesy of Instagram (mirandacohenfit)

See how this influencer stays in shape

Miranda Cohen is blowing up on social media, as well as being the founder and CEO of Miranda Dream Fit, where she focuses on coaching her clients to help them achieve their dream physiques, whether they are looking to shed fat or build muscle mass. She herself struggled with body image for a long time, but now is one of the top fitness influencers there is, with over 500 thousand subscribers on Youtube and over 6 million followers on Instagram, and she sports an amazing physique that many try to replicate. But how did she get there? What is Miranda Cohen’s workout routine

Let’s take a look at exactly how Miranda Cohen built such an incredible physique that has earned her quite the reputation.

Miranda Cohen Workout

Miranda Cohen Upper Body
Image courtesy of Instagram (mirandacohenfit)

Miranda Cohen splits her workouts into upper and lower body routines, so we are going to take a look at each.


As with following anyone’s workout routine, you do not want to be cold going into the lifting, you need to warm up. That being said, before each of the days of Miranda Cohen’s workout, begin with 5-10 minutes of light cardio such as jogging, jumping jacks, or cycling to increase heart rate and warm up muscles.

Miranda also is someone who starts with dynamic stretches focusing on major muscle groups like leg swings, arm circles, and torso twists to improve flexibility and mobility, especially on those leg days.

Upper Body

Exercise Sets  Reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 10
Pendlay Row 3 8/6/failure
Chest Supported Lat Pulldown 3 8/6/failure
Cable Lateral Raise 3 6-8
Dumbbell Bicep Curl 3 8-10
Dumbbell Tricep Extension 3 10

As you can see, with Miranda Cohen’s upper body workout, she does a good amount of volume, even taking her sets to muscular failure. She also leaves out chest movements, but includes exercises for the back, shoulders, and the deltoids. Now let’s take a look at her lower body day.

Upper Body
Image courtesy of Instagram (mirandacohenfit)

Lower Body 

Exercise Sets Reps
Single Leg Dumbbell RDL 4 8 per leg
Dumbbell Step Ups 4 8 per leg
Leg Extensions 3
Adductor Machine 3 8
Seated Calf Raise 6 8

Now as you can see with Miranda Cohen’s lower body workout, she does not do a major amount of compound exercises, making sure to isolate each muscle. She also has a larger focus on the hamstrings and glutes, rather than the quads. That being said, if you are someone looking to train for powerlifting or bodybuilding, you may want to use a bit of a different leg workout.

Rest and Recovery

Allow at least one day of rest between strength training sessions to allow muscles to recover and grow. If you hit upper body on a Monday, you do not want to hit it again on Tuesday. 

You also want to ensure proper nutrition and hydration to support muscle recovery and overall health. Remember to listen to your body and adjust the intensity and frequency of workouts as needed. Consistency is key to seeing progress in your fitness journey.

More About Miranda Cohen

Image courtesy of Instagram (mirandacohenfit)

As stated above, Miranda Cohen has her own company, where she trains clients to be the best versions of themselves. Miranda is a natural fighter who has gone through some challenges from the very beginning, as she was born with a hole in her heart, a condition known as Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD). Miranda was encouraged by her mother to live a healthy lifestyle to combat her medical circumstances (the possibility of open heart surgery) that were always looming over her future. 

Despite the limitations of her condition, Miranda persevered, not letting it define her and finding things that she loved to do, and pursuing them. Miranda had her first job at 12 years old, caddying on routine golf outings. The people she caddied for were successful business men and women, and each time she picked up pieces of life advice, knowledge and experience that helped guide her. 

From there Miranda picked up dance and mastered ballet, hip-hop, jazz, tap, and lyrical routine, dedicating herself fully to these different interests. She eventually joined Western Michigan University’s dance team, and found someone who shared a mindset similar to hers and mentored her, teaching her that self doubt and criticism is for the faint of heart and only stiffles personal growth. Miranda began to train her body and find every possible way to be her best self.

Miranda was working with her mother one summer when her mother told her that she needed to start her own business, and she was right. When Miranda returned to college that next semester, she combined her passion and the potential for training and with her friend and mentor, Lucas, Miranda Dream Fit was born. 

Since then, Miranda has become a guiding force in the fitness industry, allowing for people to follow her workouts and take her advice. 

Wrap Up

Overall, what do you think of Miranda Cohen? Do you think she is just like the other gymcel influencers that are just trying to sell their cookie cutter programs? Or do you think that she has some good advice and brings value and positivity to the industry?

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

BodyDynamix Slimvance Review: How Effective is this Fat Burner

BodyDynamix Slimvance Review

It’s no surprise that you’re searching for reviews on BodyDynamix Slimvance – this fat burner (or “Core Slimming Complex” as it’s labelled) has become an extremely popular supplement over the years on online retailers such as GNC and Amazon. Since it’s available in these retailers, you can buy it regardless of whether you are in the US, UK or Australia. But what makes this fat burner worth buying?

We respect that not everyone knows what every ingredient in fat burners are, though. So that’s exactly why we’re writing this review for you.

Read on to find out about all the ingredients in Bodydynamix Slimvance. And our honest thoughts on whether it’s worth trying out, or if there are better options out there.

Product Overview

BodyDynamix® Slimvance® XP has been formulated with clinically proven ingredients to rev up your metabolism and help you lose inches from your hips and waist while also burning more calories.

For those that don’t want to read over 2000 words, we’ll give you a quick roundup of our thoughts on BodyDynamix Slimvance in this section. It’s rated at around 3.5 stars on GNC – and the same on independent review sites such as our Supplement Reviews. And we think that’s pretty accurate.

It not a bad supplement by any means. In fact, it’s a much better option than many we’ve seen on the market.

But is it the Best Fat Burner Available to You?

One thing that really lets Slimvance by BodyDynamix down is the fact that it contains a proprietary blend – meaning the individual dosages of several ingredients are hidden under an overall value.

If you’re confused about our last sentence, check out the supplement facts label of Slimvance below and take a look at where it says “Slimvance Patented Blend”. You’ll see that the overall quantity of the blend is 450 mg, but you’re not shown the individual dosages of the ingredients contained within the blend (such as Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract).

We are trying to be brutally honest in this review, and we do think 200 mg of caffeine is potentially “too much” for a fat burner. Remember that pre-workout supplements are designed to get you “fired-up” before a workout. Well, pre-workouts often contain right around 200 mg caffeine per serving, which should explain why we feel this is a lot for a fat burner.


Cost always has to come into play when looking at supplements. We have to feel that a supplement offers sufficient “bang for buck” – and at $59.99, Slimvance may be priced a bit too high for our liking.

It’s not packed with superstar, tried, tested and rated fat burning ingredients at this price. And it doesn’t contain any ingredients to help preserve your hard-earned muscle tone and muscle mass while in a calorie deficit either.

Slimvance Fat Burner Ingredients

slimvance fat burnerNow for the main course. The ingredients in this “core slimming complex”.

We’ve already given our thoughts on why we don’t like proprietary blends in the last section of this review. So to save things from being too negative, we won’t repeat that.

But what we will do is tell you the important things about each individual ingredient that have been added to Slimvance Fat Burner’s formula.

Let’s begin…

Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract

From clinical studies that we’ve read, moringa oleifera leaf extract seems to have antioxidant properties that help combat cadmium induced toxicity to your organs [1].

However, there doesn’t seem to be enough evidence of its ability to help you lose fat or weight. And some studies even state that it can have potentially “toxic effects”.

You could just eat some blueberries if you’re looking for some antioxidant effects without toxicity. So we’re not completely convinced this is a useful addition to Slimvance if we’re being honest.

Murraya Koenigii Leaf Extract

If you forget about the fancy name, you’ve most likely heard about this when called by It’s other name – curry leaf extract.

From the clinical studies that we’ve seen, it seems to offer some good anti-inflammatory effects. And in fairness, there is a study that used obese rats as the subjects which found the extracts of murraya koenigii leaves were able to promote fat loss [3]. Remember though, that the subjects here weren’t humans – they were obese rats.

Overall, this ingredient certainly looks more promising than moringa oleifera leaf extract, which is great news. It still wouldn’t be included in our “dream fat burner formula” though.

Curcuma Longa Root Extract

In simple English, this is turmeric root extract (since turmeric comes from the root of the curcuma longa root). The “extract” being curcumin.

This is certainly one of the best ingredients in Slimvance since you can’t really argue against curcumin; everyone knows that it’s a great anti-inflammatory that’s also beneficial to your joint health.

Clinical studies have also shown that curcumin is able to have a positive effect on fat loss too [4]. So nothing to complain about here.

Caffeine Anhydrous

caffeine pills

Here’s where the real problem for us begins. In our honest opinion, there is no need to have 200 mg caffeine in a fat burner supplement. To put that into perspective, 200 mg caffeine is the equivalent to 2 cups of coffee at once. And if you drink a cup of coffee and take Slimvance at similar times – you may be putting yourself at risk of jitters due to taking too much caffeine at once.

We prefer supplements containing lower dosages of caffeine (100 mg at a maximum) so that customers can still enjoy their morning cup of coffee and more, without any risks of side effects.

In fact, one study found that those sensitive to caffeine shouldn’t consume 400 mg or more per day [5] – that would only be 2 cups of coffee and one serving of Slimvance…so make sure you always check the caffeine content in supplements before you pop any weight loss pills.

And to be honest, a cup of coffee/green tea will deliver the energy boosting benefit that caffeine is added to fat burners for, anyway.

Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Extract

If there’s one ingredient that we would remove from BodyDynamix Slimvance, it’s garcinia cambogia fruit extract.

While it was originally marketed as some sort of “miracle” ingredient, it’s since been debunked and found to not be very effective.

So much so, that one study states that “future trials should be more rigorous, longer in duration, and better reported” (basically saying that previous studies on garcinia cambogia were unreliable) [6].

We’re glad that many supplement companies have since stopped adding garcinia cambogia to their fat burners. But many still add them to diet pills targeted at women, which is most probably why it’s included in Slimvance’s formula.

Capsimax Fruit Extract

If you’re looking for the best ingredient (maybe joint best along with curcumin) in Slimvance, then this is it – it’s a patented form of cayenne pepper extract.

If you’re wondering what that is, then it’s basically capsaicin (a form of capsaicinoid); this has proven to be effective at boosting your metabolic rate and promoting fat loss in countless clinical studies. There is even a study titled “Capsaicinoids supplementation decreases percent body fat and fat mass” it’s that reliable [7].

