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Do Testosterone Boosters Work?

most dangerous ingredients in fat burners

Increasing your testosterone? Or wasting money?

Testosterone is a key hormone when it comes to regulating things like building muscle mass, your sex drive, bone density, and body fat levels. As testosterone naturally decreases with age or other existential factors, people will turn to things like testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). However, TRT may not be an option for everyone, and then they must look to over the counter testosterone boosting supplements to help increase their levels. But, do testosterone boosters work?

Let’s take a look at testosterone boosters and really get into these supplements. Knowing what they are and what the benefits are, plus the ins and outs of what exactly a T booster can do, we can better set ourselves up to answer the question of if these testosterone boosting supplements actually work.

What is Testosterone?

do testosterone boosters work

To give an overview of the hormone itself, testosterone is a primary sex hormone that plays numerous important roles in the bodies of humans. In males, it is thought to regulate your libido (sex drive), improve bone mass, manage fat distribution, and increase/maintain muscle mass and strength. Testosterone is also thought to aid in the production of red blood cells and sperm.

Why Does Testosterone Decrease? 

There are many factors that can affect a person’s testosterone levels, causing them to decrease. One thing that can cause a decline in testosterone levels is diet; if you are packing your body full of junk food then your levels of test will decrease. A cheat meal here and there is fine, but indulging in junk every day is less than ideal.

Another thing known to cause a decline in testosterone is lack of physical activity, meaning sitting around doing nothing all day can be detrimental to your test levels. Studies have shown that working out boosts testosterone levels naturally, especially hitting legs

Stress also can decrease testosterone levels. Whether that is stress from work or your personal life, it will cause an increase in the cortisol hormone, which can inhibit the production of testosterone.

Finally, age is something that affects testosterone negatively. As you get older, your levels will naturally decline and you may notice a loss of muscle mass and strength, lower sex drive, amongst other things. This is normal, and nothing to be ashamed of, but do not think there is no way to combat those declining levels.

How to Boost Testosterone 

boost testosterone

There are multiple ways to boost testosterone levels. Modern medicine has advanced to the point where things like testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are more openly spoken about and widely researched. However, maybe that is not the route you would like to go, or you may not be eligible for that option, as your levels typically have to fall below a certain range before you can be prescribed this option.

This is where over the counter testosterone boosters come into play. Testosterone boosters are typically found in the supplement aisle of any grocery store, pharmacy, supplement store, and so on. Many times they are packed full of herbs and vitamins, and they come in all shapes and sizes from all different brands, all for different prices; yet most testosterone boosters promise the same things. Although they promise the same effects, are these testosterone boosters effective?

Benefits Of Testosterone Boosters

The benefits of testosterone boosters are important to know for this lends to the question of if they work or not. By understanding what testosterone boosters can do for you, you get more of an idea of how these can better assist your T boosting needs.

Benefits of testosterone boosters include:

  • More muscle growth: Testosterone can aid in protein synthesis which allows for more muscle growth and subsequently an increase in strength gains.
  • Potential fat loss: By balancing out T levels with those of estrogen, this may help shed some unwanted fat. Plus, when paired with increased muscle and strength, this can change your body composition.
  • Increased sex drive: Can increase libido and overall sexual function for an increase in your sex drive.
  • Better cognitive function and energy: With more energy, you start to feel more alert, have less brain fog, and can even have a better mood.

So, how do you know which testosterone boosters work, or if they work at all?

So, do Testosterone Boosters Work? 

The short answer is yes, testosterone boosters do work, but you need to watch out for ones that are filled with junk and not effective at all. The fitness industry is filled with junk supplements that make false promises and ensure unrealistic results, and that includes products that advertise as testosterone boosters. So, in order to find testosterone boosters that work, what should you look for?

Ingredients of Testosterone Boosters That Work

There are a few ingredients you should look for in a testosterone booster that works. So let’s take a look. 


The first ingredient to look for in a testosterone booster is ashwagandha, which is rising in popularity due to many gym goers advertising their usage of this herb on social media. There are also more and more studies coming out in favor of it stating that it affects test levels positively. Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb and is an ingredient actually found in many over-the-counter testosterone boosters, as it has a long history of use for bringing hormonal balance to both the male and female body. Ashwagandha is one of the most researched herbs for helping to counter low testosterone.

Some studies have shown that the herb can possibly help to increase both testosterone and DHEA, which is a precursor to testosterone and estrogen. Fatigue and a low sex drive have also been shown to be helped by ashwagandha supplementation. 

One study that tested infertile men has found that taking an ashwagandha extract for only three months (90 days) had increased testosterone levels and even sperm count by up to 167%.


Zinc is an essential mineral and has shown positive effects on testosterone levels, so you would want this in a testosterone booster that works. To put it simply, Zinc is involved in the production of testosterone, and a deficiency can be a cause for, or contribute to low test levels. 

If you are eating the correct foods, you actually can get good amounts of Zinc from your diet. However it is always good to supplement with it as well to ensure that you are getting a proper amount.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D is an ingredient you will see included in a lot of testosterone boosters, for good reason. This vitamin has been associated with testosterone levels, and if you are not getting enough of it you may be deficient in testosterone. For that reason, people will supplement the nutrient to increase test levels. However, this has only shown benefits in individuals that had a vitamin D deficiency. The recommended dose of Vitamin D is no more than 4,000IUs a day.

One other way to get more of this nutrient other than supplementing it is to sit out in the sunlight and catch some rays!

Which Testosterone Booster Do We Like? 

