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Pre Workout Before Sex – Pumps Whilst Pumping

pre-workout before sex

Does pre-workout enhance sex?

As 7x Mr. Olympia champion Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, “The best activities for your health are pumping and humping.” And with that we’ll look at the potential of supplements for pumping, improving your humping. Here’s a closer look at whether you should try taking a pre-workout before sex.

Your heart rate shoots up, blood flow rushes to your working muscles and you get fired up and into the zone. We’re not talking about you’re 50kg 1RM deadlift here, but the moments before and during sex.

In the same way a pre workout can benefit you during a workout, it makes complete sense that the same supplement can help deliver you to a gold standard of pumping in the bedroom.

pre-workout before sex

Why Use a Pre Workout Before Sex

As we mentioned above, the reason for a guy to use a pre workout before sex can depend on what element of the boom boom they feel they’re lacking in.

In the same way a pre workout enhances your gym performance, it could also enhance your sex. If you’re experiencing a medical issue like erectile dysfunction or extremely low sex drive then we recommend you speak to a registered physician, because that could be a different issue involving hormones like testosterone. There’s no shame here, and your doc will be able to offer an expert solution without any judgements.

Come back to this article when your little general is patched up and standing to full attention.


For guys who are feeling their age and always a little too tired (test levels decline at roughly 1% per year from 30 onwards[6]) a pre workout can provide an extra boost in the bedroom.

You come home from work, rip off your tie and have ‘date night’ in an hour. But you’d just rather collapse on the sofa and watch Generation Iron 4 for the sixth time. The solution? Pre-workout could be it.

By taking a pre workout before sex you’ll find you can boost up energy levels, mood and focus, helping you get into the zone and eradicate the ‘meh’ feeling. Get those candles lit and put on your favorite tunes, it’s time to get jiggy. Just don’t overdo it. Nobody likes a cracky shaking date.

Good ingredients, that are studied and proven are the amino acid l-theanine combined with caffeine. This will give you a clean and clear source of energy for the duration of the evening. Avoiding crashes and jitters [3].

Blood Flow

One of the main reasons to take a pre workout before sex is to improve blood flow. When your penis gets erect it’s because blood is rushing to it. And sometimes, as you get older and the awkward uncontrollable erections of your youth are behind you, it can need a little help.

A nitric oxide booster could help by literally improving the quality of your erections, in fact a scientific study has proven this [1]. By choosing a pre workout that contains ingredients like l-citrulline [2] and l-arginine both proven to raise nitric oxide levels, you’ll find that your erection quality can possibly improve. Leading to a better pecker pump.


We’ve all been there, you’re 30 minutes into a steamy night time session, you’re tired, getting weak and wondering if it’ll ever finish in the crescendo you were expecting at the start. Just like running a 30-minute HIIT cardio session, you’re starting to run out of gas as time goes on.

The solution could lie in a pre-workout before sex. You’ve got your energy and focus from caffeine and l-theanine to get things going, a world record erection boosted up by l-citrulline and now you need something that’s going to get you over the finish line with a bed breaking bang.

It’s proven that caffeine [4] can keep you going for longer, and coupled with an ingredient like citicoline you’ll find you don’t get an energy crash [5] an lose focus right through your full session.

pre-workout before sex

Choosing the Right Pre-Workouts Before Sex

The points we covered above are pretty focused in terms of pre-workouts and their ingredients, and if you’re wanting to get the best bonking pre, you also need to ensure what you’re taking has a dosing structure that isn’t OTT and also, try and keep things natural. 400mg of caffeine is probably a bad idea as an example. Ingredients like synephrine and other stims could also do more harm than good if you end up on the wrong side of them.

Try keeping things boiled down to a clean and balanced form of energy, caffeine, tyrosine, l-theanine and other aminos. Add a nitric oxide enhancer you know works, and you know that your stomach agrees with and then finally any bells and whistles that will help you maintain endurance.

You don’t want to be trying a brand new pre workout and shit your pants before you’ve gotten chance to take them off either. Test it out with a gym session first.

Our recommended pre workout?

National Bodybuilding Co. Stage Ready is a great pre-workout to enhance quality muscle pumps, improved stamina, weight loss, and a real boost of energy to elevate performance. With an advanced blend and high-quality ingredients, this pre-workout is perfect for any workout.

Check out our list of the Best Pre-Workouts for more great pre-workout products!

Wrap Up

All things considered, taking pre-workout before sex may not be a bad idea. Giving you energy, focus, and endurance, those are key elements to fun and engaging sex. Consider pre-workout the next time you pump away and see what this can do for you. You may just change your mind.

Happy pumping and humping.

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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


[1] M. D. Sullivan. Nitric oxide and penile erection. Cardiovasc Res (1999) 43 (3): 658-665.

[2] Sureda, A et al. L-citrulline-malate influence over branched chain amino acid utilization during exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010; 110(2): 341-51

[3] Owen, GN et al. The combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine on cognitive performance and mood. Nutr Neurosci. 2008; 11(4): 193-8

[4] GR. Cox. Effect of different protocols of caffeine intake on metabolism and endurance performance. J Appl Physiol. 2002; 93(3): 990-9

[5] De Jesus Moreno Moreno M. Cognitive improvement in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s dementia after treatment with the acetylcholine precursor choline alfoscerate: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Clin Ther. 2003;25(1):178-193. doi:10.1016/s0149-2918(03)90023-3

[6] Zirkin, B., & Tenover, J. (2012). Aging and declining testosterone: Past, present, and hopes for the future. Retrieved January 19, 2021, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4077344/

The Best Peanut Butter Alternatives For Health & Gains

peanut butter alternative

What peanut butter alternatives are out there for continued gains.

