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Tom Platz Profile and Stats

Tom Platz Interview Generation Iron

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Tom Platz

You may know him as the “Golden Eagle”, or “The Quadfather”, as he goes by many names relating to his appearance, specifically his gigantic legs. Who are we talking about? None other than Tom Platz. One of the most infamous bodybuilders of the to 70s and 80s, he stepped on the Mr. Olympia stage multiple times, competing against some of the greats like the “Austrian Oak”, Arnold Schwarzenegger. To this day, Platz remains one of the most popular bodybuilders in the fitness industry for a variety of reasons.

Below is a complete breakdown of Tom Platz’s profile, stats, biography, training, and diet regimens.

Full Name: Tom Platz

Weight Height Date Of Birth
225-235 lbs 5’8″ 1955
Division Era Nationality
Bodybuilding 1970, 1980 American


Tom Platz Biography

Generation Iron Platz massive legs

You may recognize him for his massive and shredded legs, which are still big even in his 60s, but Tom Platz’s story starts far before he was known for his legs, and he actually had an issue with his lower back that prohibited him from squatting early on in his career (then he went on to become the king of squats). He may be a public speaker and trainer now, but he actually started lifting back when he was just 9 years old. Platz saw a poster of Dave Draper and was inspired, so his father encouraged it and Tom began lifting in the basement using workouts his dad read to him, and Tom’s younger siblings practiced learning to count by counting Tom’s reps. At age 11, he had cemented the idea of becoming Mr. Universe in his mind, writing to Joe Weider asking for critiques of his physique. Surprisingly, he wrote back and back then, Joe Weider actually told Platz that he needed to work on his legs.

By the age of 15, Platz had moved to Kansas city had become a personal trainer. He was illegally employed but the trainer saw so much enthusiasm from Platz about lifting that he had to hire him. Once he was settled in as a trainer, he began to train his legs, learning to do squats properly to avoid inflaming his injury even more. Although he was only able to do about 95 pounds for 3 sets of 10 reps, and he actually did not even enjoy doing legs, so he did not focus on each rep, which left him with skinny legs.

When Tom moved again, this time to Detroit, he began going to a gym filled with Olympic lifters, who showed him how to really grow his legs. Through perfecting his form on squats and learning about the infamous hack squat, Platz really began to make tremendous progress on his leg size.

Tom Platz stated that he met Arnold Schwarzenegger, and told him that he would be moving out to Los Angeles to train at the infamous Gold’s Gym, amongst other bodybuilders, and he said that Arnold seemed to somewhat not believe him almost. Well, Platz eventually made it out to L.A. to train, after completing his degree in 1978. He had only $50 in his pocket, but by this point his sights were set on winning the Mr. Olympia contest. Surprisingly, he stated that not many people were utilizing the squat rack when training legs, as they said it made your waist and butt too large. This changed when he arrived on the scene, as Platz utilized it to the fullest extent, turning the tide for many lifters’ leg days.

He started competing upon making it out to the west coast, and he went on to do so many times after that.

Competition History

Despite never taking home a first place title, Tom Platz gave it his all and many argue that he should have had better placings throughout his career than he did. Let’s take a look at Tom Platz’s competition history:


  • 1995 Honorary Mr. America – AAU
  • 1987 Detroit Pro Invitational – IFBB, 6th
  • 1986 Mr. Olympia – IFBB, 11th
  • 1985 Mr. Olympia – IFBB, 7th
  • 1984 Mr. Olympia – IFBB, 9th
  • 1982 Mr. Olympia – IFBB, 6th
  • 1981 Mr. Olympia – IFBB, 3rd
  • 1980 World Pro Championships – IFBB, Mr. Universe
  • 1980 Mr. Olympia – IFBB, 8th
  • 1980 Night of Champions – IFBB, 12th
  • 1979 Mr. Olympia – IFBB, 8th Place
  • 1978 World Amateur Championships – IFBB Mr. Universe
  • 1978 Mr. America – AAU, Short, 2nd
  • 1977 Mr. Southeastern USA – AAU
  • 1977 Mr. America – AAU, Short, 2nd
  • 1976 Mr. America – AAU, Short, 3rd
  • 1975 Mr. Michigan – AAU
  • 1974 Junior & Senior State Powerlifting Championships – AAU, 220 Class Champ
  • 1974 Teen Mr. America – AAU, 2nd
  • 1973 Mr. Adonis – AAU
  • 1973 Mr. Ironman – AAU

Training of Tom Platz

Tom Platz Chest Training Generation Iron

Tom Platz is very well known for his extremely intensive training, where he would give it his absolute all and take things to failure, much like the heavy hitter Mike Mentzer who trained using his Heavy Duty methods. Platz stated that he never wanted to leave the gym knowing he could have done more, and when you think you are finished with your set, you actually have about 5 more reps in you.

Many actually criticize Platz’s mentality and training methods, stating that it is just all junk volume that will lead to injury, and no one can actually complete anything close to that unless you are on massive amounts of anabolic steroids. However, Tom Platz has come out about his steroid cycle which allegedly was only two compounds, and neither of them were utilized at high dosages. So, that somewhat proves that the hard work and dedication to his intense training goes a long way, regardless of what is in your system.

His most famous training took place on his leg days. You can see videos of him doing insane amounts of reps on the squat, and doing crazy movements on the hack squat, as well as taking all of his sets on accessories to absolute failure. That being said, let’s take a look at Tom Platz’s actual leg routine.

Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 8-12 5-50
Hack squat 5 10-15
Leg extension 5-8 10-15
Lying hamstring curl 6-10 10-15
Standing calf raise 3-4 10-15
Seated calf raise 3-4 10-15


Standing at 5’8″ but weighing well over 200 lbs of mostly muscle mass is a huge accomplishment, and Tom knew that nutrition was a huge part of that. Like most bodybuilders, Tom Platz stayed on diet making sure to get in a good amount of protein as well as fats and carbs to fuel his intense workouts, as well as recover properly from them.

Below is a breakdown of Tom Platz’s daily meals:

  • AM (Before he trained ): Two Pieces of whole grain toast with butter and jelly, juice or milk, coffee Supplements
  • Lunch (After training): Three to six eggs, Hamburger patty, sliced tomatoes , juice, two pieces of bread
  • Snack: Cheese and crackers a glass of milk
  • Dinner: Very large prime rib salad (with cottage cheese, nuts,) Bread and butter Piece of pie of ice cream , coffee or milk
  • Snack: Evening Couple pints of ice cream or bag of nuts

Life After Bodybuilding

Outside of bodybuilding, Tom Platz is married to Cha Nikito-Platz, and he is still is heavily involved in the fitness industry, passing on his knowledge and training methods to younger generations. In August of 2023, he was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy, impacting the nerves in one side of his face. However, he is still going strong, calling out the supplement industry for the amount of hidden ingredients that you can find in things like protein powders, creatines, and other supplements that are supposed to have “transparent” labels. Instead, he Platz claims he still focuses on all whole foods in his diet.