How does it work? Eat a cayenne pepper and see what happens – things will start to get spicy and you’ll probably start to sweat a little. The thing that’s responsible for cayenne pepper’s “spiciness” is capsaicin. That concludes our science lesson on that…hopefully you enjoyed learning how cayenne pepper extract works.

Piperine from Black Pepper Extract

We do like that BodyDynamix has put things in plain simple terms by listing black pepper extract as “piperine”. Not that the normal person like you will understand what it means, anyway…

Piperine is the active ingredient in black pepper and has shown to be able to improve the bioavailability of ingredients that it is consumed alongside [8].

So it’s basically believed to make supplements more effective.

While it’s not the most exciting ingredient in any supplement, it does work.

Does Slimvance Fat Burner Work?

After reading all of the above, you can probably start to form your own opinion on this fat burner. It does contain some great ingredients such as curcumin and cayenne pepper extract. So it could very well work just fine. Our main issue is that it contains some “unreliable” ingredients such as garcinia cambogia extract.

We don’t have any Slimvance before and after pictures for you, though.


Slimvance Side Effects

The concern with BodyDynamix’s fat burner is that it contains 200 mg caffeine anhydrous. This could mean those with a low tolerance to caffeine could suffer jitters.

For this reason, we have come to like caffeine-free pre-workouts and fat burners.

There is also a slight worry with moringa oleifera possessing some toxic properties – but this shouldn’t be an issue here.

Pros and Cons of Slimvance


  • Cayenne pepper extract is a reliable thermogenic
  • Curcumin offers a wide range of benefits
  • Piperine can improve the bioavailability of other nutrients


  • Garcinia cambogia extract has become known to be unreliable (and most likely ineffective in our honest opinion)
  • 200 mg caffeine anhydrous per serving may cause jitters to those with a low tolerance to stimulants
  • We’re not convinced about the effectiveness of moringa oleifera leaf extract.
  • $59.99 is a high price tag, with many other respected fat burners being priced lower

Conclusion: Our Final Verdict

Slimvance is by no means a “bad” option if you’re looking for a fat burner. But we do think that it possesses around 2-3 effective ingredients, with the rest being there for marketing purposes to try and justify its big $59.99 price.

If Slimvance was priced lower (at around $39.99) then we would absolutely believe this was a great deal. With other great options being available at around the $40 mark, we do recommend that you take a look into those – if you still go ahead with Slimvance, then it won’t be a bad choice either.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5449781/

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7064870/

[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20655993/

[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6582779/

[5] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12519715/

[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3010674/

[7] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6088424/

[8]. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3634921/

Phil Heath Says Trans Bodybuilders Should Have Own League: “I Want Everyone To Live Their Life No Problem”

Piers Morgan YouTube

Phil Heath believes trans bodybuilders should have a chance to compete in their own division.

Phil Heath is a bodybuilding legend that keeps in tune with the current happenings in the sport. Recently, he was asked about a different topic involving trans bodybuilders. Heath believes that there should be a separate division so trans competitors can compete against one another.

Heath totaled seven Olympia titles over the course of his career. Just like Ronnie and Jay, Phil Heath had an intense rivalry with Kai Greene. In 2020, he stepped on stage for the what seems to be the final time, but has been active in the gym ever since. During the 2020 show, Heath finished third and fans have been waiting for his return ever since. As of now, Heath is tied with Schwarzenegger with seven Olympia victories.

During an interview with Piers Morgan, Heath discussed the possibility of a trans bodybuilding division.

“I think that they should just have their own league. Don’t make it so confusing. I guess for me, I don’t care. Live your life. These are the things I just, I want everybody to live their life, no problem.”

Morgan continued to ask different questions and the bodybuilding legend was prepared.

Phil Heath comeback

Phil Heath Talks Trans Bodybuilding League

Morgan asked whether trans bodybuilding is considered “cheating” in certain ways. Phil Heath believes that competitive nature should come into play.

“I think so but I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to as a competitor. I’m thinking, I’m a very competitive person, right? Well just say, ‘I’m trans. I want to go against trans people.'”


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A regional bodybuilding show called the Roraima Classic spurred plenty of conversation when it introduced a Men’s Wellness division back in February. As of now, there are no plans for this to be added into the IFBB Pro League.

Phil Heath believes there might be benefits to adding this league but it is unknown if it will happen.

“I think maybe we do see that in our lifetime but I think it’s just all fresh. It’s all new. It brings out better conversation but I think even having this discussion has been even beneficial to me because I don’t hear this very often.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Powerlifter Catches Alleged Trespasser That Was Creeping Around Neighborhood For Months

Powerlifter chases down and captures neighborhood creep.
A Current Affair

Powerlifter Tim Nickson took it upon himself to stop a neighborhood creep.

Powerlifter Tim Nickson has used his strength in the past to move tremendous amounts of weight in the gym. Recently, he had to use it all in a different way as he caught and brought down an alleged peeping Tom that had been lurking around his neighborhood.

A man, who became known in the area as the Creekwood Avenue Creeper, had been caught on security cameras walking around the neighborhood and even going onto properties and staring into windows. This activity dates as far back as six months when Nickson had his first encounter with the man.

Nickson told A Current Affair that the man entered his home without permission but escaped over a fence once he was noticed.

“I see him and I’m like ‘holy crap.’ He was in my house and the exact same night, he was back. I went out to put laundry on the clothesline and he’s just standing there looking at me.”

Nickson was unable to catch the man initially but proceeded to take cautions against him.


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Tim Nickson Catches Neighborhood Creep

Tim Nickson installed security lights and boarded up the windows in his bathroom. After speaking to police, Nickson was told that there was no ID on the main and that he had to do something about the situation.

“As harsh as that sounds, they’re right. you have t step up, you have to protect your family and you’ve got to serve your community, right?”

On Friday, six months after their first contact, Nickson found the man lurking around a nearby house. This time, Nickson chased him down and was able to grab ahold of his shirt.

“I slam him to the ground and I say to him, ‘this is a citizen’s arrest.'”

Police arrested the 28-year-old man and charged him with trespassing. He will appear in court next month but the investigation remains open as police look for similar activity in the area.

Tim Nickson did what he had to do in the situation and hopes that the court will do the same.

“This stuff can’t just be dealt with with a slap on the wrist. This stuff has to be dealt with properly.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Best Joint Supplements For Bodybuilding Strength & Support

Optimize your joints and mobility for enhanced flexibility, comfort, and performance.

All of exercise performance quite literally hinges on joint performance and supplements for bodybuilding. Though bodybuilding primarily emphasizes the growth and maintenance of large muscle groups, it is the smaller connective tissues—our joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, etc.—that ultimately determine the success of a bodybuilder’s workout regimen and the best joint supplements can assist with this. Which is why a joint support supplement can be a genuine game-changer when it comes to long-term strength and muscle gains and healthy joints for bodybuilding.

But who does a joint support supplement for bodybuilding benefit? Anyone with joints, really—the wide range of lifestyles encumbered by joint concerns include:

  • Strength Trainers: lifting heavy weights risks tweaking both skeletal muscle and connective tissues, limiting gym-time and gains.
  • Endurance Athletes: long-distance running and similar endurance activities gradually wear on knees, hips, ankles, back and joints.
  • Professionals: from sitting at a desk-job to undergoing repetitive manual labor, the wear-and-tear of work significantly impacts joint health.
  • Tech-Heads: the emphasis on “ergonomic” working environment is designed to combat the connective tissue strain brought by texting, typing, etc.
  • Active 55+ Year-Olds: age-related joint pain and mobility issues significantly affect quality of life for virtually all lifestyles.

Many factors involved in both active and inactive lifestyles contribute to joint pain and achy movements, gradually limiting your athletic performance and mobility with your joints and supplements for bodybuilding and the best joint products can really help with this.

Even if you’re young, you’re not totally safe from joint pain but the best joint products are here to help. Eventually, achy, creaky joints catch up with everyone, especially heavy weight-lifting bodybuilders so supplements for bodybuilders are important.

Taken daily, effective joint supplements can both soothe current joint discomfort and bolster your resilience against potential future aches and pains and have healthy joints. And, in this guide, we cover the best formula for the job, the Best Joint Supplements for Bodybuilding.

Best Joint Support Supplement for Bodybuilding

Performance Lab® Flex

Performance Lab Flex is perfect for joint lubrication and shock absorption that provides herbal relief for stiff and achy joints.

The best all-in-one joint support supplement for bodybuilding, Performance Lab® Flex stacks an all-natural complex of joint-soothing compounds and botanicals in a clean, vegan formula—completely free from harsh synthetics and artificial additives and is a great supplement for bodybuilders and your bodybuilding goals.

Performance Lab® Flex works by:

  • Promoting faster, longer-lasting joint relief with all-natural compounds and patented, well-researched botanical extracts.
  • Nourishing cartilage and connective tissues to help ameliorate joint degradation and maintain high-performance joint health.
  • Optimizing joint-lubricating synovial fluid for a smoother, more comfortable range of motion conducive to high-intensity training.
  • Supporting cushy, well-hydrated cartilage to help maintain joint shock absorption against exercise-related wear-and-tear.

Curated with natural ingredients delivered in all-natural NutriCaps® capsules, Performance Lab® Flex is the cleanest flex support stack for health-conscious bodybuilders and proves to be one of the top supplements for bodybuilding when it comes to joints which may assist with support.


  • CurcuWIN® Turmeric, 250 mg
  • AprèsFlex® Boswellia Serrata, 100 mg
  • Glucosamine Sulfate 2KCL, 500 mg
  • Mythocondro® Chondroitin Sulfate, 100 mg
  • OptiMSM® Methylsulfonylmethane, 100 mg
  • NutriGenesis® Strontium+, 300 mcg

Though all Flex ingredients improve joint health and flexibility to provide for one of the best joint products, they each work via distinct bio-pathways. Generally, the formula can be split into the following two categories:

  1. Soothing Botanicals for Natural Joint Comfort: AprèsFlex® Boswellia serrata + CurcuWIN® Curcumin—two extensively researched herbs that have been used for centuries to ease joint pain, Boswellia serrata and curcumin (Turmeric) help minimize joint-destructive oxidative stress and inflammation, leading to improvements in joint stiffness, flexion, and overall functional performance when it comes to joints.
  2. Maintenance Support for Healthy Joint Structure: in addition to the botanical support, Flex supplies the joint-building block trio Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM, one of the most research-backed stacks for joint health, plus the joint-supportive mineral Strontium, as nature-identical NutriGenesis®, for an additional boost on strength and renewal over time to provide for healthy joints for the best effects.

