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How To Burn Stubborn Body Fat

This is How You Can Burn Stubborn Body Fat

Get rid of that unwanted belly fat with these 5 methods

Most of the time people get a gym membership for a few reasons, whether that be to lose weight and get into shape, get massive and shredded, or get strong. When it comes to losing weight, using cardio equipment such as a treadmill or stairclimber for a few minutes every now and then doesn’t guarantee fat loss. If the task of burning body fat was easy, everyone would be walking around with a shredded midriff, but unfortunately that is not the case.

Fat stored in some place can be harder to lose as compared to the others. Fat on your arms is comparatively easily shredded as compared to your love handles around your abs. If you have been having trouble losing weight, you have come to the right place.

Ways to Burn Body Fat

burn body fat

Now, there are plenty of supplements to burn body fat, such as the standard fat burners, but that is not the focus of this article. Fat burners are not going to do the work for you, and will very rarely burn all of the stubborn belly fat that you want to get rid of, so you may as well start incorporating some other methods to shed that fat.

Besides that, you will also see people straight up starving themselves with the intent to lose body fat. However, in many cases, people do not need to completely deplete their macros to burn their unwanted body fat, and we will discuss that.

Another thing is that people think in order to burn stubborn body fat, they need to just run on the treadmill for countless hours, and that also is not the case. Burning body fat is a much more complex process that can and should be attacked from multiple different angles, not just running on a treadmill or starving yourself.

Let’s dive in.

1. HIIT Workouts

hiit workouts to burn fat

Many people dread the idea of spending time on a treadmill, and that is totally understandable. Treadmills can get boring, but burning fat doesn’t have to be boring. High intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are incredibly efficient at burning off the stubborn body fat, without boring you all too much. What a HIIT workout consists of is intervals of time where you are working out with the utmost intensity, followed by a brief rest period, followed by an an intense period, and then repeats.

If your main goal is to shed weight and body fat, you can follow a HIIT cardio workout. HIIT muscle building workouts will also give your cardiovascular system a great push, really getting that blood pumping. High-intensity training can help you in building strength and stamina.

2. Fix Your Diet

Diet and nutrition are an important part of losing weight, in fact, diet and nutrition are just as important for losing weight as training is, yet so many people slack off on their diets, thinking that the work is done once they leave the gym. Then once they start dieting, many people completely cut out the fats from their diet while they’re trying to lose weight, thinking that eating fat is the issue and the reason they cannot lose weight.

Fats are an essential macronutrient which is required for the proper body functioning. Fat regulates hormones, such as testosterone, which plays a vital role in building muscle mass, mood, sex drive, and an array of other bodily functions that you don’t want to mess with. So, you do not want to completely cut out the fat.

If you’re a dairy fan, you should switch to low-fat variants of your favorite products, such as low fat milk, cheese, yogurt, and so on. You should also start consuming high fiber food. Fiber helps with digesting the food you eat throughout the day, and better digestion can help you to burn that stubborn body fat.

3. Bump Up Your Protein Intake

Protein is commonly thought of as the key muscle building macronutrient, which it certainly is, but it also can make a big difference in your fat loss journey. Protein has a high thermogenic effect as compared to the other macronutrients like fats and carbohydrates. Thermogenesis is the generation of heat due to digestion and metabolism of food.

more protein to burn body fat

If you eat a protein-rich diet, you are more likely to burn fat even while you’re sitting idle. A rise in the protein intake bumps up your metabolism and turns your stomach into a food churning machine. Another benefit of protein is that it will help to keep you full, and avoiding the snacks. If you are lagging on your daily protein consumption, you can use protein supplements to fill the void.

4. Insulin Sensitivity

Stubborn fat is more insulin sensitive which means it’s less insulin resistant than the regular fat. A fat cell which is more insulin resistant stores less fat and releases more of it. A fat cell that’s more insulin sensitive stores higher fat and releases less of it, making it harder to burn body fat.

Stubborn fat is more insulin sensitive than other fats. You can improve your insulin sensitivity by adjusting your lifestyle. Food like vinegar, spices, green tea, nuts improves insulin sensitivity.

5. Sleep

No matter how hard you workout, you won’t see the changes in your body until you are rested. Sleep is the unsung hero of fat loss and muscle building, as it helps to generate testosterone and human growth hormone, which are both key hormones for burning body fat and building muscle mass. You need anywhere between 6-8 hours of sleep every night to recuperate from your workout routines.

The quality of the sleep matters as much as the quantity, you want to be in a deep sleep to get the most out of it. Using electronic gadgets, drinking caffeinated beverages, reading business books, working out too close to the bedtime can make it harder for you to fall asleep.

Are Supplements Good for Burning Stubborn Body Fat?

When it comes to burning stubborn body fat, many people will turn to fat burner supplements. While these are certainly effective, you should not rely on them, and always be wary of what the ingredients are, as some fat burner supplements can be dangerous. Keep in mind that these fat burner supplements are meant to further your progress, not replace the hard work.


When your diet or fasted cardio begin to feel like chores, this uniquely explosive thermogenic will kick your ass into overdrive.

Although we said above not to rely on fat burners and that they will not burn the stubborn body fat like you think, there are certain ones that can help to really burn the stubborn body fat, but again, do not rely on these supplements. When it comes to finding a great fat burner to get rid of the stubborn fat, your search can stop as soon as you land on MUTANT KILL SWITCH. It includes all of the ingredients you will find in a good, natural fat burner, plus more, making it an easy choice to pick when it comes to shopping for these supplements.

Dry Scooping Pre-Workout

We do want to note that MUTANT KILL SWITCH is not a stim-free fat burner, That being said, if you are trying to stay away from stimulants then KILL SWITCH is not for you. However, it is worth mentioning that this is a no-crash product, meaning you will not feel lethargic and fall asleep after a few hours of taking this like you do with pre-workouts or energy drinks that are pumped full of caffeine.

Check out our full review of MUTANT KILL SWITCH!

