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Why Should Bodybuilders Do Powerlifting?

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An in-depth guide explaining why bodybuilders should do powerlifting

Bodybuilders should consider powerlifting as a way to enhance muscular density by developing their own strength. The idea of bodybuilders participating in powerlifting-based intervention isn’t a new one. In fact, this integration of bodybuilding and powerlifting tactics has been developed through the concept of “powerbuilding”.

However, in this article, our goal is to investigate the relationship between bodybuilding and powerlifting, and to explore the benefits a bodybuilder (who seeks to put on muscle mass) would gain from performing powerlifting programming (where the goal is solely strength). Indirectly, we will define some of the principles of powerbuilding programming, but we will not be spending our time discussing the topic of powerbuilding itself.

Whether you’re a bodybuilder, powerlifter, or recreational lifter, everyone’s goal in resistance training is to challenge their overall fitness. No one strength trains for complacency, everyone should want to improve. In bodybuilding, the goal is to improve your physique and build as much muscle as possible, but remain low in body fat. And in this article, our goal is to equip you with the knowledge of how to build more muscle mass through integrating powerlifting principles as a bodybuilder.

For us to do this, we will highlight the goals of bodybuilders and powerlifters, the science behind muscle growth, how powerlifting affects muscular growth, and the benefits of bodybuilders doing powerlifting programming for gaining more muscle mass.

Understanding the Goals of Bodybuilding and Powerlifting

The goal of bodybuilding is to emphasize muscle size, symmetry, and definition. On the other hand, the goal of powerlifting is to maximize strength by lifting the heaviest weights possible in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. While both bodybuilding and powerlifting are strength-based sports, bodybuilding is concerned with building size while powerlifting is concerned with building strength. To me, though, I believe that you can leverage these concepts to help diversify your training and your workout regimens.

An example of this could be the following:

Do you build size for strength? Or do you build strength for size?

Many of us believe that with bodybuilding, the focus of each workout needs to be exercised with the intention of building size. That means we are building size through “size-building” tactics. What if we change our mindset, though, and try to train our strength to increase our size?

This means, why not perform strength-focused training that could improve size development? To understand better, let’s think about the bench press. The bench press is one of the most widely used movements in programming, especially for powerlifters. If you have a big bench press, you’re going to have a big chest. But if you are someone with a big chest, that doesn’t mean you necessarily have a big bench press.

How is this relevant? The idea is that if you focus on building the strength of your bench press, you’re going to get a much bigger chest. Now, there could be some exceptions to this rule, but the majority of people who acquire a bigger bench press are probably going to gain a bigger chest. It all has to do with adapting to the strength-based stimulus of powerlifting. The heavier you bench press, the bigger your chest muscles will become to support the load of the barbell.

This is the top reason why a bodybuilder should consider powerlifting. Don’t believe me? Have you ever heard of Arnold Schwarzenneger? If you didn’t know, Arnold competed in powerlifting before his bodybuilding career. He had an impressive 525-pound bench press, which to today’s standards is still very high! Arnold argues his success in becoming Mr. Olympia has to do with his history in powerlifting and integrating those concepts into his training.

Arnold isn’t the only bodybuilder in history to use powerlifting tactics to build more dense muscle. We will continue to highlight some of the biggest names in bodybuilding, and how powerlifting has been used to affect muscle growth to make bodybuilders more successful.

Arnold Schwarzenegger powerlifting for bodybuilding
Image via Instagram @schwarzenegger

How does Powerlifting Affect Muscle Growth?

Powerlifting can affect muscle growth due to the integration of heavy compound movements that elicit a higher degree of mechanical tension, stimulating greater muscle fiber recruitment and promoting hypertrophy across multiple muscle groups. Arnold is a great example of this theory, as he performed heavy compound movements into his programming, such as the squat and bench press.

Following Arnold, bodybuilding witnessed the emergence of another iconic figure, Ronnie Coleman. Ronnie Coleman is one of the most well-known bodybuilders of all time, winning the Mr. Olympia championship eight times. Actually, he won these eight titles consecutively, meaning he ruled the world of bodybuilding for practically a decade!

His successes in bodybuilding stemmed from the use of heavy weights, a concept that comes from the principles of powerlifting. You can easily find footage of him online performing some insanely heavy movements, such as his famous 800-pound squat. He actually did 800 for two reps, and even though he ended up with a severe injury as a result, his biggest regret in life is that he didn’t take it for a third rep!

There are many other examples of bodybuilders who integrate powerlifting principles into their bodybuilding routine. Lifters such as Stan Efferding, Johnnie Jackson, and Branch Warren are also top figures in bodybuilding history that have integrated powerlifting tactics into their bodybuilding routine to help them gain tremendous muscle to beat out the competition. Gaining this muscle mass, also known as “muscular hypertrophy”, is not only supported by these iconic figures, but through science as well.

To better understand how powerlifting affects muscle growth, we need to understand the science behind muscular hypertrophy to take the next step into integrating powerlifting into your bodybuilding programming successfully.

The Science of Muscle Growth
growing muscle

Muscle growth, also known as muscular hypertrophy, is a complex process that involves microscopic damage to the muscle fibers that repair into larger muscle. This microscopic damage occurs during resistance training. As your body repairs from this damage, it makes the muscle tissue larger and stronger.

After you begin resistance training, though, you need to start following the principles of progressive overload to challenge the muscle tissue more and more. You can’t expect to lift the same amount of weight consistently and see any development in building muscle! That’s why integrating the concepts of powerlifting into your bodybuilding routine can help you get the most out of resistance training and get you bigger than ever.

The best way to get bigger, though, is through overloading compound multi-joint movements in addition to isolated single-joint movements.

Compound Versus Isolation Exercises

In powerlifting, you place focus on three core lifts – the squat, bench press, and deadlift. These three compound movements engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. These exercises place more stress on muscle groups than within an isolation exercise. The reason is that with compound movements, you recruit multiple joints and muscle groups together which allows you to lift more weight than during an isolated single-joint exercise. This overloading sensation has been supported by science to be an optimal style of training when it comes to muscular hypertrophy.

In a study by Schoenfeld, they found that these multi-joint exercises recruit large amounts of muscle mass which has an impact on the anabolic hormonal response to training. They found hormonal elevations related to the amount of muscle mass involved.

Another study supported these findings as they found that multi-joint movements produced larger increases in both testosterone and growth hormone levels compared to single-joint exercises. This anabolic response to training is the science behind the argument of powerlifting being a great form of training for those who want to have bodybuilding success.

Many bodybuilders focus on isolating muscle groups for massive growth. Although this can be an effective tactic for improving muscle mass, science has proven that muscle growth peaks with the utilization of compound exercises recruiting multiple muscle groups together.

Another idea is that multi-joint movements tend to require significant stabilization of the entire body. It was found that this elevated use of muscular coordination involves numerous muscles that otherwise might not be stimulated in the performance of single-joint movements.

An example of this could be how the squat, for example, dynamically recruits not only the quadriceps femoris and hip extensors but also most of the other lower body muscles including the hip adductors, and hip abductors.

In all, it is estimated that over 200 muscles are activated during squat performance. To achieve a comparable degree of muscular recruitment to the squat within a single-joint exercise is impractical.

So with how much science supports the utilization of compound exercises, does that mean that compound exercises are better than isolation exercises?

Which is Better – Compound or Isolation Exercises?

The best approach to building muscle mass is through the utilization of both compound and isolation exercises. With compound movements, you can begin to exhaust the anatomy initially, while isolation exercises can recruit specific muscle groups you want to grow within a given instance. If you want to target bicep development, find compound exercises that recruit the bicep, and afterwards perform isolation exercises to further exhaust the bicep specifically within a single joint exercise.