Matching the formula’s cleanliness are Flex’s capsules: NutriCaps®, a patented capsule constructed out of fermented tapioca (pullulan).

Not only does this all-natural formula design allow for greater absorption and ingredient bioavailability, but Flex’s botanicals are easier on digestive health than the commonly used synthetic therapies adding this to the list of solid supplements for bodybuilders given their effects.

For bodybuilders old and young, Performance Lab® Flex is your best supplement option for maintaining long-term joint health, performance, and flexibility.

Stay Flexible: The Key Pathways to Better Joint Health

One of the best ways to reduce joint pain severity aside from the best joint products: exercise. As observed in a study on the effects of strengthening and aerobic exercises on patients with knee rheumatoid arthritis, aerobic exercise and strength training may improve:[3]

  • Functional and Walking Ability
  • Range of Motion
  • Joint Pain Relief

However, as many bodybuilders have also discovered, one of the best ways to increase joint paint severity: too much exercise.

This is especially true as muscle growth and strength gains begin to really take a toll on joint health and connective tissue integrity, especially in the shoulders, elbows, lumbar spine, and knee regions.[4] After all, increasing your max squat by 150 pounds isn’t accompanied by a comparable increase in 150 pounds body weight.

An increase in strength allows you to lift heavier weights; and, yet, lifting heavier weights adds a greater concentration of stress and strain on your body, namely on your joints, tendons, and ligaments and supplements for bodybuilding really come into play here.

This is why adding a joint support supplement to your daily routine can significantly help protect and promote joint health in the face of high-intensity exercise. But as Open Health Tools has found, it’s important to do your research and analyze the ingredients in all supplements for bodybuilding to ensure its effectiveness for healthy joints.

An effective joint stack works through the following key pathways to bolster your joints health and flexibility:

Connective Tissue Protection

An effective joint supplement for bodybuilding offers significant joint protection advantages by combating tissue-damaging free radicals (oxidative stress) and enzymes that eat away at cartilage. The two main enzymes to look out for include:

  • 5-LOX: a member of the lipoxygenase enzyme family, 5-LOX activates inflammatory responses that spike with aging and deteriorate cartilage tissue.[5]
  • MMP: or matrix metalloproteinase, a group of enzymes known to weaken collagen and connective tissue strength and integrity.[6]

In reducing exercise-related oxidative stress and age-related spikes in 5-LOX and MMP, the best joint support supplements help protect against cartilage and connective tissue damages for your joints.

Joint Lubrication

Straight bone-on-bone action does not feel good. For the same reason that cars need oil to keep all their engine parts nice and lubricated, our joints require synovial fluids to prevent painful bone-on-bone friction. And natural joint support supplements for bodybuilding can assist with the production and maintenance of said lubricant.

Synovial fluid, or simply synovia, is a non-Newtonian liquid, meaning that this fluid ignores Newton’s law of viscosity, which considers viscosity to be constant independent of stress or added force.[7] As a non-Newtonian liquid, synovia’s viscosity changes under varying degrees of force to either be more solid or more liquid—and it’s this variability that allows synovia to simultaneously cushion the joint while also reducing friction during movement.

Tendon and Ligament Resilience

Connective tissues require nutrients just as much as, say brain tissue or muscle tissue. (Maybe not “as much,” considering that the brain is more important than the elbow, but you catch our drift.) Which is why much of tendon and ligament resilience depends upon nutrient status, something the best joint products keep in mind.

Supplementing building-block joint nutrients required for the formation and maintenance of connective tissues may help keep your joints well-nourished and all-around more resilient against future aches and pains.

Cartilage Shock Absorption

In addition to synovial fluid, cartilage itself provides a necessary degree of shock absorption. As a soft, cushy tissue, articular cartilage distributes compressive loads in joints and transfers them to the much sturdier underlying bone. However, a decrease in cartilage health can detrimentally impact both joint and bone structure, resulting in greater stiffness and risk of fracture.[8] This explains why changes in cartilage health and structure can significantly impact your quality of life and why supplements for bodybuilding care about this.

By assisting with cartilage regeneration and hydration, joint support supplements help keep cartilage thick, cushy, and absorbent.

Bone Strength

Bone strength and mineral density also play significant roles in flexibility, mobility, and joint-end integrity. This overlaps with the importance of cartilage, which facilitates the distribution of shock and compressive loads to avoid harmful joint compression. Strontium, in particular, is a key joint-and-bone mineral, due to this mineral’s stimulation of osteoblasts (bone-building cells) and inhibition of osteoclasts (bone-breakdown cells).

The Relationship Between Sleep and Joint Pain

effects of poor sleep on joints

The relationship between sleep and joint pain cuts both ways, as demonstrated by clinical research: Sleep Deprivation Exacerbates Pain.

In 2012, a group of researchers measured subjective and objective reports of sleep, mood symptoms, and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis to find significant evidence of “an exaggerated increase in symptoms of mood and pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis after sleep loss, along with an activation of rheumatoid arthritis-related joint pain.”[9]

Pain Disrupts Sleep Quality – using the 2007 National Health Interview Survey, a group of researchers examined the association between joint pain and sleep disturbances, finding that “sleep disturbance […] is mediated by joint pain and limitation due to pain.”[10]

Sleep deprivation worsens joint pain, which in turn worsens sleep quality and the best joint products keep this in mind.

The two, sleep deprivation and joint pain, are concomitant, which is why sleep supplements for bodybuilding target both sleep quality and joint health are some of the best investments a bodybuilder can make.

Stack Flex with Performance Lab® Sleep

Performance Lab Sleep is great for optimizing overnight repair and recovery and works to disrupt any muscle twitches and stabilize your circadian rhythm. Working with top ingredients , this allows for a stress-free sleep cycle and optimal sleep support.

Gains happen overnight during sleep. The same applies to joint recovery: sleep is key for tissue repair, whether we’re talking skeletal muscle tissue or connective tissue. Which is why Performance Lab® Sleep is so effective for joint recovery and is one of the best supplements for bodybuilding.

However, the issue cuts both ways: joint health is key to sleep quality.

Fortunately, Performance Lab® Sleep simultaneously benefits both joint health and sleep quality with its use of CherryPURE®, a natural Montmorency tart cherry extract that supplies:

  • Melatonin – a not the usual “synthetic” melatonin but a standardized extract of the natural stuff; and at a minimally effective dosage, too, so that the nighttime drowsiness doesn’t overstay its welcome come morning time.
  • Fruit Antioxidants – in addition to melatonin, Montmorency tart cherries supply anthocyanin antioxidants, a class of antioxidant compounds that help you achieve better sleep by soothing achy muscle tissue and joints.[1]

Superior to standard, synthetic melatonin supplements, Performance Lab® CherryPURE® benefits both sleep quality and joint health for greater athletic recovery and performance making this one of the best joint products.

In 2016, a group of researchers found CherryPURE® Montmorency tart cherry extract to be effective at improving acute endurance exercise performance, leading the researchers to the conclusion that “Montmorency powdered tart cherries surrounding endurance challenge attenuated markers of muscle catabolism, reduced immune and inflammatory stress, better maintained redox balance, and increased performance in aerobically trained individuals.”[2]

Additionally, Performance Lab® Sleep stacks L-tryptophan, as TryptoPure®, for stress-relieving sleep support, and NutriGenesis® Magnesium, a probiotic-cultivated magnesium form that helps replenish magnesium levels lost to mineral-sweating exercise to help combat sleep-disruptive muscle twitches and involuntary limb movements.

All-in-all, Performance Lab® Sleep is the best sleep + joint support stack for natural overnight recovery, repair, and restoration and is one of those solid supplements for bodybuilding.

Supplement Facts: Magnesium+ (as Magnesium Bisglycinate, Magnesium Taurate, NutriGenesis® Magnesium), CherryPURE® Whole Montmorency Tart Cherry (50:1 concentrated ratio), TryptoPure® L-Tryptophan

Top 6 Joint Support Ingredients for Bodybuilding

Joints are complex, which is why the Best Joint Support Supplement for Bodybuilding requires a complex stack of ingredients. Here are the top 6 individual joint support ingredients:

#1) Boswellia Serrata

joint supportAlso known as Indian frankincense, Boswellia serrata is a desert tree plant that produces a gum resin high in bioactive boswellic acids. Of those acids, AKBA (3-O-acetyl-11 keto-β-boswellic acid) has been garnering a reputation as a “joint support” compound, due to this acid’s well-documented abilities to:[11]

  • Modulate the immune response to protect and soothe joints against the painful side effects of excess inflammation.
  • Block 5-LOX activity, lowering the risk of cartilage damage associated with this enzyme’s cartilage-eating bioactivities.
  • Limit matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), the enzyme that, similar to 5-LOX, weakens joint health by damaging connective tissues.

By combatting inflammation, Boswellia serrata extract helps acutely soothe joint paint while protecting against the accumulation of connective tissue degradation and is a key ingredient in some supplements for bodybuilding.

One notable pilot study from 2019 observed the effects of Boswellia serrata extract on patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. The results found significant reductions in potential inflammatory markers typically associated with OA, leading the researchers to the conclusion that “biologically active constituents of BSE (Boswellia serrata extract), namely, AKBBA and BBA, act synergistically to exert anti-inflammatory/anti-arthritic activity showing improvement in physical and functional ability and reducing the pain and stiffness.”[12]

Best Boswellia Serrata for Bodybuilding: AprèsFlex®

An upgrade over standard Boswellia serrata, AprèsFlex® offers a more potent Boswellia serrata extract, delivering this herb at a standardized potency of 20% AKBA. Additionally, AprèsFlex® has a 52% greater absorption rate than plain Boswellia for faster-acting, more reliable joint soothing benefits.

#2) Curcumin

joint supplementThe famous Ayurvedic spice, turmeric is a bright-yellow superfood that gets its bright yellow color from plant pigments called Curcuminoids. As the primary curcuminoid, curcumin is the main turmeric constituent of interest, especially where joint health is concerned.

Curcumin is believed to support joint health and flexibility by:[13,14]

  1. Combatting harmful free radicals (oxidative stress)
  2. Regulating COX-2, a pro-inflammatory enzyme
  3. Protecting cartilage against MMP enzyme activity
  4. Supporting synthesis of collagen and other joint proteins
  5. Reducing advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) that stiffen connective tissues

Much of turmeric’s “superfood” status is owed to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory benefits of curcumin, a bioactive constituent that assists with joint health, cognitive longevity, and more making it a key ingredient in supplements for bodybuilding.