Tom Platz Wrap Up

Overall, Tom Platz is one of the most influential and well known bodybuilders of all time. Although he is known for his massive legs, he did not always have those. Platz worked hard for everything he had, and his mentality behind it all is what we can really take away from this and apply to our every day lives.

What do you think of Tom Platz?

Be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

These Are The 8 Best Exercises For Back and Neck Pain

neck anatomy

These are the 8 best exercises for back and neck pain

Neck and back pain can derail the workout program of even the most disciplined athlete, whether they are bodybuilders or powerlifters or whatever. Pain in these areas is rarely a direct result of lifting, but rather from spending too much time behind a desk and steering wheel, yet pain here can greatly affect your lifting. That being said, training your neck and back is crucial.

Sitting too long causes our hips and hamstrings to tighten, producing muscle imbalances that manifest themselves in neck and back pain. Pain in those areas also is a byproduct of car accidents, which have become more prevalent in the last decade because of smartphone use and increased distracted driving. One 2017 study found that the rate of back and neck pain grew each year from 2004 to 2011, a trend that likely has continued.

That’s why it’s important, regardless of one’s history with neck and back pain, to undergo daily movements that counteract hours of daily sitting. Think of such a routine as prehabilitationor “pre-hab,” movements to avoid the injuries that might require rehab.

The Best Exercises for Neck and Back Pain

Here are eight moves that can keep you from enduring neck and back pain and missing workouts.


neck and back pain

What it does: This two-part yoga movement improves flexibility to the lumbar and cervical spine (neck and back).

How to do it: Start on all fours with hands beneath your shoulders and knees on the ground. Inhale, dropping your chest as you push your hips and shoulder blades back into the cow position. Lift your chin and chest and gaze forward. For the cat, exhale as you draw your belly button to your spine and round your back toward the ceiling like a cat.

How many? 2 sets of 10 of each move.

Glute Squeeze

What it does: It activates the glutes.

How to do it: From a standing or sitting position, squeeze your left glute (butt cheek) and hold for two seconds. Release then repeat for the right site. Do a set of 10 reps on each side.

How many? Do these throughout the day and not just before a workout. Stand up once an hour at work and knock out a set of 10 on each side. Do them while sitting in traffic or while stuck in a meeting. Think of life as one continual glute workout

Pelvic Tilt

What it does: This opens the hips and pelvis, which become locked down from too much sitting, contributing to back and neck pain.

How to do it: From a standing position with hands on hips and knees slightly bent, move your hips back and forth, tilting the pelvis. You should feel a stretch in the lower back. Be sure to move from the hips; don’t thrust from the crotch. This also can be done with hands on the small of the back for more of a stretch.

How many? 2 sets of 10.

lower backChild’s Pose

What it does: The familiar and simple yoga resting pose is effective for stretching out the shoulders, which hunch over from too much sitting and contribute to neck pain.

How to do it: From a kneeling position, touch your big toes together and sit on your heels. Separate your knees about hipwidth apart and lay your torso down between your thighs. Place your hands on the floor along your torso, palms up, and release the fronts of your shoulders toward the floor. You should feel the weight of the front of the shoulders pulling the shoulder blades wide across your back.

How many? Hold the pose for 30 seconds, pause for 10, and hold for another 30 seconds. Repeat.

Rib Opener

What it does: It sounds worse than it actually is, but this move lengthens and strengthens the muscles of the chest and back, creating mobility in the thoracic spine.

How to do it: Lay on your left side with the left (bottom) leg straight and your right (top) leg at a 90-degree angle atop a foam roller. Your left hand is on your right knee. Reach your right arm across your chest as if pinning a newspaper to the chest. Pull your chest to the right, getting a good stretch. Hold for two seconds.

How many? 2 sets of 10 reps on each side.

Bow and Arrow

What it does: A variation on the rib opener exercise that also strengthens the muscles of the chest and back, creating mobility in the thoracic spine.

How to do it: Kneel on your right knee and place a short foam roller between the side of your left knee and a wall. Bring your hands together in front of you and then extend your right arm fully back, similar to a yoga Warrior 2 pose but with palms facing out. Hold for two seconds.

How many? 2 sets of 10 reps on each side.

Back Extension

neck and back pain
What it does:
It works the lower back, hamstrings, and glutes.

How to do it: Life facedown and stretch your arms out alongside your ears. Squeeze your glutes and use your core to lift your shoulders, chest, and feet. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pause at the top for two seconds. Repeat for a set of 10.

How many? Two sets of 10

Plank Superman

What it does: This builds core strength and stability while realigning the body from too much sitting.

How to do it: Start in plank pose with hands underneath the shoulders and head in line with your spine. Raise your right hand and left foot, maintaining a flat back. Hold for 5 seconds. Lower and switch sides.

How many? 2 sets of 10 reps on each side.

Neck and Back Pain Wrap Up

Overall, neck and back pain may be common, but is not something that you want to deal with all the time. That being said, check out the best exercises for neck and back pain and let us know what you think! Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Pete Williams is a NASM-CPT and the author or co-author of several fitness books, including Core Performance and Every Day is Game Day. His work has appeared in publications such as Men’s Health, Men’s Journal, and USA Today.

The Top 3 Exercises for Neck Size and Strength

best neck exercises

Don’t underestimate training your neck

One of the top muscles that gets forgotten when training is the neck, but in all honesty, having a thick neck can make you appear much larger than you actually are. But aside from looking like a professional football player, having a thick neck is an indication that you have been putting some work in in the gym. A thick neck and some crazy big traps will have you looking like a comic book character.

However, having a thick neck is not all about looks, but also functionality and even safety. Think about it, the average human head weighs over eight pounds, it moves in multiple directions, and protects our brain, which for most people is the most important part of their body. That being said, having a thick and strong neck can help you stay safe.

You may think that you can hit the neck with exercises such as shrugs and deadlifts, and you are not wrong, but isolating the neck to really target it will provide a great finishing touch to a powerful physique. Not to mention it will also help support good head position and better posture, which could improve overall quality of life. 

The Anatomy of the Muscles

neck anatomy

The neck is more than just your traps, it is actually made of multiple muscles that support head position, posture, and breathing. Let’s take a look.