Well, in terms of a testosterone booster that works and we stand by, that would have to be Transparent Labs Vitality

Transparent Labs Vitality

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Vitality is an innovative 3-in-1 natural test booster and hormone optimizing supplement. A powerful formula matched by amazing ingredients, this is perfect for overall vitality.

Transparent Labs Vitality is an innovative 3-in-1 natural hormone optimizing supplement that can work wonders for your overall health and performance goals. This supplement works to naturally boost your testosterone levels while controlling estrogen and cortisol production so those suffering from low testosterone never have to worry. Vitality boasts a powerful formula packed with amazing ingredients, this supplement sets the foundation for lean muscle gains, fat burning, strength, libido, confidence, and overall vitality to ensure your workouts, activities, and lifestyle are all enhanced. With no artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives, you know Vitality is clean with proven and effective ingredients.

Servings Per Container 30
Serving Size 2 Capsules
Best Way To Take Take two capsules daily with water.


Transparent Labs Vitality Ingredients

Zinc: Supports fertility and testosterone production in adult males (1). Can increase sperm and overall testosterone levels.

Organic Ashwagandha Extract: A versatile adaptogenic herb, ashwagandha promotes healthy levels and mitigates stress-induced cortisol secretion (2).

Shilajit Extract: Can improve vitality and can increase total testosterone and free testosterone levels.

Quercetin Dihydrate: A vital micronutrient, this can serve as an antioxidant to important body systems. Protects the Leydig cells by preserving testosterone levels and fertility (3).

DIM (Diindolylmethane): Regulates estrogen metabolism and plays an important role in gene expression in men and women. Can also affect muscle growth, libido, recovery, and mood.

LJ100 (Standardized Eurycoma longifolia extract): Can increase the ratio of testosterone to cortisol and show improvements to lean body mass, strength, and muscle size (4).

Bioperine (Black Pepper Extract): Enhances bioavailability so nutrients are absorbed more efficiently in the body.

Boron: Can boost free testosterone and reduce estrogen and plays an important role throughout the body in numerous ways.

Check out our review for Transparent Labs Vitality here!

Wrap Up 

So, do testosterone boosters work? The simple answer is yes, they do. However, you need to pay attention to what goes into these supplements, because sometimes the labels can be misleading or just flat out wrong. There are certain ingredients to look out for, and one product we know that has them is Centrapeak.

So, will you be working to increase your test levels?

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


McCullough, A. (2015). Alternatives to testosterone replacement: Testosterone Restoration. Asian journal of andrology. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from (Source)

MediLexicon International. (n.d.). The best testosterone supplements and some natural boosters. Medical News Today. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from (Source)

Best Holiday Gifts To Buy A Bodybuilder This Season

These gift ideas are great for any bodybuilder looking to improve!

Finding the best holiday gifts for our loved ones can ironically be quite challenging, there are so many options from supplements to home gym equipment, that it can get overwhelming. We at Generation Iron put together a wish list of great gift ideas to give that bodybuilder friend or family member something to use to improve in their quest for performance and physique. We all could use these gift ideas to really boost our health and performance, or just look good doing so.

From equipment, to supplements, entertainment, and apparel, you will find everything you need for that special bodybuilder of yours to provide them with the perfect gift. Reviewed by our team and put together for your benefit, we made sure to give you the best list to make your bodybuilder smile.

Check out these best holiday gift ideas below and feel free to explore what else we offer to really make that gift great. You won’t be disappointed with the result!

best holiday gifts


Supplements are some of the best holiday gifts you can get. What exactly do you need? Well, we narrowed a few of our favorites down just for you!

Transparent Labs Pre-Workout

Transparent Labs features two pre-workouts that include something for everyone, “LEAN” and “BULK.” Let’s take a look at each one to help you pick the option that best suits the person you’re shopping for!

Transparent Labs LEAN

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs PreSeries LEAN is perfect for those looking to target stubborn belly fat while still maintaining that hard-earned lean muscle. For those looking to slim down and lose weight, look no further than this great pre-workout with quality ingredients at effective dosages.

Transparent Labs LEAN is designed for cutting, losing that stubborn body fat and preventing the loss of lean muscle! This can come in handy for someone looking to start shedding that extra holiday weight right after the holidays!

Price: $49.00

Check out our review for Transparent Labs LEAN here!

Transparent Labs BULK

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK is backed by science with clinically effective dosages to increase muscle size and mass. This pre-workout is perfect for reducing fatigue, aiding in muscle growth, and boosting energy levels for better overall performance.

Transparent Labs BULK pre-workout is specifically formulated to help bodybuilders gain muscle mass using a patented blend of amino acids and even some testosterone support. This is an ideal for someone looking to pack on the mass this holiday season.

Price: $49.99

Check out our review for Transparent Labs BULK here!

Kaged Muscle Pre-Kaged Pre-Workout

Code GENIRON For 15% OFF

Kaged Muscle Pre-Kaged is great for those looking to increase performance and intensity with a high-quality pre-workout. Great ingredients and a quality blend make this unstoppable for your pre-workouts needs.

You cannot go wrong with grabbing a pre-workout, it’s definitely one of the best holiday gifts, so we’re giving you another option to choose from. Kaged Muscle Pre-Kaged is another one of our top pre-workout choices, and for good reason.

Kaged Muscle Pre-Kaged is the ultimate pre-workout great for those looking to boost energy, increase endurance, enhance muscle pumps, and improve mental clarity and focus. Third party tested with no banned substances, you can trust this fully disclosed label and formula is working for you. With science-backed ingredients and a fully loaded formula, you can trust this supplement will take your gains to new heights.