We will continue to explore how to format a workout that would integrate both compound and isolation exercises to have a better outcome of building massive muscle mass.

What are the benefits of Bodybuilders doing Powerlifting?

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The benefits of bodybuilders doing powerlifting are:

  • Better muscular recruitment
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Increase the strength of subsequent accessory movements

Better Muscular Recruitment

Bodybuilders engaging in powerlifting benefit from superior muscular recruitment as powerlifting exercises involve compound movements that activate a bigger range of muscle groups simultaneously. This heightened recruitment leads to more comprehensive muscle development, improving the amount of muscle mass created which cloud lead to increases in strength and functionality as well.

Increase Muscle Mass

The integration of powerlifting into a bodybuilder’s routine facilitates an increase in muscle mass. Powerlifting’s emphasis on heavy, compound lifts targets major muscle groups, promoting hypertrophy and contributing to the overall size and thickness of muscles. This combination of intensity and multi-muscle engagement is a key role to significant gains in muscle mass versus isolation exercises alone.

Increase the Strength of Subsequent Accessory Movements

Powerlifting plays a pivotal role in enhancing strength for subsequent accessory movements in a bodybuilder’s training. The foundational strength developed through powerlifting exercises directly translates into improved performance in isolation and accessory movements. An example of this could be that when a bodybuilder’s bench press goes up, the amount of weight they do on chest flies goes up.

This increased strength allows bodybuilders to handle heavier weights during targeted exercises, fostering additional muscle growth in specific areas and improving their overall physique.

How to Integrate Powerlifting into Your Bodybuilding Routine

The best way to incorporate powerlifting into a bodybuilding routine is to integrate 2-3 powerlifting movements or variations to begin each workout. Other programs, such as Mathias Method, agree that at least 1 movement a day should be a strength focused movement, such as you would see with a powerlifting program. For example, here is what a leg day could look like for a bodybuilder that integrates powerlifting programming.

  1. Squat 2 sets of 5 reps with 80% of their one-rep max
  2. Tempo Pause Squats 5-2-0 with 3 sets of 3 reps at 75% of their one-rep max
  3. Walking Barbell Lunges 3 sets of 12 total reps
  4. Barbell Glute Bridges 3 sets of 10 reps
  5. Lying Hamstring Curls 5 sets of 12 reps

In this workout, the first two movements are powerlifting-based movements that you would see in a traditional powerlifting program. The squats are heavy, using 80% of someone’s one rep max. Afterward, the tempo pause squats are used to help the lifter improve their technique, focus, and time under tension to fatigue the anatomy even more. After this has occurred, the rest of the workout focuses on fatiguing the pre-exhausted muscle groups that have been trained through the squat exercises.

This is a great way to facilitate training to get the most muscle growth possible. Below is a template that describes the volume and criteria for a bodybuilding workout that incorporates powerlifting movements:

  • Powerlifting Compound Movement: 2-3 sets of 3-6 reps at varying percentages
  • Powerlifting Variation Compound Movement: 2-3 sets of 3-6 reps at varying percentages
  • Bodybuilding Compound or Isolation Movement: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Bodybuilding Isolation Movement: 3-5 sets of 10-20 reps
  • Bodybuilding Isolation Movement: 3-5 sets of 12 or more reps (to failure)

Based on my experience of being a strength and conditioning coach for several years, my clients have thrived off this format of programming as it keeps volume consistent and blends compound and isolation movements carefully to not unnecessarily overload the athlete. The safety of each client is paramount, so having a well developed program and integrating lifting gear for safer movement is key.

A Sample Program

Below is a sample program that follows the format of blending compound and isolation movements you would see within a traditional powerlifting and bodybuilding program. I would follow this program for 4-6 weeks to acclimate to the stimulus provided for better results of gaining size and mass. I would also recommend utilization of some basic pieces of safety equipment, such as a lifting belt, wrist wraps, or even knee sleeves to help provide a more safe and effective workout to maximize results.

Disclaimer: I understand that there is a risk of injury associated with participating in an exercise routine. I hereby assume full responsibility for any and all injuries that occur with any type of programming stated in this article from Generation Iron. I also understand results are not guaranteed. 

Day 1 – Leg Day





Rest (sec)







Use 76% of your one-rep max to start off, adding weight each week

Tempo Pause Squats 5-2-0





Use 75% of your one-rep max. The cadence is 5 seconds down, 2 second pause, 0 seconds up (explode up)

Walking Barbell Lunges





12 total steps

Barbell Glute Bridges





Lying Leg Curls





Day 2 – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps





Rest (sec)


Bench Press





Use 76% of your one-rep max to start off, adding weight each week

Tempo Paused Bench Press 5-2-0





Use 75% of your one-rep max. The cadence is 5 seconds down, 2 second pause, 0 seconds up (explode up)

30 Incline Cable Chest Flies





Bent Over Rear Deltoid Flies





Cable Tricep Pushdowns





Last set to FAILURE

Day 3 – Back Day





Rest (sec)







Use 76% of your one-rep max to start off, adding weight each week

Snatch Grip RDLs





Never touch the floor

Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Rows





12 reps each arm

Cable Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns





Barbell Shrugs





Last set to FAILURE

Day 4 – Shoulders and Arms





Rest (sec)


Close Grip Incline Press





Use 76% of your one-rep max to start off, adding weight each week. If you do not have a max, choose a rep that is RPE8, meaning tough but you have 1-2 reps left in the tank.

Seated DB Military Press





Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown





Go heavier than normal. Squeeze the biceps at the bottom of each rep

Single Arm Preacher Curl





10 reps each arm

Standing Cable Curls + Push Ups (SUPERSET)





Find your 20 rep max on curls, but go to failure each set. For push ups, go to failure each set

Wrap Up: Is Powerlifting Effective for Bodybuilding?

Integrating powerlifting principles into bodybuilding training presents a synergistic approach for achieving enhanced muscular density and size. The combination of strength and size-oriented training provides bodybuilders with a unique avenue to continuously challenge and improve their muscle fitness.

The best way to do this is through blending the compound powerlifting movements with isolated bodybuilding movements for recruiting and targeting muscle groups strategically to exhaust them to repair into larger muscle groups.

We’ve seen some of the most iconic figures in bodybuilding take on this approach. This, coupled with the scientific research provided, proves there is a relationship between recruiting larger muscle groups to evoke larger anabolic hormonal responses in the body. The benefits of powerlifting as a bodybuilder include better muscular recruitment, increased muscle mass, and improved strength for subsequent accessory movements.

If you are a bodybuilder and looking to make some serious gains in the weight room, start incorporating these concepts from this article into your training and begin to notice the differences in your body!

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


Hansen, S, Kvorning, T, Kjaer, M, and Sjøgaard, G. The effect of short-term strength training on human skeletal muscle: The importance of physiologically elevated hormone levels. Scan J Med Sci Sport 11: 347-354, 2001.

Nisell, R and Ekholm, J. Joint load during the parallel squat in powerlifting and force analysis of in vivo bilateral quadriceps tendon rupture. Scan J Sport Sci 8: 63-70, 1986.

Schoenfeld, Brad J. The Mechanisms of Muscle Hypertrophy and Their Application to Resistance Training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 24(10):p 2857-2872, October 2010. | DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181e840f3

Stoppani, J. Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, 2006. pp. 151.

Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell Review

iron bull barbell

An in-depth look at the multi-functional barbell from Iron Bull Strength 

Barbells are the staple of many great workout routines, being responsible for some great exercises such as barbell rows, the bench press, barbell squats, and so on. That being said, when you are looking to stock your home gym equipment, or even your commercial gym, then you need some top notch barbells. You don’t want your barbells to be slippery or not do the job, nor do you want your barbell to be too stiff or bend too much. There is actually a lot that goes into finding the right barbell, but lucky for you, we already have our favorite barbell picked out.

The Iron Bull Strength has gained a reputation in the fitness community for its robust design and performance capabilities on everything from barbells to weight plates. Today, we are taking an in-depth look at the Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell here in our Generation Iron gym studio. As an essential tool for strength training, barbells play a pivotal role in weightlifting and powerlifting routines. That being said, you do not want an option that does not do a good job. 

In this comprehensive review, we will delve into the features, construction, performance, and overall personal experiences with the Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell.

Take down any workout with this amazing piece of equipment. From barbell squats to bicep curls, the Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell is the piece of equipment you need.

Key Takeaways of this Barbell

  • Top quality barbell
  • Good brand
  • Versatile piece of equopment
  • Good price

Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell Overview

  • Diameter: 28.5mm
  • Price: $325.00
  • Weight: 20kg (44lb)
  • Material: 200k PSI Tensile Strength Stainless Steel
  • Length: 2.2m (86.6in)
  • Knurling: Dual Marks With No Center Knurling
  • Bearings: 8 Needle Bearings
  • Sleeves: 16.4in Loadable Length

The Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell boasts a set of features that make it stand out in the competitive market of fitness equipment. One of the key elements is the high-quality stainless steel construction, which contributes to the barbell’s durability and longevity. The bar typically comes with a specified weight capacity, and users appreciate the reliability of the barbell in handling heavy loads, so feel free to hit your deadlift PR without any hesitation. Let’s take a deeper look into its features.


The knurling on the bar is a critical aspect that influences grip and control during lifts. Without good knurling, you risk letting the barbell slip and you could even get injured from something like this happening. The problem with a lot of other barbels is that they have too much knurling to the point where it is painful on the user, and can tear the hands easily. The Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell is known for its well-defined and consistent knurling pattern, providing users with a secure grip without causing discomfort or abrasion to the hands.


iron bull bar

A closer look at the construction of the Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell reveals meticulous attention to detail. The bar typically adheres to standard dimensions and weight specifications, making it compatible with various power racks and weight plates. The sleeves, where the weight plates are loaded, often feature smooth rotation, reducing unnecessary strain on the wrists and facilitating a smoother lifting experience.

The coating on the bar is another noteworthy aspect. Whether it’s chrome, zinc, or some other finish, the coating not only adds an aesthetic appeal but also contributes to the bar’s resistance against corrosion and wear. Users appreciate the low maintenance requirements, as a well-constructed barbell should withstand the rigors of regular use without deteriorating quickly.


The true test of any barbell lies in its performance when being put through those intense lifts such as the squat and deadlift. The Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell typically excels in this regard, allowing for smooth usage. When using this barbell, you will find consistent and reliable performance, whether they are executing compound movements like the bench press, squat, or deadlift, or engaging in Olympic weightlifting exercises. That’s right, these barbells are good for any strength sport, including powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting.

The bar’s whip, or the flexibility of the shaft, is a factor that influences the feel of the lifts. Different lifters have varying preferences when it comes to bar whip, and the Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell strikes a balance that caters to a broad range of users with its 200,000 PSI stainless steel precisely engaged for the perfect whip. This versatility is particularly appreciated in a community where individual preferences can vary significantly.

Training with the Iron Bull Strength Barbell 

When training with this barbell, you will notice some great quality, great grip, as well as good bar spin. You may not even need to use chalk, as the grip on this piece of equipment is that good, and the bar spin is even better. Here IFBB Pro Victor Martinez tests and trains with the Iron Bull Strength Barbell to give us an expert take on the barbell.

victor martinez using the barbell
IFBB Pro Victor Martinez Tests & Trains with Iron Bull Strength Barbell


Price is a huge factor when it comes to buying anything, and the Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell is something you can pick up for just $325. A quality barbell is something that is an investment, and that is exactly what the Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell is.

Our Verdict on the Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell

Victor Martinez Testing Iron Bull Strength Barbell
IFBB Pro Victor Martinez Tests & Trains with Iron Bull Strength Barbell

You know it just as well as we do, no Generation Iron review is complete without us testing the product, whether that be supplements or home gym equipment. We understand that beyond the technical specifications, the user experience with the Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell is crucial. This includes factors such as ease of assembly, use during lifting, and even things like customer support.

Iron Bull Strength is a brand that we know and trust, and their barbells excel in every aspect that we look for. The performance of the Competition Barbell in the gym was exceptional, with great grip and a good amount of whip, our big compound lifts felt like they never had before. Not to mention it comes for a great price, and Iron Bull Strength has a good warranty for their products, and some great customer service.. This is surely something we are going to throw in our gym. 

Why Are Barbells Important?

Barbells are important pieces of equipment because you can do so many exercises with them. From the barbell squat to the barbell curl, you can get in some great workouts and really overload the muscles.


Are Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbells reliable?

Yes, these products are absolutely reliable. Boasting quality steel material that is able to bear a heavy load and prevents rust as well as wear and tear, you can have these for years.

Why are these barbells ahead of the competition?

There are plenty of great barbells out there, but Iron Bull Strength stands out with quality material that provides you with great workouts, and on top of that they have great customer service.

Who Should Buy These Barbells

  • Bodybuilders
  • Powerlifters
  • Olympic Weightlifters
  • Anyone looking to stock a home or commercial gym

Who Should Not Buy Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbells

  • People who want to solely focus on isolated dumbbell workouts

Wrap Up

In conclusion, this barbell stands out as a reliable and well-crafted piece of equipment for strength training enthusiasts. Its construction, performance, and overall user experience contribute to its positive reputation in the fitness community. Whether you’re a seasoned lifter or a beginner looking for a durable and versatile barbell, this barbell is certainly worth considering.

This review provides a snapshot of the key aspects of the Iron Bull Strength Competition Barbell, and further exploration into specific features or comparisons with other barbells can be undertaken based on individual preferences and requirements.

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Victor Martinez Answers: Does Shawn Ray Deserve To Be Hated? | GI Podcast

Victor Martinez and the GI crew debate whether or not Shawn Ray’s bodybuilding statements are unwarranted negativity or a reality check

This week’s Generation Iron Podcast, hosted by bodybuilding icon Victor Martinez alongside Ehsan Farahi, Edwin Mejia Jr., and Vlad Yudin, delves into a myriad of topics spanning the expansive world of bodybuilding, fitness, and the challenges encountered by athletes within the industry. In a recent episode, Victor Martinez reacts to Shawn Ray’s latest statements about Nick Walker’s 2024 Olympia chances that aggravated the bodybuilding community.

Are Shawn Ray’s honest opinions spreading unnecessary negativity in the sport? Is he doing it on purpose to gain attention and clicks? Or are his comments blunt, but necessary, when discussing the world of bodybuilding and the sometimes unforgiving nation of the sport?

In addition, the GI crew addressed other topics including fan questions, dissected the intricacies of choosing the right coach, explored the demanding daily schedules of successful individuals, and delved into the impact of ADHD on bodybuilding. Let’s dive into it!

Shawn Ray’s Bold Prediction

Victor Martinez and the rest of the GI crew dive headfirst into the controversial statements made by Shawn Ray regarding Nick Walker’s chances in the 2024 Mr. Olympia. Shawn Ray made a point to note that there is no guarantee Walker will make it into the prestigious competition this year. This comes after Nick Walker missed the 2023 Mr. Olympia due to a hamstring injury – upon which he is still recovering.