Understand What Your Body Fat Percentage Is

One thing to do before going on a fat loss journey is understand what your body fat percentage currently is. If your goal is to have abs or defined muscles, but you find out that you are already low body fat, then you just need to increase your muscle mass in certain areas to make the muscles pop, not necessarily lose body fat.

Avoid Going Too Low, for Too Long

While being shredded is great, most of the time maintaining a physique that is extremely low in body fat is not plausible. Being too low in body fat for too long can lead to a weakened immune system, loss of strength, and other unwanted effects. The best thing you can do is find a healthy medium, where you look good but also feel good.

Burning Body Fat Wrap Up

fat burner weight loss bodybuilding

Overall, burning body fat is not as plain and simple as it may seem, and doing things like starving yourself or taking a regular fat burner may not be as beneficial as you think. Sure, fat burners are there to help, but instead there are a multitude of lifestyle changes that you should make if you really want to lose body fat.

Do you agree with our tips on how to burn body fat?

What is your target body fat percentage? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Images courtesy of Envato

Seth Feroce Breaks Down TRT, Steroid Use: “You Know The Consequences Going In”

Seth Feroce's recent rant came about steroid and TRT.
Seth Feroce Instagram

Seth Feroce’s most recent rant was focused on TRT and steroid use.

Bodybuilder Seth Feroce is known for two things — a shredded physique and his infamous rants. Feroce has become known on social media for speaking his mind about controversial topics and doing it in an intense way. Recently, his rant came at the expense of steroids and TRT.

Steroids has become a wide-spread issue in bodybuilding because of recent deaths that have hit the world hard. This has athletes in different areas, whether it be bodybuilding or powerlifting focusing on their health. Feroce acknowledged the negative thoughts around certain substances.

“I get there is a negative connotation along with steroids and a lot of people don’t want to feel the f*cking heat from it. The youngsters and people have a strong influence on younger people another are more people than ever lifting weights and I think it’s f*cking great.”

The rant continued with Feroce discussing different steroids and personal perception.

Seth Feroce

Seth Feroce Outlines The Choice Surrounding Steroids

The most important aspect of this rant from Seth Feroce was urging those to be true to themselves and realize that other’s opinions are not important.

“It’s a personal decision. If anyone tries to tell you what to do with your life, the one you’re living, you can tell them to f*ck off. Suck your d*ck. It’s my f*cking life. It’s my personal choice.”


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TRT has become popular, both in and out of bodybuilding. Feroce continues to discuss how TRT is different and the dosages depend on the person.

“Are you really on TRT or are you just taking a low dose of test? Because I think you’re just taking a low dose of test because that’s what TRT is and/or people will be like ‘oh I’m taking a TRT dose. Oh okay. What does is that?’ Because you know TRT is different for everybody.”

There are also some that attempt to use TRT following a cycle and that is not what it is meant for.

“It’s Not TRT if you just got off of a cycle. You are just on a low dose of testosterone. You can say that. I’m on a low dose of test. That’s okay. Anybody that tells you that you’re a piece of sh*t for being honest, f*ck them.”

Seth Feroce continues to sculpt his own physique while sharing opinions on different aspects of fitness and bodybuilding.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Dragon Squat Exercise Guide — Muscles Worked, How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

dragon squat pistol squat progression
Dragon Squat pistol squat guide

The dragon squat takes the pistol squat up a level. 

Experts widely regard the dragon squat – a step up from the shrimp squat and pistol squat – as the ultimate bodyweight exercise for strengthening your legs. This challenging routine demands exceptional flexibility, stability, and strength, making it an excellent opportunity to push your limits and unlock your full potential.

Research shows that the squat is the gold standard for exercises that enhance your athletic performance (1). However, you’ll have to rely on calisthenics if you don’t have access to weights. People in this category must find ways to overload their muscles for results.

You can also use high-rep or unilateral training to overload your muscles. However, the pistol squat and the dragon squat, an advanced pistol variation, also accomplish this. In this exercise guide, we look at how to surmount the challenge of doing the dragon squat and the benefits of this routine.

Techniques & Muscles Worked

The dragon squat is a unilateral movement that trains one leg at a time. It targets your quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, hip adductors, and hip abductors. Dragon squats also work on your abs and obliques as you’ll use your core to maintain stability during the routine.

Dragon squats are not beginner exercises; doing them will test your stability and balance. While this exercise is excellent for your lower body, doing it wrong could put you at risk of injuries. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to do dragon squats.

  1. Assume a standing position with your legs together and your arms raised to your sides. 
  2. Next, brace your core and pull your shoulders down and back before transferring all your weight to one leg. This is your starting position.
  3. Squat with that leg while crossing the other leg behind it.
  4. Then, swing that leg out to the front at the bottom of your squat without touching the ground. Ensure that this leg stays straight the whole time. You can move your arms as needed to maintain balance. 
  5. Pause for three to five seconds and then drive your squat leg into the ground to stand back up while returning the other leg to get to the starting position to complete the rep. 
  6. Switch legs and repeat steps two to five.
  7. Do this exercise for as many reps as you can. 


The dragon squat is a single-leg exercise, which means more focus on the leg in use, leading to greater gains. But did you know that research shows that one-leg exercises can improve the strength, power, and endurance of even the leg not in use (2)? Below are more benefits of the dragon squat. 

Leg Strength & Flexibility

Dragon squats channel your entire body weight through one leg when you squat. This greatly overloads and strengthens your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. The contortions of this routine also work on the flexibility in your hips. 


You don’t need any equipment to do the dragon squat. As a result, you can practice this exercise at home or even in a hotel room when you travel. Dragon squats are an excellent option for those who choose to do calisthenics.

Mobility & Balance

You must balance your weight on one leg when doing dragon squat. You’ll have to use your core muscles and position your arms in the air for this. Over time, this exercise will improve your ability to balance successfully on one leg. It’ll also improve your hip mobility

Fix Muscle Imbalances

Single-limb routines like the dragon squat are a great way to find which of your limbs is stronger. While training, you can use a greater number of reps to balance out and strengthen the weaker limb. 


