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16 Year Old Nikolas You Sets All-Time Raw Open Deadlift World Record

Images via Instagram @nik_f.i.t

Nikolas You was able to shatter the all-time raw open deadlift world record!

16-year-old Nikolas You recently set the all-time raw open deadlift works record at the 2023 USPA Drug Tested National Championships. The young powerlifter showcased some impressive strength far beyond his years.

Ah, the deadlift. Considered by some to be the most difficult of the three classic lifts, it requires supreme total body strength. It requires having a powerful posterior chain. It can be extremely taxing on the nervous system and has seen many a lifter pass out at trying their hand at the heavier attempts. It’s perhaps what gave the lift its reputation in the first place. Taking all that into consideration, it makes what Nikolas Young was able to accomplish all the more impressive.

The deadlift is one of the most difficult lifts to master

It seems like record-breaking lifters are getting younger and younger these days. At least that’s the case in some of the most recent powerlifting competitions the world over. The 2023 IPF World Classic Championships only produced several athletes that broke world records. Now 16-year-old Nikolas You can add his name to the other historic powerlifters who have impressed this season.

World Record Deadlift

Competing at the 2023 USPA Drug Tested National Championships, Nikolas You looked to show his mettle. The event which took place July 11, 2023, in Las Vegas, Nevada saw the young You dominate in the deadlift. Utilizing an overhand grip in a sumo stance, You pulled an enormous world-record weight.

How much was the world record deadlift? A whopping 343 kgs (756.2 lbs).

everyone saying I can’t lockout and fake weights can hop off my 🥜 now


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It’s truly remarkable to see one so young accomplish such an incredible feat. Nikolas You is certainly in rarified air to be able to lift that amount of weight at the age of 16.

At just 16 years of age, the sky’s the limit for Nikolas You who is no doubt only just getting started.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.


Larry Wheels Calls Classic Physique An ‘Art Form’ Compared To Men’s Open: “I Can’t Put Myself To That Extreme”

@larrywheels Instagram

Larry Wheels is planning to compete in bodybuilding and chose Classic Physique for many reasons.

Larry Wheels is one of the biggest fitness stars in the world today. The idea of Wheels competing in bodybuilding is one that he brought up earlier in the year and he has been training to take on Classic Physique. Recently, Wheels spoke on the difference between Classic and Open bodybuilding.

Wheels burst onto the scene initially because of his superhuman strength. This helped him make waves as a powerlifter. In April, Wheels shared that he has a plan to make the switch to bodybuilding and compete in Classic Physique.

READ MORE: Larry Wheels Shares Physique Update After High-Rep Workout 

Testosterone replacement therapy has become popular in fitness recently. Last year, Wheels decided to go off steroids and use strictly TRT. He went to a doctor to get his heart checked out and when it came back clean, Wheels decided to make the change. Since then, he has been open about sharing his experiences in and out of the gym.

Wheels has discussed the feeling of different steroids over the last year. Also, he has shared many physique updates, showing a slim but still shredded physique. Because of this, he feels like he is best prepared to compete in Classic Physique moving forward.

Larry Wheels Physique Testosterone Comparison bodybuilding

Larry Wheels Calls Classic An “Art Form”

In a recent Instagram post by Transcend Company, Larry Wheels discussed the two bodybuilding divisions and his goals moving forward.

“I’m trying to break into the Classic bodybuilding division so I’m dropping some weight, trying to get a bit healthier, get that tight snatched waist. It’s a big change from being a powerlifter, strongman, strength athlete, where being lean was just a byproduct of good genes and hard training but it was never a priority until now.”

It is no secret that Men’s Open features the biggest athletes on the planet and calls for much more size. This is the reason that many, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, has spoken in favor of Classic Physique being the best division.

Wheels called Classic an “art form” and believes it is a better fit for him.

“It feels more like an art form versus Open Bodybuilding. It feels like mass monsters, and I say that with respect to them because I know what it takes to get that far. It’s just I can’t put myself to that extreme to be where they’re at. That’s not what I want for myself nor the message I want to pass onto my audience.”

RELATED: Larry Wheels Gets Posing Tips From William Bonac

Keeping with the difference in the two divisions, Larry Wheels claims that he can keep his health under better control in Classic. After weening off steroids last year, Wheels does not want to use as many as needed to compete in Men’s Open.

“I find that with Classic bodybuilding, I can use far less PEDs, such as TRT for example, and I can still be competitive, have a beautiful physique, still be super strong. It’s still enhanced lifting and an enhanced lifestyle but a much healthier approach.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

6 Reasons Why Bodybuilders are More Ripped Than Powerlifters

Giant Mass Building Exercises bodybuilding

Reasons Why Bodybuilders are More Ripped Than Powerlifters

Although bodybuilding and powerlifting revolve largely around lifting weights, the goals of these sports are different. For example, powerlifters puts an emphasis on the strength in the big 3 compound lifts, while bodybuilding utilizes the compound movements, but places a large emphasis on accessory and isolation movements, and an overall goal of hypertrophy. In this post we will detail the reasons why Bodybuilders are more aesthetic and ripped compared to Powerlifters and how objectives cause these athletes to have vastly diverse physiques.

While the bodybuilders have ripped physiques with a focus on muscle aesthetics and symmetry, the powerlifters are usually heavier and don’t show much muscle definition. In this article, we’ll try to understand what causes this disparity.

Different Goals

A bodybuilder’s goal is to build muscle mass and have lower amounts of body fat, while a powerlifter focuses on lifting heavier weights and does not typically care too much about their physique. The different goals need both types of athletes to follow different types of training routines.

Bodybuilders use training splits to work one or two muscle groups in a day and will often wait a few days, to a week before training the same muscle group again. They will use a lot of accessory movements to attack the muscles from different angles as well.

Powerlifters, on the other hand, focus on the three basic lifts – squats, deadlifts, and bench press and might even perform them every day, and do not use as many accessories as bodybuilders do.

Time Under Tension

The main objective of powerlifters is to move big weights and they try doing it as quickly as possible, so it doesn’t put unnecessary tension on their muscles and joints. Bodybuilders lift weights to break down their muscle tissue so it can grow back bigger and stronger, which will incorporate time under tension far more.