The combination of curcumin and Boswellia serrata extract seems particularly beneficial in reducing joint pain, as one placebo-controlled study observed that “Twelve-week use of curcumin complex or its combination with boswellic acid reduces pain-related symptoms in patients with OA [osteoarthritis].”[15]

Essentially, by targeting the same pro-flexibility pathway via unique bioactivities, Boswellia serrata and curcumin work better together than they would by themselves, adding a degree of synergy to their joint-boosting bio-benefits and being needed in the best joint products.

Best Curcumin for Bodybuilding: CurcuWIN®

Turmeric has a notoriously poor absorption rate, which is why it’s often recommended to pair turmeric with black pepper, which enhances nutrient absorption adding to its benefits in supplements for bodybuilding. However, CurcuWIN® overcomes this typical turmeric hiccup by supplying a curcumin that’s 46 times more absorbable than raw, standard curcumin. CurcuWIN® is also standardized to a potent 20% curcuminoids in turmeric-identical ratios for a greater turmeric-kick per serving.

#3) Glucosamine Sulfate 2KCl

Naturally found in tissues surrounding, cushioning, and supporting the joints, including cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and synovial fluids, Glucosamine is an amino sugar that partially comprises the structures of chitosan and chitin.

As we age, our glucosamine levels drop, which contributes to the gradual breakdown of our joints. This helps explain why glucosamine supplementation is such an effective strategy for mitigating joint pain and breakdown and is needed in supplements for bodybuilding.

Glucosamine’s main bio-mechanisms include supporting:[16,17]

  • Building-block proteins used to form connective tissues
  • Chondrocyte cells that repair and regenerate cartilage
  • Synovial fluid for smooth, well-lubricated range of motion

Glucosamine is typically stacked with chondroitin to improve joint health, due to their similar restorative properties on cartilage health and chondrocyte cells.

Look for Vegan Glucosamine: though most supplementary glucosamine is sourced from shellfish, there is a cleaner glucosamine sulfate form sourced from corn. This cleaner vegetable-derived glucosamine begins with the fermentation of corn, but no corn product is present in the final glucosamine sulfate ingredient making this a solid ingredient in vegan supplements for bodybuilding.

#4) Chondroitin Sulfate

A complex of large molecules weaved through the extracellular matrix of cartilage, Chondroitin possesses a strong negative charge that attracts and sustains water in cartilage tissue. This hydrating effect benefits joint health by promoting:[18]

  • Joint hydration and lubrication
  • Cartilage shock-absorption performance
  • Healthy collagen production
  • Chondrocyte cell activity, a regulatory step in cartilage growth and repair

Similar to glucosamine, chondroitin is naturally present in our joints and, like glucosamine, changes in concentration and bio-activity with age.

The protective actions of chondroitin can be explained by a dual bio-mechanism: (1) the stimulation of the anabolic process in cartilage metabolism, and (2) the delay of inflammation-induced catabolic processes in cartilage metabolism.[19]

Together, chondroitin and glucosamine help optimize cartilage tissue’s anabolic reparative and regenerative processes while minimizing its catabolic breakdown activities for optimal joint cushion and comfort which is what you want from the best joint products.

Best Chondroitin Sulfate for Bodybuilding: Mythocondro®

As a natural constituent of cartilage tissue, chondroitin is often sourced from animal origins, including pork byproducts, shark cartilage, and bovine connective tissues. Mythocondro® has changed the game up with a non-animal chondroitin sulfate produced by a patented fermentation-based manufacturing process. Mythocondro® has a constant charge density and molecular mass parameters, like in human synovial fluid, and has been designed to boost chondroitin bioavailability by 43% for superior joint support.

#5) Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), otherwise known as dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) or methyl sulfone, is an organic structural nutrient often stacked with glucosamine and chondroitin to support joint health.

As a key structural nutrient required to form and maintain collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin, and other proteins that comprise cartilage and connective tissues, MSM is a “building block” supplement for joint health that’s smart to take in combination with the above-listed ingredients needed in supplements for bodybuilding.

Viewed as a “quality of life” compound, MSM may improve various measures of health and performance, including:

  • Reductions in Joint and Muscle Pain
  • Protection Against Oxidative Stress
  • Boost in Post-Exercise Recovery Speed
  • Reductions in Inflammatory Markers
  • Heightened Immunity

And more. The advantages of supplementing MSM are many.

As demonstrated in several clinical trials, MSM’s pain-reducing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant bio-activities qualify MSM as a useful supplement for exercise-related pain management.

For example, one pilot study on the effects of MSM on exercise-induced muscle and joint pain observed lower pain levels in the MSM group as compared to placebo, suggesting that MSM supplementation may attenuate “post-exercise muscle and joint pain at clinically significant levels compared to placebo.”[20]

Best Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) for Bodybuilding: OptiMSM®

The purest and only GRAS-designated MSM, OptiMSM® is the go-to MSM for joint and overall health support. OptiMSM® is made in the USA with a proprietary, multi-stage distillation process that yields superior purity and higher quality MSM than your standard, cheap MSM ingredient form.

#6) Montmorency Tart Cherries

cherries for joint healthHere’s your new secret “X factor” performance enhancer: Montmorency tart cherries, specifically Montmorency tart cherry extract, which supplies potent, concentrated amounts of:[21]

  • Natural Melatonin – a superior melatonin form over inferior, synthetic melatonin, which tends to unpredictably vary in potency and bio-efficacy.
  • Anthocyanin Antioxidants – a unique class of fruit antioxidants that boost post-exercise muscle and joint recovery for a healthier, smoother return to the gym.

There are a number of reasons why bodybuilders should add a sleep support supplement to their daily (or, rather, nightly) stack; however, bodybuilders shouldn’t just take any ol’ sleep supplement, especially if that any ol’ sleep supplement uses synthetic melatonin which is something the best joint products don’t have.

Synthetic melatonin in unnaturally high doses may help with sleep onset, yet they tend to overstay their welcome, leading to heightened grogginess and brain fog throughout the next day.

Additionally, synthetic melatonin lacks the antioxidant benefits of tart cherries’ anthocyanin content, which uniquely benefits bodybuilder health and fitness and is a unique ingredient in supplements for bodybuilding.

In a literature review and commentary on tart cherry juice research, the benefits of tart cherry juice on pain and strength recovery, as well as on blood markers of inflammation and oxidative stress, were compiled and assessed. At the end of the review, the researchers found enough evidence to conclude that “for an athlete who has already peaked in training and looking to improve recovery and faster return to competition, [tart cherries] may be beneficial.”[22]

Best Montmorency Tart Cherries for Bodybuilding: CherryPURE®

Concentrating Montmorency tart cherry’s bioactive constituents to a potent 50:1 standardized extract, CherryPURE® is one of the best sleep aids and joint support supplements for bodybuilding. Taken nightly to improve sleep quality and joint tissue restoration, CherryPURE® can drastically improve the relationship between sleep and joint pain, as well as many other measures of health and fitness related to sleep quality. For point of reference on the quality of this extract, 500 mg CherryPURE® is equivalent to 25 g raw Montmorency tart cherries.

Joint Supplement Wrap Up

joint healthStacked with Performance Lab® Sleep, a tart cherry-powered sleep formula for optimal sleep quality and antioxidant joint recovery, Performance Lab® Flex is the best all-in-one flexibility-enhancing formula for athletes of all types—from anaerobic bodybuilders to endurance exercisers.

A healthy lifestyle hinges on healthy joints and the best joint products will take care of those needs. By supporting long-term joint health, Performance Lab® Flex may help you sustain a long-term health and fitness routine towards achieving your longer-range potential.

Performance Lab® Flex’s soothing botanicals and joint-building compounds provide you relief today to help you bounce back tomorrow with a feel-good range of flexibility and mobility.

You don’t have to wait until the pain sets in before you decide to take care of your joints. Whether through joint-supportive exercise or a joint-healthy supplement stack, taking care of your connective tissues may help you keep it all together in the long run and supplements for bodybuilding will help you get there as well.

Don’t sweat the small stuff—the tendons, ligaments, cartilage—just leave that to Performance Lab® Flex, while you focus on hitting big-time PRs with your big-ass muscles.

[Click Here for the lowest price on PerformanceLab.com]


  1. Martin KR, Coles KM. Consumption of 100% Tart Cherry Juice Reduces Serum Urate in Overweight and Obese Adults. Curr Dev Nutr. 2019 May; 3(5): nzz011.
  2. Levers K et al. Effects of powdered Montmorency tart cherry supplementation on acute endurance exercise performance in aerobically trained individuals. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2016; 13: 22.
  3. Rahnama N, Mazloum V. Effects of Strengthening and Aerobic Exercises on Pain Severity and Function in Patients with Knee Rheumatoid Arthritis. Int J Prev Med. 2012 Jul; 3(7): 493-498.
  4. Siewe J et al. Injuries and overuse syndromes in competitive and elite bodybuilding. Int J Sports med. 2014 Oct; 35(11): 943-8.
  5. Siemoneit U et al. On the interference of boswellic acids with 5-lipoxygenase: mechanistic studies in vitro and pharmacological relevance. Eur J Pharmacol. 2009 Mar 15; 606(1-3): 246-54.
  6. Jabłońska-Trypuć A et al. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), the main extracellular matrix (ECM) enzymes in collagen degradation, as a target for anticancer drugs. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. 2016; 31(sup1): 177-183.
  7. Seidman AJ, Limaiem F. Synovial Fluid Analysis. StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-.
  8. Shaktivesh et al. Shock absorbing ability in healthy and damaged cartilage-bone under high-rate compression. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2019 Feb; 90: 388-394.
  9. Irwin MR et al. Sleep Loss Exacerbates Fatigue, Depression, and Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Sleep. 2012 Apr 1; 35(4): 537-543.
  10. Louie GH et al. Sleep Disturbances in Adults With Arthritis: Prevalence, Mediators, and Subgroups at Greatest Risk. Data From the 2007 National Health Interview Survey. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2011 Feb; 63(2): 247-260.
  11. Siddiqui MZ. Boswellia Serrata, A Potential Antiinflammatory Agent: An Overview. Indian J Pharm Sci. 2011 May-Jun; 73(3): 255-261.
  12. Majeed M et al. A pilot, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to assess the safety and efficacy of a novel Boswellia serrata extract in the management of osteoarthritis of the knee. Phytother Res. 2019 May; 33(5): 1457-1468.
  13. Daily JW et al. Efficacy of Turmeric Extracts and Curcumin for Alleviating the Symptoms of Joint Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. J Med Food. 2016 Aug 1; 19(8): 717-729.
  14. Chin KY. The spice for joint inflammation: anti-inflammatory role of curcumin in treating osteoarthritis. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2016; 10: 3029-3042.
  15. Haroyan A et al. Efficacy and safety of curcumin and its combination with boswellic acid in osteoarthritis: a comparative, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2018; 18: 7.
  16. Black C et al. The clinical effectiveness of glucosamine and chondroitin supplements in slowing or arresting progression of osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess. 2009 Nov; 13(52): 1-148.
  17. Nakatani S et al. Glucosamine regulates differentiation of a chondrogenic cell line, ATDC5. Biol Pharm Bull. 2007 Mar; 30(3): 433-8.
  18. Henrotin Y et al. Chondroitin Sulfate in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis: From in Vitro Studies to Clinical Recommendations. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2010 Dec; 2(6): 335-348.
  19. Jerosch J. Effects of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate on Cartilage Metabolism in OA: Outlook on Other Nutrient Partners Especially Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Int J Rheumatol. 2011; 2011: 969012.
  20. Withee ED et al. Effects of MSM on exercise-induced muscle and joint pain: a pilot study. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2015; 12(Suppl 1): P8.
  21. Kelley DS et al. A Review of the Health Benefits of Cherries. Nutrients. 2018 Mar; 10(3): 368.
  22. Vitale KC et al. Tart Cherry Juice in Athletes: A Literature Review and Commentary. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2017 Jul/Aug; 16(4): 230-239.