When it comes to our continued gains, nutrition is an easy place to start and for those who enjoy peanut butter, checking out some peanut butter alternatives is one way to hop on board the gains train. Eating well and finding those healthy foods may seem challenging but it is not impossible by any means. Those clean foods we know and love are perfect for seeing continued success and for those of us bodybuilders looking to tone and sculpt, it is imperative we put an emphasis on those clean and whole foods.

Peanut butter is a fantastic option for our bodybuilding goals and is a great food to include with a variety of meals. Easy and convenient, our favorite PB snacks have the ability to launch our gains to new heights. However, for those allergic or just looking for something different, there are those peanut butter alternatives that can greatly affect our diet, and ultimately, our overall gains. Knowing what they are and experimenting with them can give you the best chance to find your favorites to include in any meal or snack.

Let’s jump into the best peanut butter alternatives so you can see what is out there and how these will affect your diet and gains. Even for those who feel they would never abandon peanut butter, some of these alternatives may just change your mind and give you something else to consider next time you are looking for that tasty snack.

peanut butter

Benefits Of Peanut Butter

Before we jump into these alternatives, a quick rundown of peanut butter and what it can do for your bodybuilding goals is warranted. This food can do a lot for your gains and is one to definitely consider putting into your diet.

Benefits of peanut butter include:

  • Good source of healthy fats: Taking in healthy fats is important and will balance out our macronutrients nicely. By including healthy fats and those sources in your diet, you make sure to reach a good limit in your daily intake (1).
  • Also has protein: PB also has protein that is needed for muscle growth, recovery, and satiety and is perfect for your goals (2).
  • Versatile and convenient: This can be put with many things and is a great food to have for a sit-down meal or those on-the-go meals for ease and convenience.

Related: Why Peanut Butter Works Well For Your Bodybuilding Gains

peanut butter alternative

Best Peanut Butter Alternatives

So, while peanut butter is clearly beneficial and worthwhile to have in your diet, taking into account peanut butter alternatives is something that will benefit you and your bodybuilding gains. There are great nut butter alternatives but also those that are nut-free so you can fit these into your dietary needs, allergy restrictions, or just diversify your diet.

Nut Butter Alternatives

Let’s take a look at some great nut butter alternatives for those who want something nutty without dealing with peanut butter specifically. While they each have their own unique taste, they go well with a variety of things like sandwiches, yogurt, and other foods that you may have in your diet already.

  • Almond Butter

Almond butter is made from roasted almonds and is a great alternative to peanut butter. The taste is great and what you will find is that this may be higher in calories, but loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (3). Working to keep you full and give you those healthy fats, this is a great choice for a snack.

  • Hazelnut Butter

Hazelnut butter can work to assist weight management and decrease cell damage since hazelnuts are high in antioxidants. Fighting inflammation is great and will keep you moving more efficiently for workouts and everyday movements.

  • Cashew Butter

A great choice for those vegan and vegetarian diets, this will also work to keep you full and help with weight control. Being low in sodium also works to balance out those sodium levels.

  • Walnut Butter

High in antioxidants, this gives you the benefit of fighting oxidative stress while also working to improve brain health since it is loaded with cognitive boosting vitamins and minerals (4).

Non-Nut Butter Alternatives

Taking into account those non-nut butter alternatives are also wise because they provide for similar benefits but fit well for those who feel like nut butters aren’t conducive to their specific lifestyle. For those that have an allergy to nuts and those nut butters above, these options are great.

  • Sunflower Seed Butter

Sunflower seed butter is loaded with vitamins and minerals and can work to promote healthy weight and limit cell damage. Less inflammation is what we all want as hard-working athletes and with the right alternative like sunflower seed butter, we can find that no problem (5).

  • Tahini

Tahini comes from sesame seeds and can help with blood pressure and cholesterol, since this is rich in vitamins and minerals. What you will find is that this is surprising good with those foods that you traditionally eat with peanut butter.

alcohol fat loss

Peanut Butter Alternatives: Should I Ditch Peanut Butter?

At the end of the day, you don’t have to ditch peanut butter totally. These peanut butter alternatives are just options so you have the best chance at seeing great gains while also having the option to switch up your diet. With the right alternatives, you have a better chance at seeing those gains you want most and can work to alleviate any stress in diversifying and finding the right foods for your diet. So, don’t ditch peanut butter altogether but be open to some alternatives that help you greatly.

Wrap Up

These peanut butter alternatives will provide for similar gains while also allowing you the benefit of seeing great results. Whether it be a nut butter or non, what you will find is that by diversifying your diet, you better tackle any of those gains you want most while keeping your diet changing in a healthy way. These peanut butter alternatives are great and should absolutely be in your diet, for your overall health, nutrition, and gains matter.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Harvard Medial School (2019). “Ask the doctor: Why is peanut butter “healthy” if it has saturated fat?”. (source)
  2. Arya, S.; et al. (2016). “Peanuts as functional food: a review”. (source)
  3. USDA/Agricultural Research Service (2008). “Antioxidant Effects From Eating Almonds”. (source)
  4. Poulose, S.; et al. (2014). “Role of walnuts in maintaining brain health with age”. (source)
  5. Dreher, M.; et al. (1983). “Sunflower Butter: Nutritional Evaluation and Consumer Acceptance”. (source)

Hulk Hogan’s Diet and Workout Routine

Hulk Hogan's diet and workout

“Hollywood Hogan” wants to walk the beach with a better-looking physique than 30-year-olds. 

Were you a fan of wrestling in the 1980s and 1990s? WWE icon Hulk Hogan achieved unparalleled fame as a household name. This article analyzes the diet and workout routines that propelled Hulk Hogan to success.