The bodybuilders experiment with the time under tension and change it up to, in the words of 7x Mr. Olympia champion, Arnold Schwarzenegger, “shock the muscles”. Bodybuilders take shorter rest times between sets to really annihilate their muscles while the powerlifters don’t start the next set until they have completely recovered from the fatigue, which can take minutes.

Nutrition Programs

Bodybuilders follow nutrition plans which take into account their micro and macronutrients. Protein, fats, and carbs play a big role in a bodybuilder’s diet, as typically every meal is measured out, especially during a prep. On the flip side, the powerlifters usually focus on meeting their daily calorie goals, and less on the food sources and macronutrients.

Bodybuilders stick to a strict diet plan, typically year round, and might even follow diet trends such as keto, intermediate fasting, IIFYM, etc. Powerlifters don’t usually hold themselves back from any type of food if their daily calorie limit allows it. In short, a powerlifter’s normal meal could well be a bodybuilder’s cheat meal.

Higher Reps and Chasing the Pump

Powerlifters stick to lifting big weights for a smaller number of reps as their end goal is to set a 1RM in a powerlifting meet. Many times in their training, powerlifters at max could perform 5-10 reps on an exercise, which is relatively low.

Bodybuilders on the other hand use muscle hypertrophy to grow their muscles which usually makes them do 8-15 reps in every set. Bodybuilders are known to be chasers of muscle pumps, and to obtain those pumps they use and emphasize techniques like mind-muscle connection and visualization to achieve it.

Hitting Sets Until Failure and Advanced Training Principles

Bodybuilders try to hit muscle failure in every exercise and the powerlifters might train to muscle failure only when they are working on their conditioning. Hitting failure fills the muscles with blood and lactic acid which makes the muscles grow bigger and fuller which is primarily the goal of a bodybuilder. Tom Platz, who had some of the best legs on the planet, was a huge proponent of “achieving failure”, as he was known for training with the utmost intensity and sets until failure were a big part of that.

Bodybuilders also use advanced training techniques like supersets where they perform two exercises back to back with no rest in between, drop-sets where there are multiple sets performed and the weight is dropped after each set, blood flow restriction training (BFR), intra-set stretching and many more to torcher their muscles into growing.

Use of Machines

The Machine-Only Bicep Workout For Building Huge Biceps

Bodybuilders like to use different machines in the gym during their workouts to isolate their muscles and train for muscle conditioning. Many modern bodybuilders will actually supplement the compound movements that involve barbells, such as the squat, bench, and deadlift, to instead use machines and other isolation exercises.

The powerlifter’s gyms are usually bare bone as they focus on squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. A powerlifter will majorly perform compound movements in his workouts whereas a bodybuilder will have a combination of compound and isolation exercises in his training routine.

Powerlifting + Bodybuilding = Massive Gains?

Now, you may be wondering, what if you want to do both? This is something modernly referred to as “powerbuilding”, which is something Mike O’Hearn is a big advocate of. Powerbuilding involves the use of heavy compound movements, combined with the isolation movements of machines, and various volumes during workouts. Common programs like this include the PHUL program.

If you take a look back to old school bodybuilders as well, many of them were also powerlifters before they were bodybuilders, and relied heavily the compound movements during their training. Take a look at someone like Ronnie Coleman, who would abuse the heavy barbell movements, but was still ripped, and went on to win the Olympia 8 times. The muscle mass looked different back then than it does now.

Powerlifting and Bodybuilding Physique Wrap Up

Overall, there are plenty of things that contribute to the differences in the physiques of bodybuilders and powerlifters. Training, diet, goals, all have an effect on how their bodies look.

Are you a bodybuilder or a powerlifter? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Half Squat: How to and Exercise Guide

history of the squat

The half squat can improve your athletic performance. 

Let’s talk about squats, a popular fitness routine that can be done with just your body or weights. And here’s the cool part: there are so many variations of squats that you can try out! In this post, we want to spotlight the half squat and why you must try it. 

Deep squats are great for your lower body muscles. However, your ability to do a deep squat depends on many factors, including anatomy, flexibility, and mobility (1). There’s no need to eliminate the squat and its benefits from your routine completely if you’re having trouble getting down low enough. Half squats help improve your range of motion and mobility, increasing your squat depth.

They’re great for increasing your lower body strength, although they have a shorter range of motion. Also, this movement can allow a lifter to use more weight than a full squat. But does this mean more muscle hypertrophy? Read on for details like these, how to perform them properly, and more squat variations.

Technique and Muscles Worked

Half squats primarily target your quads and glutes. They also work on other lower body muscles like spinal erectors, calves, and hip flexors and get your core involved. People with knee, hip, ankle, or lower back problems may find it easier.

If you want to increase your range of motion and mobility, try this exercise. You can do this routine with barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells. Below is a step-by-step guide for doing this exercise with a barbell.

  1. Step under the barbell and flex your core to set your foundation.
  2. Stand with your feet at shoulder width distance and facing outward at a slight angle. This evenly distributes the pressure in your feet.
  3. Find a hand grip width that is comfortable and bring your elbows down, close to your lats. This is your starting position.
  4. Slightly push back your hips while bending your knees forward until you get halfway between a full squat and standing. Keep your neck and body neutral at all times.
  5. Push your back up into the bar while driving your feet into the ground to return to the starting position and complete the rep.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of reps.


leg strength

The half squat increases muscle activation and hypertrophy (2). However, the movement has other exercise-specific benefits, making it a valuable addition to your workout. Below are some important ones.

Improved Tolerance for Heavier Loads

Due to the shorter range of motion when doing half squats, you can typically use heavier loads. This can get your body to adapt to shouldering heavier weights and building stronger legs. 

Improved Athletic Performance

This exercise can help you strengthen your power. When in the power position (quarter-stance squat), your hip and knee flexion are similar to the angles you use in the half squat. Strengthening this position improves your athletic performance in running and jumping. Think, many sports, such as basketball, require a quarter-stance squat positioning. 