  • Trapezius: The traps are large, flat, triangular muscles that make up the back of the neck and the upper back. They start from the external occipital protuberance (also known as the back of the skull parallel to the upper jaw) and the ligamentum nuchae. They have multiple insertion points, with the main movements of the traps being lateral flexion, contralateral rotation of the head and extension of the head.
  • Levator scapulae: The next part of the neck is the levator scapulae, which is a long slender superficial muscle on each lateral side of the neck. It starts from the C1-C4 of the cervical (neck) spine and inserts on the medial border of the scapula. The Levator scapulae are responsible for the elevation and retraction of the shoulder blades, as well as extending and laterally flexing the neck.
  • Sternocleidomastoid: The sternocleidomastoid is a large two-headed muscle on each side of the neck, with one head stemming from the medial third of the clavicle, and the other sprouting from the manubrium of the sternum and inserts onto the mastoid process of the temporal bone. The Sternocleidomastoid is responsible for  unilateral lateral flexion of the neck on the same muscle side and lateral rotation of the head on the opposite side. 
  • Scalene: Last on the list of neck muscles are the scalene muscles, which are three paired muscles on the anterior, middle, and posterior of the lateral neck. They come from the vertebrae C3-C6 and insert onto the scalene tubercle and superior border of the first rib. The scalene muscles act as accessory muscles for breathing (a necessary functions) and assist in all movements of the head.

Benefits of Neck Training

Now, as stated above a thick neck is great for building your physique, but also for functionality. Let’s look at four reasons to include direct neck training in your programming.

  • Reduces Neck Tightness: When training the neck with exercises that are performed well and with a full range of motion, you may notice a release in neck tension, tightness, stiffness, and even some improved flexibility.
  • Breathing Improvements: The scalene muscles and sternocleidomastoid muscles contract and relax to assist in breathing which becomes more important during high-intensity exercise, as well as just getting through the day.
  • Improves Heavy Compounds: The upper traps are an important part of the upper back which, when engaged, will help you get through heavy compounds like the squat and deadlift with good form.
  • Injury Prevention: If you’re an athlete involved in an impact sport, then training the neck should absolutely be part of the routine. The neck supports the head and what’s in it, meaning your brain, eyes, and other important organs, so training the neck to be stronger can be greatly beneficial for injury prevention amongst contact sport athletes.

Top 3 Neck Exercises

Let’s take a look at the top 3 neck exercises for building a big and strong neck.

Shrug Variation

There are plenty of different shrugs that you can do in order to build up the traps and neck. Our favorite are dumbbell shrugs, which are easy and convenient to do. 

Muscles trained: Forearms, deltoids, and traps

What it helps: Better muscle development because each side is working unilaterally and it with strengthen your grip.

How to do it: Gripping a dumbbell in each hand with your shoulders down, keep your chin tucked into your chest. With the dumbbells in hand, elevate your upper traps towards your ears as high as you can and pause for a second. From there, slowly lower your shoulders down to the hang position. Repeat.

Prone Weighted Neck Extension

This might not be an exercise that you have heard of, but it focuses on the smaller muscles. The prone weighted neck extension is an effective exercise for strengthening the neck muscles and is easy to do, and you do not have to go over the top with weight. Lower weight with higher reps and good mind-muscle connection is ideal. 

What it helps: Training and strengthening the smaller muscles of the neck allows the bigger muscle of the traps to do their job better, and this is crucial if you’re a collision athlete.

How and when to do it: You want to lie prone on a bench with your head off the end with a folded towel and weight plate on the floor. Pick up the towel and weight plate, gripping it in both hands. Put the towel between your head and the plate, then hyperextend your neck up in a full range of motion, you should not have pain during this. Pause and then slowly return slowly lower until your chin touches your upper chest. This is not necessarily something to go all out on, and may best be performed for one or two sets for reps of 15 to 20 as part of your warmup.

Stability Ball Neck Bridge

This exercise may turn some heads in the gym, but the stability neck bridge is a step up from the classic neck bridge, and it certainly will help build your neck. If you never have done any type of neck bridges, do the regular ones first to get a feel. This stability ball variation of the neck bridge requires more stabilization and trains the entire posterior chain to work together due to the glutes and spinal erectors being needed to hold up the bridge.

What it helps: The use of the stability ball helps to train more stabilizing muscles while helping to build and strengthen the neck without weight.

How and when to do it: Grab a stability ball and sit upright on it, and then walk your feet out until the back of your head is on the ball. Squeeze your glutes so your body is in a straight line from head to knee. Tuck your chin to your chest and slowly roll your head back until the back of your head is on the ball and your neck is in extension. Return to the starting position and repeat. 

Wrap Up

Overall, training the neck is something that everyone should focus on. It not only improves your overall physique, but also the functionality. That being said, do you agree with our list of the best exercises for your neck?

Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Sexercise – A Guide To Becoming a Legend in the Bedroom

Combine sex life and exercise into one

Apart from being an incredibly fun word to say, sexercise can help improve your libido and make you a much sought-after individual. Okay, the last part could be an exaggeration, but there is more to sex than most people realize. Not only does it help you have better (and more frequent) orgasms, but studies have also shown that sex can help improve your cardiovascular and immune health,  intimacy with your partnerboost your self-confidence, and enhance your IQ and EQ. Oh and also, it is how humans reproduce, keeping our race from going extinct. 

So how do you combine sex and exercise?

What is Sexercise?

As per Wikipedia, “Sexercise is a physical exercise performed in preparation for sexual activity and designed to tone, build, and strengthen muscles.”

Or as I would put it, sexercise is a physical exercise that helps you get laid and perform at your best. It also results in more satisfying sex. The (s)exercises improve and quicken the flow of oxygenated blood, in higher and consistent amounts, along with other beneficial chemical compounds, to the genitalia. These compounds can improve fertility and your love-making session.

Related: Should You Have Sex Or Masturbate Before A Workout?

Origins of “Sexercise”

The term “sexercise” was coined by celebrity trainer Jason Rosell. He created a workout that combines exercises like squats, glute bridges, and core exercises with other strength-training moves to increase your stamina and sex drive. The word “sexercise” could also refer to the act of using sex as a way to exercise and stay fit.

The best part about sexercise, you ask? You do not have to be a gym rat to work on your libido. Cardio exercises like swimming, running, jogging, cycling, and even dancing (any physical activities that raise your heart rate, get your blood pumping, and bring more oxygen to your heart and body) are just as effective.

Check Out: The Anabolic Doc: The Truth About Sex Problems Post-Steroids

Benefits of Sexercise 

Eating These 6 Foods Will Heat Up Your Sex Life

Exercise and sex have their own benefits, but combining the two can bring you the best of both worlds. Sexercise can lead to the following benefits:

1. Improves Your Sex Life

We have all been in a position at some point (me excluding) where we wanted to try out a new position with our partner but could not simply because our bodies didn’t allow it. 

There are two ways of tackling this problem. First, loosen up your body, improve your flexibility, and build strength through sexercise. Second, give up your Kamasutra subscription and settle for what you can do in the bedroom. 

Certain exercises can also help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles used during sex. Kegel exercises can facilitate orgasms in the bedroom and help with urine leakage and incontinence.  