Shawn Ray’s statements directly comment on Walker’s hamstring injury – and how he will need to not only recover in time for the Mr. Olympia – but also qualify beforehand in order to compete. Ray notes that at this early stage there’s no telling if Walker will be able to pull that off.

Shawn Ray’s comments stirs heated discussions. The bodybuilding community online quickly responded with heated criticism of Ray’s analysis. Victor Martinez vehemently disagrees with Ray, asserting that nothing in bodybuilding is ever guaranteed for any of the currently unqualified athletes. With no new information, Ray’s opinion is merely speculative.

The hosts dissect Shawn Ray’s tendency to make bold predictions without substantial evidence, highlighting instances where his comments have generated controversy within the bodybuilding community. They critique Ray’s approach, labeling it as “tough love” or “hard truths,” but acknowledge that it often contributes to a negative atmosphere within the sport.

Victor points out that Shawn Ray’s opinion lacks additional or new information, describing it as an unfounded negative sentiment. The hosts express their reservations about Ray’s tendency to make such predictions without concrete evidence, questioning the need to shatter dreams before Nick Walker has even secured qualification or a special invite.

Choosing the Right Coach

The podcast answers another fan question: “With so many coaches having numerous clients, how does one choose a coach with enough time for individual attention?” Victor Martinez offers a nuanced perspective, emphasizing the importance of scrutinizing a coach’s roster of star athletes. The more renowned athletes a coach has trained, the more confidence one can derive in their ability to impart valuable expertise.

However, Victor also notes that the best coaches are often in high demand, juggling numerous clients simultaneously. Consequently, the concern over a coach’s availability becomes a crucial factor.

Victor suggests that investing top dollar in a coach (with proven experience) ensures dedicated time and attention. While acknowledging that the best coaches are busy, he contends that a coach worth their fee will prioritize each client.

This approach, Victor argues, establishes a reciprocal commitment wherein the coach dedicates time, and the client reciprocates with financial investment. He warns against coaches with unrealistically low pricing, as they may not offer the same level of commitment and attention as those with higher fees.

RELATED: 5 Things To Look For In An Online Coach

How Much Should You Spend On A Bodybuilding Coach?

Vlad Yudin poses the question of fair pricing – how much money is realistic to spend on a bodybuilding coach? Victor Martinez responds with a cautionary tone. A $200 per month investment, according to Victor, is unlikely to secure the services of a top-tier coach. Instead, he suggests that a more realistic figure would be around $5,000 per year for access to a reputable coach.

Ultimately you get what you pay for. At cheaper rates you are either getting less experienced coaches or less time with an experienced one. Often times cheaper coaching plans have very little personal interaction – and are simply apps with questionnaires and cookie cutter online programs for you to follow. While those may help for some – Victor and Ehsan believe that those who are looking for serious progress should likely aim for a more personally dedicated coach.

A Key Coaching Factor: Bonding Between Coach and Client

Ehsan Farahi introduces the vital aspect of the coach-client relationship, stressing that even the most accomplished coaches may not be the right fit if a personal connection is lacking. Despite the transactional nature of the coach-client dynamic, Ehsan argues that a strong personal connection is essential to establish the trust necessary for effective coaching.

Even the best coaches in the world may not be able to help you succeed if they cannot forget a good fit trusting relationship with the individual client. This is something a person should keep in mind while seeking a coach – and let themselves be open to building a relationship in order to better succeed.

RELATED: YOU Are The Reason Your Online Bodybuilding Coach Failed

Red Flags To Look For In Bodybuilding Coaches

Edwin Mejia Jr. delves into Victor’s preferences in coaches, prompting him to highlight the importance of coaches who can explain the rationale behind their training programs. Victor advises clients to question their coaches and seek clarification on the ‘why’ behind each instruction. An unwillingness to explain, according to Victor, is a red flag.

The conversation extends to the dangers of trusting coaches who use photoshopped before-and-after promos. The hosts unanimously advocate for thorough research, including checking for reviews and potential claims of photoshopping, especially in the realm of online coaching.

Daily Schedules of Successful Individuals

The dialogue transitions seamlessly into an exploration of the daily schedules of successful individuals, sparked by Vlad’s mention of Mark Wahlberg’s highly regimented routine. Victor Martinez draws parallels between Wahlberg’s schedule and those of other successful athletes like Mike O’Hearn and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The consensus is that waking up early is a common trait among high achievers, allowing them to capitalize on the limited hours in a day.

Here’s a quick breakdown of Mark Wahlberg’s ambitious daily schedule:

  • 2:00am: Wake up
  • 2:45am: prayer time
  • 3:15am: breakfast
  • 3:40-5:15am: workout #1
  • 5:30am: post-workout meal
  • 6:00am: shower
  • 7:30am: golf
  • 8:00am: snack
  • 11:00am: family time/work calls/meetings
  • 1:00pm: lunch
  • 2:00pm: meeting/work calls
  • 3:00pm: pick up kids
  • 3:30pm snack
  • 4:00pm: workout #2
  • 5:00pm: shower
  • 5:30pm: dinner/family time
  • 7:30pm: bed

Ehsan Farahi shares a personal anecdote, recounting his shift from waking up at 8 am to adopting a 6 am wake-up time over the past four years. The change, he notes, has significantly enhanced his sense of accomplishment and overall productivity. The hosts collectively emphasize the necessity of waking up early to align with the standard operating hours of businesses and vendors, facilitating the completion of ambitious daily goals.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, the Generation Iron Podcast continues to provide a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted world of bodybuilding. The recent episode, featuring discussions on coach selection, daily schedules of successful individuals, the impact of ADHD on bodybuilding, and Shawn Ray’s bold predictions, offers valuable insights and diverse perspectives. The hosts’ dynamic interactions and wealth of experience make the podcast an indispensable resource for fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and anyone intrigued by the intricate dynamics of the bodybuilding community.

You can watch this week’s episode above. And don’t forget to check back every week for new episodes of the podcast only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network or wherever podcasts are downloaded!

Bodybuilding Legend Bill Grant Shares Never-Before-Seen Footage From ‘Pumping Iron’

Bill Grant shared some clips from 1975 documentary Pumping Iron's behind the scenes.
Bill Grant Instagram

Footage shows many legendary bodybuilders, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, behind the scenes.

Pumping Iron is a film that was focused on the journey of some legendary bodybuilders, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno, ahead of the 1975 Olympia. These were just two of many legends that appeared in the film along with Franco Columbu, Mike Katz, Ken Waller, Serge Nubret, and Bill Grant. Nearly 50 years after its release, never-before-seen footage from Pumping Iron has been shared by bodybuilding legend Bill Grant.

Decades after its release, Lou Ferrigno sat down with Generation Iron to share some behind-the-scenes stories about the film.

Ferrigno describes how Pumping Iron was a major reason for him to keep training in bodybuilding. The sport had not been providing him a lot of money at the time and he was prepared to call it quits. When he was presented with being in Pumping Iron, he saw it as one last opportunity to find success in the sport and finally make is way to living and training in California. To him, he saw that as a necessary step to become great.

Bill Grant Shares New Footage From Pumping Iron

There are allegedly hundreds of hours of outtakes from Pumping Iron. Some were included in the 25th anniversary DVD and Arnold Schwarzenegger apparently purchased the collection before his ventures into politics.

This is something that always fascinated bodybuilding fans and Bill Grant shed some more light on this behind-the-scenes action with his latest release.