Carryover to Power Cleans and Push Presses

They have carryover to exercises like the push press and power cleans since the quarter stance squat is involved in all of them. Half squats also use explosive power when returning to the start position, a vital part of the push press.

Push Past Strength Plateaus

If you have a sticking point during the top phase of your squat, doing half squats can help. They’ll strengthen the top part of the range of motion and help you push past strength plateaus.

Half Squat Alternatives

Here are some other alternatives that you can also use to spice up your routine and improve your half squatting ability. Remember that strengthening only the top of your range of motion can hurt your full squat. The half squat and its variations should be part of a program that includes full squats for the best results.

Half Pause Squat

Athletes use the half pause squat to improve their power. In this routine, you pause in the half squat position before continuing your squat. Increasing your muscle’s time under tension can spur more muscle growth. 

Box Half Squat

The box half squat are done with the assistance of a box. This is useful for beginners who need help figuring out where to pause their squats. People with balance problems in the half-squat position will also find this useful.

Bodyweight Half Squat

The bodyweight half squat can easily be done at home or on the go. It works the same muscles, but not using weights means less muscle growth and strength. However, you can increase the reps instead to help balance things out. 

Half Squat With Dumbbells or Kettlebells 

Half squats can also be done with free weights like dumbbells and kettlebells. It’s the same movement, but the weight hangs down your sides this time. This will allow you to adapt to this movement with lighter loads before attempting heavier weights with a barbell. 


Are half squats still effective?

They’re very effective for improving your power and lower body strength. They also boost your athletic performance. Check the above guide for more benefits of this exercise.

Do half squats strengthen knees?

They could increase the force production and tensile strength at the angle of your knee. This strengthens your knees and improves their stability.

What is the difference between a half squat and a full squat?

This movement puts your knees at a 45-degree angle with your thighs parallel to the ground (a quarter-stance squat). Full squats take your hips much closer to the floor and put your knee angles to 90 degrees or more. 

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more exercise guides!


  1. Myer, G. D., Kushner, A. M., Brent, J. L., Schoenfeld, B. J., Hugentobler, J., Lloyd, R. S., Vermeil, A., Chu, D. A., Harbin, J., & McGill, S. M. (2014). The back squat: A proposed assessment of functional deficits and technical factors that limit performance. Strength and conditioning journal, 36(6), 4–27. https://doi.org/10.1519/SSC.0000000000000103 
  2. Clark, D. R., Lambert, M. I., & Hunter, A. M. (2012). Muscle activation in the loaded free barbell squat: a brief review. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 26(4), 1169–1178. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0b013e31822d533d

How To Improve Your Mobility For Maximum Gains and Functionality


Take Your Gains To The Next Level With Better Mobility

Have you ever noticed almost every single person has a different way of performing the same exercise? Let’s take squats for example. While John might be able to squat with a full range of motion, Tom might physically only be able to go 3/4th of the way down.

Let’s assume both these people have the same height, weight, coach, train in the same gym, use the same weights, and have approximately the same strength. What do you think is causing the squat depth discrepancy?

Mobility is the culprit here. Squats are a compound lift and involve the recruitment of multiple muscles. A stiffness in any muscle group like the arms, upper or lower back, quads, hamstring, knees, shins, calves, or ankles could limit the mobility on the squats.

What is Mobility?

Mobility is the ability to move a muscle group through a range of motion in the joint socket with control. Mobility is how well and efficiently we move. When we talk about mobility we’re usually referring to joint mobility.

Joint mobility is the degree to which an articulation (where two bones meet) can move before being restricted by surrounding tissues- ligaments/tendons/muscles. Joint mobility directly determines your posture and movement.

Mobility is Not Flexibility

hip mobility

It’s crazy how many people confuse mobility with flexibility. Flexibility is your connective tissues’ ability to temporarily elongate. It is an element of mobility just like strength, coordination, and body awareness.

Flexibility can help improve your mobility but extreme flexibility (like you see in some manly videos) doesn’t boost your performance. So, stop trying the dwi pada sirsasana and be content with practicing the full splits.

Benefits of Optimal Mobility

There are a load of benefits when it comes to optimizing your mobility that you may not even think of. Let’s take a look.

Reduces Chances of Injury

Sadly, people get injured in the gym way too frequently. While there are various reasons why people get hurt, most of it could be boiled down to not being able to perform an exercise correctly due to a lack of mobility.

If you ask people what they felt during the exercise they got injured, most of them will tell you that they were uncomfortable right from the beginning of the exercise. Optimal mobility ensures that there is an equal distribution of stress throughout your working muscles which reduces your chances of an injury.

Improves Joint Health & Reduces Joint Pain

Regular mobility exercises act as lubricants for your joints, ligaments, and tendons and keep them working in optimal condition. The more you work on improving your joint mobility, the healthier and stronger the surrounding muscle tissues will get – helping boost joint health and elevating pain. Joint supplement ingredients have proven to be a big difference in performance and reducing inflammation.

Ignites Muscle Growth

Joint immobility hurts your gains in more ways than you can imagine. There is always at least one exercise you feel uncomfortable performing or can’t perform with the full range of motion. It is a sign that you lack mobility in that area.

For a long time, I had trouble performing behind-the-neck exercises like the lat pulldowns and military presses. After I worked on my posterior muscle mobility, I saw my strength, muscle mass, and quality shoot through the roof.

Improves Posture

Thanks to the modern lifestyle and now the work-from-home culture, we spend most of our time hunched over a laptop or looking down at our phone screens. It could be doing a lot for our career, but it surely isn’t helping improve our posture.

Constantly sitting causes your hip flexors to shorten, and your hamstrings to lengthen. This starts a chain reaction that causes anterior pelvic tilt and kyphosis. The next time you feel like Netflix and chilling, remind yourself – we are born hunters and gatherers.

How To Improve Your Mobility

So, with all of that being said, how can you improve your mobility? Are you just doomed to be immobile? What can you do?


Active and static stretching exercises are some of the best ways of improving your mobility.

Static stretching (aka passive stretching) is the common type of stretching that most people are familiar with. It’s what comes to mind when someone talks about stretching.

It involves the use of an external force to elongate or stretch a muscle. In this type of stretching, force is usually generated through your own body weight or by pulling with your arms.