Next Read: Eating These 6 Foods Will Heat Up Your Sex Life

2. Facilitates Conception 

A study found that moderate to high-intensity aerobic exercises (running or walking) can be effective in combating erectile dysfunction (ED). 

Couples trying to conceive often complain about sex feeling like a chore. Sexercises can help you try out new positions and spice things up under (or over) the sheets. Since sexercise can improve your overall health, it can have a positive effect on your fertility. 

3. Enhances Your Immunity 

Medical conditions like diabetes, depression, anxiety, and hormonal imbalances can harm your sexual function (desire, arousal, or orgasm). Sexercise can aid in fighting sexual dysfunction by improving your immune system. 

Must Read: Pre Workout Before Sex – Pumps Whilst Pumping

4. Builds Strength and Endurance 

Sex Before Working Out Generation Iron

Regular sexercise will advertently make you fit. As a result, it can make positions that require strength easier (think: ‘yourself on the shelf‘). At the same time, sexercise can build endurance and stamina and help you last longer in bed. 

Remember, the stronger your muscles are (arms, legs, core, heart), the better your sexual performance. 

5. Improves Overall Health

Both sex and exercise are known to have positive effects on your body. A landmark study found that sexual intercourse (not masturbation) can lower systolic blood pressure. That’s the first number on your blood pressure test.

Good sex life is good for your heart. Besides being a great way to raise your heart rate, sex helps keep your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance.

Check Out: These Are The Sexiest Male Body Parts As Rated By Women

6. Uplifts Mood

If you have ever had a good training or love-making session, you would agree that it is virtually impossible to walk away feeling sad, angry, or depressed. The hormones released during sexercise can help lighten up your mood. 

7. Builds Connection

Last but not least, sexercise can help build and improve connection with your partner. Whether you are in the gym working out with your partner or going at it in your bedroom, sexercise can improve your bonding and intimacy. 

Pro tip: Sexercise is better done with someone rather than alone – if you know what I mean. 

Check Out: This Actor and Bodybuilder is Marrying his Sex Doll

The Ultimate Sexercise Regimen

Depending on your current fitness level and your goal, you can choose from the following exercises to improve your sex drive:

1. Yoga

Yoga Pants Generation Iron

Yoga is one of the best ways to improve your flexibility, functional movement, and core strength. We are sure you know what a little strength and flexibility can do in the bedroom. 

Yoga can also help improve your balance. The best part about yoga is that you do not have to be a pro to try it. You can start with basic poses and advance to harder asanas as you gain experience. 

On top of that, yogi kamasutra fans will also be less prone to cramping up in the middle of a steamy session. 

Tip: The downward-facing dog pose is great for stretching and circulation, and the tree pose is good for balance. You could also try partner poses to turn up the heat. 

Watch: Sex, Love & Bodybuilding: How Post-Competition Depression Affects Relationships

2. Pelvic Floor Exercises 

When it comes to sex, what’s happening on the outside is just as important as what’s happening on the inside. If you want to improve your sex drive, you need to work your pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises are indispensable in a sexercise routine as they strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which support your uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum.

Different people have different pelvic muscle strength levels. The worst part? This strength deteriorates with age. Meaning – kegel exercises are a good option to improve sex in the long term, as they help maintain the function of these muscles.

Kegel exercises can help keep your pelvic and vaginal muscles strong and healthy. This can lead to more intense orgasms. Over and above that, the versatility of kegel exercises makes them extremely convenient. You could do them anywhere at any time, and you do not need any equipment.

Check Out: THROWBACK: Rich Piana Explains Sex and Gains

A quick How-to do Kegel guide:

  1. Locate the right muscles while urinating. 
  2. The muscles you use to stop urine mid-flow are the same muscles you will use while performing Kegels.
  3. Contract your pelvic floor muscles and hold for 10 seconds. Release for 10 seconds. Repeat five times.
  4. If you cannot hold for 10 seconds at first, try holding for as long as you can and slowly build your way up to 10 seconds. 

3. Cardio

5 Exercises Which Will Burn Fat Better Than Cardio

Cardio workouts are great sex drive boosters as they help build stamina and endurance, something we can never have enough of in the bedroom. Aerobic exercises increase your heart rate and improve blood flow and circulation. 

As a result, cardio can help an individual maintain moderate weight, improve blood pressure, boost overall physical fitness, and may help with erectile dysfunction and general sexual performance. 

Cardio sexercise includes:

  1. Swimming
  2. Walking
  3. Jumping Rope
  4. Running
  5. Dancing
  6. Zumba

Related: 8 Factors That Can Kill Your Gains Faster Than Masturbation

4. Strength Training 

Strength training sexercise can take your libido to another level. 

Why is that, you ask? Lifting your partner and throwing them around can be fun, and at the same time, taxing on your muscles. 

While training for better performance in bed, you should focus on your core, arms, and hips. Adding compound movements like deadlift and bench press to your sexercise arsenal will help you be the DOM you have always wanted to be. 

Some of our favorite strength training exercises for improving sex drive include:

  1. Squats
  2. Hip Thrust
  3. Glute Bridge
  4. Kettlebell Swing
  5. Bench Press
  6. Deadlift
  7. Barbell Bicep Curl

Related Read: 4 Awful Strength Training Mistakes You’re Making That Cost You Muscle

5. Sex 

Sex Or Masturbate Before A Workout

Do you remember that adage, “practice makes perfect?” Turns out, the folks knew what they were talking about. 

We know what you are thinking, “but sex does not count as an exercise.” And that, my friend, is the beauty of sex. You can turn up the heat in the bedroom depending on the kind of intensity you want from your workout. You could turn vanilla sex into a sexercise by doing positions that are strenuous enough to help you shed calories and build muscle.

For example, one partner can lift the other, stretch to new positions, try a more vigorous rhythm, or simply have standing sex. Let your imagination run wild!

Sexercise Routine You Need To Try Today

Now that you know everything there is about sexercise, here is a routine you need to try if you want to improve your libido:

1. Running (HIIT): 10 minutes


Start your workout with a HIIT running session on a treadmill. It will get your blood pumping and prime you for the resistance workout. 


  1. Walk at a brisk pace for one minute.
  2. Perform an all-out sprint for the next one minute. 
  3. Repeat until you complete 10 minutes. 

2. Downward Facing Dog: 5 minutes

Sexercise dog

The downward-facing dog is a great way to stretch and warm-up. 


  1. Lie down on the floor with your wrists underneath the shoulders and your knees underneath the hips.
  2. Curl your toes under and push back through your hands to lift your hips and straighten your legs.
  3. Spread your fingers and ground down from the forearms into the fingertips.
  4. Outwardly rotate your upper arms to broaden the collarbones.
  5. Let your head hang and move your shoulder blades away from your ears towards your hips.
  6. Engage your quads to take the burden of your body’s weight off your arms. This action goes a long way toward making this a resting pose.
  7. Rotate your thighs inward, keep your tail high, and sink your heels towards the floor.
  8. Exhale and bend your knees to release and come back to your hands and knees.