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The six-minute video shared by Bill Grant on YouTube shows Schwarzenegger, Columbu, Katz, and Robbie Robinson speaking with producers during the 1975 Olympia in South Africa. This was a competition won by Arnold, which was his sixth and finish win during his legendary streak. Schwarzenegger would win his seventh title in 1980.

Pumping Iron remains an iconic documentary in bodybuilding today. Over 30 years later, we released Generation Iron as a spiritual successor to that film and it focused on a new generation of bodybuilders. Years later, footage from the 1975 film continues to resurface and give fans even more light into what it was like during that time period in bodybuilding.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Best Ready To Drink Non-Dairy Beef Protein: MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD

ready to drink protein

MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD Non-Dairy Protein Shakes for busy lifestyles

Hitting your protein intake is something that many people will tend to forget about, but is so crucial. Making sure to take in the proper amount of macronutrients is an aspect of your fitness lifestyle that can really forward your progress, especially with protein being the building blocks of muscle mass. While lifestyles can be busy, ready to go protein shakes like MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD are an easy, convenient, and cost-effective way to ensure you are getting plenty of nutrients, without all of the extra calories and sacrificing your cravings. A shake like this will help to provide the nutritional profile of a typical meal, with plenty of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including healthy fats, making it a great option for weight management. Plus, with pre-made options, busy individuals can easily hit their protein intake without having to mix their shakes in a blender bottle. MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD is an ideal choice for a ready to drink protein shake.

Packed with 100% pure beef protein isolate, you cannot go wrong with choosing this delicious shake.

MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD Overview

The number one selling beef protein isolate product is perfectly packaged in a ready-to-drink form, for the busiest of lifestyles.

Even if you have the busiest of lifestyles, you can enjoy the great taste and take in quality muscle building nutrition of Carnivor, which is the world’s top selling beef protein isolate supplement. You don’t even have to mix it, as Carnivor is already in a delicious ready-to-drink shake, hence the name “RTD”. This shake is also suitable for those looking to achieve their weight loss goals, as it is low in calories and high in protein to keep you feeling full and satisfied. For a fruity twist, try the Strawberries and Cream flavor of Carnivor RTD, perfect for a post-workout treat.


As far as the macronutrients in Carnivor RTD, its advanced hydrolysis technology provides 40 grams of muscle building protein per delicious serving with 0 grams of fat, 0 cholesterol, 0 grams of sugar, 0 lactose and 0 gluten. This can fit almost any diet besides a vegetarian or vegan diet, as it is still a beef based protein.


Musclemeds carnivor RTD ingredients

So, with macronutrients that are that good, what goes into Carnivor RTD? Carnivor RTDs are loaded with amino acids from high quality beef protein and fortified with branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), promoting great recovery. These are the only ready-to-drink shakes that are made with pure beef protein isolate. MuscleMeds uses only USDA inspected beef that is non-GMO, RBST free, and hormone free. The beef protein isolate (bpi) in Carnivor RTDs is hydrolyzed for super-fast absorption and is more concentrated in amino acids than whey isolate.

Hydrolyzed Beef Protein Isolate: Shown to increase muscle mass and show effective lean body mass change while offering no stomach discomfort like whey protein sources

BCAAs (in the form of L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine): May work to ignite muscle protein synthesis, decrease soreness, and push through fatigue. It may also help prevent muscle protein breakdown 

Flavors and Taste Test

One of the biggest faults of modern day protein supplements are the flavors, and Carnivor RTD is the first high protein shake of its kind to be made with USDA inspected beef protein, which sounds like it would taste gross but it actually tastes great.

Carnivor RTD comes in three flavors right now, which are chocolate, fruity cereal, and vanilla cupcake. Now, a lot of protein supplements will advertise some flavors that sound great, and then taste horrible, but not this one. MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD goes down smoothly, and tastes great. They even have a taste test video with real people that you can check out:


A common issue amongst whey and other dairy protein supplements are digestion issues related to lactose intolerance, but these are not a problem with lactose-free Carnivor RTD beef protein isolate. The advanced hydrolysis process used to craft these protein shakes yields a delicious, easy-to-digest and highly bioavailable concentrated pure beef protein isolate, while removing all the fat and cholesterol. 


You can pick up a 12 pack of MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD shakes on Amazon or you can try all 3 flavors and get a CARNIVOR RTD 3-Pack for just $9.99 MuscleMedsRX.com 

The Importance of Protein Supplements

Now, as stated above, protein intake is something that can truly forward your muscle and strength building journey. The one big problem is that people are not getting enough protein. The recommended amount per person is about 0.8 to 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight, and getting that from whole food diets may not be the easiest task, which is why so many people turn to protein supplements.

The Difference Between Beef Protein and Whey Protein

Now, you may have noticed that MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD is a beef protein isolate, so how does that differ from the whey protein that is so commonly used? Well, whey protein is something that has dominated the bodybuilding supplement market for years as a way for gym goers to hit their protein intake without prepping a full meal. Whey protein is derived from dairy, created by separating components of milk and isolating the protein. Whey proteins are not the best for those with sensitive stomachs.

Then there is beef protein. No, beef proteins are not created by throwing a cow into a blender and turning it into powder. Beef isolates are created similarly to whey proteins but, by comparison they contain a higher percentage of pure protein and can be almost completely free of lactose, carbohydrate, fat, and cholesterol, making them much easier to digest. 

There has been a rise in demand for a non-dairy protein, but not necessarily a vegan protein, which makes beef protein isolates more and more popular each year. The reason being is that not everyone is able to digest whey that easily, and many studies have suggested that humans are lactose intolerant to some degree. 


You may have a few questions regarding MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD, or protein in general, so let’s take a look and answer some.

Is MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD safe?

Yes, MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD is safe for consumption! It is made with USDA inspected beef protein, and 3rd party informed choice tested for banned substances. Plus, contains no junk blends or lackluster ingredients. 

Is 40g of protein too much?

While most protein supplements are around 20-30 grams of protein, MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD comes in with 40 grams per serving. Many people state that 20-30 grams of protein is the “sweet spot”, and that anything over will just go to waste. But this is not true, especially for those who workout and are looking to gain muscle mass. It has been found that consuming up to 50 grams of protein can be digested at once. For example, take a look at the Dutch Giant, who consumes 60 grams of protein per meal and 4x Mr. Olympia winner, Jay Cutler, has stated he consumed over 400g of protein per day when he was competing.

Wrap Up


Overall, lives get busy and prepping full meals can take up too much time. Protein supplements are a great option to still hit your macros, but even taking the time to mix them up in a shaker bottle can be a hassle. You have to carry around the protein, the shaker cup, and then have access to liquid to mix it, that can be a pain. That being said, a ready-to-drink option like the MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD in a delicious flavor such as fruity cereal, could be the answer, providing complete nutrition and convenience in one bottle. It is our top choice for managing blood sugar and supporting a healthy diet and lifestyle, making it a great option for those with diabetes.

Additionally, the Carnivor RTD is a perfect on-the-go snack for anyone with a busy lifestyle, as it is a convenient and delicious way to fuel your body with protein and glucose. Don’t let a busy schedule stop you from getting the protein your body needs – grab a MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD for a quick and easy complete meal on the go.

Will you be trying MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD?

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Breon Ansley Achieves Leg Development Balance Through Unilateral Training

breon ansley unilateral leg training
Breon Ansley Instagram

Breon Ansley likes to incorporate single-limb movements to balance out his physique. 