Active stretching is a dynamic form of stretching that involves the contraction of a muscle that is opposite to the muscle that is being targeted for the stretch. As an example, kicking your leg straight out in front of you would actively stretch the hamstrings in the leg that is moving. Most yoga poses are a form of active stretching.

Improve Your Breathing

Ever wondered why breathing is such a big part of almost all kinds of physically intensive activities? Start playing football or tennis, and you’ll be asked to learn to breathe to improve your endurance, join a gym, and you’re told to breathe in sync with your reps, and let’s just not begin talking about yoga.

Connecting your breath with your movement is thought to affect how efficiently you move. Slow and controlled breathing can increase the parasympathetic response which can help in relaxing your body and reducing overall tension.

Self-Myofascial Release

Self-myofascial release is a practice that uses tools like the foam roller and lacrosse balls to target the fascia. A fascia is a band or sheet of connective tissue beneath the skin which acts like a spider web around the muscles that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs and helps the muscles retain their shape.

The muscle fascia is also what keeps your muscles from growing bigger. The sensation of a muscle pump is actually your muscle fibers pushing against the fascia and trying to expand it. Tightly packed fascia can also be the reason behind tight joints and limited mobility. a foam rolling routine will be optimal for mobility and muscle development.

Mobility Exercises

If you’re having trouble performing specific exercises, it’d be best to work your joints and tendons in that same position. For example, you should hold a squat at the bottom of the movement and slowly move your knees and hip in circular motions to work on your ROM. You should then rock-and-roll while holding the squat to loosen up his shins, calves, and ankle joints.

A few other effective mobility exercises include walking hip openers, thoracic spine windmills on the floor, shoulder pass-throughs, and neck half circles. You should have at least one mobility day a week in your workout schedule to keep your joints, ligaments, and tendons in optimal condition.

Mobility Wrap Up

Overall, if you do not have good mobility, your ability to make it through exercises using a full range of motion may be hindered, which is less than ideal. That being said, be sure to focus on some mobility work!

Are you facing any mobility issues? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Bodybuilder Gustavo Badell Has Died At 50 Years Old


Gustavo Badell was a standout in Men’s Open during his prime years.

Open Bodybuilder Gustavo Badell has passed away at 50 years old. The news was reported by multiple outlets on Wednesday night. The cause of death has yet to be revealed and will be confirmed by an autopsy at a later date.

Badell, nicknamed “The Freakin’ Rican,” had been dealing with kidney issues for awhile now. RxMuscle reported that this was not life threatening and heard it was allegedly due to a stroke. Again, the official cause has not been shared at this moment.

In his days off stage, Badell has been working as a trainer to share his passion and knowledge about fitness to others. Badell was loved by many and it shows with comments on his most recent Instagram post.

“RIP Gustavo… You were one of the best in the WORLD!!!!! 🙏🏾😢 one of the best bodybuilders in the world!!!!! And that not everyone succeeds!! Legend!!! “The Freaking Rican,” one commenter wrote.

Gustavo Badell enjoyed a career that spanned across three decades. He was an incredible athlete growing up and quickly took an interest in different forms of fitness. This included boxing and weightlifting to add muscle mass. He was able to turn it into a bodybuilding career that included a victory over the great Ronnie Coleman.


The Career of Gustavo Badell 

At 19 years old, Badell entered his first junior show and was victorious. In 1997, Badell competed in the adult category of the Caribbean Championships and earned first place once again. With this, Badell earned his Pro Card. This began a successful International career.

Over the course of his career, Badell appeared on some of the biggest stages and has earned victories over the likes of Dexter Jackson, Chris Cormier, and Victor Martinez.

Badell made his first of seven Olympia appearances in 2002. He continued to improve over the years and hit his stride beginning in 2004. Badell was featured at the Olympia during Coleman’s reign and finished third during the 2004 Olympia, behind Coleman and Jay Cutler.

In 2005, Badell finished third once again during the official Olympia competition but earned a victory over Coleman during the Challenge Round. This is where competitors were judged by former Olympia greats. Badell used his combination of a great physique and elite posing to earn a victory over Coleman.

Gustavo Badell won the 2005 Ironman Pro Invitational and 2006 San Francisco Pro Invitational over the course of his career. In 2009, Badell stepped on stage for the last time. He competed at both the Olympia and Arnold Classic while also winning the Atlantic City Bodybuilding Championships.

Badell was a standout in Men’s open during his time on stage and continued to share his love for fitness after stepping off for the final time. Generation Iron sends condolences to family and friends during this time.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Best Cereal For Muscles, Gains, & Taste (Updated 2023)


These cereals will keep you full and work to aid in your training and performance needs.

We all love cereal. Whether it be in the morning, a midday snack, or breakfast for dinner, cereal is that quick fix we all know and love. There are endless brands of cereal to choose from and we all know our favorites. The ones packed with sugar and the other added goodies really hit the spot, especially after a long day. But cereal can work against us when we start to abuse it and snack away to oblivion.

Finding the right cereal can be challenging, but since the market is so saturated, it means there is a good one out there for you. Looking at macronutrients in the cereals, such as protein, fat, and carbs, as well as the added ones like fiber and the amount of sugar are all of equal importance as you look to find a good cereal to help boost muscle growth and recovery, something we all strive for.

We’ve put together a list of the Best Cereals For Muscles, Gains, & Taste to help you find the best options for you. You won’t be disappointed by these results.

Best Cereal for Muscle & Taste Ranked

Cereal That is Best Overall

A good cereal will work to offer a great boost for your morning routine or whatever time of day you eat it. With protein and a good balance of macros, the ingredients should reflect your healthy lifestyle overall.

Magic Spoon

Magic Spoon is everything you want out of your cereal in terms of taste and texture. With 11g protein, this low carb cereal has 0g sugar to provide a healthy option.

First off our top choice overall is Magic Spoon. This is everything you want out of your fitness cereal as it tastes like all your favorites. Packed with 13g protein per serving, this cereal is perfect for breakfast or a post-workout meal. Having only 5g of net carbs, you also have 0g sugar per serving. This cereal conducive to virtually all diets. Being a gluten-free option with no added sugars, as well as being free from anything artificial, you know exactly what is in your cereal so as to not ruin a great product. A hit amongst athletes and critics alike, you can’t go wrong with Magic Spoon Cereal.