3. Squat: 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps


Make sure you are not resting for more than 60 seconds between sets. Your sexercise routine should not last more than 60 minutes. 


  1. Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width, toes facing front, and a barbell on your shoulders.
  2. Drive your hips back while bending at the knees and pressing your knees slightly open.
  3. Squat as deep as you can comfortably. 
  4. Press into your heels and straighten your legs to return to the starting position. 

4. Barbell Bicep Curl: 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps

Strong arms go a long way during a steamy session in the bedroom.


  1. Stand with your torso upright and hold a barbell at arm’s length with a shoulder-width grip.
  2. Grab the barbell with an underhand grip, so your palms are facing forward, and pin your elbows to your sides.
  3. Exhale and lift the barbell using your forearms while keeping your elbow and upper arms stationary.
  4. Curl the barbell until it is at your shoulder level.
  5. Pause and contract your biceps at the top of the movement.
  6. Slowly return to the starting position while breathing in.

5. Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps

Powerlifting Exercises


  1. Lie down with your back on a flat bench and grab a barbell with a shoulder-width grip.
  2. Get in the starting position by unracking the barbell and extending your arms forward so that they are perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Lower the barbell by flexing your elbows until the bar touches your chest.
  4. Reverse the motion and push the bar upwards by extending at your elbows while breathing out.
  5. Contract your pecs at the top of the movement.

6. Hip Thrust: 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps



  1. Set up with your back against an elevated surface (like a bench or a box) with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. 
  2. The bench should hit just below your shoulder blades, and your feet should be about shoulder-width apart. You can rest your elbows on the bench. 
  3. Place a barbell across your hips.
  4. Keeping your chin tucked, push through your heels until your thighs reach parallel to the floor — your legs should form a 90-degree angle. 
  5. Squeeze your glutes at the top, then return to start. 

7. Plank: 3 sets of 1 minute each



  1. Lie down in a prone position with your chest facing the floor.
  2. Support your weight on your toes and your forearms.
  3. Your arms should be bent directly under your body, and your upper arms should be perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Keep your body in a straight line and maintain a tight core throughout the exercise.
  5. Hold the position for as long as possible.

8. Kegel: (as mentioned above)


Sex and exercise have a lot in common. Both can make us sweat and can lead to better health, improved mood, and increased energy levels. If you are looking to improve your sex drive, perform the sexercise workout laid out in the article once a week. 

You could also switch the exercises in the article or perform variations depending on your experience level. 

Which is your favorite sexercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Hunter Labrada Takes Sam Sulek Through Crazy Leg Day Workout

Hosstile YouTube

Hunter Labrada led Sam Sulek through a leg workout that will burn the next day.

Hunter Labrada is looking to make an impact on stage once again this year. He wants to climb up the scorecard during the Olympia and continues to work to make improvements. Recently, he was joined by Sam Sulek for a burning leg workout.

Hunter Labrada continues to make improvements to his physique and it has shown on stage. He recently guest posed at the 2024 NPC Jay Cutler Desert Classic.

In 2022, Labrada fell to seventh on the scorecard. He was victorious during the 2023 Tampa Pro before finishing as the runner-up at the Texas Pro. Labrada hit the Olympia stage once again and finished sixth in 2023. Labrada showed off his physique once again during the NPC Western Michigan Bodybuilding Championships. He looked well-conditioned on stage. This was one of the major improvements he made during the year to prepare for the 2023 Olympia.

In a YouTube video shares by Hosstile, Labrada and Sulek hit a leg day featuring some major exercises.

Sam Sulek shares Classic Physique plans
Sam Sulek Instagram

Hunter Labrada & Sam Sulek Leg Workout

The full workout featured six exercises. The first first were two sets each before finishing with one final set.

The day began with machine leg curls before hitting two variations of Romanian Deadlifts. The first was to hit hamstrings and the second focused on lower back. Sulek lifted a bit heavier than usual but did not put as much on as Labrada.

“I might end up having to do an extra set of hamstring curls to make up for it.

His was very, very isolated. I am pulling a more traditional RDL because I want some good lower back stimulation too.”

Romanian Deadlifts on the Smith Machine hit hamstrings harder during this workout. Sam Sulek discussed his preference on the Smith Machine because of this level of tension.

“Some hamstring curling has been done as well as some hip hinging. Some of us with a greater degree of tension than others but hamstrings are cooked. Doesn’t take too long, man.”

The hamstring portion of the workout ended and the duo moved onto quads. This consisted of machine leg extensions and hack squats to end it.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Kali Muscle Slams Victor Martinez, Calling His Defense Of Bodybuilding: “Idiotic” | GI Podcast

Kali Muscle attacks Generation Iron’s credibility and Victor Martinez responds. Plus: will the NPC/IFBB Pro expansion of natural bodybuilding cause controversy?

The latest installment of the Generation Iron Podcast serves up a smorgasbord of topics, ranging from fiery controversies to groundbreaking developments in the realm of bodybuilding. Hosted by Victor Martinez, Ehsan Farahi, Edwin Mejia Jr., and Vlad Yudin – this episode delves into Kali Muscle’s response to Generation Iron as well as the implications caused by the NPC and IFBB Pros plans for natural bodybuilding competitions. 

On a previous episode of the Generation Iron Podcast, Victor Martinez and the GI crew reacted to Kali Muscle’s video claiming bodybuilding was demonic. They also commented on the general advice (and possible misinformation) that Kali was sharing on his social media accounts.

It seems that Kali Muscle saw the podcast episode, as he has released a new video directly calling out Victor Martinez and Generation Iron. In his response, Kali Muscle reiterates that bodybuilding is demonic and that any media outlet or athlete that participates in the sport of bodybuilding is demonic.

On this week’s podcast, Victor Martinez and his fellow hosts watch the new Kali Muscle video and give their new response.

They also focus on the recent announcement that the NPC and IFBB Pro leagues plan to expand natural bodybuilding shows by adding 30 new competitions to the leagues. This decision is in effort to have better representation for drug tested competitions and natural athletes. But will this cause controversy for the league and put new attention on the untested nature of many popular IFBB Pro competitions?

Victor Martinez dives in deep on both topics this week – let’s recap.


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Kali Muscle Doubles Down: Is Generation Iron Demonic?

The episode jumps right into discussion surrounding Kali Muscle’s incendiary remarks in response to Generation Iron. Muscle’s video, titled “Bodybuilding Must Be Stopped (Generation Iron Are Bad People),” lambasts the industry for its alleged promotion of ‘demonic’ practices and dangerous substances.