Recently, Hulk Hogan gave an insight into his diet and workout. “Mr. America” will turn 70 in August and lost a lot of weight recently because his body shut down on him. His goal is to live healthier, so he’s eating organic food and has cut out sugar and alcohol. Hogan stated:

“About 15 years ago, my body kind of shut down on me…So it changed the game on me. It made everything different for me. And I changed my whole lifestyle because at that time, being in so much pain and getting older and older, I couldn’t carry that much weight…I feel great. “

Eating the right foods while training is the key to a good physique. This post explores Hulk Hogan’s diet and workout that’s allowed him to maintain being jacked, regardless of age, including his lifestyle choices and changes for a healthier organic life.

Hulk Hogan’s Diet

hollywood hogan

“Hollywood Hogan” now lives a clean life and has removed sugar and alcohol from his diet. The 69-year-old entertainment legend decided to go mostly organic six months ago. This study shows that organic foods are higher in antioxidants (1)

Hulk Hogan’s healthy and organic diet majorly consists of proteins and vegetables. He eats a light breakfast and has many proteins for lunch and dinner. Here’s the breakdown of his typical meal in a day.


  • Breakfast: Organic coffee, a banana, and a cup of yogurt
  • Lunch: Chicken, steak, sashimi, raw tuna
  • Dinner: Same as lunch, just with some added organic cookies

Hulk Hogan also drinks Mountain Valley Water, preferably in glass bottles. 

Hogan says he had to distance himself and cut away from all the foods and drinks from his wrestling days. This consists of oatmeal, twelve fried eggs (breakfast), and hamburger patties with lots of butter. He ate this food volume because he had to replace all the energy he was burning. Now, he sticks to lower calories since he’s not burning near as many calories. 


Hogan says supplements are essential in his diet. Supplements help provide support and minerals the muscles need that are tough to get from food sources alone, e.g., creatine, proteins, and omega-3. It’s important to note that taking the right supplements, such as amino acids, helps build muscles and make your body healthier (2).

Cheat Day

Despite his healthy diet and lifestyle, Hulk Hogan still has cheat days. These days, he occasionally hangs out with his fans and has french fries while singing karaoke. He also has non-dairy ice cream, mocha chocolate fudge, almond milk, and vanilla sandwiches for snacks. But Hulk Hogan says you must get to the gym and work out after a cheat day

“You gotta get your ass down to the gym and do some hanging and banging. Dumbbell curls, good-looking girls like Skye Daley, big arms, big paychecks brother.”

Pain Relief

CBD has changed the game for Hulk Hogan. He talks about how it helped him recover from his multiple surgeries in a way regular prescription painkillers couldn’t. This is quite the change from Tylenol and a normal wrestling alcohol diet.

“When I did my research, it was such a smart move compared to seeing all these athletes that live on Xanaxes, Halcyon, speed, and pain pills. Been there, done that; it’s not my first rodeo. Tried a few different things, and this is something that works for me…CBDs are healthy, and it works for me.”

Research supports CBD’s effectiveness in helping muscle regeneration after training (3).

Hollywood Hogan’s Workout Routine


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Hulk Hogan says his fitness goal is to look good when walking down the beach with his girlfriend, Skye. They both live in Clearwater, Florida, and he wants to look better than all the 30-35-year-old guys walking around the beach.

Hulk Hogan is about to hit 70 in August and is still consistent with his workouts and cardio. He expressly states that he exercises daily despite changing his movements a bit. He’s had to do this because of all the surgeries and injuries he has gotten over the long span of his ever-successful career.

Hollywood Hogan also says that he’s had to scale down his gym over the years. He says there is training hard, and there is training smart. As you get older, training smart is better for your body.

Hulk Hogan’s Typical Training Week

Hulk Hogan says he splits his week into days for training multiple muscle groups. He then sometimes takes a day off on Friday since a rest day is important when exercising because it allows your muscles to heal and grow. 

Hulk Hogan’s Exercises

Some exercises and machines we see Hogan use include a leg extensions machine, chest press machine, and preacher curl machine, which he also calls “the crippler.” The preacher curl machine is his favorite machine in his home gym.

Hulk Hogan says he calls it the crippler because most of his friends have to go and puke after using it. He also loves the preacher curl because you can use it to train around injuries. Lastly, Hogan also says having a sound mind is important as it’s also key to living a healthy life. He believes being thankful for all you have is important.

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more celebrity workouts and diets! 


  1. Barański, M., Srednicka-Tober, D., Volakakis, N., Seal, C., Sanderson, R., Stewart, G. B., Benbrook, C., Biavati, B., Markellou, E., Giotis, C., Gromadzka-Ostrowska, J., Rembiałkowska, E., Skwarło-Sońta, K., Tahvonen, R., Janovská, D., Niggli, U., Nicot, P., & Leifert, C. (2014). Higher antioxidant and lower cadmium concentrations and lower incidence of pesticide residues in organically grown crops: a systematic literature review and meta-analyses. The British journal of nutrition, 112(5), 794–811. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114514001366
  2. Fouré, A., & Bendahan, D. (2017). Is Branched-Chain Amino Acids Supplementation an Efficient Nutritional Strategy to Alleviate Skeletal Muscle Damage? A Systematic Review. Nutrients, 9(10), 1047. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu9101047
  3. Isenmann, E., Veit, S., Starke, L., Flenker, U., & Diel, P. (2021). Effects of Cannabidiol Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle Regeneration after Intensive Resistance Training. Nutrients, 13(9), 3028. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13093028

How To Spot, Stop & Avoid Invisible Lat Syndrome

invisible lat syndrome

Let’s get rid of this ridiculous syndrome.