  • Great ingredients with no artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives
  • Conducive to most diets with only 5g of net carbs
  • Good amount of protein
  • Tastes great with good reviews all around


Price: $39.99 per case (4 boxes total)

Read our full review of Magic Spoon.

Cereal Best for Bodybuilding

Another thing to consider is for bodybuilding. Bodybuilders don’t always like to eat chicken and rice, sometimes they like to switch it up! As stated before, cereal can be great for pre or post workout fuel. So, as a bodybuilder what is the best cereal for bodybuilders?

Magic Spoon

Magic Spoon is everything you want out of your cereal in terms of taste and texture. With 11g protein, this low carb cereal has 0g sugar to provide a healthy option.

Making the list again, this time as the best bodybuilding cereal is Magic Spoon. Dieting as a bodybuilder is hard, and sometimes you get those cravings that you feel the absolute need to consume junk food or a cheat meal, but you know it can hinder your progress. Magic Spoon helps curb those cravings and satisfy your sweet tooth, all while having great macros that won’t ruin your bodybuilding progress.

It tastes like your favorites and is packed with 13g protein per serving, this cereal is perfect for breakfast, but can also be a snack or full on meal. It contains only 5g of net carbs, you also have 0g sugar per serving. This cereal conducive to virtually all diets, and can even be a great food to get through prep (if you can spare the macros). Magic Spoon is gluten-free with no added sugars, as well as being free from anything artificial, you know exactly what is in your cereal so as to not ruin a great product.


  • Great ingredients with no artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives
  • Conducive to most diets with only 5g of net carbs
  • Good amount of protein
  • Tastes great with good reviews all around


  • May not be enough protein for some (only 13 grams)

Price: $39.99 per case (4 boxes total)

Read our full review of Magic Spoon

Something Best For Weight Loss

Another cereal we checked out is for those looking to capitalize on weight loss. People in this category should look for a cereal that reflects that. With fiber and plenty of protein, this can limit snacking and work to keep you full for longer.

Kashi Go Lean

Kashi Go Lean is a whole grain and nutritious cereal where one serving gives you your daily amount of fiber. With 12g protein, this pairs well with yogurt, milk, or whatever you choose.

Kashi Go Lean is your go-to for a whole grain and nutritious option when it comes to a meal. First off, this cereal consists of a lightly sweetened vegetarian medley including crunchy fiber twigs, crispy soy protein grahams, and honey-toasted whole grain puffs.

Something else to look at is the serving size. One serving will give you all you need for your daily amount of fiber. It also is great for protein!

Another thing to consider is pairing this option to yogurt, milk, nuts, and fruit. With 12g protein and 2g fat, this is a great cereal to keep you full and offer great nutritional benefits to your lifestyle.


  • High in protein and low in fat with great sources of fiber
  • Good medley of options included with the cereal
  • Pairs nicely with other things like yogurt and fruit


  • May be slightly high in sugar
  • Some may not like the texture or taste

Price: $28.99/ 6 boxes

Best High In Fiber

Next on the list, the cereal that is best for the fiber. Fiber is beyond important and should be a key factor in your cereal. Able to help with gut health and keep you full, you want a cereal to work for you always.

Kellogg’s All Bran

Kellogg's All Bran is a great cereal option to pair with fruit or whatever you choose to use. With 5g protein and 12g fiber, this will keep you full and is a great way to start the day.

When looking for a great cereal high in fiber, Kellogg’s All Bran is a stellar option. This cereal goes well with fruit and milk or breakfast or whenever you want a meal during the day and is great with a variety of recipes or pairings. Made with natural wheat bran fiber, you will benefit greatly with extra fiber especially when it comes to helping with digestion and balancing those cholesterol levels. With 12g fiber and 5g protein, this relatively low calorie cereal can work to pack that punch you need most.


  • High in fiber to aid in digestion, level out cholesterol, and a host of other benefits
  • Great for pairing with other things or good as a stand alone


  • Could have more protein and a better balance of macronutrients

Price: $4.98/box

Best Gluten Free

Next on the list is for those looking for gluten-free options, they absolutely do exist. A solid helping of whole grains while still being gluten-free can help with digestion and still give you great benefits.

Arrowhead Mills Organic Maple Buckwheat

Arrowhead Mills Organic Maple Buckwheat is made with regionally-sourced buckwheat and sweetened with sugar and maple syrup for a great taste. For those looking for a great gluten-free option, this is right for you.

Arrowhead Mills Organic Maple Buckwheat is made with regionally-sourced buckwheat and sweetened with sugar and maple syrup. With 33g of whole grains per servings, this cereal is low in fat and gluten-free, making it great for everyone. Decently low in calories, the low fat content is a plus, although the carb total is high and the protein is also quite low. For those looking for a gluten-free option however, you can’t go wrong with a high quality cereal designed to do so.


  • Gluten-free
  • Low in fat is perfect for those looking for that
  • 33g of whole grains is great per serving


  • Could have more protein to balance out the high carb count

Price: $41.32/ 6 boxes

A Cereal That is Best For Men & Women In Fitness

Onto a category for men and women involved with fitness, it is important to find a cereal that works for your goals. Giving you fuel to power any workout, you deserve the best to boost performance.

Kellogg’s Special K Protein

Kellogg's Special K Protein is a great source of protein to help with growth and recovery. With 15g protein and 11 vitamins and minerals, all the essentials are covered with this cereal.

Kellogg’s Special K Protein is the perfect cereal for men and women involved with regular fitness, as it pumps you with great protein to help with growth and recovery, as well as satiety. It is also a wholesome wheat, soy, and rice cereal combined with a taste of honey that offers a sweet, crunchy, and delicious bite with every spoonful. Special K Protein Cereal is also good source of fiber, it contains 11 vitamins and minerals and is a low fat cereal for all to enjoy. Finally, it has 15g of protein, anyone active and involved with fitness will benefit greatly from this.