Are bodyweight squats and even pistol squats too easy for you? The dragon squat is an advanced move that will challenge and motivate you. This can help you break out of training monotony and even a plateau (3)

Dragon Squat Alternatives

Speaking of variety, dragon squats are not the only challenging exercises you can use to train your lower body. Below are other routines that will also task your leg muscles and improve your mobility. 

Pistol Squat

The pistol squat is another advanced variation of the bodyweight squat but is a step below dragon squats. Experts suggest that you learn this routine first before attempting the dragon squat. This exercise targets and also builds your quads, hamstrings, glutes, core, abductors, and adductors. 

Shrimp Squat


The shrimp squat is also an advanced variation but below the pistol squat above. The order from least challenging to most challenging are bodyweight squat, shrimp squat, pistol squat, and dragon squat. Shrimp squats target the same muscles as the pistol squat but don’t require as much mobility. 

Box Step Down

Box step-downs lift and lower your body using one leg. They build the hamstrings, quads, glutes, adductors, abductors, and core muscles. Box step-downs require less flexibility and balance than dragon squats. 

Smith Machine Pistol Squat

Smith machine pistol squats build all the muscles the dragon and pistol squats do. However, this exercise doesn’t require balancing as the machine, which is safer, supports you. It still puts the load on one leg, though. 


What muscles do dragon squats target?

Dragon squats target and build the muscles of your lower body unilaterally. They also build core muscles like your abs and obliques. For a more precise breakdown, refer to the exercise guide above. 

How hard is a dragon pistol squat?

The dragon pistol squat is a tasking exercise. This routine is a step above pistol squats and an advanced variation of bodyweight squats. Before attempting this variation, you must be great at shrimp and pistol squats. 

What are the benefits of single-leg squats?

Single-leg squats work on your mind-muscle connection and improve your exercise form. Handling the weight one leg at a time also enhances the endurance and strength of that leg. Plus, research shows that even the leg that is not working benefits when doing single leg exercises (2)

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  1. Myer, G. D., Kushner, A. M., Brent, J. L., Schoenfeld, B. J., Hugentobler, J., Lloyd, R. S., Vermeil, A., Chu, D. A., Harbin, J., & McGill, S. M. (2014). The back squat: A proposed assessment of functional deficits and technical factors that limit performance. Strength and conditioning journal, 36(6), 4–27. https://doi.org/10.1519/SSC.0000000000000103
  2. Kannus, P., Alosa, D., Cook, L., Johnson, R. J., Renström, P., Pope, M., Beynnon, B., Yasuda, K., Nichols, C., & Kaplan, M. (1992). Effect of one-legged exercise on the strength, power and endurance of the contralateral leg. A randomized, controlled study using isometric and concentric isokinetic training. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 64(2), 117–126. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00717948 
  3. Krzysztofik, M., Wilk, M., Wojdała, G., & Gołaś, A. (2019). Maximizing Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review of Advanced Resistance Training Techniques and Methods. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(24), 4897. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16244897

Jay Cutler Talks “Most Undertrained” Body Part: ‘Do Not Neglect Ab Training’

Jay Cutler calls the abs the most undertrained body part.
Jay Cutler Instagram

Jay Cutler urges gym goers to not forget about ab training.

Jay Cutler focused on building the best physique possible during his career and that includes hitting some body parts that are sometimes forgotten about. Recently, Cutler urged gym goers to not neglect one of the most “undertrained body parts” and that is abs.

Cutler admitted to training abs at least every other day during his career. This led to completing a package that was able to win four Olympia titles. Even in retirement, Cutler has focused on maintaining a shredded build and he has done so in his midsection.

“So the most undertrained and overlooked body part is going to be your ab training.”

Cutler continued to discuss the benefits of training abs along with the best exercises to hit the area the hardest.

jay cutler's chest and calves workout

Jay Cutler Talks Ab Training: “Do Not Neglect”

Jay Cutler took YouTube to share some more wisdom on how to build the best possible physique.

“Everybody knows I was crazy about my ab training. I always did abs at least every other day, especially training for a competition.”


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When training for a show, Jay Cutler would focus on abs and spoke on how it would play into posing on stage.

“A lot of the posing is going to come into play when your show off your abs and of course, your definition has to be on point, right? Your body fat needs to be 6-8% or below to show ab definition.”

The three major exercises that Cutler likes to focus on is the hanging leg raise, machine, crunch, and rope crunch. When performing these, it is not about added weight but more reps to exhaust the area.

“Ideally I like to do three exercises for my ab training. The hanging leg raise. Some sort of a crunch, a rope crunch or a machine crunch. Anything that rally stimulates the abs, focus on repetitions like 15-20.”

Cutler focused on his diet and adding cardio leading up to his “Fit-for-50” transformation. He did two sessions of cardio per day while upping his fasted cardio time. Cutler has been open about his bodybuilding journey, including discussing his steroid cycle. Now mind you, he insists he isn’t returning to actively competing, but he recently started a challenge to transform his physique for turning 50. Now, it will be interesting to see what his plan is moving forward.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Kettlebell Kings Adjustable Kettlebell Review


This adjustable kettlebell is perfect for any at-home workout to offer versatility while still using just one kettlebell.

When looking for the perfect home workout equipment, it can be difficult to find everything and all that we need, especially if on a budget or if you have limited space. A squat rack is most likely out of the question, and a full dumbbell set may just be way too much to handle. But companies like Kettlebell Kings are revolutionizing the game with equipment that adjusts easily so you can fly through various weight settings with just one product. Though kettlebells may be something you overlook during your training, Kettlebell Kings Adjustable Kettlebell is one such product to provide convenience, simplicity, and versatility to any and all of your workouts.