Price: $39.99

Check out our review for Kaged Muscle Pre-Kaged here!

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi For Men

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi For Men is a specifically formulated multi for bodybuilders to help with all their needs. With 17+ essential daily vitamins and minerals, this top tier formula is great for overall health and wellness.

This ultramodern multivitamin from Performance Lab contains more than 17 daily vitamins and minerals and is geared towards the specific needs of men. It is great for bioavailability because of whole-food cofactors that provide optimal absorption. Containing vitamins A, C, E, and K, along with biotin, calcium, iron, zinc, and potassium, this multivitamin will work for digestive comfort, support vitality, and promote solid overall health.

Price: $29.25

Check out our individual review for Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for Men here.

MuscleMeds Vitamin T

Men's health is crucial, and from your immune system to your testosterone levels, Vitamin T has you covered!

There is definitely the option to purchase your multivitamins and testosterone boosters separately, but this can be difficult and you may not be getting everything that you need to be at peak performance. This is where Vitamin T from MuscleMeds comes in, and why it makes the list. Vitamin T is not only a top of the line testosterone booster, but also a men’s multivitamin that is fully designed to support you being at peak physical performance. Do not ever let yourself get improper micronutrients, or suffer from low testosterone as these are the things that really help to build up your immune system and help you be at your best.

Price: $20.99

Check out our review for Vitamin T!

Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Fat Burner is a great burner to expedite weight loss in 3 ways. A 100% honest label ensures quality ingredients and optimal effectiveness.

Transparent Labs Fat Burner is a great fat burner supplement to expedite weight loss by allowing you to shed fat, maintain muscle, and build that ideal physique for whatever comes your way. Working with 3 ways to expedite fat loss, this works to increase loss by determining how many calories you should burn, prevent hunger to eliminate snacking and unwanted calories, and offer an enjoyable weight loss experience so you actually work for your fat loss goal more effectively. This company works to provide total transparency with a 100% honest label so you know exactly what you are getting.

Price: $49.00

Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner here!

MuscleMeds Carnivor

30% OFF

Carnivor is a 100% beef protein isolate that is fast digesting and great tasting for an effective non-dairy protein supplement.

MuscleMeds Carnivore Beef Protein Isolate is a non-dairy protein supplement that is well-researched. It is also clinically tested to improve muscle gains and aid in your overall protein goals, all without any whey. Carnivor uses 23g of hydrolyzed beef protein, which is 350% more concentrated in amino acids than steak and is fast digesting to make it easier on your stomach. Being that Carnivor is a non-dairy protein, it gives athletes the opportunity to get a dairy-free product that will still produce gains, potentially at an even better rate. There is also a touch of zero-carb stevia extract for sweetness, this protein supplement not only provides the necessary amino acids but also enhances the taste with a hint of sweetness from the natural stevia extract.

Price: $69.74

Check out our individual review for Carnivor here!

MuscleMeds Carnivor RTD Overview

The number one selling beef protein isolate product is perfectly packaged in a ready-to-drink form, for the busiest of lifestyles.

We listed Carnivor protein, but now take a look at the ready-to-drink version, so even if you have the busiest of lifestyles, you can enjoy the great taste and take in quality muscle building nutrition of Carnivor. This is the world’s top selling beef protein isolate supplement. You don’t even have to mix it, as Carnivor is already in a delicious ready-to-drink shake, hence the name “RTD”. It is packed with 40 grams of muscle building protein per delicious serving with 0 grams of fat, 0 cholesterol, 0 grams of sugar, 0 lactose and 0 gluten. This can fit almost any diet besides a vegetarian or vegan diet, as it is a beef protein. 

Price: for 12

Check out our review for Carnivor RTD here!

Equipmentbest holiday gifts

Lifting equipment is no doubt going to make the list for the best holiday gifts. What exactly should you get though? Lucky for you, we are here to provide some great holiday ideas.

Iron Bull Strength 10MM 4″ Unleash Lever Belt

Get ready to experience a new world of strength, stability, and power with our Unleash 10mm lever belt.

The IronBull Strength 10MM 4” Unleash Lever Belt is a great option for the best holiday gifts, as it is something to provide not only amazing support, but a natural feel, like it almost isn’t there. You can throw it on and feel comfortable as well as not worry about if your belt is on tight enough or not. It is also worth noting that the Unleash Lever Belt is constructed with uncompromising quality, featuring premium A-Grade 10mm single cut leather and a 10MM thickness, which makes it truly stand out. The Unleash Lever Belt boasts premium, durable leather that contours to your body over time, so rather than wearing down and falling apart, it is ensuring a personalized fit while maintaining its shape and form under heavy stress, so you will not find yourself shopping for a new belt anytime soon.

Price: $130.00

Check out our review for the Iron Bull Unleash Lever Belt here!

Living Fit Hex Dumbbells

Grab yourself our top pick for the best dumbbells overall!

You can’t go wrong with getting someone a dumbbell or two as the best gifts for gym goers. It helps them get in some at home workouts when they are not able to get to the gym, or looking to build a home gym.

Living Fit Hex Dumbbells are our top choice of dumbbells, as they are pieces of great workout equipment for those looking to build strength, burn fat, and create a stellar physique that others will envy. Perfect for free weight training, these can be stored easily for optimal convenience. Made from solid cast iron, these ensure durability and longevity and the rubber coating helps prevent damage to floors and other equipment. With a hexagon-shaped head to prevent rolling, the grip is also secure to prevent slipping and injury.

Price: $229.99

Amazon Basics Rubber Encased Hex Dumbbell Hand Weight

Dumbbell hand weight for exercise and strength training; ideal for use in fitness classes, home gym, or workout area!