  • High in protein and low in fat makes this a great option for those involved with fitness
  • Good source of fiber and offers vitamins and minerals as well
  • Great texture and taste


  • May be too high in sugar
  • Texture may bother some

Price: $4.98/box

strong man

Benefits Of Quality Cereal

Something else we are going to discuss the benefits of finding a good quality cereal. This can really work wonders for you as you seek to build muscle and maximize all areas of your diet to improve training and performance. Benefits of a good cereal include:

  • Aid in muscle growth: One thing quality cereal can do is aid in muscle growth. With so many high in protein and balanced well with carbs and fat, you give your body the necessary tools to boost growth and size.
  • Pump you with nutrients: Next, quality cereal can work to give your body the proper nutrients. This is including things like protein, carbs, fat, vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients (1).
  • Keep you full: Third, quality cereal can keep you full. With the right balance of macronutrients, a good cereal can keep you full and work to improve all of those gains while helping to manage weight.
  • Enhance recovery: Finally, cereal can enhance recovery. It may work to replenish glycogen stores after workouts and fuel your muscle cells to bounce back faster (2).

What To Look For In A Quality Cereal

While there are many aspects of a good cereal to look into, we wanted to share some essentials to help get you started.

Fiber: First off, plenty of fiber is important for it will help your body with digestion and work to reduce cholesterol levels.

Low sugar: Next, sugar is something we know you want to avoid and too much can have negative effects like weight gain and inflammation.

Protein: Another thing is making sure there is enough protein. This is vital for it will keep you full and work to aid in that growth and recovery you want most.

Things to add: Something else to look at is things to add. If you are the type of person that likes to add things like fruit or other foods to your cereal, make sure it is a good cereal to do so with.

Taste: Finally, you want your cereal to taste good! It is possible to find a great cereal without all the added sugar.


How We Decide

Finally, how do we decide what to look for in a good cereal? For starters, we know you take your diet and nutrition plan seriously and finding the right cereal for you can be a challenge. In this, we look at some of the best brands to give you the best chance at optimizing training, performance, and finally, your health.

First, we look at the ingredients, as well as the balance of macronutrients included. Finding great products that aren’t filled with junk is key. We’ve done our best to include that in this list.

Next, for those looking at affordable options, we also focus on price because that is important to you. Eating healthy can be expensive but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve done the research on the best cereals so you don’t have to.

Category Product Price
Best Protein Cereal Overall Magic Spoon $39.99/4 boxes
Best Cereal for Bodybuilding Magic Spoon $39.99/4 boxes
Best Cereal for Weight Loss Kaishi Go Lean $28.99/ 6 boxes
Best High in Fiber Option Kellogg’s All Bran $4.98/box
Best Gluten Free Cereal Arrowhead Mills Organic Maple Buckwheat $41.32/ 6 boxes
Best Option for Men and Women in Fitness Kellogg’s Special K Protein Plus $4.98/box

FAQ Section

What is the best cereal for those involved in fitness?

Magic Spoon. This is everything you want out of your fitness cereal as it looks and tastes like all your favorites. It is packed with 12g protein per serving. This is perfect of breakfast or a post-workout meal. Again, it is only 5g of net carbs, and you have 0g sugar per serving. You can’t go wrong with this choice.

How do I choose the best cereal?

Another question you may have could be about choosing the best cereal. This can be hard, but not impossible. First, look for the amount of protein and fiber, as well as if there are any added sugars or other artificial nonsense you just don’t need. Also, definitely consider taste. Taste is big because you want to enjoy it!

What should I look for on the nutrition label?

Something else you may be wondering about is the nutrition label. This is important because you deserve to know what is in you are eating. Look for the balance of macronutrients and make sure there is enough protein. The amount of sugar is also important as is the amount of fiber. For those watching their weight, make sure the calorie count is low as well.

Wrap Up

healthy cereal

Overall, cereal can work for our benefit in a number of ways. For those of us bodybuilders and fitness folks, finding a good one can work to boost our muscle growth and recovery. First off, cereal can give a great meal or snack as we progress with all our gains.

Something else to consider is a healthy balance of macronutrients mixed with something high in fiber and low in sugar can really work for our benefit as we seek the best out of our diet and nutrition goals.

Check out our list of the Best Cereals and see what these can do for you and your fitness goals.

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


  1. Fayet-Moore, Flavia; McConnell, Andrew; Tuck, Kate; Petocz (2017). “Breakfast and Breakfast Cereal Choice and Its Impact on Nutrient and Sugar Intakes and Anthropometric Measures among a Nationally Representative Sample of Australian Children and Adolescents”. (source)
  2. Is cereal a healthy breakfast choice? Is Cereal Healthy? | Houston Methodist On Health. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2022, from (source)
  3. Kammer, Lynne; Ding, Zhenping; Wang, Bei; Hara, Daiske; et al. (2009). “Cereal and nonfat milk support muscle recovery following exercise”. (source)

Mark Zuckerberg Hits MMA Training Session With Two UFC Champions


Mark Zuckerberg looks slim and toned after a UFC-inspired training session.

When Mark Zuckerberg accepted the fight offer from Elon Muskit was assumed that  it was in a joking matter. It turns out that both have stirred the pot a bit by sharing different pictures following workouts with UFC champions. On Tuesday, it was Zuckerberg’s turn as he trained with UFC middleweight champion Israel Adesanya and UFC featherweight champion Alexander Volkanovski.

Last week, Musk was seen in a post next to UFC legend Georges St-Pierre following a training session. Podcast host Lex Fridman and jiujitsu coach John Danaher were also present. In June, it was Musk who initiated the contact between both sides.

READ MORE: Elon Musk Trained With Georges St-Pierre

The Twitter owner and Tesla CEO tweeted that he would be “up for a cage fight” with Zuckerberg. The CEO of Meta took to Instagram telling Musk to “send me location.” He shared a picture of Musk’s tweet and overlapped his response on the screen. Musk responded to a separate tweet saying “Vegas Octagon,” which would be the only way to do it.