Kettlebells have grown in popularity as perfect workout tools to enhance exercise and aid in efficiency and technique when it comes to other workouts. Used for explosive workouts, kettlebells are able to combine strength training with cardiovascular exercise (1) while also aiding in flexibility and range of motion. On top of all that, the calorie burn that you can get from utilizing kettlebells is great so that desired physique is just around the corner. As a tool used for a full body and complete exercise or workout, kettlebells are exactly what you need to save time, energy, space, and money.

Let’s take a look at Kettlebell Kings, and why we love their products.

Kettlebell Kings

Kettle Bell Kings kettlebells are all made from a single piece of cast iron. Most kettlebells have the handles welded on which makes them break more easily. Casting from a single piece of metal creates more durable kettlebells.

Kettlebell Kings is located in Austin, Texas and is a company that truly loves kettlebells, whether it be the physical kettlebell, apparel, exercises, or competitions. Their missions is to provide consumers with the right equipment to better their minds and body in order to live more healthy lifestyles. Always coming up with new ideas for workouts or products, Kettlebell Kings is on your side to really give you a boost in your training and overall health. With a great approach to customer service and producing high quality products, Kettlebell Kings is a company you can trust to give you everything you need to advance your goals.

Kettlebell Kings Adjustable Kettlebell Highlights

kettlebell kings

Kettlebell Kings Adjustable Kettlebell is seven kettlebells in one adjustable weight. Instead of having seven individual kettlebells, which cost a fortune and take up way too much space, you now have one kettlebell to handle all of your needs. Weights include 10-40 lbs. and increase by 5 lbs. intervals. The smooth handle is constructed from high quality metal with no bumps for maximal comfort and control during workouts. The weighted plates are easy to adjust and slide away, while also putting back on.

Strength Wars Movie

Adjusting the weight is as follows: On top of the weight, there is a circle where you will place a finger and slide towards you. Slide the lever to your desired weight and let the circle go back to its position. You can then slide plates off and on for your desired weight and continue with your workouts.

This is the perfect kettlebell for those new to using kettlebells. You can perform high to low rep exercises without the hassle of needing multiple kettlebells and they provide free workouts to get you started. Easy to adjust, comfortable to use, and safe and efficient, Kettlebell Kings has created a wonderful exercise product to enhance your gains, burn a great amount of calories, and be more than effective in the comfort of your own home.

Kettlebell Kings Kettlebell Plans

Kettlebell Kings offer kettlebell plans to go along with each product to only enhance your goals and provide structure when you go to use your bell. Plans include:

  • Kettlebell Origins ($49.99)
  • Double Gains ($49.99)
  • Turbo Fat Loss ($49.99)
  • Kettlebell Fundamentals ($149.99)

These plans are designed to target certain areas you want them to while also aiding in your ability to properly use a kettlebell. The Double Gains plan, for example, is designed to promote muscle gain with more advanced movements so you can use your kettlebell and see those big gains start to show. A nice addition to a great product, these plans are sure to promote a better workout for your overall routine.

Price & Effectiveness

kettlebell kings adjustable kettlebell

This adjustable kettlebell from Kettlebell Kings is the perfect piece of workout equipment to tackle all of your kettlebell needs with just one. From 10 to 40 lbs., this kettlebell costs $139.99 with free returns so you can buy with confidence.

Pros: Very versatile kettlebell with great options for weight. From a reputable company putting quality and effectiveness first. Well constructed and compact for tight spaces.

Cons: Bulkiness makes it difficult to control and some quality control concerns were reported. The weight can feel off and the plates may dig into your arms if resting for too long.

Our Verdict on Kettlebell Kings Adjustable Kettlebells

The Generation Iron team was fortunate enough to try out Kettlebell Kings Adjustable Kettlebells, and we cannot really complain. These are great pieces of equipment that come at a great price, and don’t take up too much space but enable you to get an awesome workout. However, we would like to see some heavier options, as 40lbs may be too light for some.

Ketllebell Kings vs. IronBull Strength vs. Onnit

See how Kettlebell Kings Adjustable Kettlebells stack up against other leading brands, such as Onnit Kettlebells and IronBull Strength.

IronBull Strength comes in at a good price range, and weight compared to the other two brands.

Material  Price Weights Dimensions Warranty
IronBull Strength Cast Iron w/ Powder Coat $30.00 up to $125.00 Up to 70 lbs Varies on Weight Lifetime
Kettlebell Kings Cast Iron w/ Powder Coat $69.99 up to $400.00 10-40lbs Varies on Weight Lifetime
Onnit Cast Iron w/ Powder Coat $22.95 up to $114.95 Up to 70lbs Varies on Weight None


Are kettlebell workouts effective?

Yes! Kettlebells are versatile tools that you can use for all different types of workouts from leg workouts to chest workouts, and all muscle groups in between.

Are Kettlebell Kings adjustable kettlebells worth the investment?

If you are building up a home gym with limited space and on a budget, then yes these are absolutely worth the investment. They are small, versatile pieces of equipment that can be easily stored and provide great workouts.

Wrap Up

Kettlebell Kings Adjustable Kettlebell is the perfect piece of workout equipment for you to keep in your home gym. As a safe and effective tool, it provides you with 10 to 40 lbs. of easy to adjust plates with a comfortable feel to support any of your goals, whether muscle gain, fat loss, or a combination of many. With great plans and a high quality guarantee, you can’t go wrong with this product. What you are really getting is a top tier kettlebell from a reputable company at a great price to provide convenience and effectiveness to your workouts. Check out Kettlebell Kings and see what this adjustable kettlebell can do for your overall gains.

Try Adjustable Kettlebell at Kettlebell Kings Today

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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Kettlebell Kings and Jason Poston


  1. Kravitz, Len. “Kettlebell Research Update”. (source)

Mitchell Hooper Crushes PR Squat Triple Of 736 Pounds During Training

Mitchell Hooper Instagram

Mitchell Hooper is preparing to duplicate his incredible success from 2023.

Strongman Mitchell Hooper has shared many insane lifts on social media as he prepares for what he hopes will be another successful calendar year. Recently, Hooper hit a new PR triple squat of 334kg (736lbs).