Amazon Basics Rubber Encased Hex Dumbbell Hand Weight is a great option when looking for the best holiday gifts, especially if you like the hex ones. You have that contoured, textured, chrome handle for a comfortable grip, and it is made from cast iron so you know it will not bend or break. Not to mention, they also are constructed with the hexagon shaped rubber encased ends, which prevents rolling or damage if you drop them. They go fro 15-50 lbs and are a great band for your buck.

Price: $62.00

Sole Fitness F80

One of the most versatile treadmills that you can purchase, the Sole Fitness F80 is ideal for anyone looking for a quality treadmill that you can trust!

Sole Fitness F80 is a great interactive treadmill to boost personal training in your home. Its durable and high-quality piece of equipment with quiet drive incline technology and a comfortable fit when running or performing whatever workout to offer low impact support, faster and smoother response, and a similar feel to the road. The 10.1’’ Android powered touch screen panel allows you to view live workouts, follow check out all of the built-in entertainment apps, adjust your speed, incline, and decline for the best interactive workouts.

Price: $1,799.99

Alkai M1 Massage Gun

ALKAI M1 Massage Gun is designed to enhance physical performance and speed up recovery with an easy grip, long lasting battery, and many speed settings.

ALKAI M1 offers a great deep tissue percussion massage gun to enhance physical performance, support recovery, and aid in muscle soreness. With three specific modes (fitness, medical, and health), each provides four unique levels of speed to tackle whatever needs you want met. Six massage heads offer variations in targeting specific spots for pain and an LCD touch screen allows for easy navigation and use. With 20 hours of battery life on a single charge, this is a great massage gun for overall value. It is almost a no brainer that this is one of the best holiday gifts.

Price: $169.99

Check out our individual review for ALKAI M1 Massage Gun here.

Hydra Cup High Performance Dual Shaker Bottle Pack

Hydra Cup Dual Threat Shaker Bottles offers a two-in-one shaker bottle with 36 ounces of total liquid to hold all your beverage and supplement needs.

Hydra Cup brings this top-tier dual shaker bottle to the mix to really benefit all of those pre-, mid-, or post-workout needs. Able to hold 36 ounces total fluid, one side of this bottle holds 22 ounces while the other can hold up to 14 ounces. Eliminating the need for two bottles, and just having the convenience of your supplements ready to go, ensures easy hydration and fuel for those tough workouts. This high quality and durable shaker bottle comes with two snap on lids and a dual mixing grid for easy clean up and great blending capabilities for the right consistency.

Price: $29.99

Check out our full review of Hydra Cup Dual Shaker Bottle here.

Generation Iron x KNKG Duffel Bag

Up your game with the limited edition Generation Iron x KNKG duffel bag! 

The Generation Iron x KNKG duffel bag is the perfect bag to keep all of your new gym gear that you got for Christmas in, whether those are knee sleeves, weightlifting belts, a shaker bottle, or whatever else you got during the holiday season. The Generation Iron x KNKG duffel bag is a Limited Edition version of the popular CORE Duffel (35L), with a few upgrades.

Price: $149.99

Serious Steel Fitness 32’’ Resistance Training Bands

Serious Steel Fitness 32’’ Resistance Training Bands are perfect for strength training and mobility goals. Ranging from 2-200lbs., these bands are portable, functional, and high quality.

Serious Steel Fitness 32’’ Resistance Training Bands offer next level resistance training to improve your overall strength and mobility goals. These resistance bands range from 2 lbs. to 200 lbs. and are made from 15 layers of continuous latex. Portable and functional, you can take these anywhere be it at home or in the gym. Offering 32’’ and a high-quality resistance band, Serious Steel has done a great job with this product so you can maintain tension and have a full range of motion throughout your entire workout.

Price: $36.90

best holiday gifts


Getting into the gym after this holiday season, who wouldn’t want some new apparel! Clothing can be one of the best holiday gifts, but what should you pick up?

Generation Iron Stamp Snapback Hat

Generation Iron Stamp Snapback Hat is perfect for any occasion with a five panel construct and structured fit and the Generation Iron logo displayed on the front and side.

The five-panel Stamp Snapback Hat is structured with a fit and flat bill to comfortably fit on your head in style. Able to easily wick sweat away, this will give you a clean look keeping you feeling fresh and fit. The Generation Iron logo is embroidered on the front and side so everyone will know that you’re part of a serious bodybuilding community.

Price: $20.99

Generation Iron Camo Stringer

Generation Iron Camo Stringer is designed for versatility, comfort, and breathability with a unique camo pattern design.

This limited edition Camo Stringer will show off those big gains while being versatile and breathable for any workout. The comfortable fit and standout design make this nylon tank specifically designed for both training and style so you look and feel good both inside and out of the gym.

Price: $34.99

best holiday gifts

Movies & E-Books

Bradley Martyn: The Influencer

Stream or download Bradley Martyn: The Influencer on Amazon Prime Video.

Bradley Martyn: The Influencer is a captivating documentary that dives deep into the extraordinary life of Bradley Martyn, the YouTube fitness sensation and social media juggernaut with over 10 million devoted followers. He is more than just muscle and strength, there is a story of resilience behind the physique and the brand that he has built, and it was a no brainer that this movie made our list of the best holiday gifts.

Other Generation Iron Original Films

Generation Iron Original Movies are a collection of amazing content highlighting bodybuilders and other athletes, as well as giving viewers a chance to see the sport in a new light.