Mark Zuckerberg Hits UFC Training Session

Adesanya took to Instagram to share a post following the session. Zuckerberg responded saying “it was an honor.” In the post, Zuckerberg showed off a physique that was slimmed down and toned.


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A post shared by Israel Adesanya (@stylebender)

This is not the first time that Mark Zuckerberg has trained in this way. The Meta chief has practiced jiu-jitsu and Brazilian martial arts. In fact, he competed during the BJJ Tour competition in California in May and won two medals.

Elon Musk holds a significant advantage in size as he stands close to 6-foot-2, compared to 5-foot-7 of Mark Zuckerberg but that seems to be all.

Unlike Zuckerberg, Musk does not have background in this area but linked up with UFC greats when the initial story broke. St-Pierre, the former two-division UFC champion, reached out to Elon Musk when the rumored fight with Mark Zuckerberg spread across the web. St-Pierre sent Musk a message over Twitter offering to help train the billionaire for his potential match with Zuckerberg.


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A post shared by Georges St-Pierre (@georgesstpierre)

Dana White, who has been a huge part of building UFC to where it is today, spoke on the idea of the two billionaires stepping into the ring together. White told TMZ Live that both are “absolutely dead serious” about the meeting inside the octagon.

“Talked with Mark and Elon last night. Both guys are absolutely dead serious about this.”

While the idea might have started as a bit of a gag, it might have taken a turn to possible. The idea of Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk is enough Topeka the interest of many fans. It is an event that would draw many eyeballs from all avenues and interests around the world.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

2023 Vancouver Pro Bodybuilding Preview

There will be a total of six divisions that will compete at the 2023 Vancouver Pro!

The 2023 Vancouver Pro is prepared to highlight a fun weekend of bodybuilding events. The show will return to Abbotsford BC, Canada with six divisions on display with winners qualifying for the 2023 Olympia.

The Olympia qualification system has changed this year. If an athlete did not finish in the top three in the previous year, or top five in Men’s Open, they will have to win a show to qualify. The points qualification system is no more. Also, former winners of an Olympia title have lifetime eligibility.

There will be a new champion in Men’s Open with Iain Valliere already holding a ticket to the biggest show of the year. He was victorious at the Toronto Pro Supershow in June and decided to not defend his title in Canada.

Below, check out a full breakdown of the Men’s Open division and the rosters for the entire show.

Toronto Pro
Hassan Mostafa Instagram

2023 Vancouver Pro: Men’s Open Roster & Breakdown

  • Prince Boabang
  • Eiren Gauley
  • Stan de Longeaux
  • Morgan McDonald
  • Hassan Mostafa
  • Nathan Spear

Below, take a look at three competitors who have the best chance to take home the title this weekend.

Hassan Mostafa

Hassan Mostafa has improved over the last few years but still comes with a couple questions marks regarding conditioning. Mostafa finished 13th in the 2021 Olympia after qualifying via the points system. He earned two victories in 2022 but was unable to appear on the biggest stage. This year, Mostafa returned to the stage and finished as the runner-up during the 2023 Toronto Pro Supershow.

Mostafa will return to the stage in Vancouver in hopes of qualifying for the Olympia. The points system is now gone and Mostafa will have to win a show to appear. He will be one of the favorites to win this show but but arrive in his best shape. There have been some questions regarding Mostafa’s conditioning, mainly in his abs and midsection. If he comes in at his very best, Mostafa will be difficult to beat.


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A post shared by Hassan Mostafa (@hassan_mostafa92)

Stan de Longeaux

In terms of athletes coming in at top shape, de Longeaux is another that will be difficult to beat if he is his best. Stanimal will be able to compete with Mostafa by the looks of his recent physique updates. de Longeaux looks like he is building his best physique ever to this point in terms of symmetry and conditioning.

Last season, Stanimal finished fourth during the 2022 Legion Sports Fest Pro. If he is able to win this show, he will punch his ticket to the Olympia for the first time since 2019.


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Prince Boabang

Prince Boabang is another competitor that looks like he is in his best shape as a professional. In 2019, Boabang competed as a 212 competitor, including a fourth-place finish in Vancouver. Now, he is ready to compete against the biggest athletes in the world.

Boabang has a chance as a dark-horse competitor this weekend. The difference between him and the top two, he will need someone to fall down the scorecard. Boabang has impressed on social media but lacks a bit in his legs and lower body. If he is at his best and other competitors lack a bit, Boabang has a chance to steal this show. Moving forward, he will continue to improve and be a threat in Men’s Open.

2023 Vancouver Pro: Full Rosters

Iain Valliere is not the only champion that will not return to defend his title. In fact, there will be no repeat champions on stage this weekend. Below, check out the full rosters from the other five divisions in the show.

Classic Physique

  • Isaac Baier
  • Adam Beveridge
  • Dylan Bursey
  • Billy Danh
  • Carl Gauthier
  • Narek Khachatryan
  • John Le
  • Jesse Strand
  • Robert Waterhouse

Men’s Physique

  • Wagner Abreu
  • Xezekiel Afanou
  • Patrick Asiedu
  • Austin Belanger
  • Drew Cullen
  • Jason Huynh
  • Kamal Ait Irhmour
  • Mehdi Kabbadj
  • Clarence Lau
  • Chuan-Yu Liu
  • Eric Neal
  • Chevy Phillips
  • Gurjinder Virk


  • Noemie Champagne-Cloutier
  • Danielle DaCosta
  • Michelle Fredua-Mensah
  • Stephanie Jones
  • Sara Kovach
  • Jessica Ann Zehr


  • Dalila Alegria
  • Autumn Cleveland
  • Lauren Martin-Stow
  • Gina Palma
  • Paige Sabedra
  • Rachel Shoemake


  • Rhoda Allie
  • Jill E. Humphrey
  • Ashley Kaltwasser
  • Kateryna Kauffman
  • Kristy Ann Keppel
  • Nikki Kiani
  • Meggy Martin-Johnson
  • Maxine Alexandra Somov
  • Gina Switzeny
  • Tianna Weymouth

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Hunter Labrada’s Diet to Prep for 2023 Tampa/Texas Pro

Hunter Labrada's diet

Before a push-day workout, Labrada revealed his diet to fuel his upcoming shows. 