It was quite a year for Hooper in 2023. He began with a victory at the Arnold Strongman Classic. Hooper followed it up with a win during the Rogue Invitational and highlighted the season by being crowned World’s Strongest Man. The stage is now set for another run as he preps for this year’s version of the Arnold Strongman Classic.

Hooper has trained in many ways and this includes attempting an Olympic-style, split jerk lift. He showed off this style back in December for the first time and has made great strides. This includes a best of 211kg (465.2lbs) during a recent training session.

Hooper continues to impress in big ways across all lifts and this one was a massive triple squat.


Mitchell Hooper Sets New Squat Standard

Mitchell Hooper loaded 736 pounds on the bar and threw it on his shoulders. He can be seen wearing a lifting belt and knee sleeves while carrying the bar away from the squat rack. Hooper was able to complete three reps and it looks like there was more in the tank for the reigning WSM champion.

“🚨 334kg (736lbs) squat PB triple 🚨”


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The squat is one of the three essential lifts in powerlifting and Hooper continues to reach new levels. He will enter 2024 as the name to beat in Strongman after winning multiple big-time shows last year. It will begin in March with an appearance in the Arnold Strongman Classic.

2024 Arnold Strongman Classic Lineup

The Arnold Strongman Classic competitions have become big-time attractions during the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, OH. This year, the competitions will take place from March 1-2 and feature some of the biggest names in the sport.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

“Kendall Jenner Of Bodybuilding” Gives Posing Advice To Fitness Star Matt Morsia

Matt Morsia went through. bodybuilding posing session led by Vladislava Galagan.
Matt Morsia Instagram

Vladislava Galagan and Matt Morsia got together for a posing session.

Fitness star Matt Morsia continues to maintain an impressive physique and does so using different workouts and challenges. He has built a great following and reputation on social media due to this. Recently, he attempted to take on some bodybuilding poses and seemed advice from Vladislava Galagan.

Like Morsia, Galagan has emerged as a star in the fitness industry and has built a following of 1.7 million on Instagram. The Kendall Jenner lookalike has gained attention because of her shredded physique and pretty face on social media. This has led to a lucrative career outside the gym as well.

Galagan created social media profiles back in 2016 and got an immediate reaction from viewers. This led to opening a successful OnlyFans account, where she does not do anything X-rated but has gotten some strange requests. Galagan claims that people like arm wrestling videos and that she gets many requests for those.

Inside of the gym, Galagan continues to sculpt her physique and Morsia asked for some tips of posing.

Vladislava Galagan
Image courtesy of Instagram (@vladigalagan)

Matt Morsia & Vladislava Galagan Meet For Posing

Matt Morsia approached Vladislava Galagan at the beginning of the video to ask for posing advice. The duo jumped right into a front-double bicep.

“Basically an IFBB Pro at this point…”

Matt Morsia is no stranger to bodybuilding. In the past, he shared a bodybuilding journey that has led him through building a shredded physique and getting an Achilles injury that kept him away for over three months. Many have benefited from his fitness tips. This time, he seemed out advice from Galagan.

“Are you like flaring your lats when you do this? I find it hard to flare my lats and pose during it,” Morsia said.

“Yes, lots of people find it difficult by the way,” Galagan said.


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A post shared by Vladislava Galagan (@vladigalagan)

Galagan is at the gym six days a week, focusing on each muscle group twice a week. She also includes three cardio sessions each week in order to keep her physique in the best shape possible. This has allowed her to keep her physique in competition shape.

“Move forward, chest forward and open your lats when you do it,” Galagan said.

“That’s as open as they go,” Morsia responded.

The duo continued to hit other poses over the course of the video, creating an entertaining collaboration for fans on social media.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

How to Achieve the Ottermode Body for the Perfect Blend of Muscle & Definition

ottermode body

An ottermode body focuses on functional fitness while having a good V-taper. 

The ottermode physique is a harmonious blend of aesthetics and functionality – think well-toned muscles, a lean body composition, a sculpted midsection, and broad shoulders. The ottermode body workout plan goal is to perfectly balance muscle definition and leanness without appearing overly bulky.

It presents a striking contrast to the bear mode body. You witness the epitome of bear mode when you gaze upon bodybuilders like the reigning Mr. Olympia, Derek Lunsford. On the other hand, to grasp the essence of the ottermode physique, one must turn their attention to the retired Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps.

Although the ottermode physique may not attract the same attention as a bodybuilding competitor on stage, it turns heads when you bare your chest. Moreover, it’s a healthy starting point and a stepping stone toward achieving a fully sculpted body. Athletes with the ottermode build possess the coveted V-taper, which holds significant value in bodybuilding. 

In the following sections, we delve into the concept of the ottermode body, why it garners admiration from many, and provide insights on how to attain this desirable physique.

What Is the Ottermode Body?

otterman body type

One with the ottermode body has well-defined abs, a thin waist, broad shoulders, and low body fat. At the same time, you may find a prominent mass of muscles at specific points in the body, like the shoulders, but this body type isn’t stacked from head to toe with muscle as a bodybuilder. This is an excellent foundation for athletics and exercises like swimming

Building the ottermode body is more than just aesthetics, it’s more about athletics. Agility, functionality, endurance, and strength are all key traits of the otterman body. Below, we break down the seven bodily characteristics that everyone with the ottermode body has. 

Body Fat

To see the fully toned muscles of the ottermode body, you need a low body fat percentage. However, this doesn’t mean you’ll be skinny. Those with the ottermode body are more muscular than runners. To get the fat body percentage that shows your muscle definition, you need to fall within the 9-14% range. Most people with the ottermode body have a body fat percentage below 12%.


For the ottermode body, your BMI needs to fall within the normal range. This is around 15.5-24.9. Michael Phelps, during his swimming and ottermode body days, had a BMI of 24.1. Brad Pitt, who also developed the ottermode body for his role in Fight Club, had a BMI of 23.3 then. 