Some of the best holiday gifts to get your bodybuilder is one of the many films that Generation Iron has to offer. Highlighting famous and well-known bodybuilders like Dorian Yates, Lee Priest, Calum Von Moger, and Ronnie Coleman, you can see both amazing and entertaining content.

Of course, for those who know Generation Iron well, our originals like Generation Iron, Generation Iron 2, and Generation Iron 3 dive into the world of bodybuilding to explore this incredible and historic sport. Check out our full list of original films for your bodybuilder will love this premium content.

Dorian Yates E-Book

Dorian Yates Training Journal is the entire bodybuilding career of legendary bodybuilder, Dorian Yates, in his own words as he chronicled five years of his training.

Dorian Yates is a 6x Mr. Olympia champion and one of the biggest bodybuilding legends in the sport, working to change it forever. He took vigorous personal notes during his prime years and has finally made them available in e-book format with the Dorian Yates Training Journal. These notes go back to his first competition and chronicles his iconic “blood and guts” training style as he sought to be the absolute best. This e-book contains a selection of 100 pages of Dorian Yates’ actual training notes as he journeyed through the world of bodybuilding towards becoming a Mr. Olympia champion and all-around bodybuilding legend.

Price: $29.99

Best Holiday Gifts Wrap Up

When looking for the best holiday gifts for that bodybuilding loved one, look no further than right here. From exercise equipment, immune boosting supplements, entertaining documentaries, fresh apparel, and an educational e-book, we at Generation Iron have all of your gift ideas covered. Keep those gains going with some of these great gifts and really help that bodybuilder friend or family member continue to grow both inside and out of the gym.

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

The Powerhouse of Men’s Health: Exploring the Inno Supps Supercharged Male Stack

Supercharged Male Stack
Image Courtesy of Your Average Guy Lifestyle

Optimize your male vitality with this supplement stack

Maintaining peak male performance is always a priority, whether it’s in the gym, the bedroom, or the workplace—it’s almost an expectation. Regardless of the setting, you want your performance to be at its best to avoid disappointing yourself and those around you. Unfortunately, as time passes, factors like hormonal changes, stress, diet, and exercise can lead to a decline in performance. For instance, diminishing testosterone levels can contribute to decreased libido, changes in body fat levels, and more. While these issues are often associated with aging, various factors such as stress, diet, and workout routines can play a role (as stated above). This is where supplements like Inno Supps’ Supercharged Male Stack come into play.

Let’s delve into what the Inno Supps Supercharged Male Stack is and why it might be beneficial for you.

Men’s Health Overview

Workout Bodybuilding

Testosterone, a sex hormone found more prominently in men, plays crucial roles in regulating functions such as libido, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass, strength, red blood cell production, and sperm generation. Unfortunately, as men age, testosterone levels tend to decline, leading to issues like decreased libido, difficulty maintaining erections, muscle loss, weight gain, and more. These effects are undesirable, and men aim to perform at their best, be it in the gym, bedroom, or elsewhere.

While adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, proper sleep, and vitamin intake, can contribute to overall health, many turn to supplements for an extra boost. However, the market is flooded with under-dosed products making grand claims about improving testosterone levels, libido, and performance. In contrast, Inno Supps stands out by offering quality supplements designed to enhance testosterone, improve libido, and reduce fat—creating the ultimate stack for a supercharged male.

What is Inno Supps?

Inno Supps is a company that aims to provide the highest quality supplements to improve performance and overall health. They produce all of their supplements in US-based, GMP-certified facilities to ensure that every Inno Supps product is held to the highest federal standards. Not to mention, Inno Supps conducts third-party testing to prevent contamination and ensure product integrity.

What is in the Supercharged Male Stack?

Become the best version of yourself with the SuperCharged Male Stack!

When it comes to improving your male performance all around, the Supercharged Male Stack from Inno Supps is going to be one of the best, if not the best, options. It is a comprehensive solution for enhancing male performance that comprises three key supplements. So, let’s take a look.


Inno Supps T-Drive is a great testosterone booster to increase muscle growth, supercharge hormone levels, and enhance performance.

First on the list of supplements in the Supercharged Male Stack is T-Drive. This natural testosterone booster stimulates and supports healthy hormone production, increasing energy levels in the gym, the bedroom, and throughout the day.

T-Drive includes ingredients such as KSM-66® (a form of ashwagandha) and fenugreek to naturally boost testosterone levels and support male vitality and fertility. T-Drive also contains coleus forskohlii root extract and epimedium to increase libido.

Nitro Wood

Inno Supps Nitro Wood is designed to enhance circulation and offer the best support for better blood flow, sexual function, and stamina.

Blood flow is responsible for enhanced erections and boosted muscle pumps, two of a man’s favorite things. Nitro Wood is thrown into the Supercharged Male Stack for that very reason: it amplifies blood flow throughout your body, improving your overall wellness, energy levels and physical performance in the bedroom and beyond!

Nitro Wood contains blood flow boosting ingredients like maritime pine bark and cinnamon bark powder to improve blood flow, alongside beet root powder to help with healthy blood pressure levels. It also features an S7® blend to boost nitric oxide. This S7 blend includes coffee bean and green tea leaf extract, among other ingredients.

Night Shred

Night Shred maximizes the quantity and quality of your sleep while priming your body to accelerate the fat burning process. A sense of relaxation comes quickly and the onset of REM sleep comes much faster.

Sleep is huge for your gains, as it helps with repair and recovery, and that is part of the reason Night Shred is on the list of supplements in the Supercharged Male Stack. It comes in two different versions, Night Shred or Night Shred Black Edition. Overall, Night Shred maximizes the quality and quantity of your sleep, making it easier for your body to function correctly. You’ll sleep deeper and better while priming your body to accelerate the fat-burning process.