There is no doubt that you have seen invisible lat syndrome before, in or out of the gym. Those wannabe Mr. Olympia bodybuilders and meatheads that are “unable” to put their arms down by their sides because their backs are so wide are so “big”. Sound familiar? It’s awkward, annoying, and just flat out embarrassing, for the wannabe that is.

Invisible lat syndrome has unfortunately plagued gyms everywhere with those seeking to look bigger than they actually are, and it is only getting worse. And the worst part is, invisible lat syndrome doesn’t even make you look bigger.

So, what causes this and why do people have it? How can we spot it and hopefully try to stop it? Let’s jump right into this and answer all of these questions for you. Next time you are in the gym, keep an eye out for those meatheads that just can’t seem to make their arms go down. Trust us, you can’t miss them.

invisible lat syndrome

What Is Invisible Lat Syndrome?

Invisible lat syndrome (ILS), also referred to as imaginary lat syndrome, is the idea that your pump was so big, and that your lats are so wide, that you can’t return your arms to your side like normal. This typically happens after a someone lifts massive weights and has that inflated feeling in their muscles. Their armpits will be open wide and their arms will awkwardly look as though they don’t know where to go. Think about if you had basketballs or volleyballs under your arms. That’s what it would feel like.

The ironic thing is, we have most likely all felt this feeling. It is normal to have that inflated feeling after a massive lift. But the difference is that many of us tend to recognize we are not Ronnie Coleman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Dorian Yates and quickly return our arms to their respective resting positions; down by their sides, where they should be.

Why Do People Have It?

Why people have invisible lat syndrome is a mystery and all that we could truly gather are a few superficial reasons for potentially why someone would subject everyone else in the gym to look at that foolishness. While we can do our best to spread awareness about this issue, unfortunately we leave it in the hands of those individuals who suffer from it to make the choice to stop. Some possible reasons people have ILS are:

  • A genuinely massive pump where they physically can’t put their arms down by their sides- this is highly unlikely, but to be fair, it needed to be on the list.
  • Idolizing their favorite bodybuilder and seek to mimic how they look. Typically, professional bodybuilders will pose with this look to impress the judges. But look at those same bodybuilders in the gym on a normal day and they wouldn’t dare walk around with watermelons under their arms.
  • Want attention and need people to know they are working out. How annoying is that? You are at a gym, of course we know you are working out. Unless they are looking to find their soul mate and feel this is how to portray dominance or a sense of control over the gym, like a peacock showing off its feathers. Try throwing a punch in the invisible lat syndrome position. Trust us, it won’t go well.

invisible lat syndrome

How To Stop Invisible Lat Syndrome Of Others

It is up to us humble gym goers and athletes to try and put an end to invisible lat syndrome as best we can. Even if we don’t fully understand what causes it, we need to stay focused in our mission to end this ridiculousness. If you see someone suffering from invisible lat syndrome, avoid eye contact. Don’t give them the attention they so desperately seek and let them waddle around alone, admiring themselves in the mirror until it’s time to go home. The more you look and draw attention to this, the more they will do it and it will never end.

Another way that may work well is to lift equal amounts of weight or perform the same exercises and when finished, don’t look like that. This will show them that there is absolutely no reason to look like that and if you can lift that weight and perform that exercise without it, then people know it is all for attention’s sake.

How To Avoid It For Yourself

To avoid invisible lat syndrome on your own is not that difficult. Just lift, enjoy your workout, and don’t try to be someone you are not. By allowing yourself the freedom to lift big, look great, and see that shredded and massive physique unfold, you will be well on your way to seeing huge gains and won’t look like a fool whose head is too big for their body.

Actually Building Your Lats

Your lats do matter and having strong lats work to assist with a larger physique, that V-shape look, and any pulling motion that comes your way. As one of the largest muscles we have, maintaining good form and giving your body the best chance at success requires knowing what to do to really build strength and muscle mass.

Knowing which exercises can increase lat development is important and looking to the right exercises will get you seriously wide lats. The barbell pullover is a great exercise for massive growth while the underhand lat pulldown will build those wing-like lats

Looking to the idea of the lat pulldown vs. pull-up, both are great for offering functional and sport specific gains all while building that stronger, more defined back. Whatever your intended exercise is, place these into your routine and see what they can do for you. You absolutely won’t be disappointed by the results.

Wrap Up

Invisible lat syndrome is that unfortunate thing we see in the gym all too much. As upstanding members of the gym going community, it is our place to take a stand and stop it. Do your part, don’t pay attention to these wannabe’s, and hopefully we can eradicate invisible lat syndrome for good. Although this uphill battle is going to take all of us.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato

Busting Age-Old Fitness Myths (Long Overdue)

Fitness myths

Fitness Myths That Need To Die

Myths have been around ever since Homo sapiens learned to communicate. While some folklore can kindle the human spirit and keep communities together, others can cause trouble. The role of myths in fitness circles is no different. Fitness myths can slow down progress, make you hit a plateau, and can even cause injuries.

Fitness myths have reached a stage where they have gained souvenir status and are passed from one generation to another. The unsuspecting fitness rookies fall for these shiny souvenirs and end up wasting a lot of time and energy following advice that does not work.

1. Rule #1 – No Pain, No Gain

Most people fail to differentiate between pain and pumps. Muscle pumps are great as they are a sign of muscles being flooded with lactic acid and blood. On the other hand, tendon, muscle, and joint pains signal that you’re doing something wrong.