Broad shoulders are a mainstay of the ottermode body. You can see why when you consider that we often see this body type among swimmers. Developing your shoulders is critical to swimming performance, and swimming also develops your shoulder muscles. 


This is one area where the ottermode body intersects with bodybuilding, and it’s with the small waist. Combining this with board shoulders gives that perfect V-taper.  


The ottermode body doesn’t have protruding muscles, but it has defined muscles. So you’ll have to put in some hard work in the gym. Toned muscles result from a good diet, resistance training, and cardio, so be ready to do lots of these.


Swimming involves lots of functionality, mobility, and strength. The ottermode body will involve you doing training that works on muscles you use daily.


Don’t let the fact that the ottermode body doesn’t have bulky legs deceive you. This body type has powerful legs, as they are a requirement for swimming. So don’t think this will be your chance to skip leg day. 

Benefits of the Ottermode Body 

The ottermode body is a physique many aspire to have and for a good reason. It’s a healthy place to be in and, as a result, offers many healthy benefits. Below are some of the most important ones. 

Better Metabolism

The low body fat levels in the ottermode body are excellent for your metabolism. The lower your body fat percentage, the higher your lean muscle mass. Your body’s muscle mass significantly affects your metabolic rate (1)

Less Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

As we already said, you’ll need lots of exercise and cardio to achieve the ottermode body. Exercise like cardio is excellent for the heart and reduces your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (2)

More Balance and Stability

To get a slim waist for the ottermode body, you’ll need to do a lot of core work. This will help to build your abs muscles like your obliques. Strengthening your core helps with balance, stability, and posture.

Improved Stamina and Endurance

The ottermode body training includes HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and other cardio to improve stamina and endurance. As a result, you’ll get better at these metrics as you work for your ottermode body.  

More Flexibility

Swimming requires much flexibility, and as part of the ottermode body training, you work on your flexibility. This improves your overall flexibility, and other skills like mobility and agility also improve. 

Ottermode Workout Plan

ottermode body workout plan

The ottermode body is attractive and functional. It also offers excellent health benefits, as shown in the above list. Here are four things to focus on, including the ottermode workout plan to get this V-taper physique.


Depending on which side of the BMI scale you fall, you might have to eat more or less to hit this physique. Nevertheless, your diet plays an essential role in developing this physique. 


Cardio helps you burn calories and keep your body fat levels low. So, as part of your training, you’ll have to do lots of it. You can do about 40 minutes of cardio daily, split into two sessions.  

Resistance Training

Now, doing cardio and reducing the calories you consume can get you in trouble if you don’t add resistance training because you could look like Christian Bale in The Machinist. Resistance training will help you build lean muscle mass and increase strength (3)


Finally, if you want a swimmer’s physique, you should include swimming in your ottermode workout plan. It’ll work your entire body, tone your muscles, and increase your strength and endurance. Below is an ottermode regimen that includes the three essential training programs above.

  • Monday: Back and Arms
  • Tuesday: Cardio
  • Wednesday: Chest and Shoulders
  • Thursday: Cardio
  • Friday: Legs
  • Saturday: Swimming
  • Sunday: Rest Day

Wrapping Up 

The ottermode body is a truly remarkable physique to strive for, whether for aesthetic reasons or to enhance performance. This physique effortlessly exudes the appearance of great genetics. However, achieving it requires the right combination of diet, training, commitment, and unwavering dedication. Are you ready to attain this physique in the coming year?

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more fitness tips! 


  1. McPherron, A. C., Guo, T., Bond, N. D., & Gavrilova, O. (2013). Increasing muscle mass to improve metabolism. Adipocyte, 2(2), 92–98. https://doi.org/10.4161/adip.22500 
  2. Nystoriak, M. A., & Bhatnagar, A. (2018). Cardiovascular Effects and Benefits of Exercise. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 5, 135. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2018.00135 
  3. Miller, T., Mull, S., Aragon, A. A., Krieger, J., & Schoenfeld, B. J. (2018). Resistance Training Combined With Diet Decreases Body Fat While Preserving Lean Mass Independent of Resting Metabolic Rate: A Randomized Trial. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 28(1), 46–54. https://doi.org/10.1123/ijsnem.2017-0221

Iron Bull Strength Kettlebells Review – To Take Your Fitness to New Heights

iron bull strength

Hit the muscles like never before with the best kettlebells on the market

When it comes to your time in the gym, chances are that you focus mainly on barbell or dumbbell movements, and probably some machines and cable movements as well. But, do you have kettlebells at your gym as part of your routine? If not, you may be missing out. Kettlebells can provide a great mobile workout, and when it comes to building a home gym, are great pieces of equipment to put in there, as they don’t take up too much space. When it comes to finding the best kettlebells to purchase, take a look at IronBull Strength Kettlebells. 

Considering the competition, IronBull Strength Kettlebells provide a wide range of pros to consider. Let’s dive into some key takeaways, why they are beneficial, and why the IronBull Strength Kettlebells could very well be the best options to stock up with.

Main Takeaways

  • Powder coated
  • Good weights
  • Reputable brand

What Are Kettlebells?

ironbull kettlebells
Ironbull Kettlebells Tested at Generation Iron

A kettlebell is technically a type of dumbbell (though it does not look like your standard dumbbell) or free weight that is round with a flat base and a handle on the top of it. To put it simply, one of these pieces of equipment will often look like a cannonball with a handle, or a teapot without the spout, hence the name “kettlebell” in English. Typically, you can find these pieces of equipment being made out of steel or some sort of cast iron.

Compared to a dumbbell, a kettlebell’s center of mass extends beyond the hand, whereas the dumbbell’s center of mass is right in the palm of your hand. Kettlebells can open you up to new exercises, as they can be swung, thrown, juggled, pressed, held, moved and manipulated in hundreds of ways (yes we said that they can be juggled). A large benefit of kettlebells is that they are small and portable and can be incorporated into all aspects of athletic and fitness training, making them a great option for placing in your home gym.