Each version of Night Shred contains ingredients like GABA, chamomile, valerian root and melatonin for rest and recovery (where your muscles can grow back the most). Then to burn fat, there are ingredients such as grains of paradise, CLA, and L-carnitine. For naturally relieving stress (which can kill your performance as a male), ingredients such as ashwagandha, xylaria, and 5-HTP are included.

Supercharged Male Stack Price and Servings

While you can purchase all these products listed separately, that can be pricey and a nuisance. Inno Supps makes it easy and puts all three of them together for the Supercharged Male Stack, which you can purchase for $104.99, and there is a 30-day supply of each of the supplements in this stack.

Inno Supps also offers a “Subscribe and Save” deal, which you can subscribe to monthly and save 25%. Plus, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied, so you can try the Supercharged Male Stack risk-free!

Our Verdict on the Supercharged Male Stack

No Generation Iron review is complete without our own opinion. We were fortunate enough to try out the Supercharged Male Stack, and can confidently recommend it to you. Here are a few things we noticed:

Increased Libido

Using the Supercharged Male Stack felt like being 16 and going through puberty again.

Better Pumps

One thing that was really cool to see was the muscle pumps in the gym. Using the Supercharged Male Stack and hitting any lift in the gym had those muscles extremely pumped.

Deeper Sleep But More Energy

Something interesting about the Supercharged Male Stack was that our sleep got deeper and better, but we woke up easier and had fewer issues with energy throughout the day. Even without caffeine, some days, energy levels were not an issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

You may have some questions you want answered before purchasing, which is more than okay. We are ready to answer.

Why Should I Use Supplements?

Not everyone deems supplements as necessary, and they are not something to be entirely relied on either. There is also the issue where sometimes you may need something medically prescribed, such as testosterone replacement therapy. However, supplementation makes it easier for you to get a good amount of the necessary nutrients you may not get solely from your diet or lifestyle, supplements are not really meant to replace anything entirely. For example it is not recommended to take a Vitamin D supplement and then never expose yourself to sunlight again.

It is also wise to consult with your physician before you start taking supplements.

While supplements are not a complete replacement for a balanced diet and lifestyle, they can provide essential nutrients that may be challenging to obtain solely from food. Consulting with a physician before starting supplements is advisable.

Why Choose Inno Supps?

You may be questioning why you would choose Inno Supps over other brands. Many supplement companies indeed offer products for improving male performance. However, Inno Supps products are physician-backed. Dr. David M. Filsoof, M.D., a Cedars-Sinai cardiologist, fully endorses the whole Supercharged Male Stack. This is something not many supplement companies can offer — physician-backed products.

Wrap Up

Overall, being at peak performance is something most men aspire to do 24/7, and that can get increasingly difficult as time goes on and different factors begin to affect your life. Luckily, the Supercharged Male Stack from Inno Supps is there to help you get through the day feeling like a new man.

Give it a try!

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Iron Bull Strength Lifting Straps Review (Tested)

Iron Bull Strength Lifting Straps Review
Iron Bull Strength Unleash Lifting Straps

Iron Bull Strength Unleash Lifting Straps can take your lifts to the next level

When it comes to your big lifts, pulling lifts in particular such as the deadlift and rowing movements, sometimes your grip can get in the way of moving weight, and your back day can suffer. You know how it is, you are pulling some heavy weight, and you can feel yourself struggling to hold on, and recruiting other muscle groups in the process, which can really prolong your gains. That being said, turning to lifting straps (wrist straps) can be the way to go, as they eliminate the room for error when it comes to moving some weight on your pulling exercises. With so many options out there, there are a lot of cheap wrist straps that can rip and not do the job. However, Iron Bull Strength Lifting Straps are there to help you out.

Let’s break down what lifting straps are, what to look for in good lifting straps, and why Iron Bull Strength Lifting Straps are the way to go when it comes to selecting them.

What are Lifting Straps

Iron Bull Wrist Straps
Iron Bull Strength Unleash Lifting Straps

When it comes to our big lifts in the gym, many of us will focus more on supplements such as protein powders, creatine, and pre-workouts, and we forget that great fitness tools exist to help us along the way. A good pair of weightlifting straps are perfect for those of us who lift big and want some extra assistance in promoting better grip and really working to pack on the weight to fire up our muscles. Lifting such massive amounts of weight is a feat that seems too daunting to some, but for your bodybuilding goals, this is a necessity. What a good pair of lifting straps will do is provide comfort and assistance to negate any hesitancy you have about getting that weight lifted.

Many people think that wrist wraps and straps are the same thing, but in reality they are very different. Here is where they differentiate: 

Wrist wraps are used to provide support around your wrist while lifting, many times you will see them used with “push day” movements like bench press or shoulder press. This could be for a number of reasons such as support, but more often than not it is great for those rehabbing an injury, or those who know their wrist is slightly more vulnerable to injury and pain.

Lifting straps, or wrist straps, are not so much about protection as they are for enhancing your grip as you increase weight. Used as a way to provide support when your grip fails, these will enhance gains and work to really challenge your muscles to grow.

What to Look for With Lifting Straps

When you are shopping around for a quality pair of lifting straps, there are a few things to look out for. It is important to have only the best when it comes to quality and durability for you want your straps to be taken care of for long term use. Comfort and versatility is also very important as you seek the best out of support for your lifts. An uncomfortable strap can cause discomfort that can hinder your lifts. Lastly, we look at price. We know fitness equipment can get expensive and we look for the best options at affordable prices so you can maximize all your gains.