American bodybuilder Breon Ansley has consistently challenged Chris Bumstead in the Classic Physique category. Ansley, a two-time titleholder in 2017 and 2018, has also showcased impressive performances in the Arnold Classics. One remarkable aspect of Breon Ansley is his ability to transform weaknesses into strengths. For instance, despite initially having a weak back, he has successfully developed it into one of his most prominent features. One way he’s accomplished this is through unilateral training – training one limb at a time. 

Full Name: Breon Ansley
Weight Height Date of Birth
185-195 lbs 5’7″ 11/13/1979
Division Era Nationality
Classic Physique 2010s – Till Date American

During the recent Mr. Olympia competition, Breon Ansley secured the fourth spot, earning a prize of $7000. While discussing the rankings, Tyler Manion, the Vice President of the IFBB Pro League, highlighted a noticeable discrepancy. Ansley’s left leg appeared stronger and larger, which can be attributed to an ACL injury he suffered while playing sports in 1996.

As the Arnold Classic approaches, Breon Ansley is considering the feedback. As part of his leg day workouts, he has incorporated unilateral training to restore balance between his legs. In the following section, we’ll explore Ansley’s unilateral leg exercises and delve into his efforts to enhance his right leg in preparation for the upcoming season.

Breon Ansley’s Unilateral Leg Training

Below is the YouTube video of Ansley’s unilateral leg training:

To start his leg training, Breon Ansley first warms up for 10 minutes on the Stair Master, increasing his heart rate and blood flow to prepare his muscles for the exercise. At the end of this training, Ansley also reveals that he had trained his abs and lower back that morning. He also shares that he does stretches every morning and night.

“We’re going to stretch, going to go do vacuums, and that’s it. I did abs this morning [and] did low back this morning. Abs [and] low back every morning, stretch every morning, stretch every night.”

Ansley takes two approaches to help his imbalance for his unilateral training. First, he does conventional sets of the exercise and then rounds it up with unilateral sets using the weaker leg. Breon Ansley does his reps slowly during the unilateral sets, maximizing the time the leg spends under tension. Research shows this is an effective way to induce muscle hypertrophy (1).

Breon Ansley’s second way of training is by doing unilateral sets of the exercise and adding extra reps on his weak leg. Studies show that for people with bilateral limb imbalances, unilateral training can compensate for and strengthen your weaker limb (2). Ansley says,

“I’m going to mix and match with all single leg with the exercises and a few of the exercises, I’m just going to do more reps on the weaker leg.”

Breon Ansley’s Leg Workout 

For his leg day, Breon Ansley does five machine exercises in general. He does at least three sets of each routine and hits multiple sets. Ansley also talks about using different methods to make each set more challenging instead of just increasing the weights. 

“There’s a way you can make sets that much more challenging. Slow it down, you know, slow down the control, the positive and negative. Uh, you could pause at the bottom [and] you can hold it for a bit at the top. You could do even 4 seconds, uh negative, all kind of things you can do.“

Below are his exercises for leg day.

Leg Extensions
Smith Machine Squats
Unilateral Leg Press
Lying Leg Curls
Barbell Hip Thrust

Leg Extensions

Breon Ansley starts his leg day training by doing bilateral sets of leg extensions first. Then, he does unilateral sets using his right leg, which is the smaller one. During this exercise, Ansley does his reps slowly, keeping his muscles under tension for longer. The fixed position of your hips during leg extensions leads to better activation of that muscle than with exercises where your hips and knee move together. 

Smith Machine Squats

Next up, Breon Ansley did Smith machine squats using a weightlifting belt and knee sleeves. He also says that he usually doesn’t do squats. Still, he’s squatting correctly and focusing on the muscles doing the movement, focusing on his mind-muscle connection, and research shows this can lead to more muscle growth (3).

Unilateral Leg Presses

For the unilateral leg press, Breon Ansley uses a plate-loaded machine. He starts low and then progressively increases the weight till he hits 225 lbs. Ansley also talks about slowing down the reps with this routine to work his muscles better.

Lying Leg Curls

Next on Breon Ansley’s list of exercises are lying leg curls. He says he knows to do this exercise when the back of his knees gets sore. This lets him know it’s time to work out and strengthen his hamstrings

Barbell Hip Thrusts

Breon Ansley’s final movement for leg day is the barbell hip thrust. For this, he gets on the barbell hip thrust machine and does two sets with five weight plates. Ansley aims for 15 reps but stops at 13, stating that he felt the burn intensely, which is a great way to end his workout. 

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more bodybuilding workouts! 


  1. Burd, N. A., Andrews, R. J., West, D. W., Little, J. P., Cochran, A. J., Hector, A. J., Cashaback, J. G., Gibala, M. J., Potvin, J. R., Baker, S. K., & Phillips, S. M. (2012). Muscle time under tension during resistance exercise stimulates differential muscle protein sub-fractional synthetic responses in men. The Journal of physiology, 590(2), 351–362. https://doi.org/10.1113/jphysiol.2011.221200 
  2. Zhang, W., Chen, X., Xu, K., Xie, H., Li, D., Ding, S., & Sun, J. (2023). Effect of unilateral training and bilateral training on physical performance: A meta-analysis. Frontiers in physiology, 14, 1128250. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2023.1128250 
  3. Schoenfeld, B. J., Vigotsky, A., Contreras, B., Golden, S., Alto, A., Larson, R., Winkelman, N., & Paoli, A. (2018). Differential effects of attentional focus strategies during long-term resistance training. European journal of sport science, 18(5), 705–712. https://doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2018.1447020

6 Things Bodybuilding Pros Do Every Day

6 Things Bodybuilding Pros Do Every Day

These Are The Habits Of The Pro Bodybuilders and Athletes

Becoming a pro at anything takes years of practice and work, and bodybuilding certainly is no different. With bodybuilding, you are expected to look a certain way at a certain time, you go through phases of bulking up and putting on muscle mass, then you have your phases of cutting down and getting rid of your body fat. That being said, there is a large emphasis on the fact that everything you do will have to revolve around bodybuilding. What if you didn’t have so much time on your hands? What if you could straighten the learning curve to speed up your gains?

We sat down to analyze the behaviors and habits of the professional bodybuilders which could explain their success at the sport, and we’re happy to tell you we managed to find a pattern that sets them apart from the rookies. These are 6 things that bodybuilders do every single day in order to be successful.

Top 6 Things Bodybuilding Pros Do Every Day


Bodybuilding is something that takes your attention nonstop. Whether you are out to eat with your family, or on your own doing your own thing, you need to have bodybuilding in the back of your mind if you want to be successful at it. Let’s take a look at 6 things bodybuilding pros do every day in order to be successful in their sport.

Set Goals

By not setting goals, many people fail at the first step in working towards a new physique. As someone rightly said, “If you’re failing to plan, you’re planning to fail.” You must step into the gym with a game plan or you’ll end up laboring away your time.

You also need to streamline your goals and make them actionable. Having a goal as simple as “gain muscle mass” isn’t going to cut it. Be more specific. “Add 10lbs of muscle mass in 12 weeks” is a goal that will push you to do your best.


One of the biggest factors of mastery in a field is consistency, the act of just showing up continuously to do what you need to do in order to make progress in your bodybuilding journey. Once your goals are set, you need to be consistent in doing what it takes to achieve them. If you give in to the resistance and don’t practice what you want to get better at regularly with full devotion, you’re going to fail at it. Whether it is diet, your training routines, having a good sleep schedule, supplementation, or whatever else, you need to be consistent with it.

There will be days when you’ll want to take a day off or you’ll be tempted to go out with friends and family and binge on junk food instead of training and dieting. But if you stay consistent, it’s days like these that will show your mettle and set you apart from the crowd.