Ehsan Farahi wastes no time with his opinion of Kali Muscle and his response video. Ehsan unapologetically calls Kali “a clown” and later ” a piece of sh*t.” Victor Martinez, on the other hand, adopts a more conciliatory approach, defending Muscle’s right to express his views, he remains steadfast in his conviction regarding the merits of bodybuilding as a discipline.

Victor Martinez believes that any sport can become dangerous when athletes pursue greatness. But that does not meant he entire sport or industry is “evil.” Victor is fine with letting Kali Muscle have his own opinions. What he has a problem with is how Kali is trying to convince the world that the sport of bodybuilding is black and white. Kali finds the entire sport an unhealthy and dangerous endeavor. Victor believes that it is not – and there is plenty of history, experience, and facts to prove it.

Will The Expansion of Natural Bodybuilding Competitions Cause Controversy?

The spotlight then shifts to the big announcement by IFBB Pro and NPC regarding the expansion of natural bodybuilding competitions. With the introduction of 30 new drug-tested events, the hosts delve into the implications of this strategic maneuver.

Vlad Yudin raises the question – by now having over 30 drug tested bodybuilding competitions – doesn’t this directly imply that the league is aware and accepting of the non-tested competitions being “enhanced?”

Victor Martinez acknowledges that this may be true. However, he also believes that it will only be initially controversial because it is new and current internet culture is addicted to outrage. Victor believes that the controversy will be limited and short term.

In fact, Victor Martinez lauds the initiative as a boon for drug-tested athletes and a catalyst for sponsorships within the natural bodybuilding domain, Edwin Mejia Jr. underscores the newfound opportunities for aspiring competitors to ascend the ranks and potentially grace the coveted Mr. Olympia stage.

As of today, natural bodybuilding has many independent leagues that offer drug tested events. However, these leagues are all relatively small and do not bring anywhere near as much engagement or prize money as the NPC and IFBB Pro leagues.

Victor believes that this expansion will provide an opportunity to make natural bodybuilding into an actual revenue-generating enterprise. This will make a positive impact for an entire niche of the sport, allowing natural athletes better opportunities at sponsorships and hopefully increased prize money.

Ehsan Farahi also concurs, stating that this now gives natural bodybuilders even footing to compete properly in the IFBB Pro and NPC leagues. They will even get an opportunity to compete at the Mr. Olympia – with proven bonafides that they competed, qualified, and stepped onto the Mr. Olympia stage completely drug free.


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How To Best Schedule A Push/Pull Training Split

Transitioning to the fan question segment, the hosts dissect the nuances of a push-pull split workout routine with surgical precision. Drawing on their wealth of experience, they explain the optimal combination of compound and isolation exercises to stimulate muscle growth and enhance training efficacy.

From the importance of exercise variation to the strategic structuring of push-pull days, their advice offers invaluable guidance for fitness enthusiasts seeking to maximize their workout routines.

Victor Martinez states that it is best to do a combination of compound and isolated exercise movements in the same day. This allows for exhausting the full muscle efficiently from all angles. Typically, it is also best to separate push and pull movements on separate days. This way you do not exhaust all of your energy on push movements – then become tired for pull movements later in that same workout.

Tom Platz’s Quads and Stem Cell Therapy

In a reflective interlude, the hosts pay homage to the indomitable legacy of bodybuilding icon Tom Platz, particularly his enduringly colossal quads. Victor Martinez waxes lyrical about Platz’s unparalleled work ethic and his enduring impact on the sport, reminiscing fondly about his awe-inspiring physique.

The conversation then pivots to Ronnie Coleman’s fervent endorsement of stem cell therapy as a transformative modality for health and recovery. Victor Martinez echoes Coleman’s sentiments, extolling the virtues of stem cell therapy while lamenting its prohibitive cost, which remains a barrier to widespread accessibility for athletes.

Wrap Up

As the curtain falls on another riveting episode of the Generation Iron Podcast, listeners are left with a tapestry of insights and perspectives that illuminate the multifaceted landscape of bodybuilding. From contentious debates to visionary innovations, the hosts’ impassioned discourse serves as a beacon for enthusiasts navigating the ever-evolving currents of the fitness industry.

You can watch the full episode above. And make sure to check back every week for new episodes on the Generation Iron Fitness Network or wherever podcasts are downloaded.

Bench Press Elbow Position Tips to Protect Your Shoulders & Hit New PRs

bench press elbow position

Keeping your elbows in during the bench press will protect your shoulder joints. 

The bench press is ideal for lifters looking to strengthen, develop, and sculpt their upper bodies. However, it’s fascinating to note that the outcomes of this exercise can vary significantly based on your execution techniques, particularly the positioning of your hands and elbows. A 2017 study delves into various bench press techniques and their impacts on muscle activity and athletic performance (1).

As a compound movement, the bench press requires the coordination of multiple joints, primarily focusing on the elbows and shoulders. This article will explore how these movements target key muscle groups — the chest, deltoids, and triceps

Observing seasoned professionals, one can’t help but notice their meticulous attention to elbow positioning during the bench press. It’s common to hear them emphasize this aspect as a critical factor in maximizing muscle development. This article aims to shed light on the significance of elbow positioning in enhancing the bench press’s effectiveness after a brief overview of the bench press technique itself.

How to Do the Traditional Bench Press

Different bench press variations include the flat (traditional), decline, and incline bench press. These routines target various parts of the chest. However, returning to the basics, here’s a reminder of how to correctly do the traditional bench press.

  1. Lie flat on the bench using an overhand grip on the bar. Your arms should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and your feet should be driven firmly into the floor.
  2. Pull your shoulder blades back, brace your core, and lift the barbell from the rack, extending your arms and elbows fully. This is your starting position.
  3. Take a deep breath and, with your core still braced, slowly lower the bar close to your mid-chest.
  4. Next, exhale and press the bar up, fully extending your elbows and arms back to the starting position, completing one rep.
  5. Repeat steps three and four for as many reps as you desire. 


The bench press is effective for upper body development and building mass, so it’s popular with bodybuilders and other athletes. Here are some essential benefits of the bench press.  

Upper Body Development

Performing this exercise develops your upper body. The target muscles include the pecs, shoulders, and arms. The bench press induces muscle hypertrophy in these muscles, increasing their muscle mass

Upper Body Strength

This compound exercise involves the constant motion of joints, strengthening and improving their range of motion. As a result, your entire upper body strength will increase. 

Better Coordination & Balance

Controlling the equipment (barbell or dumbbell) is essential when performing the bench press. You must brace your core muscles to maintain body stabilization and balance. This process puts them under constant tension, strengthening them. Stronger core muscles lead to better body posture and form and could help prevent injuries.