An exercise should not hurt while you are doing it. If you ever feel like you’ll pop something during a workout, it is your body telling you to stop, and you better listen. In this instance, living by the Muhammad Ali quote “I only start counting when it starts hurting” can lead you to some serious damage. 

2. Fasted Workouts Help Burn Fat Faster

If we got a dollar every time we heard this claim in the gym, we would be driving the Tesla truck by now. Many people assume working out on an empty stomach burns body fat as the body will utilize the stored fat as a source of energy.

But in reality, fasted training can be counterproductive. Studies have found that working out on an empty stomach can cause the body to break down muscle to burn glycogen as fuel. 

Apart from this, working out on an empty stomach can negatively impact your performance. If you don’t have enough macros in your body, you’ll run out of gas before you can do anything meaningful during an intense workout. 

3. If You Are Not Sore, You Are Not Training Hard Enough

Many people measure the effectiveness of their workouts by the degree of muscle soreness they experience over the next couple of days after a workout. These people try to train to failure in every workout and won’t leave the gym until they have a muscle-ripping pump.

You break down muscle tissues when you lift weights. Inflicting soreness-inducing damage on your muscles every time you train isn’t a good idea. 

It is time you stop assessing your workout intensity through the severeness of your DOMS. Some people even use sweat as a yardstick. They will not consider a workout complete until they are drenched in sweat. Following a customized training plan is a better way of ensuring workout effectiveness. Put in the work and be patient. You can’t rush to your dream physique. Good things take time, and this is one of them. 

4. Stretching Prevents Injury

Ask anyone trying to touch their toes before a workout why they are doing what they are doing, and they’ll probably tell you that stretching before a workout reduces the chances of an injury. 

If research is to be believed, static stretching before a training session can cause an injury. A study at the University of Nevada found that static stretching can weaken your muscles by as much as 30 percent because they act like typical resistance exercises where you put your muscles under constant tension for the duration of a set.

You should, instead, focus on warm-ups that increase both body heat and blood flow to the muscles. Dynamic stretching is a better option for getting your body ready for your workouts. Dynamic warm-ups include aerobic activities that mimic the movements you would do in an exercise. 


5. Resistance Training Can Make Women Look Masculine

Women getting masculine through weight training is one of the oldest myths that refuses to die. The origin of this myth is ambivalent, but there are two possible sources:

  1. Insecure men who couldn’t see women getting stronger than them.
  2. Petite and delicate are a couple of adjectives that are associated with an ideal woman. Women who lift weights contradict this image. 

The truth is that the male hormone called testosterone is responsible for muscle gain in men. Women don’t produce testosterone in enough quantities as their male counterparts to get as big as them. On the other hand, lifting weights can help women tone their muscles. Something doing cardio alone can never do. 

6. Isolation Exercises Are Safe

Compound (multi-joint) exercises have earned a bad name for being too risky. Newbies, the elderly, and people recovering from injuries are often asked to use machines. They are told that isolation (single-joint) exercises can’t cause injuries.

Most people assume that an exercise machine automatically puts their body in the correct position and helps them do the movement correctly with the right form. This assumption is only true if the machine is adjusted for your height and weight. 

Since isolation exercises put all the tension on a single muscle, a small mistake while using heavier weights can cause an injury. In the case of compound exercises, supporting muscles step in and share the load when the going gets tough. 


7. Crunches Can Help Burn Fat

Late-night infomercials have made people believe that they can spot-reduce their belly fat by using a particular ab machine or a sauna belt. The belief that you can reduce tummy fat by doing a few crunches comes from the same school of thought. 

While performing crunches might help strengthen the muscles around your midsection and improve your posture, they don’t do much in reducing your overall body fat percentage. Building six pack abs takes consistent work and a variety of routines. 

Let’s talk numbers for a second. You need to burn 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat, and doing 50 odd crunches won’t come close to burning that much fat. 

If spot reduction worked, we would be the first to tell you about it. 

8. Lifting Weight Can Turn Fat Into Muscles

If you have been around the fitness scene long enough, chances are you know someone who is overweight but lifts more than most buff dudes in your gym and gulps down protein shakes by the gallons in hopes of turning his fat into muscles. 

Muscles and fat are two different types of tissues in your body. One type of tissue cannot turn into another. Exercise solely can only improve your muscle tone. You need a personalized diet, training, and recovery program to undergo a successful transformation.

Did you believe any of these fitness myths? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

2023 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest Results

Joey Chestnut wins his 16th Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating title!

The Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest took place on Tuesday, July 4th 2023. The event has become synonymous with the Fourth of July. It has quickly turned into an extremely popular event with over 40,000 people attending in person and millions more watching at home. The weather might have delayed the action on Tuesday afternoon but it did not slow down Joey Chestnut from winning his 16th title.

The Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest takes place in Coney Island in Brooklyn. In 1967, the competition became an annual tradition. In 2001, Takeru Kobayashi took the competition to the next level, becoming the first man to eat 50 hot dogs and buns during the 10-minute time limit.

In 2007, Joey Chestnut took over as champion and has won 16 of the last 17 titles. He has eclipsed the 60-hot dog mark in 15 of the last 17 competitions. This includes going over 70 six times and setting a new record of 76 in 2021.

2023 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest Results

  • First Place – Joey Chestnut (62)
  • Second Place – Geoffrey Esper (49)
  • Third Place – James Webb (47)
  • Fourth Place – Nick Wehry (45)
  • Fifth Place – Bartley Weaver IV (41)
  • Sixth Place – Gideon Oji (36)
  • Seventh Place – Ren Zoran (29.75)
  • Eighth Place – Max Suzuki (29.5)

James Webb documentary in the works

One of the contestants competing at this year’s Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest is James Webb. He is the first Australian to competitively eat at Coney Island and holds the world record for eating the most amount of glazed donuts in under 8 minutes. He is currently ranked #10 in the world of best competitive eaters.