Hit Your Protein Intake

nutricost whey isolate

Protein is the building block of muscle mass, it helps to recovery and build your muscles back bigger and stronger each day. That being said, bodybuilders make sure to get an adequate amount of protein each day to ensure that they are recovering and building that muscle mass and strength. Protein can be obtained through your standard dietary choices, but many bodybuilders will turn to protein supplements in order to make sure they are getting in the adequate amount.

Looking for a cheap whey protein Isolate? Check out Nutricost Whey Protein Isolate! A quality protein supplement at half the cost of other leading brands.

We recommend Nutricost Whey Protein Isolate. The Nutricost Whey Protein Isolate comes in a well-designed, sturdy packaging, and is available in different size options, such as 2lb or 5lb containers. With 30 grams of protein in each scoop, it caters to the needs of both casual users and those with more specific dietary requirements. The transparent labeling provides clear information about the product, making it easy for consumers to understand what they are getting.

Check out our full review on Nutricost Whey Protein Isolate here.

Invest In Yourself

The day you stop expanding your knowledge and limit yourself to what you already know, the same day you’ll hit a plateau in just about every aspect. You should always be on the lookout to learn new techniques and ways of getting better at your craft, and bodybuilding is one of those crafts that you can always expand your knowledge on. New training methods, new dietary methods, and new supplementation choices are a few things that you can expand your knowledge on when it comes to bodybuilding.

Never hold yourself back from investing in yourself by applying for classes, seminars, conferences, webinars, reading books, etc. You should treat your education like the job it is meant to be.

Be Your Biggest Critic

The first point in this article is to set very specific goals. You also need to follow up and review your progress periodically, hence the reason that bodybuilders take progress pic every week (if not every day). If you’re on the right path, keep going. Re-route and get on track if you think you’ve strayed off.

Don’t take the criticism or appraisals of others too seriously but be ruthless while judging yourself. You should maintain a record of your physique with body measurements and pictures and take account of any injury or movement issues. Set standards for each and then evaluate yourself on the same.

Follow a Schedule

On the last of the 6 things that bodybuilding pros do every day, is to follow a schedule. Now this somewhat falls in line with staying consistent, but making sure that you stay on a schedule with things like when you wake up, when you lift, and so on, can help keep you disciplined and consistent.

Wrap Up

Overall, bodybuilding is something that will require your attention every single day, and realistically every hour of the day. It is not a hobby, it is a lifestyle, and in order to be successful in the bodybuilding lifestyle, you need to pay attention to it each and every single day. These are 6 things that bodybuilding pros do every day, but do you think we missed any? What do you do to be successful in bodybuilding?

Who is your favorite bodybuilder? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

The Magnum Male Collection (Tested and Reviewed)

magnum male collection

The ultimate vitality ingredients in the Magnum Male Collection from Inno Supps

Here at Generation Iron, we cover optimal ways to increase testosterone levels naturally. Unlocking peak male vitality and performance is not very easy to achieve these days. With microplastics in food, and junk foods being pushed out more than ever, the world has seen a massive decline in testosterone levels and healthy, masculine men. However, with the ingredients in Inno Supps Magnum Male Collection, men are given an option to achieve optimal hormone levels as well as blood flow to really be the ultimate version of themselves. The Magnum Male collection is not your typical testosterone and nitric oxide boosting combo, but these are two supplements packed with quality, natural ingredients, to really make it so you can get back to optimal performance.

In this review, we detail the Magnum Male Collection which consists of two supplements, Nitro Wood Magnum and T-Drive Magnum, designed to deliver optimal levels of testosterone and great blood flow, enhancing overall health. It is pretty easy to tell why Magnum Male Collection is among the top male health supplements in the market.

What is in the Magnum Male Collection?

Boost your testosterone and enhance your blood flow like never before with the Magnum Male Collection from Inno Supps! Packed with scientifically proven ingredients, you will be feeling like a new man.

As stated above, the Magnum Male Collection is made up of two supplements, Nitro Wood Magnum and T-Drive Magnum. Let’s take a look at what each of these supplements does, and why they are beneficial to add to your daily stack.

Nitro Wood Magnum Overview

Optimize your blood flow and overall quality of life with Nitro Wood™ Magnum, from Inno Supps.

Having proper, healthy blood flow is essential, as it is important for more than just getting a good muscle pump when you are in the gym. Pumped by the heart, your blood carries oxygen and vital nutrients to various parts of the body, your muscles being a main component. Proper, healthy blood flow ensures that these essential elements reach muscle tissues efficiently, promoting optimal performance during workouts and supporting post-exercise recovery, which is where you truly grow and progress from your workouts.

Aside from your gym performance, healthy blood flow is also responsible for your performance in the bedroom. When stimulated, blood will flow to the genitalia, ensuring everything is working properly, ensuring a pleasurable time.

To ensure that you have your circulation functioning properly and really getting nutrients to where they should be, Nitro Wood Magnum from Inno Supps is a great choice of supplement. Nitro Wood Magnum is an upgraded version of the original Nitro Wood, and it is packed full of key nutrients that are scientifically proven to support healthy blood flow. Nitro Wood is key for helping to improve your overall wellness, energy levels and performance in the gym and in the bedroom.

Nitro Wood Magnum is a great supplement to help deliver vital nutrients to every organ in your body. It can also help stimulate your genitalia like never before. Aside from preventing erectile dysfunction and giving great pumps, it also helps relieve swollen feet, legs, and ankles.

Nitro Wood Magnum Ingredient Breakdown

nitro wood magnum ingredients

Natural Male Enhancement Compound: BlackVCube®, which is a patented black ginger extract, helps elevate erectile response and boost stamina. Studies reveal BlackVCube® has a significant impact on enhancing circumference during moments of heightened arousal. Research has also shown that BlackVCube® has the capacity to stimulate male length during states of heightened arousal.

Amplified Blood Flow Potentiator: Oxyjun® is a cutting-edge ingredient that enhances your heart’s pumping ability for more stamina and endurance in the gym, bedroom and beyond.

Nitric Oxide Optimization Matrix: Pine bark and grape seed together will help to stimulate your body’s natural nitric oxide production. This will help to enhance blood flow and boost vascular health.

Blood Vessel Expansion Blend: Beetroot, cinnamon, garlic and cayenne provide a rich source of nitrates to help improve blood flow and support heart health, immune function, mental cognition and sexual function.

Nitro Wood Magnum Key Takeaways

  • Proper blood flow is essential for good health
  • Many factors can cause issues with blood flow
  • Supplements to boost blood flow can help with nutrient delivery, pumps, and sexual health

T-Drive Magnum Overview

Boost your testosterone like never before with T-Drive Magnum from Inno Supps! Packed with scientifically proven ingredients, you will be feeling like a new person.

Testosterone is a key hormone when it comes to building muscle mass, proper body fat distribution, bone density, amongst other functions. Unfortunately, low testosterone is becoming more and more common amongst men of all ages these days, and doctors are not so quick to prescribe testosterone replacement therapy. As a result, men have to resort to over the counter testosterone boosters.

T-Drive Magnum is an advanced formula to help naturally get your testosterone to optimal levels, boosting both free and total levels.

T-Drive Magnum Ingredients

t-drive magnum ingredients

TONGKAT ALI + FADOGIA AGRESTIS: This combination of ingredients in T-Drive Magnum helps to maximize natural testosterone production. The combination of these ingredients helps to kick your body’s natural testosterone production into overdrive. Some users have reported up to a 450-point increase in their testosterone levels when supplementing with this potent herbal combo, which is something unheard of.