Improved Bone Structure

Bench presses are good skeletal-supporting exercises. This exercise works on multiple joints, strengthening and increasing their resistance, making stronger and healthier bones. Research proves that weight exercises increase bone mineral density, improving the quality of life of people with osteoporosis (2).

Different Bench Press Elbow Positions

bench press elbow position

The key movements when performing the bench press include shoulder flexion (moving your shoulders from their sides straight above your head) and elbow extension (extending your arms from a folded position). For this reason, your hand position and grip width are essential, especially if you want to work on different muscle groups to increase muscle hypertrophy. Studies demonstrate the effects of grip width on target muscles and the extent to which they strengthen during bench press exercises (3).

Your bench press elbow position is also essential when doing a bench press. It could affect what muscles you specifically target or place more tension on. Here’s a list of the different bench press elbow positions and how they work different muscles.

Elbows In

Bringing your elbows in during the bench press changes the movements of the shoulders from horizontal adduction to flexion. This induces more muscle growth in your anterior delts (front shoulders) and increases the range of motion in your triceps. There is less movement in your chest muscles when your elbows are in during the bench press.

Elbows Out

Bringing out your elbows during this exercise changes the movement of your shoulders to horizontal adduction with less flexion. Your pecs experience greater muscle hypertrophy and activation. Experts recommend using lighter weights in this position because it primarily shifts tension to the anterior delts.

45 Degree Elbows 

Placing your elbows at 45 degrees activates the pecs, delts, and arm muscles together. It also reduces the extra shoulder tension, allowing you to lift heavier. Maintaining a 45-degree elbow angle at the bottom of your bench press is a great way to protect your shoulders and avoid injuries. 

Wrapping Up

Remember that varying elbow positions during the bench press target different muscle groups. To achieve your fitness goals, select the appropriate elbow position. For those looking to engage their pectoral muscles, an elbows-out (flare) position is ideal. Conversely, an elbows-in position is recommended if you focus on strengthening the triceps and anterior deltoids. 

Identify the technique that suits your objectives and adjust the weight accordingly to maximize the benefits of your upper body workout. This might involve opting for a lighter weight when using the elbows-out position or choosing a 45-degree elbow angle to safeguard your shoulders. Additionally, ensure you have a spotter during these technical exercises to maintain safety.

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more fitness tips! 


  1. Saeterbakken, A. H., Mo, D. A., Scott, S., & Andersen, V. (2017). The Effects of Bench Press Variations in Competitive Athletes on Muscle Activity and Performance. Journal of human kinetics, 57, 61–71. https://doi.org/10.1515/hukin-2017-0047
  2. Shanb, A. A., & Youssef, E. F. (2014). The impact of adding weight-bearing exercise versus nonweight bearing programs to the medical treatment of elderly patients with osteoporosis. Journal of family & community medicine, 21(3), 176–181. https://doi.org/10.4103/2230-8229.142972
  3. Saeterbakken, A. H., Stien, N., Pedersen, H., Solstad, T. E. J., Cumming, K. T., & Andersen, V. (2021). The Effect of Grip Width on Muscle Strength and Electromyographic Activity in Bench Press among Novice- and Resistance-Trained Men. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(12), 6444. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18126444

Brian Shaw Announces 2024 Strongest Man On Earth Roster

Shaw Classic Instagram

There are still two slots available for the 2024 Strongest Man On Earth.

Legendary strength athlete Brian Shaw will once again host the 2024 Shaw Classic Expo. During this weekend, the Strongest Man on Earth competition will take place. Over the weekend, the four-time World Strongest Man (WSM) champion, Brian Shaw took to YouTube to share the full competitor list for this event..

The 2024 Strongest Man on Earth will take place from Aug. 17-18 in Loveland, CO. There will be a total of eight events that competitors will take part in over two days. A total of 16 competitors will enter with a chance to win the title.

“I do not take this lightly at all when sending out an invite to these guys. There are a lot of factors that come into play here when deciding who actually gets invited.”

In 2023, Shaw acquired the trademark of “Strongest Man on Earth.” from Paul Ohl, who was the organizer of Fortissimus. This was a Strongman competition held in 2008 and 2009 before it was suspended due to a lack of sponsors. Ohl held onto the trademark for all of these years. Now, Shaw has the trademark and crowned his first winner in 2023.

This is an event that Shaw works hard to run and wants to make sure that there is the best lineup possible.

“The contest integrity if by far and away the most important thing.”

Brian Shaw 2023 World's Strongest Man
Image via Todd Burandt / World’s Strongest Man)

2024 Strongest Man On Earth Lineup

There will be a total of 16 competitors at this event. As of now, Brian Shaw announced 14 athletes that will be present as two spots remain open.


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The roster is headlined by Mitchell Hooper. He has taken over the Strongman scene over the last two years. Hooper will defend his World’s Strongest Man title in 2024 and is coming off a victory during the Arnold Strongman Classic in Columbus and the UK.

Hafthor Bjornsson made his return to Strongman back in March during the Arnold Strongman Classic. He finished fourth during the event and will look to finish even higher. The Stoltman Brothers will also take part in this event. Luke Stoltman is coming off a victory in the Europe’s Strongest Man competition while Tom Stoltman is a former WSM champ.

Oleksii Novikov is featured on this list as well. He was forced to withdraw from the 2024 WSM competition due to an unknown reason. Novikov has been dealing with injuries but never officially announced a reason.

Brian Shaw has officially announced the lineup and will look to fill two spots as well. This will be another show where the best competitors in the world take the stage to fight for a title.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

What Can The Strongest Testosterone Booster Do For Me?

strongest testosterone booster

The strongest testosterone booster can go a long way in efforts to see real results.

Low testosterone can be debilitating. It’s not a secret. For those of us looking to capitalize on energy, muscle growth, and the other necessary functions that testosterone can provide, we need to have our levels be as optimal as possible. Anything less and we start to feel it, and not in a good way.

While there are certain foods you can eat that will help increase those testosterone levels, looking to supplements has long been thought as an effective way to see the best gains possible. Supplements are just that; supplemental, meaning they will not replace the hard work and diet, but can work side by side. What you will find with supplements are they can work in tandem with a good diet, well-structured training routine, and healthy lifestyle to deliver results in a safe and effective way.

When it comes to increasing those testosterone levels, enter testosterone boosters. Designed with ingredients to naturally increase testosterone production, boost blood flow, enhance libido, deliver energy, and a host of others, you will find these supplements may help get you to where you want to be. The strongest testosterone booster is something to not take for granted for what it can do to your overall health and performance.