Benefits of Kettlebells 

Kettlebells bring a variety of benefits to the table, as they can be used for all different goals. These pieces of equipment can be used as a highly efficient way to lose weight through high repetition workouts, build muscle mass, increase your cardio-vascular fitness and strength and maintain joint health, mobility and flexibility. There are so many exercises that you can do with them.

What to Look for

You do not want cheaply constructed gym equipment, whether it is equipment such as barbells or things that you keep in your gym bag. That being said, you do not want kettlebells that will fall apart or rust, especially if they are being put in your home gym. You want durability and comfort.

IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells

Looking for a quality kettlebells to stock up on? Check out Iron Bull Strength Kettlebells and take your workouts to new heights.

Enter, IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells. These pieces of equipment are constructed with a unique bell shape and thick handle, and these premium kettlebells will bring a new challenge to your training routines

The IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells are perfectly crafted from durable cast iron with a powder coating finish, these weights will withstand even the most intense workouts without falling apart. Also, you don’t have to worry about getting the weights confused at all, as the color rings and weight marks allow you to easily identify the weight of each kettle in LBS and KGS.


IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells come in the following weights: 

  • 4kg or 9lbs
  • 6kg or 13lbs
  • 8kg or 18lbs 
  • 12kg or 26lbs
  • 16kg or 35lbs
  • 20kg or 44lbs
  • 24kg or 53lbs
  • 28kg or 62lbs
  • 32kg or 70lbs

While there are a variety of different weights that are available with the IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells, it may not be enough. Now chances are you won’t be doing anything with 200lb kettlebells, but 70lbs might not be enough for you. The increments also may be a bit awkward for you, as dumbbells typically go up by 5lbs at a time, these go up in different increments, which can throw off your plans to incorporate progressive overload.

IronBull Strength Kettlebell Highlights

  • Quality material: Powder coated for comfort
  • Good weight variety: You can get IronBull Strength Kettlebells in weights ranging from 9lbs all the way up to 70lbs
  • Reputable brand: IronBull Strength is a brand that is known for crafting some great weightlifting equipment, such as belts, high quality knee sleeves, and awesome elbow sleeves.


Each IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebell will vary in price, so for example a 9lb kettlebell will cost $30, but then a 70lb kettlebell will cost $125. So, it is best to truly choose wisely on which ones you want.

While these are some great quality products, it can be quick to max out your funds when trying to build a home gym. 

Pros and Cons of IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells

There are a few things to assess when it comes to these pieces of equipment, so let’s take a look at the pros and cons.


  • Quality material
  • Reputable brand
  • Can enhance your workouts


  • Premium Priced Option
  • May not have the weights that you want

Our Verdict on IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells

iron bull strength
Ironbull Kettlebells Tried & Tested at Generation Iron

No Generation Iron review is complete without our personal input, and we had the chance to personally test out the IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells. We have a few things to say regarding these pieces of equipment. For starters, we absolutely love the quality of these kettlebells. Too often do you find these pieces of equipment chipping and rubbing off on your hands, which can be pretty annoying. However, IronBull made it so that does not happen with these.

Another thing that we love is the color coded options. When these pieces of equipment are all stacked up on your rack, there is no way you can get confused, as the weights are pretty much labeled. So when you are in the middle of an intense workout and going to do a drop set or quick circuit where you are reaching for a set of kettlebells quickly, the IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells are right there and you know which ones that you’re grabbing.

When it comes to downsides, the only thing that we really can say is that they are a bit expensive, but they are quality so that is the price you pay. Also, the weight increments are a bit odd, but that just takes some getting used to.

IronBull Strength vs. Ketllebell Kings vs. Onnit

See how IronBull Strength Kettlebells stack up against other leading brands, such as Onnit Kettlebells and Kettlebell Kings

IronBull Strength comes in at a good price range, and weight compared to the other two brands.

Material  Price Weights Dimensions Warranty
IronBull Strength Cast Iron w/ Powder Coat $30.00 up to $125.00 Up to 70 lbs Varies on Weight Lifetime
Kettlebell Kings Cast Iron w/ Powder Coat $69.99 up to $400.00 Up to 90lbs Varies on Weight Lifetime
Onnit Cast Iron w/ Powder Coat $22.95 up to $114.95 Up to 70lbs Varies on Weight None

IronBull Strength Company Information

IronBull Strength is a brand that has built a community of individuals passionate for fitness, and the IronBull Strength Kettlebells are a great choice. They have had plenty of experience in the industry, and have crafted quality and durable pieces of lifting equipment to take your workouts to the next level. Their slogan, “Unleash the Beast,” encapsulates the belief in unleashing the untapped potential within each and every one of us.

Places to Buy

You can find IronBull Strength products right on their site, on Amazon, but better yet, just go right through the links on our site!


How much are IronBull Kettlebells?

IronBull Kettlebells can range from $30.00 up to $125.00 depending on the weight that you get.

What workouts can I do with the IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells?

The best part about using a kettlebell is that you can perform a as many exercises as you want, hitting every single muscle that there is. For example, you can perform some goblet squats, kettlebell rows, work in some kettlebell snatches, or some chest exercises. The possibilities are endless.

Do the IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells work well with chalk?

Yes, we have found that these kettlebells work well with the utilization of chalk.

Wrap Up

Overall, kettlebells are very versatile pieces of equipment that can elevate your workouts, and can truly complete your home gym. When it comes to choosing what kettlebells to grab, IronBull Strength Powder Coat Kettlebells stand out with some quality options. 

Will you be giving these a try?

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Victor Martinez Reacts: What Is Up With This Bodybuilder’s Feet? | GI Podcast

Victor Martinez talks weird bodybuilding feet, early kidney disease protection, and more on the latest podcast episode

The Generation Iron Podcast, hosted by Victor Martinez, Ehsan Farahi, Edwin Mejia Jr., and Vlad Yudin, is back with another episode for fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders. In this episode, the hosts discuss a wide range of topics including – how young is too young to lift, the overlooked side effects of Ozempic for weight loss, and warning signs of kidney disease that bodybuilders should know. Victor Martinez also reacts to viral video showcasing a Brazilian bodybuilder with very strange feet.