Aside from that, both Fadogia Agrestis and Tongkat Ali have been used for centuries to enhance sexual function and desire. Recent studies have confirmed the natural ability of these ingredients to help potentiate sex drive, performance and even semen volume, which can help fertility. This combo also helps kick up your hormone levels for maximum manhood with the hormone-balancing power of Fadogia Agrestis and Tongkat Ali. These two ingredients help control the stress hormone cortisol, maximize free testosterone levels and even prevent estrogen conversion for peak results.

COLEUS FORSKOHLII + TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS + FENUGREEK + HORNY GOAT WEED: Quite the mix of ingredients here in T-Drive Magnum, and it may seem a bit complex, but don’t worry, they are completely natural and can really help kick things up in the bedroom, and the gym. The powerful herbal extracts listed here have clinically proven effects in enhancing men’s sexual desire when taken consistently. They also support enhanced erectile function, enhance stamina and reduce latency for round after round of peak performance in the bedroom.

This combo has also been shown to reduce body fat percentage and support increased muscle strength and mass for the physique of a Greek god.

VITAMIN D + NIACIN + ZINC (AS ZINMAX®): This final blend in the supplement helps with overall male vitality, as they are a combo of vitamins and minerals included to help support your body’s testosterone production and lay the foundation for enhanced vitality with an abundance of vital nutrients for male health. This combination of vitamins and essential nutrients not only helps to support testosterone production, but also supports enhanced growth in muscle size and strength, making it perfect for those trying to pack on the muscle mass.

Aside from that, the blend here supports overall men’s health and immunity. These vitamins and minerals, when combined with the other ingredients in T-Drive Magnum, help support enhanced longevity while offering powerful anti-aging effects.

T-Drive Magnum Key Takeaways

  • Supercharge Libido and Enhance Bedroom Performance*
  • Boost Testosterone Production*
  • Optimize Male Hormones to Reduce Belly Fat by up to 31%*
  • Stimulate Rapid Muscle Growth and Strength Gains*

Price and How to Take

You can pick up the Magnum Male Collection for $103.99, and you get 30 servings of each supplement. You would want to take 2 capsules of Nitro Wood Magnum, and 3 capsules of T-Drive Magnum each day. These are vegan supplements as well, so they fit any diet!

Our Verdict on the Magnum Male Collection

The Generation Iron Team was able to test out the Magnum Male Collection, and we have absolutely zero complaints. The muscle pumps were great, there were improvements in body composition, and of course bedroom performance was also great.

Who Should Take Inno Supps Magnum Male Collection

  • Bodybuilders
  • Powerlifters
  • Men looking to optimize hormone levels

Who should not be take the Inno Supps Magnum Male Collection

  • Women

Frequently Asked Questions

magnum male

Is Nitro Wood Magnum better than Viagra or Cialis?

While Viagra and Cialis are great options for getting and maintaining an erection during sexual activity, Nitro Wood Magnum helps to increase blood flow throughout the entire body, consistently. It also is said to increase length and girth. However, this supplement does not guarantee a fix for erectile dysfunction.

Can I take the Magnum Male Collection with other supplements?

Yes, the Magnum Male Collection is made up of all natural ingredients so it is fine to take with other supplements. However, it is always best to consult with your physician before taking a product like this!

Is the Magnum Male Collection safe?

The Magnum Male Collection is deemed safe, as it is made of two supplements that are packed with completely natural ingredients rather than junk blends and chemicals that you would see in your standard over-the-counter testosterone booster.

Wrap Up

Overall, enhancing male performance is something that the Magnum Male Collection specializes in. From enhancing blood flow for greater pumps and bedroom performance, to increasing testosterone and changing your body composition. We stand by it with full confidence.

Will you be giving it a try?

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares How To Build The Perfect Home Gym For $1,000 Or Less

Arnold Schwarzenegger discusses his change in workout routines.
Arnold Instagram

Arnold Schwarzenegger shared different pieces of equipment to build the perfect home gym at an affordable cost.

Home gyms can be extremely beneficial for weightlifters because of convenience and the time it saves from actually going to the gym. It might also save money on a monthly membership but could be expensive initially when putting together the perfect home gym. Arnold Schwarzenegger took time in his newsletter to share how to build a home gym for just $1,000 or less.

We have seen plenty of insane home gyms from both celebrities and fitness stars. Of course, The Rock’s Iron Paradise sticks out as one of the most elaborate home gyms out there. Of course, there are different levels of gyms and Schwarzenegger picked out the best products on the affordable side for your gym.

“A couple of months ago, we showed you how to build a home gym with nothing more than a cold, hard Benjamin (that’s $100 for those wondering). This time, we’re spending a little more to help you achieve your goals and fill your home with everything you need for a fantastic pump.”

Arnold was given advice from Cooper Mitchell, the creator of Garage Gym Reviews, for advice on different pieces of equipment.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Instagram

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s $1,000 Home Gym

There are four major necessities when building a home gym — barbells, weight plates, squat racks, and a weight bench.

It begins with a barbell and weight lates to put on the side. Whether it is a home gym or in public, these are the most important pieces of equipment to use to put on muscle.

“You can easily argue that no tool has made people stronger and fitter than the almighty barbell. It’s considered the king of strength training tools because it can be incrementally loaded to more weight than you’ll need to lift, is incredibly versatile, nearly indestructible, and quite affordable.”

Moving onto the squat rack. Arnold Schwarzenegger shared that it is not completely required to lift but it is another versatile piece that provides safety on certain lifts. Many also come with a pull-up bar attached and this adds another dynamic to your workout.

“A squat rack is certainly not required to lift, but it’s helpful to do so safely and optimally. Although I love the squat racks with every attachment possible, they’re unnecessary.”

“With the above items, you could easily become the strongest person on your block.”

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Nick Walker To Return During 2024 New York Pro

nick walker's full day of eating for 2023 olympia
Nick Walker Instagram (@nick_walker39)

Nick Walker will return to a stage that he has already been victorious on.

Nick Walker has been sidelined with a hamstring injury and this forced him to miss the 2023 Olympia competition. After rehabbing his injury and returning to the gym, Walker believes he will be ready for the 2024 New York Pro and recently announced his return.

Walker quickly rose to the top of the Men’s Open division in a relatively short amount of time. This includes winning the New York Pro during his rookie year. In 2021, he was crowned champion of the Arnold Classic before hitting the Olympia. He has two top-five finishes in each of the last two years and was a hopeful for this year as well. Unfortunately, Walker suffered a hamstring injury that kept him out of the 2023 Olympia.

Walker is not qualified for the 2024 Olympia so he will need to win a competition to be able to return to the biggest stage. He will plan to do so during the New York Pro.

Nick Walker machine lateral raise

Nick Walker Plans To Return During New York Pro

On Monday, Nick Walker took to Instagram to lay out his latest plan of attack.

“GAME TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New YORK PRO!!!!!”

Walker said at the Olympia that he believes he deserved a special invitation to the 2024 edition of the show. He plans to return and put on his best show yet.

 “I’ll see everyone at the New York Pro. You all better be ready for it cause you know I will be.”

Walker previously announced that he would not return to the Arnold Classic after finishing as the runner-up last year. The timing would not allow it following his hamstring tear.

“I know everyone has been wondering what is Nick Walker’s game plan.

There is no Arnold for me. That is just too soon. That’s almost four weeks out and I don’t feel ready enough for that and there is no invite and honestly, I’d rather earn my qualification. I’m okay with that. I’d rather earn my qualification and once I earn that qualification, I am going to win and come back strong.”

Nick Walker will enter the 2024 New York Pro looking to log his second victory at the event and punch his ticket to the Olympia.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.