Let’s take a closer look into testosterone boosters and see what makes these supplements so great. For some, they work really well, and for others, a potential other approach is necessary. But with the strongest testosterone booster working for you, the choices to see real results are possible.

strongest testosterone booster

Why Use A Testosterone Booster

Using a testosterone booster is important for those who want to increase testosterone levels without the use of anabolic steroids or testosterone replacement therapy. There are other forms of treatment that can increase your levels, but supplement companies have begun to use premium ingredients in efforts to give you a natural and effective way of raising those levels. Using one allows you see results and also capitalize on the supplement market.

Related: A Deep Dive Into Testosterone Booster Ingredients For Optimal Health

Quick Recap Of Benefits

Some of the benefits of using testosterone boosters include:

  • Higher testosterone production
  • Better sex drive
  • Body composition changes
  • More muscle growth
  • Stronger bone density
  • Increased energy
  • Improved cognitive function

It is important that more research into these above benefits are done, but there are some good resources that further explain these above (1,2,3,4).

strongest testosterone booster

What The Strongest Testosterone Booster Can Do

The strongest testosterone booster out there has the ability to offer the above benefits so you see effective results. Now, we understand that this can be subjective. One supplement that works for one athlete may not work for another. And that can continue on. But there are certain companies that produce better products that are proven to see better results, at least in the eyes of consumers. In an unregulated market, it is still important to remember that using supplements is a personal choice and one that should be well-researched before hand.

However, once you find a strong testosterone booster, you will be able to fully understand why people gravitate towards these supplements. As bodybuilders and men looking to keep our testosterone levels as high as possible, we want that strong supplement working for us. There is no point in using some run of the mill product if it is only going to hurt our gains in the long run.

strongest testosterone booster

What To Look For in a Testosterone Booster

When diving into the strongest testosterone booster, there are a couple of things to really look for:

  • Quality of Ingredients

The overall quality of ingredients is first and foremost because you want natural ingredients to positively impact your health and effective ingredients to actually see results. Looking into the actual ingredients individually is smart as well, so you actually see what they can do. Many of the ingredients can have conflicting opinions around them so you diving in and doing your own research will give you a better conclusion.

Related: Do Testosterone Boosters Really Work? A Guide On T-Booster Supplements

  • Reputation of the Brand

Reputation is everything in the supplement game and as we said before, in an unregulated market, you cannot settle for anything that seems average. Talk to other people you know and see what they use and make an educated decision from there. If a product is more on the expensive side, that doesn’t always mean it is a reputable brand, however, it is a good sign that they are doing something right.

  • Price

This brings us to price. These kinds of supplements are not necessarily going to be cheap. That’s just the truth. You need to be price conscious, but also know that a little investment into something effective is worth more than going to just some average so-so product. Be sure to look at the price and price per serving to accurately know how much you are going to spend.


Featured Testosterone Booster

In a world where there are so many testosterone boosters, we wanted to share a product that can really improve your gains so you see the best results possible. We’ve done the research with our list of the Best Testosterone Boosters and wanted to make sure that you get only the top choices on your final list.

Testo Lab Pro

Testo Lab Pro is an ultramodern test booster making this a strong option. Great for improving masculine vitality and muscle mass, this is a great natural option.

Testo Lab Pro boasts an “ultramodern” upgrade to the testosterone-boosting blend typical of most natural booster pills making this one of the strongest natural test booster options to improve masculine vitality and muscle mass. Testo Lab Pro is allergen-free, gluten-free, non-GMO, and free of all synthetic additives, making this a great choice for those who have allergies or other sensitivities to chemicals. Testo Lab Pro is a great testosterone booster for those looking towards an effective supplement to see results.

Price: $69.00

Wrap Up

The strongest testosterone booster may seem hard to come by but it isn’t totally impossible to see great gains. Knowing what to look for and how best to tell those premium products apart from those average ones is important as you look to improve your goals. Testosterone matters and you don’t want to feel like you are settling for anything less than. When it come to your health and performance, only have those top choices in mind and you will put yourself in the best spot possible.

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Travison, Thomas G.; Morley, John E.; Araujo, Andre B.; O’Donnell, Amy B.; McKinlay, John B. (2006). “The Relationship between Libido and Testosterone Levels in Aging Men”. (source)
  2. Corona, G.; Giagulli, V. A.; Maseroli, E.; Vignozzi, L.; et al. (2016). “Testosterone supplementation and body composition: results from a meta-analysis of observational studies”. (source)
  3. Griggs, R.; et al. (1989). “Effect of testosterone on muscle mass and muscle protein synthesis”. (source)
  4. Beauchet, O. (2006). “Testosterone and cognitive function: current clinical evidence of a relationship”. (source)

The Rock Begins MMA Training For Role In ‘Smashing Machine’

The Rock will portray Mark Kerr in new film.
The Rock Instagram

The Rock is onto his next venture and that is portraying Mark Kerr in his next film.

Dwayne Johnson is considered one of the hardest-working men in Hollywood today and that reputation continues on. After a brief stint back in the WWE, where he was one of the headliners of WrestleMania, The Rock will begin preparing for his new role. Johnson will portray legendary fighter Mark Kerr in new movie ‘Smashing Machine.’

To prepare for this role, The Rock will begin MMA-style training.

“WrestleMania is behind me and I will actually start a new training camp on Monday and this training camp now will consist of MMA fighting in the cage. So, I’ve gone from the Pro Wrestling ring to the MMA cage.”

Many actors in Hollywood have to keep up their physiques to play certain roles. The Rock is at the top of that list, keeping up with a shredded physique with incredible mass. Thanks to his home gym, The Rock has been able to get pumps in at any time of the day. His overall motivation for fitness has created a legendary physique.

Johnson returned to the WWE and created a rivalry with Cody Rhodes as he looked to finish his story at the biggest event in professional wrestling. The Rock joined forces with Roman Reigns to go against Rhodes for the WWE Universal Championship.

This is where Johnson first made a name for himself but will return to the big screen and wants to be as prepared as possible.

barbell bent over row alternative

The Rock To Play Mark Kerr In New Movie

Mark Kerr was an All-American and National Championship wrestler at Syracuse before diving into MMA. He went onto become a two-time UFC Heavyweight Tournament Champion and World Vale Tudo tournament champion. Kerr was also successful wrestler following his collegiate career.

Kerr was a four-time ADCC World Champion in submission wrestling and won gold and silver medals at the World Cup. He added a silver medal at the Pan American Games as well.

“Mark Kerr was The Godfather, the heavyweight godfather of MMA, of UFC, who at one time was the greatest fighter on the planet and he was an absolute animal and a beast and he struggled with addiction. He struggled with success, he struggled with loss, he struggled with love.”


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The Rock puts 100% into everything he does and this role will be no different. He will take on the proper training with the right guidance in order to put on the best show possible.

“I want to make sure that in my training camp, I am training with UFC legends and coaches and I want to make sure I do right by Mark and I do right by the MMA and UFC community and culture and all these fighters, men and women, who have put it on the line over the years.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.