Burn Lab Pro Review For The Ultimate Fat Burning Support

Burn Lab Pro

The ultimate fat burning supplement to burn more calories, train with intensity, and feed lean muscle growth.

How many times has someone told you to try a fat burner when you are trying to lose body fat? Once, twice? Maybe no times at all. Maybe you’ve tried a fat burner and thought it to be nonsense given that you saw no results even though you took your diet and exercise seriously. With so many supplements out there, it can be hard to tell the great from the good, the good from the bad, and the bad from the worst. However, when it comes to your fat burning needs, Burn Lab Pro is making a name for itself on the market as a top tier fat burner designed for serious athletes.

What you want out of a good fat burner is something to not only burn stubborn belly fat but also give you the best in terms of muscle retention and appetite suppression. A fat burner will not be a magic pill, but working together with a solid diet and well-executed training plan, it will work to see those desired results. Burn Lab Pro does this and so much more and it’s no wonder why so many bodybuilding and supplement review websites have listed this as number one.

Burn Lab Pro Highlights

Burn Lab Pro is a great all-around fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits. It is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free giving you the best option on the market.

Burn Lab Pro is an all-around great product with an innovative design and research-backed benefits to really enhance your results as you seek to burn belly fat. Instead of an unhealthy, stim-driven formula, Burn Lab Pro is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine-free to give you an effective supplement without any fear of jitters or crashing. Burn Lab Pro allows you to shed more body fat from every workout, gain more lean muscle mass, and see better results from diet and exercise.

With 5 powerful and research-backed ingredients, this is the ultimate fat burner for whatever your needs may be. Forslean works to trigger a hormonal cascade to boost fat breakdown and promote fat burning, while Capsimax regulates hormones to increase body heat to block fat stores and control appetite with food. Along with these other ingredients, this advanced formula is designed to target all of your weight loss needs from a fat burning supplement.

Check out our list of the Best Fat Burners On The Market to see where Burn Lab Pro lands!

Burn Lab Pro Ingredients

  • Forslean Forskolin

Forslean is a highly potent, ultra-bioavailable form of Forskolin, which is an extract from Coleus Forskohlii. Forskolin is arguably the natural fat burning supplement with the strongest backing from clinical trials; multiple studies done on humans show that Forskolin helps people lose more fat faster (1).

Forskolin works mainly by helping your body create more of an enzyme called lipase. Lipase is the enzyme which breaks down your stored body fat into fatty acids and frees it for use as fuel. Increasing lipase means more body fat is available for burning, which means faster fat loss and a more successful body recomposition.

  • HMB

HMB, or ß-Hydroxyl ß-Methylbutyrate as it is otherwise known, is the real secret of Burn Lab Pro’s power. HMB is a bit of a miracle fat burning supplement. However, it doesn’t actually burn fat; rather, it prevents muscle loss during periods of fasted training (or training during severe calorie restriction) (2).

Normally, when enter a serious cutting phase you lose fat, but you will lose a lot of muscle too; your body composition can often get worse during a cut! Protein powders can’t help either; if you’re in a calorie deficit, you’ll normally lose a lot of muscle. But HMB prevents this from happening. Studies show that HMB can effective prevent muscle mass loss during intensive training periods. This is why Burn Lab Pro is really more than just a fat burner; it is a body composition enhancer.

  • Capsimax

Capsimax is an extremely pure chili pepper extract. Chili pepper extracts are common ingredients in fat burning supplements (3), but Capsimax is the gold standard as it is standardized to be 2% active capsaicinoids and free of contaminants.

It is pretty obvious how chili pepper extracts like Capsimax burn fat. Eating spicy foods makes your body think your temperature is rising rapidly. This triggers a “cooling” response where your body desperately tries to lower your core temperature: your blood vessels dilate, you start to sweat, etc. All of this costs a lot of calories! This places you in a deeper calorie deficit, which means faster weight loss without having to cut more food!

  • Chromium

Chromium is a really important ingredient for a top quality fat burner, and it is almost always overlooked by lower quality supplement manufacturers. This is because it works in a subtle, but no less effective, way than things like caffeine.

Chromium potentiates insulin. Supplementing with chromium helps insulin to properly regulate blood sugar. This means a more stable level of blood glucose, which in turn means better energy levels, less food cravings, and fewer sudden energy crashes. Chromium also helps insulin shuttle nutrients to your cells, which is vital for recovery following workouts. Burn Lab Pro uses GTF Chromium, which is the most bioavailable forms of the nutrient, and the one most studied in the context of health and fitness (4).

  • BioPerine

BioPerine is included in many top tier fat burning supplements on the market today because it helps with nutrient digestion and absorption. Basically, BioPerine helps you absorb more nutrients from the food that you eat (including the ingredients in Burn Lab Pro). Not only does this make the ingredients in Burn Lab Pro more potent, but BioPerine also makes it easier to eat a healthy diet, as the few calories you do eat will deliver many more nutrients.

Other Ingredients

NutriCaps Pullulan Capsule, NuFlow Rice Concentrate

Burn Lab Pro Label

Number Of Servings 30
Serving Size 3 NutriCaps
Stim Or Non-Stim Non-Stim
Best Way To Take Take 3 capsules with water.

Price & Effectiveness

Burn Lab Pro is that ultimate fat burner to burn more calories, train with intensity, and feed lean muscle growth. With 30 servings per container, 3 NutriCaps will pump you full of these amazing fat burning ingredients.


  • Great ingredients designed to tackle weight and fat loss goals
  • No stimulating ingredients with an advanced formula
  • Safe and natural supplement for your overall health and wellness
  • From a reputable and high quality company


  • Premium priced option
  • 3 capsules is a lot for serving size

Price: $59.00

negative training

Who Should Take Burn Lab Pro?

Burn Lab Pro supports all weight control programs that work in tandem with a healthy diet and proper exercise routine. Bodybuilders and athletes looking for a great supplement would thrive with this supplement, as well as everyday gym goers living a healthy lifestyle who want to burn that stubborn fat.

Is Burn Lab Pro Good For Fasted Training?

Yes, Burn Lab Pro is great for fasted training. In fact, this is exactly the kind of scenario that Burn Lab Pro was designed for! Burn Lab Pro works on three different dimensions of body recomposition: it encourages the mobilization of fat from your fat stores, it boosts endurance and energy levels, and it prevents muscle wastage during periods of caloric restriction and intensive training.

Keeping your gains is the really difficult thing about cutting. We can all cut weight fast. You just stop eating food and do excessive cardio every single day. The problem with this though is that you will lose just as much muscle mass as you will fat. To keep your gains, you need to be using your muscles to the same degree and keep feeding them with carbs and protein; things you can’t practically do while cutting calories.

The problem of keeping your gains is especially serious for natural bodybuilders. If you’ve ever seen a natty bodybuilder after a serious cut, you’ll know that keeping big, inflated, thick muscles after 4 months of dieting is practically impossible (unless you have some seriously gifted genetics or are on steroids). To help get around muscle loss, Burn Lab Pro utilizes HMB. This natural substance has been shown to prevent muscle mass loss in people undergoing fasted or severely calorie-restricted training.

dumbbell hip thrust

How To Use Burn Lab Pro For Maximum Fat Loss

The best way to use Burn Lab Pro for maximum fat loss is to use it consistently every single day for 2-3 months. Any Burn Lab Pro review which tells you that you need to use Burn Lab Pro at a specific time (pre-workout, post-workout, whatever) is focusing on the wrong thing!

The trick to getting the most out of Burn Lab Pro, or any good fat burner for that matter, is consistency. Fat loss doesn’t happen overnight, it can take months. Successful body recomposition takes even longer, as you need to more carefully balance weight loss with muscle preservation. The beauty of Burn Lab Pro is that it works both on your training days and on your rest days; it works to save your gains and keep your body burning stored fat round the clock, 24/7.

So long as you are sticking to your diet plan and putting the work in at the gym, Burn Lab Pro will dramatically accelerate your cut progress if used consistently on a daily basis for a period of several weeks and months. Used for the duration of a cut, Burn Lab Pro can be devastatingly effective.

4-phase workout

Burn Lab Pro Side Effects

So we’ve seen that Burn Lab Pro looks like a genuinely effective fat burner. But is Burn Lab Pro safe?

Yes! Burn Lab Pro looks totally safe and side effect-free to us. This fat burner uses 100% natural ingredients, all of which have been thoroughly tested in numerous clinical trials. In none of the studies we have seen did any of the ingredients in this cause any side effects whatsoever. What’s more, the dosages used in Burn Lab Pro are all well within the ranges tested in clinical trials. Each ingredient has been dosed to produce the most benefits for the lowest risk of side effects.

The best thing about Burn Lab Pro as far as safety is concerned is the lack of any stimulants in the formula. Most fat burners contain HUGE quantities of caffeine. Many contain multiple synthetic stimulants which collectively make side effects highly likely.