Discover the ultimate secrets to maximizing your weight loss and muscle-building potential! Get an exclusive look into the daily diet of renowned bodybuilder Hunter Labrada and uncover the game-changing tips that can take your physique to the next level. In this recent YouTube video, Hunter Labrada shares his diet as he preps for the 2023 Tampa Pro and Texas Pro. We also share expert advice on dieting during bodybuilding in the season with scientific backing.

Hunter Labrada is an elite bodybuilder who had his Mr. Olympia debut in 2020. He’s the son of Lee Labrada, who is in the Hall of Fame, and his mom is a bodybuilder, too, so the bodybuilding genes run in the family. In March, we looked at his off-season dieting plans, so if you have a bit of time, you can compare that to this to see the changes he’s made now that it’s in season. 

In-season eating is very different from bulking up as bodybuilders typically do during the off-season. And it plays an important role in your conditioning. Let’s take a look below. 

Full Name: Hunter Labrada
Weight Height Date of Birth
235 – 245 lbs 5’9″ 05/17/1992
Division Era Nationality
Men’s Open 2010s – Till Date American

Hunter Labrada’s In-Season Diet for Tampa and Texas Pro

Hunter Labrada looks at his diet six to eight weeks after returning to the Texas and Tampa Pro in 2023. He eats five nutrient-dense but small meals daily and takes supplements


Hunter Labrada takes supplements as part of his diet to start his day. He also takes a gut health drink that contains lemon juice, apple cider, vinegar, a supplement, aloe, glutamine, and psyllium husk. Labrada says that the gut drink replaces electrolytes and helps with his digestion, stating:

What is a gut health drink, you may ask? It is exactly as it sounds. It is a drink we drink fasted to help set ourselves up for success in the day. And we optimize the acidity,  we take things that help heal and optimize the lining, and we start our day off with a happy tummy…It has made a huge difference in my digestion, so I will continue to be doing the gut drink.”

Meal 1 (Breakfast)

  • 220g lean beef
  • 180g rice
  • Stir-fried garlic, white and green onions 
  • Sanchez flavor gang sauce

Hunter Labrada gets his first protein of the day from lean Cali beef — the sirloin, to be precise. He cooks 180g of rice and then makes a stir fry of garlic and onions. He then flavors it with the Sanchez flavor gang sauce. This meal has a good mix of proteins and carbs to start the day. 

Meal 2 (Pre-Workout Meal)

  • 280g rice
  • 220g chicken

Hunter Labrada’s pre-workout meal consists of proteins and carbs, but the protein is from chicken this time. He cleans the rice before cooking because it has lots of extra starch.

“You always want to wash your rice because it has a ton of extra starch. And as you can see the water, how cloudy and white it is. What we’re doing when we wash the rice is rinsing all that extra dirt.”

Meal 3 (Post Workout Meal)

  • 250g white fish
  • 150g white rice

Hunter Labrada’s third meal of the day is white fish and white rice. He prepares this along with meal four before he heads to the gym for his second push day. 

Meal 4

  • 220g chicken
  • 150g rice

For meal four, Hunter Labrada’s diet has rice and chicken again. This rice is his last carbohydrate for the day to prep for Tampa and Texas Pro. 

Meal 5

Hunter Labrada has avocado and fish as part of his diet for his last meal of the day. Avocado is a rich source of healthy fats. He makes fish mush for this meal but says he sometimes makes fish guacamole. He eats fish twice daily, even though it’s not his favorite, which is a good source of protein and healthy for the brain and heart. Omega-3 Fish Oil is one popular supplement many people take to improve eye and heart health, promote bone and joint health and reduce inflammation

Bodybuilding In-Season Diet Tips 

2022 tampa pro

As you can see in Hunter Labrada’s diet, dieting is important to hit your bodybuilding goal of looking muscular and lean. Poor nutrition can affect your gains, and there’s no better time to focus on preserving muscle than during in-season for bodybuilders. 


An effective bodybuilding diet will contain about five or six nutrient-dense but small daily meals like Hunter Labrada’s diet. Of course, not just of anything. It must strike a healthy balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. 

This study suggests getting 15-30% of calories from fat, around 2.3-3.1g per kilogram of lean muscle mass of protein each day, and then the rest of your calories can come from carbs (1). Bodybuilders generally intake fewer calories when nearing competition to help them look as lean as possible (2).

Here’s a list of nutrient-dense foods you can choose from when making your meal plan that contain healthy protein, fats, and carbs. 

Food to Focus On

  • Proteins: lean red meat, chicken, turkey, beans, legumes, yogurt, nuts, and seeds
  • Carbs: rice, oatmeal, potatoes, fruits, and leafy greens 
  • Fats: nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocado


Supplements support muscle growth and help you reach your bodybuilding goals when you pair them with resistance training and dieting (3). Remember that for optimal muscle growth, you should eat more calories than you consume, have more protein than your body breaks down, and challenge your muscles by following the progressive overload principle to maximize the benefits of the supplements you’re consuming.

Here are some supplements to consider taking along with your workouts: 

You can watch the full video of Hunter Labrada talking about his in-season diet to prep for Texas and Tampa Pro via his YouTube below:

More Professional Bodybuilding Diets

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more bodybuilders’ diets!


  1. Helms, E. R., Aragon, A. A., & Fitschen, P. J. (2014). Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 11, 20. https://doi.org/10.1186/1550-2783-11-20 
  2. Chappell, A. J., Simper, T., & Barker, M. E. (2018). Nutritional strategies of high level natural bodybuilders during competition preparation. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 15, 4. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12970-018-0209-z 
  3. Kramer, I. F., Verdijk, L. B., Hamer, H. M., Verlaan, S., Luiking, Y., Kouw, I. W., Senden, J. M., van Kranenburg, J., Gijsen, A. P., Poeze, M., & van Loon, L. J. (2015). Impact of the Macronutrient Composition of a Nutritional Supplement on Muscle Protein Synthesis Rates in Older Men: A Randomized, Double Blind, Controlled Trial. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 100(11), 4124–4132. https://doi.org/10.1210/jc.2015-2352