As we continue to kick start into the new year, Victor Martinez and the GI crew leave nothing off the table touching on topics that involve functional training tips, nutrition advice, dangerous fat burner ingredients and often overlooked aspects of health in bodybuilding. Let’s jump into it.

Lifting Weights as a Kid: Nurturing Healthy Habits or Courting Risks?

The podcast opens with a fan question addressing the oft-debated topic of weightlifting for children. The fan writing in asserts that has been weightlifting since 10 years old and still trains today at 40. He believes that the public opinion against children lifting weights is overblown and uses his own personal experience as evidence of that. Weightlifting has only improved his life from a very young age – and he believes that to discourage kids away from it is ridiculous.

Victor Martinez, a seasoned pro bodybuilder, agrees and believes that introducing weightlifting to kids is not inherently ridiculous; in fact, it can instill a strong work ethic and foster healthy habits from an early age.

However, Victor also cautions against the potential pitfalls, emphasizing the importance of proper form and avoiding excessive weights for young lifters. Much like anything in life, weightlifting while young can be a wonderful thing – when done properly and when supervised correctly.

Ultimately, nothing is every as black and white as the mass public opinion or media may make it seem. While in the wrong conditions weight training at a young age can be harmful – when done right it can encourage healthy habits and work ethic.

RELATED: How Young Is Too Young To Lift Weights?

The Enigma of a Brazilian Bodybuilder’s Feet: Unraveling the Mystery

Transitioning to a less serious topic, Vlad Yudin shares a bodybuilding video that has recently gone viral – featuring a Brazilian bodybuilder displaying an unusual condition with his feet. While the original video is old, it has resurfaced on social media racking up a lot of attention.

The video itself features Brazilian pro bodybuilder Vitor Lima showing and pinching his feet – revealing a massive amount of what appears to be dry excess skin. Or perhaps very minimal padding/muscle on the bottom of his feet. What could be causing this situation? And is it something common for bodybuilders?

Victor Martinez expresses uncertainty about the cause – and confirms that this is not necessarily common among all bodybuilders. Victor speculates that perhaps genetics, prior weight loss, or excessive treadmill usage as potential factors.

While Victor or the GI crew could not come to a consensus on the video – their reactions to it are entertaining to say the least.


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Ozempic and Weight Loss: Balancing Benefits and Side Effects

The conversation takes a turn towards the weight loss landscape, with a focus on the rising popularity of Ozempic. Originally stemming from diabetes medication, Ozempic has exploded into the mainstream as a safe and effective weight loss drug.

While the world at large seems to be embracing Ozempic, there has been very little discussion in the mainstream about the side effects. As with any new medical trend, it’s always important to see how the landscape changes in the long term for how successful and safe these kinds of substances really are.

For example, Ehsan Farahi introduces the concept of “Ozempic face” (similar to the well known “death face” that happens to bodybuilders during contest prep) and delves into the negative side effects associated with this widely used weight loss drug. Most notably, recent studies have suggested that there may be at higher risk for serious digestive problems such as stomach paralysis, pancreatitis, and bowel obstructions, compared with those taking other types of weight loss medications.

For Ehsan personally, he almost always encourages his training clients to stop using Ozempic. The hosts caution listeners about the potential risks and question the long-term implications of relying on such pharmaceutical interventions for weight management.

RELATED: Big Ramy’s Shocking “Death Face” Before Mr. Olympia

Navigating the Maze of Muscle Cramps in Bodybuilding

Edwin Mejia Jr. steers the discussion towards the vexing issue of muscle cramps, prompting Victor to share his personal experiences and remedies. Victor recalls a small handful of times that he suffered severe muscle cramps leading into a bodybuilding competition. They are far more likely to occur during the final weeks of contest prep.

For Victor, Quinine was ultimately the best solution he found to relieve muscle cramps. This once popular substance was an over-the-counter medication to help treat leg cramps that often occurred at night. While this was once an over-the-counter drug, the FDA changed their approval in the 1990s requiring that the substance need a prescription moving forward.

It seems like Victor Martinez was able to get himself a prescription – but for those who cannot, he also shared a few “home remedies” that could help. This included potassium pills and even pickels as helpful additions into your diet to help prevent or reduce cramps.

Victor underscores the importance of sodium balance during bodybuilding competition prep to prevent cramping. He believes that his cramps were often more common when he would come off sodium intake too early into his contest prep.

Decoding the Anatomy of a Great Bodybuilding Coach

The hosts pivot towards the critical role of bodybuilding coaches and the traits that set legendary trainers apart. While knowledge and experience are acknowledged as essential, Victor places significant emphasis on the coach-client relationship.

Chemistry, mutual understanding, and effective communication emerge as pivotal components for achieving success in bodybuilding coaching. The conversation unveils the nuanced dynamics of this mentorship, emphasizing that success is not guaranteed by reputation alone but hinges on the unique bond forged between coach and client.

Distinguishing Back Pain from Kidney Issues in Bodybuilders: A Health Imperative

A crucial health concern takes center stage as the hosts discuss the challenge of distinguishing between typical back pain resulting from intense workouts and early signs of kidney problems. Victor provides invaluable insights into differentiating factors, such as sensitivity to touch and additional signs like jaundice or yellow urine.

However, it should be noted that Victor Martinez, nor any of the hosts, are doctors. They stress the importance of regular doctor visits and honest communication about substances that may impact kidney health. This helps with taking preventative action to detect possible issues before they become more dire.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, the Generation Iron Podcast transcends the boundaries of conventional fitness discussions, offering a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted world of bodybuilding. From the delicate balance of introducing weightlifting to children to the intricacies of selecting the right coach, the hosts weave a tapestry of insights and wisdom.

You can watch the full episode above. And don’t forget to check back every week for new episodes only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network or wherever podcasts are downloaded.