Common side effects of cheap fat burners full of stimulants include:

  • Jitters
  • Headaches
  • Stomach cramps
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Sweating
  • Hypertension
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia

Burn Lab Pro does not cause any of these side effects as it is completely stimulant-free. That means it is perfectly safe for daily, long-term use, it won’t interact with your pre-workout, and you don’t need to worry about limiting coffee consumption.

Check out our list of the Best Men’s Fat Burners to see where Burn Lab Pro ended up!

Overall Value

Burn Lab Pro is the single best fat burner on the market today and our lists of the Best Fat Burners also reflects that. No other fat loss supplement comes close to delivering the quality and value for money that this does, especially when you factor in how clean and safe this fat burner is! The main reason we like this fat burner so much is because it prioritizes preserving muscle mass over just accelerating weight loss.

Keeping hold of your gains is the truly difficult thing about cutting; just dropping weight is easy, but looking jacked, strong and muscular after a cut is almost impossible. What you are really getting is a top tier fat burning supplement designed to maximize fat loss and keep on lean muscle from a company who fully understands what athletes need. Check out Burn Lab Pro and never worry about your gains again.

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

*Images courtesy of Burn Lab Pro and Envato


  1. Henderson, S.; Magu, B.; Rasmussen, C.; Lancaster, S.; et al. (2005). “Effects of Coleus Forskohlii Supplementation on Body Composition and Hematological Profiles in Mildly Overweight Women”. (source)
  2. Portal, S.; Eliakim, A.; Nemet, D.; Halevy, O.; et al. (2010). “Effect of HMB supplementation on body composition, fitness, hormonal profile and muscle damage indices”. (source)
  3. Varghese, S.; Kubatka, P.; Rodrigo, L.; Gazdikova, K.; et al. (2017). “Chili pepper as a body weight-loss food”. (source)
  4. Yazaki, Y.; Faridi, Z.; Ma, Y.; Ali, A.; et al. (2010). “A pilot study of chromium picolinate for weight loss”. (source)

9-Year-Old Arshia Goswami Deadlifts 165 Pounds, 3x Her Bodyweight

fit_arshia Instagram

Arshia Goswami showed off her insane strength with a 165-pound deadlift at nine years old.

India’s Arshia Goswami continues to reach new heights at just nine years old. Last month, Goswami shared a video deadlifting 165 pounds, which is three times her bodyweight.

Goswami has used Instagram as a way to share her latest lifts as she continues to set new PRs in the gym. On Feb. 29, she shared her newest deadlift video of 75kg. She began the lift and was able to get the weight off the ground. Goswami showed off excellent form and worked to lock out the weight at the top. It is clear that the nine-year-old has a passion for powerlifting and has worked on becoming a polished athlete.

“The youngest and strongest Indian 🇮🇳”


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Arshia Goswami (@fit_arshia)

Goswami recently set an Asian world record at just eight years old with a 132-pound life. One year later, she has added onto her PR and there is plenty more room to grow. The video of this deadlift has gained major attention around the world. Goswami has become an inspiration and motivated others to reach new levels in the gym.

Deficit Deadlift

Steps To Perform The Deadlift

When you deadlift you use every single muscle in your body to complete the movement. Your arms and forearms hold onto the barbell, your shoulders and traps hold and stabilize the weight, your back and core help keep your entire body stable, and your legs and entire posterior chain act as a lever to lift the weight.

Here’s how to do a conventional barbell deadlift:

  1. Stand mid-foot under the barbell. Feet slightly angled outward, hip width apart. Look down – the bar should be over the middle of your feet.
  2. Bend over and grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip.
  3. Bend your knees until your shins touch the bar.
  4. With a neutral spine, lift your chest up and flex your butt.
  5. Take a big breath, hold it, and pick the bar up off the ground (It helps to think “drive through your heels”).
  6. Continue pressing with your legs and thrusting your hips forward until you are fully standing up.
  7. Hold the weight for a second at the top, with locked hips and knees. Then return the weight to the floor by moving your hips back while bending your legs. Rest a second at the bottom and repeat.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Best Fat Burners For Men To Shed Fat & Maintain Muscle (Updated 2024)

fat burner

Cut back unwanted belly fat with the best fat burners on the market today.

A successful weight cut means you’ll feel lean with popping abs and a physique that would fit in with the gods. Diet and training can get you there, and cardio certainly plays a big role, but having fat burners in your routine will work for muscle growth and maintenance, weight loss, that desired energy boost, and the chance to burn that belly fat. We have compiled a list of the best fat burners for men to help get you there. But cutting is hard, and unless you dabble in the dark side of supplements, in other words steroids, (which we do not recommend) you’ll find you’ll be feeling fatigued, hangry as hell and basically wanting to destroy everything.

Cutting can be made easier though, and whilst lots of fat burners are just a load of snake oil and/or to put it simply, bulls*it, some fat burning supplements can provide good results that make that dreaded calorie deficit a bit more bearable, especially when looking to burn belly fat and promote muscle growth and maintenance with a great energy boost.

When choosing the best fat burner for men it can be hard. So, here is our list of the Best Fat Burners for Men to help change your body composition and get that shredded physique for all your training and performance goals.

Best Fat Burners For Men for 2024

Best Overall Fat Burner for Men Overall

When looking for the best fat burner supplement around, it is possible to find the one that will work for all your gains. Great ingredients and a powerful formula matched by a quality company behind it will give you the best chance at growth. Fat burners for men have the ability to give you a thermogenic fat burner to burn fat and help you lose weight.

Burn Lab Pro

Burn Lab Pro is a great all-around fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits. It is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free giving you the best option on the market.

Number Of Servings 30
Serving Size 3 NutriCaps
Stim Or Non-Stim Non-Stim
Best Way To Take Take 3 capsules with water.

Burn Lab Pro is an all-around great fat burner on the market with an innovative design and research-backed benefits to really enhance your results as you seek to burn belly fat. Instead of an unhealthy, stim-driven formula, Burn Lab Pro is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free to give you an effective supplement without any fear of jitters or crashing. Burn Lab Pro allows you to shed more body fat from every workout, gain more lean muscle, see better results from diet and exercise, and give you a safe and natural fat burner supplement to tackle any issues, like muscle maintenance and a lack of an energy boost. With 5 powerful and research-backed ingredients, this advanced formula is designed to target all of your weight loss needs from one of the best fat burners.

burn lab pro fat burner


  • Great ingredients designed to tackle weight and fat loss goals
  • No stimulating ingredients with an advanced formula
  • Safe and natural supplement for your overall health and wellness
  • From a reputable and high quality company


  • Premium priced option for a fat burner supplement
  • 3 capsules is a lot for serving size

Price: $59.00

Read our Burn Lab Pro review!

Best Fat Burner for Men’s Bodybuilding

Knowing what’s in your burner is important as you seek the best for your gains, especially when it comes to bodybuilding. You want something reliable, especially in show prep. An honest and transparent label are essential for giving you what you want most, which are results. Natural ingredients and transparent labels with fat burning pills is essential for your health as they look to help you lose weight.

Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Fat Burner is a great burner to expedite weight loss in 3 ways. A 100% honest label ensures quality ingredients and optimal effectiveness.

Number Of Servings 60
Serving Size 2 Capsules
Stim Or Non-Stim Stim
Best Way To Take Take 2 capsules with 8-10 ounces of water, twice daily, 30-60 minutes before meals.

Transparent Labs Fat Burner makes the list again, a great supplement to expedite weight loss by allowing you to shed fat and maintain muscle, making it ideal for bodybuilding. It works with 3 ways to expedite fat loss, this works to increase loss by determining how many calories you should burn, prevent hunger to eliminate snacking and unwanted calories, and offer an enjoyable weight loss experience so you actually work for your fat loss goal more effectively.

There are only 9 ingredients, and the formula works to give you everything you need to succeed in your weight loss journey while boosting your metabolism. Forslean allows you to release fatty acids from stubborn tissue to stimulate fat loss while green tea works with Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) to influence fat metabolism so fat loss does occur. A host of other ingredients work to your benefit with this advanced formula to make sure your experience is everything you want out of a thermogenic fat burner for that stubborn belly fat loss.


  • Researched-backed doses and an honest label as a great fat burner for men
  • Safe and effective to help you lose weight while burning belly fat
  • No artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives


  • A premium priced option
  • Only available through their website
  • The amount of caffeine may be slightly high

Price: $49.00

Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Read our full review of Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner!

Best Fat Burner for the Money

Premium fat burning supplements are perfect for all your goals and will ensure only the best quality for your supplement. This means clean ingredients, increased energy levels, and effective results with burning fat to see the gains you want most.

Burn Lab Pro

Burn Lab Pro is a great all-around fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits. It is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free giving you the best option on the market.

Number Of Servings 30
Serving Size 3 NutriCaps
Stim Or Non-Stim Non-Stim
Best Way To Take Take 3 capsules with water.

Burn Lab Pro is an all-around great product with an innovative design and research-backed benefits to really enhance your results as you seek to burn belly fat. Instead of an unhealthy, stim-driven formula, Burn Lab Pro is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free to give you an effective supplement without any fear of jitters or crashing. Burn Lab Pro allows you to shed more body fat from every workout, gain more lean muscle, see better results from diet and exercise, and give you a safe and natural fat burner supplement to tackle any issues, like muscle maintenance and lack of an energy boost.

With 5 powerful and research-backed ingredients, this is the ultimate fat burner for whatever your needs may be. Forslean works to trigger a hormonal cascade to boost fat breakdown and promote fat burning, while Capsimax regulates hormones to increase body heat to block fat stores and control appetite with food. Along with these other ingredients, this advanced formula is designed to target all of your weight loss needs from a fat burning supplement.


  • Great ingredients designed to tackle weight and fat loss goals
  • No stimulating ingredients with an advanced formula
  • Safe and natural supplement for your overall health and wellness
  • From a reputable and high quality company


  • Premium priced option
  • 3 capsules is a lot for serving size

Price: $59.00

Read our full review of Burn Lab Pro!

Best Natural Fat Burner

Natural supplements are always good ways to go and fat burners are no different. Finding the best options around can prove to be worthwhile with effective and clean ingredients to help you lose fat with great fat burning pills and a natural weight loss supplement.

Kaged Muscle Clean Burn (Capsules)

Code GENIRON For 15% OFF

Kaged Muscle Clean Burn is a great stim-free option to help tackle any fat loss needs. Loaded with active ingredients and a special blend, this is a great fat burning solution.

Number Of Servings 90
Serving Size 2 Capsules
Stim Or Non-Stim Non-Stim
Best Way To Take Take 2 capsules, 3 times daily, 30 minutes before meals.