Iron Bull Unleash Lifting Straps

Iron Bull Strength's Unleash wrist straps are crafted from heavy-duty nylon and deliver a firm grip on bars so you can lift heavier weights without overtaxing your hands and grip.

Now that you know what lifting straps do and what to look for when shopping around for them, let’s take a look at the Iron Bull Strength Lifting Straps, which is one of our top choices of lifting straps.


  • Nylon Material
  • Level 3 Strength
  • Wrist Support: 5mm Neoprene Pad
  • Top Stitched Loop
  • 24 inches long
  • 1.5 inches wide
  • Lasso Style
  • Sold in Pairs

Key Features

Iron Bull Strength Unleash Lifting Straps Package
  • Material: Iron Bull Strength Unleash lifting straps are crafted from heavy-duty nylon and help you to deliver a firm grip on barbells, dumbbells, cable attachments, or pull-up bars, enabling you to handle heavier weights and more repetitions without overtaxing your hands and compromising your grip.
  • Adjustability: Another key feature is that these straps are adjustable to accommodate any wrist size, meaning if you don’t get your forearm work in like Sam Sulek suggests, they will still fit your baby wrists. 
  • Support Pad: Not to mention, Iron Bull Unleash Lifting Straps utilize a soft, 5mm neoprene support pad. While it may sound unnecessary, the cushioned pad supports proper lifting technique and helps distribute weight evenly across your wrists, allowing for a more extended and comfortable workout. 
  • Stitched Loop: Not only do the support pads help, but the unique top-stitched strap loop helps as well. This innovative design places the seam at the top of the loop to help with the prevention of chafing from the stitching on the skin. This helps to ensure that your lifting sessions are as comfortable as possible. Some of the cheaper options with less comfortable materials can not only cause discomfort, but can scratch up your wrists while lifting.

Moving More Weight

With these top-quality straps, you’ll find yourself pushing yourself more than ever in the gym, paving the way for unprecedented strength gains and muscle growth. The extra grip will help to get in an extra rep or two, or if you are training to muscular failure, they will help you to hold onto the bar and be able to do more partials.

Don’t allow a weak grip to hinder your progress. Place your order today, and step up your lifting game with Unleash lifting straps.

Who Should Buy Iron Bull Lifting Straps?

  • Bodybuilders: Bodybuilders looking to enhance their pulling movements and get those extra reps in, taking the stress off of their forearms and really getting a good back workout could truly benefit from Iron Bull Unleash Lifting Straps.
  • Powerlifters: Powerlifters looking to up the amount of weight on their movements, such as the deadlift, would get some good use out of the Unleash Lifting Straps.
  • Average Gym Goer: The average gym goer looking to just move more weight or get a few more reps could benefit from Unleash Lifting Straps.


You can pick up a pair of Iron Bull Strength Unleash Lifting Straps for just $22.00! While this is more expensive than the $5 option at your standard Walmart, the Iron Bull Strength Lifting Straps will not wear and tear in a few months. 

About the Company

Iron Bull Strength is your ultimate destination for top of the line fitness equipment and accessories to pack your gym bag with. Iron Bull Strength has a true passion for helping athletes and fitness enthusiasts reach their peak performance, we have built a reputation for providing top-quality products that are designed to withstand the toughest workouts.


Now, all of that being said, there may be some questions that you still have, so let’s check it out.

Are weightlifting straps allowed in competition?

In most powerlifting federations, you are not allowed to use weightlifting straps during your lifts. That being said, they are still good to use during training, as they can help with pulling more weight and utilizing progressive overload.

Do weightlifting straps eliminate the use of your forearms?

While weightlifting straps help to lift more weight, they do take a lot of the usage out of your forearms and even your biceps. That being said, if you are looking to get some Popeye sized forearms, it is better to not use straps and instead train them separately.

Do weightlifting straps help to use the back more?

Weightlifting straps help to get a better mind-muscle connection to the muscles in the back, as they take the stress off of the forearms.

Iron Bull Strength Lifting Straps Wrap Up

Overall, weightlifting straps are great tools to help with your size and strength gains on pulling movement. Now there are a lot of options out there, but you want something that will provide comfortable material and get the job done, and Iron Bull Strength Unleash Lifting Straps do just that.

Will you be giving them a try?

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

MrBeast Meets 2023 Mr. Olympia Derek Lunsford

MrBeast meets Mr. Olympia.

One of the most popular YouTubers on the planet MrBeast recently crossed paths with 2023 Mr. Olympia Derek Lunsford. Lunsford gave MrBeast a crash course in bodybuilding training and what it takes to build a championship-level physique.

James Donaldson better known around the globe as MrBeast is a wildly popular YouTuber with some pretty interesting content. Known for putting on some incredible challenges for average people to win cash prizes, MrBeast has become one of the most-watched YouTubers in the world. He has also become well known for his philanthropic work around the world providing water to those in need and even helping people see again by paying for their cataract surgery.

Derek Lunsford recently showcased his dominance in the bodybuilding world by winning the 2023 Mr. Olympia. After coming in second place at the 2022 show, Lunsford left, no stone unturned as he cultivated his physique to defeat the reigning champion Hadi Choopan. Now a 212 and Open Bodybuilding Olympia champion, Lunsford has become an authority in regard to competitive bodybuilding.

Chance Encounter

So how did MrBeast and Derek Lunsford end up crossing paths? Well, the YouTuber is currently on a body transformation journey, and what better person to learn from than Mr. Olympia himself. So far MrBeast has lost a tremendous amount of weight and has already transformed his physique by losing a great deal of fat.