Generation Iron is in the early stages of producing a documentary on James Webb and have been following him during his journey to become the #1 competitive eater in the world. You can get a behind the scene sneak peak in a recent episode of the Generation Iron Podcast. Check it out below:

Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest Champions

  • 1967: Walter Paul
  • 1972: Jason Schechter and Melody Andorfer
  • 1974: John Connolley and Roberto Muriel
  • 1974: Roberto Muriel
  • 1974: Walter Paul and Paul Sirop
  • 1975: Lonnie Brown and Sharlene Smith
  • 1978: Kevin Sinclair and Manel Hollenback
  • 1979: Jim Mather and Luther Frazier
  • 1980: Joe Baldini and Paul Siderman
  • 1981: Thomas Deberry
  • 1982: Steve Abrams
  • 1983: Emil Gomez
  • 1984: Birgir Felden
  • 1985: Oscar Rodriguez
  • 1986: Mark Heller
  • 1987: Don Wolfman
  • 1988-89: Jay Green
  • 1990: Jay Green and Mike DeVito
  • 1991-92: Frankie Dellarosa
  • 1993-94: Mike DeVito
  • 1995-96: Ed Krachie
  • 1997-98: Hirofumi Nakajima
  • 1999: Steve Keiner
  • 2000: Kazutoyo Arai
  • 2001-2006: Takeru Kobayashi
  • 2007-2014: Joey Chestnut
  • 2015: Matt Stonie
  • 2016-2022: Joey Chestnut

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

THROWBACK: Flex Lewis Tells His Story – “The American Dream Was Put In Front of Me”

Inside the mind of Flex Lewis.

UPDATE: In celebration of Independence Day – we are republishing our article from 2018 detailing Flex Lewis’ journey to America and becoming arguably the single greatest Men’s 212 champion in pro bodybuilding. Below is the original article.

James ‘Flex’ Lewis won his sixth straight 212 Mr Olympia title in 2017, tying the record set by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Now the 34-year-old legend lives and trains in Florida, but still holds close to his Welsh roots. He sat down with WalesOnline to talk about his life- past present and future.

Flex said that rugby and gymnastics gave him a fantastic frame for bodybuilding. In fact his nickname “Flex” was from rugby, long before his bodybuilding days. When he did start training in a local gym, they had a massive poster of Mr Wales up and the gym owner said he would give Lewis a free membership if he competed in the show. Lewis agreed, won the show, and it’s head judge, Niel Hill, still coaches Lewis to this day.

“He advised me at the time to go for Olympic junior under-21 weightlifting. I won that show. Pictures from that show ended up on the internet, which was still relatively new at the time, and it made its way to the owner of the famous Gold’s Gym in America. The next thing I knew, he was requesting I fly out to LA.”

On his first-ever trip to America, Lewis was having dinner with guys like Hulk Hogan and Jean-Claude van Damme. He sees himself as a poster boy from the American dream, attributing all his success to hard work and dedication.

“I wasn’t given any blueprint of how to be a bodybuilder; I just decided to give it my all.”

Lewis also commented on his rigorous training mentality.

“I see it as a job. You don’t want to go to work sometimes, but that’s why I’ve given my body that mental break…I never cheat, I never miss training sessions and I’ve never missed a cardio session in the years. Even when I’ve had injuries, I’ve still altered my cardio and training to get around the injuries.”

Though he still stays in excellent shape, Lewis is now pursuing opportunities outside of bodybuilding. He has developed many contacts in entertainment though he says the work can be less than exciting,

“Up until this year, I’ve never been presented or entertained anything to do with acting,” he said. “I’ve done some stuff with Paris Hilton when I lived in LA, but I found it incredibly boring standing on set all day long and eating from a food truck.”

No matter if he decides to dive into acting, Lewis says he is proud of what he’s created for himself and his family.

“The investments I’ve made ten years ago are now doing very well, and I’ve got other businesses in the process of being bought out. I pride myself in knowing what I’ve gone through, my family will never have to go through. They’ll be financially secure for life.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Secrets To Getting Shredded Like A True American!

Forget the gurus. Here’s tips from a jacked all American war vet.

Weight loss can be a tricky thing to manage. For bodybuilders who are more concerned with building muscle than anything else, fat loss is a bit less of an issue. But nevertheless, if you want to show off all you muscle and hard work then eventually you’ll have to drop your body fat percentage a bit. When it comes to losing fat, most people scour the internet looking for experts and gurus that can help in their mission to rid themselves of their pesky love handles.

Truth be told, sometimes you don’t want to deal with the hassle of reading a 20 page breakdown about what you should or should not eat, how you should be hitting the weights, what percentages of carbs, fats, and proteins your should consume. Sometimes you need a straight forward approach that will get you the info you seek ASAP.

Well, it seems like Derek Weida has the same idea about reaching your weight loss goals. Weida, a veteran of the United States Army, was wounded during service and lost his leg as a result of his injuries. Despite all that, the man is still a total bad ass that’s taken his loss and used it to fuel his motivation to become the best version of himself he could possibly be. Derek doesn’t have any use for excuses and neither should you. He’s an American hero and is proud to flaunt that fact, and why the hell not? The man is an inspiration and he’s looking to be the same for others looking to improve themselves.

Sometimes some good old bro-science can be the key to all your weight loss troubles. The best part? He hasn’t lost any of his sense of humor either. Sometimes bodybuilding can get so serious – but take a listen to Mr. Weida’s over-the-top red, white, and blue advice to reap the benefits of some straight forward knowledge.