Making the list again and for good reason is Kaged Muscle Clean Burn. This is a great stim-free fat loss solution to help tackle any and all weight loss needs. It is packed with cutting edge and premium ingredients. Clean Burn offers thermogenic weight loss and is loaded with active ingredients, making it an effective supplement for losing weight, as well as weight management. Clean Burn offers the best fat burning benefits in a special blend with the right combination of powerful ingredients. Clean burn is a great product for shedding that unwanted fat.

kaged muscle clean burn


  • Clean, fully disclosed formula
  • Non-stimulant formula
  • Powerful ingredients in a special blend
  • From a reputable company in Kaged Muscle


  • Stim-free for those who want stimulants

Price: $26.99

Use code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Read our full review of Kaged Muscle Clean Burn!

Best Stim Free Fat Burner

Of course, there are people who don’t respond as well to stimulants as others. Stim-free options will offer the same benefits without all the added jitters or negative effects of stimulants.

Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free is a product great for those looking to optimize fat loss with a stim-free option. With 6 ingredients backed by science, an honest label allows for full transparency of the product.

Number Of Servings 60
Serving Size 2 Capsules
Stim Or Non-Stim Non-Stim
Best Way To Take Take 2 capsules with 8-10 ounces of water, twice daily, 30-60 minutes before meals.

Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner Stim-Free offers the benefit of being stim-free while not sacrificing the effect of the intended goal. This product is great for those who are intolerant to stimulants but who are looking to optimize their fat loss efforts and increase those of muscle maintenance. As an effective stim-free fat burner, this product works to burn natural fat, control hunger and food snacking, and increase support for your metabolism from a weight loss supplement that works to burn stored belly fat.

Stimulant-free fat burners are effective because they can inhibit appetite or decrease nutrient absorption, making you feel full longer and reduce those cravings. With a 100% honest formula, 6 ingredients back by science, and no fillers or additives, these veggie capsules are perfect for those looking to lose fat without dealing with stimulants to burn calories and limit fat absorption throughout the day which could be beneficial for loss while still avoiding muscle breakdown.

transparent labs stim free


  • Great for those looking to optimize fat loss
  • Effective for burning belly fat, controlling cravings, and increasing metabolic support
  • Clean ingredients and an accurate formula


  • Does contain caffeine or other stimulants
  • Premium priced, high quality option
  • Only available directly from their website

Price: $49.00

Read our full review of Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free!

Plus, use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Best Thermogenic Fat Burner

Thermogenic supplements contain natural ingredients designed to boost your metabolism and increase fat burning. Many times, thermogenic supplements include caffeine, green tea, capsaicin and other plant extracts.

Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Fat Burner is a great burner to expedite weight loss in 3 ways. A 100% honest label ensures quality ingredients and optimal effectiveness.

Number Of Servings 60
Serving Size 2 Capsules
Stim Or Non-Stim Stim
Best Way To Take Take 2 capsules with 8-10 ounces of water, twice daily, 30-60 minutes before meals.

On the list again is Transparent Labs Fat Burner. As stated before, it is a great supplement to expedite weight loss by allowing you to shed fat, maintain muscle, and build that ideal physique for whatever comes your way. Working with 3 ways to expedite fat loss, this works to increase loss by determining how many calories you should burn, prevent hunger to eliminate snacking and unwanted calories, and it makes the process of weight loss a little more enjoyable and more effective. Transparent Labs of course provides total transparency with a 100% honest label so you know exactly what you are getting and how much you are getting from a fat burning supplement while shedding belly fat and avoiding muscle breakdown.

This 9-ingredient formula works to give you everything you need to succeed in your weight loss journey while boosting your metabolism. Forslean allows you to release fatty acids from stubborn tissue to stimulate fat loss while green tea works with Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) to influence fat metabolism so fat loss does occur. There are numerous other ingredients work to your benefit with this advanced formula to make sure your experience is everything you want out of a thermogenic fat burner to cut the excess weight and hit your goals.transparent labs fat burner


  • Researched-backed doses and an honest label as a great fat burner for men
  • Safe and effective to help you lose weight while burning belly fat
  • No artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives


  • A premium priced option
  • Only available through their website
  • The amount of caffeine may be slightly high

Price: $49.00

Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Read our full review of Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner!

Best Belly Fat Burner

Typically you will be looking to drop bodyfat all around, but the hardest place to lose it is the belly area. This area is the most stubborn when it comes to body fat, and losing that can change your composition for the better. Natural ingredients will allow you to work on burning fat with fat burner supplements perfect for keeping on muscle.

Burn Lab Pro

Burn Lab Pro is a great all-around fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits. It is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free giving you the best option on the market.

Number Of Servings 30
Serving Size 3 NutriCaps
Stim Or Non-Stim Non-Stim
Best Way To Take Take 3 capsules with water.

Burn Lab Pro makes the list again as it is an all-around great product with an innovative design and research-backed benefits to really enhance your results as you seek to burn belly fat. Instead of an unhealthy, stim-driven formula, Burn Lab Pro is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free to give you an effective supplement without any fear of jitters or crashing. Burn Lab Pro allows you to shed more body fat from every workout, gain more lean muscle, see better results from diet and exercise, and give you a safe and natural fat burner supplement to tackle any issues, like muscle maintenance and lack of an energy boost.

It has 5 powerful and research-backed ingredients, this is the ultimate fat burner for whatever your needs may be. Forslean works to trigger a hormonal cascade to boost fat breakdown and promote fat burning, while Capsimax regulates hormones to increase body heat to block fat stores and control appetite with food. Along with these other ingredients, this advanced formula is designed to target all of your weight loss needs from a fat burning supplement.


  • Great ingredients designed to tackle weight and fat loss goals
  • No stimulating ingredients with an advanced formula
  • Safe and natural supplement for your overall health and wellness
  • From a reputable and high quality company


  • Premium priced option
  • 3 capsules is a lot for serving size

Price: $59.00

Read our full review of Burn Lab Pro!

Best Fat Burner With Stimulants

While non-stimulant fat burners will do the trick, those with stimulants can give you a serious boost to affect all of your gains. With the right amount of stimulants, it can be safe and effective for whatever your needs may be.

Swolverine Therm

Swolverine's Therm is a natural thermogenic, designed specifically to help you burn more calories at rest and finally reach the body goals you’ve been working for. With 20 clinically proven, active weight loss ingredients such as Green Tea Leaf, Yerba Mate, Garcinia Cambogia, Guarana, and Forskolin, Therm is the perfect natural thermogenic weight loss supplement to jumpstart your metabolism, burn more body fat, and boost your energy so you can enhance the results of your fitness journey

Number Of Servings 90
Serving Size 1 Capsule
Stim Or Non-Stim Stim
Best Way To Take Take 1-2 tablets with a meal

Swolverine’s Therm is a natural thermogenic, designed specifically to help you burn more calories at rest and finally reach the body goals you’ve been working for. With 20 clinically proven, active weight loss ingredients such as Green Tea Leaf, Yerba Mate, Garcinia Cambogia, Guarana, and Forskolin, Therm is the perfect natural thermogenic weight loss supplement to jumpstart your metabolism, burn more body fat, and boost your energy so you can enhance the results of your fitness journey.

Research has shown, that ingredients such as Guarana, contains up to 4 times the amount of caffeine than coffee, and creates long-lasting sustained energy, for your most ambitious of endeavors. This will give you the energy you need to complete your workouts, and then some!swolverine therm fat burner


  • All natural
  • Good price


  • Not too many reviews

Price: $34.99

Best Fat Burner Powder for Men

Not everyone enjoys swallowing capsules, and while many fat burners come in capsules, there are some that come in powder. For a lot of people, mixing up the powder in their drink is a lot more enjoyable!

Kaged Muscle Clean Burn (Powder)

Code GENIRON For 15% OFF

Clean Burn with Apple Cider Vinegar is a fat-burning matrix with premium fat-burning ingredients that helps you achieve the physique you deserve.

Number Of Servings 30
Serving Size 1 Scoop
Stim Or Non-Stim Non-Stim
Best Way To Take Mix 1 scoop into 8-12 oz of cold water, then shake or stir for 10 seconds.

Kaged Muscle Clean Burn in powder form delivers the perfect balance between health and performance. Clean Burn Powder is stacked with organic and high-quality ingredients like L-Carnitine, CaloriBurn GP®, and Capsimax, you’ll experience fat-burning support, a boost in metabolism, and clean energy. On the health side, Kaged Muscle added the traditional powerhouse, apple cider vinegar (ACV). Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries for numerous wellness benefits.

Cardio also can become more effective with Clean Burn ACV. Clean Burn ACV will give you clean energy from organic caffeine and support the fat burning benefits of cardio workouts. Take Clean Burn ACV as your pre-workout for running, cycling, HIIT, or any other training session where fat burning is your goal. In addition to cardio, you can switch up your morning routine by substituting coffee for Clean Burn ACV.

kaged muscle clean burn


  • Clean, fully disclosed formula
  • Includes ACV
  • Powerful ingredients in a special blend
  • From a reputable company in Kaged Muscle


  • More of a premium priced option

Price: $44.99

Best CBD Fat Burner

CBD is a popular and growing industry and many benefits have come out around this. Along with great fat burning ingredients, CBD fat burners may be a key for you to see the results you want most.


ShredCBD is a new design using CBD isolate in an innovative way to burn fat. Promoting a host of other benefits, this CBD fat burner is an innovative and great option to try.

Type Of Application Capsule
CBD Dosage 1,200mg
Best Way To Take/Use Take 1 capsule by mouth 1-3 times daily.

PFX Labs ShredCBD is a brand new design for CBD supplements used to help target body fat while also promoting energy, focus, sleep, performance, and overall wellbeing. With 20mg of premium pure CBD isolate in each capsule, this formula also includes 3 powerful fat burning ingredients to give you the best chance at weight loss. With zero unwanted side effects and a large number of benefits to more than just fat loss, ShredCBD is making waves as an innovative way to get rid of that unwanted fat to start seeing a shredded physique with that hard earned bodybuilding muscle pre, during, and post-workout.


  • CBD isolate and three powerful fat burning ingredients
  • Great benefits towards fat loss, inflammation, performance, and more
  • Made in the USA in a GMP certified facility


  • Research is still in its infancy
  • Only available in the USA

Price: $49.00

belly fat muscle maintenance muscle breakdown weight loss energy boost

Benefits Of Fat Burners

When looking at the benefits of fat burners, it is no wonder why these have become more and more popular over time. For those looking to burn that stubborn belly fat, a supplement like a fat burner is truly what you need. A great dose of caffeine can lead to you losing weight, work for appetite suppression, and provide a weight loss pill that is worth it for your body’s metabolism throughout the day.