All joking aside – those last moments of the video show Derek’s true colors. It’s all about finding ways to stay consistent and better yourself. It’s not about today – it’s about the tomorrow you want. Derek might crack jokes and be blunt – but maybe taking the seriousness out of dieting and lifting can help other people get more comfortable and confident about leading a fitter lifestyle.

What do you think of Derek Weida’s approach to bodybuilding and weight loss? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Top 4 Foods To Keep You Shredded Through The Summer

Use these summer foods to keep yourself in lean shape.

If you’ve started planning to get into summer shape then we’ve got news for you: you missed the boat pal. While you were busy relaxing in the winter and spring, you were missing the perfect opportunities to start getting yourself in the best shape possible for the summer. That’s why we advocate working out year round so that when the time comes to start cutting down a bit for summer you’ll already be halfway there by the end of spring. This article will detail the summer foods you need to keep yourself in shredded and lean shape all summer.

It’s Independence Day and the summer is here – but does that mean you should just give up on your fitness goals and stuff your face with cheeseburgers this weekend? Not a chance in hell. In fact, you should be considering some last minute diet options that could end up doing you some good during the summer. Who knows, maybe you can start seeing some progress before summers end. But whether you’ve been working out hard all year round or if you’re just starting now, we’ve got some summer foods, particularly fruits, that will help you get to your shredded best, hopefully, by fall.

You can also check out our list of the Best Fat burners on the market in 2024 right here. 


This is a great fruit for anyone that’s pushing themselves hard in the gym. Watermelons are packed with nutrients and can be a great post workout treat that does a number of beneficial things for your body. One, it’s great for hydration after a tough workout. Two, it can greatly help your muscle recovery. Also, it’s the perfect melon to crush in between your legs… if you’re strong enough.


Generation Iron Blue Berries

Another great summer food, blueberries should be your best friend. If you’re looking to thrash your muscles in the gym then you’re going to want your muscles to hold up to the task and this fruit can help greatly. Besides it’s great antioxidant properties, blueberries are great for helping with muscle fatigue.


Generation Iron Pineapples

Pineapples should be your best friends. For a bodybuilder who’s looking to gain a ton of muscle, protein will be a necessity. In order to get the most out of your protein intake, digesting protein and fats are essential. Pineapples are great for digesting these nutrients, provide carbs, and are packed with vitamin a, vitamin c, phosphorous, and potassium to aide in strong bone development.

Tart Cherries

Generation Iron Cherries

If you’re looking to drop some fat during the summer then you should definitely have some tart cherries in your diet. Besides being pretty damn tasty, this fruit can do a great deal to aide in burning fat as well as promoting lower fat storage within the body.

Which summer foods do you have in your diet? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

How To Perfect The RKC Plank

plank drag and plank shoulder tap

Develop Incredible Core Strength With This Challenging Plank Variation

The plank is one of the most well-known core exercises around. It is also one of the most effective exercises that you can do to strengthen a vast array of muscles throughout the body. The beauty of the plank is not only it’s simplicity but it’s versatility. This article will look at a specific plank variation known as the RKC plank for core strength.

A wide variety of plank variations can be performed to develop particular muscle groups or fitness components, and really improve your physique as a whole. It will provide detail on the exercise itself, the muscles it works, the associated benefits, and the technique.

What Is The RKC Plank?

The RKC plank (sometimes referred to as the Hardstyle plank) is a variation of the conventional plank that places an increased demand on the deep core and upper body muscles.

RKC stands for Russian Kettlebell Challenge, however, this refers to a Russian Strength School. There are no kettlebells involved in this exercise.

Pavel Tsatsouline, a former Soviet special forces physical training instructor, is accredited with inventing the RKC plank. Tsatsouline is most well known for popularizing the kettlebell in modern-day training, hence the name “Russian Kettlebell Challenge”.

The purpose of the RKC plank is to generate whole-body tension to most effectively develop core strength and stability.

Zottman curl

RKC Plank Muscles Worked

As with all plank exercises, the main purpose is to isometrically work the core muscles. However, there is a range of other muscles that are involved too.

Muscles worked in the RKC plank include:

The core muscles must all contract to hold the body in alignment, prevent unnecessary movements, and provide the body with stability.

Keeping the glutes and quads engaged throughout will help to keep the hips in the correct position and enhance full-body stability.

Finally, the muscles of the upper body must also isometrically contract to add stability and also ensure that the upper back remains rigid.

RKC Plank Benefits

This section will highlight four incredible benefits associated with regularly performing the RKC plank.

1) Develops Full-Body Strength

As highlighted in the previous section, the RKC plank activates a vast array of muscles throughout the body.  This makes it one of the best exercises for developing full-body strength.

While the biggest improvements in strength are likely to be seen with the core muscles, the lower and upper extremities will adapt and improve in strength.

Increasing full-body strength in this manner can positively influence athletic performance and injury risk, as detailed in the points following.

2) Improved Muscle Definition

When the muscles are exposed to a training stimulus, the individual fibers are actually damaged and small tears appear.

Providing recovery is optimal, these fibers will be repaired and increase in strength and muscle mass. Increasing the size of these fibers will cause the muscles to look much more defined.

Considering the demands that the RKC plank places on the body, you can specifically expect the abdominal muscles to improve in this regard.

3) Reduces Injury Risk

The core muscles play a crucial role in maintaining stability and control over movements. Therefore, increasing core strength through exercises like the RKC plank can enhance overall stability and control.

This is particularly important when it comes to injury prevention as enhancing these components can drastically reduce the risk of sustaining an injury.

Furthermore, performing regular resistance training and improving strength has been found to significantly reduce injury risk (1).

Finally, specifically training the core and increasing the strength of the trunk has been found to alleviate back pain (2).

4) Facilitates Lifting Performance

Developing core strength is important for those who participate in sport – specifically any lifting sport like weightlifting or powerlifting.

During the majority of compound lifts, such as the squat and deadlift, or clean, a huge demand is placed on the core muscles (3) as they work to maintain trunk tightness and neutral spinal alignment.

Because the RKC plank improves full-body strength, spinal rigidity, and the ability to maintain a neutral spine, it can be used to enhance lifting performance.

strong man

Conventional vs RKC Plank

If you were to compare the conventional plank and the RKC plank, you may not notice any difference at first glance. However, by looking more closely you will notice subtle changes.

The main difference between these two is the position of the pelvis and the arms.

With the conventional plank, the pelvis is placed in a neutral position, however, with the RKC plank, the pelvis should be slightly posteriorly tilted.

A more obvious difference between the two plank variations is the arm position. While the forearms remain in a parallel position in the conventional plank, the RKC plank requires you to interlock your hands which turns the forearms inwards.

While these small alterations may seem insignificant, they are anything but.

A study investigating the differences between these two variations determined that the RKC was the better option for increasing muscle activation (4).

Furthermore, the results indicated that RKC plank activates the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles twice as much in comparison to the conventional plank.

RKC Plank Technique

To get the most out of this exercise, it is imperative that you set up and execute the RKC plank correctly. Work through the following four steps to perform the perfect RKC plank:

  • Squeeze the core muscles and assume a front plank position
  • Ensure that the legs fully extended out with feet slightly narrower than hip-width
  • Place the forearms flat on the floor ensuring that the elbows are directly under the shoulders
  • Clasp your hands together so that the forearms move away from parallel
  • Pull your shoulders back and down and look to isometrically pull your elbows towards each other
  • In a similar way, isometrically pull the knees towards each other and squeeze your quads to ensure that the legs are entirely straight
  • While maintaining this tension, look to tilt the pelvis slightly by attempting to tuck your tailbone under your backside
  • Finally, focus on isometrically pulling your hands and feet together as if you were trying to lift the hips to an inverted V position
  • Hold this position while maintaining full-body tension as best as possible

RKC Plank Progressions

Make no mistake, the RKC plank is an extremely demanding exercise in itself. However, for those who are looking for an additional challenge, consider performing the following four RKC plank progressions.

1) Single Leg RKC Plank

As the name suggests, the first progression simply involves getting into position and then lifting one foot from the floor.

This immediately causes instability and consequently places more demand on the core muscle as they work to maintain alignment and stability.

Furthermore, it places additional demand on the lower extremities muscles as you must now support the body on one leg rather than two.

When performing this progression, ensure that you perform the same amount of work on both sides. Perform the first set on the right and follow it up with a second set on the left.

2) RKC Weighted Plank

Another effective RKC plank progression is to simply add weight to the exercise.

While some people opt to have a partner place a weight plate on the upper back, a safer and potentially more effective method is to wear a weight vest or a weighted backpack.

Avoid the temptation to add an excessive amount of weight as this may cause form to become compromised thus reducing the effectiveness of the exercise and increasing injury risk.

Instead, focus on starting with a light amount of weight and very gradually add more over time.

3) RKC Side Plank

In the same way that the traditional plank has been adapted to create the RKC plank, the side plank can also be adapted to become the RKC side plank.

For this, set up in a side plank and then look to apply the same principles as you would with the RKC plank.

While this variation will generally work the core muscles, it is particularly effective for developing the obliques.

As with the single leg variation, ensure that you perform the same volume on both the left and right sides.

4) RKC Body Saw

While the RKC plank is an isometric movement, it is possible to add a dynamic element to the exercise by performing the RKC body saw.

For this exercise, begin by setting up as you normally would for a RKC plank. Once in position, very simply rock backward and forwards by flexing and extending the ankles.

Adding this movement to the exercise increases the need for stability and consequently places a greater demand on the muscles of the core, legs, and shoulders.

Final Word

While the conventional plank is one of the best exercises for core strength, the RKC plank has proved itself to be superior in terms of muscle activation and full-body strength development.

Not only does the RKC plank improve full-body strength, it may also enhance muscle definition, reduce the risk of injury, and facilitate a greater athletic performance.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


1 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24100287/ Lauersen, Jeppe Bo; Bertelsen, Ditte Marie; Andersen, Lars Bo (2014-06). “The effectiveness of exercise interventions to prevent sports injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials”. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 48 (11): 871–877. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2013-092538. ISSN 1473-0480. PMID 24100287.

2 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4395677/ Chang, Wen-Dien; Lin, Hung-Yu; Lai, Ping-Tung (2015-3). “Core strength training for patients with chronic low back pain”. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 27 (3): 619–622. doi:10.1589/jpts.27.619. ISSN 0915-5287. PMC 4395677. PMID 25931693.

3 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18076231/ Hamlyn, Nicolle; Behm, David G.; Young, Warren B. (2007-11). “Trunk muscle activation during dynamic weight-training exercises and isometric instability activities”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 21 (4): 1108–1112. doi:10.1519/R-20366.1. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 18076231.

4 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25325773/ Schoenfeld, Brad J.; Contreras, Bret; Tiryaki-Sonmez, Gul; Willardson, Jeffrey M.; Fontana, Fabio (2014-09). “An electromyographic comparison of a modified version of the plank with a long lever and posterior tilt versus the traditional plank exercise”. Sports Biomechanics. 13 (3): 296–306. doi:10.1080/14763141.2014.942355. ISSN 1476-3141. PMID 25325773.