Benefits of fat burners include:

  • Boost metabolism: Really work to speed up your metabolism so you start to burn stubborn belly fat and more calories. Using these as energy, it doesn’t have a chance to be stored as fat.
  • Appetite suppression: Eliminate hunger and snacking by working to suppress appetite all while working to increase your energy.
  • Sharp mental function: With fat being used for fuel, your energy levels and cognitive function will improve, allowing more focus and alertness and the occasional serious energy boost.
  • Maintain lean muscle: Keep on that hard earned lean muscle while shedding fat so you don’t lost those sought after gains through proper muscle maintenance. With this, you will avoid the dreaded muscle breakdown and actually build muscle to help boost your fitness goals.

How To Find A Good Fat Burner

Finding a good burner should be a priority in terms of safety and effectiveness. Here are some things to look for in a high-quality fat burning supplement. With great weight loss ingredients, and highly effective ingredients at that, you will eat less as these help you burn that excess fat as it boosts metabolism with a supplement for men.

  • Natural, safe, and clinically backed ingredients

The ingredients place in a fat burning supplements should reflect the quality of the brand representing the product. Bad ingredients could cause bad side effects, or undesirable results. You deserve to put the best in your body so don’t settle for poor ingredients.

  • Visible results within 3-6 weeks of using a supplement

Seeing results should not take forever. While results do not occur overnight, good quality fat burning supplements will take control and give you a chance to start seeing real results in no time.

  • High reputation & transparency of the company

You want to trust the people designing and creating each product and a company not willing to fully disclose their formula doesn’t deserve your time. Look into what others say about the company and what you know of them because reputation is everything.

  • Sustainable and long-term effects

The results you see should stay with you as you maintain weight loss, as well as being sustainable towards your long term goals.

belly fat muscle maintenance muscle breakdown weight loss energy boost

Key Ingredients In Fat Burners

Here are a few key ingredients to look for in a quality fat burner.

Forskolin: This will work to lessen hunger and control cravings better for weight management. By releasing stored fat for energy, you will start seeing results and a desired physique you want most (1).

5-HTP: Increases the feeling of fullness and satiety to eliminate unwanted snacking. Snacking is an easy way to put on weight but at the same time, less snacking can keep that unwanted fat off.

L-Theanine: Can work to lower blood pressure and counteract negative effects of caffeine, another ingredient in fat burners (2). With side effects like jitters and uneasiness from caffeine anhydrous, this will give you energy while keeping you in a comfortable place.

Caffeine: Increases thermogenesis for more fat burn and better energy. This can be in something like coffee bean extract or green tea for example (3). It will also increase focus and your level of alertness so you see the best results in your workouts and cognitive function.

HMB: HMB has been found to be great for cutting calories and aiding in weight loss while working to preserve lean body mass and promoting muscle maintenance (4). You work hard for those muscles and definition and you don’t want to lose that as you either diet or limit your caloric intake.

Cayenne Pepper Extract: Works to increase your metabolism to burn more calories and aid in weight loss. This is a natural ingredient that is nice to have in fat burners to boost metabolism in a safe and effective way.

Green Tea Extract: Enhances your body’s thermogenic process and provides powerful antioxidants (5). Another natural ingredient, this can aid in your overall health while giving you fat loss benefits.

Glucomannan: Works to reduce sugar absorption and acts as an appetite suppressant. This can lead to less snacking and will curb your hunger so you only eat when you need to.

testosterone booster ingredients

How Much Are These Fat Burners?

Finding the right fat burners for your gains while also being affordable can be challenging. Of course, those more premium options will cost more money so knowing how much it is per serving may help make your decision a little easier. We’ve broken down our list so you can see the overall price and price per serving as you compare amongst our Best Fat Burners For Men list.

Category Product Price
Best Overall Fat Burner Burn Lab Pro $59.00
Best Fat Burner for Men’s Bodybuilding Transparent Labs Physique Series Fat Burner $49.00
Best Fat Burner for the Money Burn Lab Pro $59.00
Best Natural Fat Burner Kaged Muscle Clean Burn $26.99
Best Stim Free Fat Burner Transparent Labs Stim-Free Fat Burner $49.00
Best Thermogenic Fat Burner Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner $49.00
Best Belly Fat Burner Swolverine Therm $34.99
Best Fat Burner With Stimulants Burn Lab Pro $59.00
Best Fat Burner Powder Kaged Muscle Clean Burn (Powder) $44.99
Best CBD Fat  Burner ShredCBD $49.00

testosteroneWhat To Consider Before Buying Fat Burners

Before buying your fat burner supplement, there are some important factors to consider so you get the best product possible. Let’s take a look.

Stimulants & No Stimulants

When looking at these fat burners, some contain stimulants and some do not. Depending on your sensitivity to stimulants, it is important to know your limit so as to overload and feel negative side effects like jitters or unwanted crashes.


Many fat burners contain great ingredients and this list above reflects that. It is important to know what ingredients to look for so you can better tackle anything that comes your way. Check out our guide of the best fat burner ingredients so you know what is best to look for.

Price & Number Of Servings

Supplements can get expensive and knowing how much to spend and what you are getting for your servings is important as you look to capitalize on both gains and price. It is possible to find a great fat burner at an affordable price.

How We Choose The Best Fat Burners

Natural fat burners are something with real potential to help you with all your fat loss goals. Finding the best burners on the market can be challenging but we’ve taken it upon ourselves to look for the best products for you. Looking at the reputability of the brand, as well as their ingredients, is important to us because you deserve to put the best in your body. The formula used in each fat burner should be not only effective, but also safe, and this list reflects that. We also know that price can be a deterring factor and we sought the most reasonably priced fat burners that are still at the top of the market in terms of quality.

best fat burner for men

Fat Burners FAQ Section

This was a lot of information to digest, and you may have some questions. Let’s take a look?

What is the best fat burner for men?

Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner. This is a clean, effective, and powerful product designed to target stored fat and deliver high amounts of energy to boost all of your goals. With a great formula and powerful ingredients, this can work to shed more fat, gain more muscle, provide muscle maintenance, and see those desired changes in your body composition come to life from fat burning supplements by boosting the burning production in your body.

Are fat burners safe?

Generally, fat burners are safe to use to lose weight for active people. It is always wise to read the ingredients on each, as well as doing prior research into customer reviews on your desired products. Our list above shows some top-tier fat burners that are reliable and safe for use, but it is a good idea to always read the label.

Why do I need to use a fat burner?

Fat burners are generally for those who already exercise but still may struggle to get their weight down to where they want it to be. Now, these products will not take you from obese to shredded, they are rather a boost that are like the “cherry on top” type of thing. Fat burners will help to lower body fat and give the process of natural fat loss a bit of a boost with fat burning supplements to lose weight by raising your body’s temperature and aiding in your body’s ability to lose fat using ingredient such as a root, plant, or extracts, as well as others to produce your desired results.

I’m sensitive to caffeine. Is there a stimulant free fat burner I can take?

There are many stim-free fat burners now that will provide the same results without the fear of jitters, crashing, raised blood pressure, or other negative side effects from other weight loss pills. Many companies will in fact have a stimulant and a stimulant-free version of the same fat burner so you can compare an individual burner that contains caffeine and one without caffeine. Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Stim-Free is a great product with clean ingredients, a transparent label, and stim-free advantages for your weight loss goals with supplements.

Fat Burners Wrap Up

With so many fat burning supplements out there claiming to be the end-all be-all of fat loss products, it can be hard to tell who is actually aiming for your benefit. While there is no secret pill to make fat disappear, fat burners are there to assist in your fat loss goals. Whether they give you those much needed energy boosts, pull from your fat stores to get rid of that excess nemesis, suppress your appetite, promote muscle maintenance, or enhance metabolism, mixed with a healthy diet and exercise, these products can help you achieve that toned physique without compromising that lean muscle mass while increasing energy. Stay on track with your process and give these fat burners a try to finally achieve your goals of looking and feeling great.

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


  1. Hursel, R.; Viechtbauer, W.; Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. (2009). “The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance: a meta-analysis”. (source)
  2. Nobre, Anna C.; Rao, Anling; Owen, Gail N. (2008). “L-theanine, a natural constituent in tea, and its effect on mental state”. (source)
  3. Tabrizi, Reza; Saneei, Parvane; Lankarani, Kamran B.; Akbari, Maryam; et al. (2019). “The effects of caffeine intake on weight loss: a systematic review and dos-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials”. (source)
  4. Portal, Shawn; Eliakim, Alon; Nemet, Dan; Halevy, Orna; Zadik, Zvi (2010). “Effect of HMB supplementation on body composition, fitness, hormonal profile and muscle damage indices”. (source)
  5. Hursel, R.; Viechtbauer, W.; Westerterp-Plantega, M. S. (2009). “The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance: a meta-analysis”. (source)

Martyn Ford Leads Eddie Hall Through Grueling Chest Workout

Martyn Ford led Eddie Hall through a chest day.
Martyn Ford Instagram

Martyn Ford and Eddie Hall teamed up for an intense chest day.

Eddie Hall and Martyn Ford were both training to step into the MMA ring for a night of fights featuring some of the biggest Strongmen in the world. The fight night ended up being cancelled but Hall and Ford continue to train hard in the gym.

The MMA fight was scheduled to feature Hall and reigning World’s Strongest Man Mitchell Hooper. The other battle was between Strongman legend Brian Shaw and Martyn Ford. Hall shared that he is still working to get a fight going and has reached out to these three first.

It is clear that Hall and Ford have kept in touch as they recently hit a chest day together. Ford shared a post on Instagram showing of some exercises from the workout.


We are here to WORK, TO LEAD, TO SHOW THEM HOW …..

Nothing but HARD F£kIN& WORK ⛔️⛔️⛔️

Hungry for MORE @eddiehallwsm emptying the tank in an incredible chest day”


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Martyn Ford (@martynfordofficial)

Eddie Hall has been training for this event for the last six months. While it took a lot out of him and there is disappointment, Hall has remained positive. He also believes that the four Strongmen have a chance to get in the ring moving forward if there is interest from promoters.



Eddie Hall Arm Workout

Eddie Hall has gone through physique transformations over the years to accomplish his goals. He also transitioned into boxing with an epic rivalry face-off against Hafthor Bjornsson. As he trained to take on Bjornsson, Hall went through a complete physique transformation and was able to lose a significant amount of weight.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.