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Now MrBeast has sought out Derek Lunsford to help bring his physique and bodybuilding knowledge to a new level. In a recent YouTube collaboration, MrBeast picked Lunsford’s brain and learned a great deal in the process.

“I’ve never seen an Olympia competitor in person, I want to see how fuc**ng massive you are,”  said MrBeast.

Derek Lunsford would go on to cycle through the eight mandatory bodybuilding poses that every competitor must master to become an established champion.

“That’s crazy,” said MrBeast. “Literally, every time he moves, I notice a new muscle in his body. He has like three biceps. His back is at least 30 muscles.”


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To see their full collaboration check out the video below.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Featured Image Courtesy of Youtube (Derek Lunsford)

2024 Arnold Classic Announces Bodybuilding Rosters

The full rosters for the2024 Arnold Classicwere announced Friday.
Photos via Instagram

The full slate of bodybuilders competing at the 2024 Arnold Classic revealed.

The 2024 Arnold Classic took place from March 1-3, 2024 in Columbus, OH. The event will once again take place at the Greater Convention Center and will include many IFBB Pro League divisions in bodybuilding. On Friday, the IFBB Pro League shared the full list of competitors in each division that will be present during the event.

Winners of all the IFBB Pro contests will earn a qualification to compete at the 60th edition of the 2024 Olympia weekend in Las Vegas, NV, taking place on Oct. 13-14, 2024. Generation Iron will be on the ground floor getting all the live coverages of the event.

2024 Arnold Classic Roster Announced

The 2024 Arnold Classic was the 36th edition and will feature seven pro contest. The top prize money for the event is set to $300,000.00. The mens open will feature the 2022 Mr. Olympia Champion and 2023 runner up, Hadi Choopan. Another two notable additions to the Arnold Classic lineup includes Samson Dauda and Andrew Jacked. Dauda is the defending champion who brings a great deal of excitement.

The lineup featured some impressive newcomers, such as Marcello De Angelis and Rubiel Mosquera.

Men’s Open Division

Classic Physique Division

Reigning Arnold Classic champ and two-time Olympia runner-up Ramon Dino returned to Columbus this year. He will be challenged by Urs Kalecinski, who has established himself as a top three competitor in the division. Breon Ansley and Michael Daboul will also challenge Ramon Dino for the title.

  • Breon Ansley
  • Eric Brown Jr.
  • Michael Daboul
  • Darren Farrell
  • Urs Kalecinski
  • Antoine Loth
  • Courage Opara
  • Damien Patrick
  • Ramon Rocha Queiroz
  • Emanuele Ricotti
  • Terrence Ruffin
  • Wesley Vissers

Men’s Physique Division

There was also a new Men’s Physique champion crowned this year as Erin Banks was not on the initial list of competitors. Many top competitors will take the stage and compete in a 12-man field that will be competitive from the start.

  • Mahmood Al-Maghrabi
  • Vitor Chaves
  • Emmanuel Costa
  • Jeffrey Darko
  • Ismael Martinez Dominguez 
  • Emanual Hunter
  • Jonas Jamena
  • Vinicius Mateus Vieira Lima
  • Diego Montenegro
  • Corey Morris
  • Andres Ramos
  • Emile Walker

Fitness Division

Ariel Khadr returned to the Arnold Classic stage after two consecutive victories to lead a group of 12 competitors.

  • Jaclyn Baker
  • Jodi Boam
  • Abby Bolton
  • Tiffany Chandler
  • Danielle Chikeles
  • Ariel Khadr
  • Michelle Fredua-Mensah
  • Anna Fomina
  • Minna Pajulahti
  • Nikolett Szabo
  • Aurika Tyrgale
  • Tamara Vahn

Bikini Division

There will be many champions on stage come March and that includes reigning two-time champion Lauralie Chapados. Four-time champ Angelica Teixeira will also make an appearance.

  • Rhoda Allie
  • Vania Auguste
  • Tamekia Carter
  • Lauralie Chapados
  • Aimee Delgado
  • Ivanna Escandar
  • Eli Fernandez
  • Phoebe Hagan
  • Ottavia Mazza
  • Elisa Pecini
  • Amanda Marques Pereira
  • Angelica Teixeira


The Wellness division featured 12 of the best in the division and that included two-time Olympia champion Francielle Mattos. Isabelle Nunes, who finished as the runner-up to Mattos in Orlando, will also return to competition.

  • Sandra Colorado Acal
  • Amanda Burnett
  • Johanna Calcano
  • Lili Dong
  • Anne-Marie Gobiel
  • Andrea Hrenko
  • Hye Yoon Kim
  • Francielle Mattos
  • Isabelle Nunes
  • Tefani-Sam Rahzi
  • Bruna Seredich
  • Courtney Starr

Pro Wheelchair 

A 10-man lineup was headlined by Harold Kelley, who is the reigning Arnold Classic and five-time Olympia champ. Gabriele Andriulli is a former Arnold Classic champ and will also contend for the title, along with Tyler Brey.

  • Gabriele Andriulli
  • Bradley Betts
  • Tyler Brey
  • Gaylon Grigsby
  • Josue Fabiano
  • Leonard Harmon
  • Rajesh John
  • Harold Kelley
  • Antoni Khadraoui
  • Chad McCrary

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

19-Year-Old Anton Ratushnyi Shares Insane 3-Year Transformation

New IFBB Pro Anton Ratushnyi went through. crazy transformation in three years time.
Anton Ratushnyi Instagram

The newest IFBB Pro Anton Ratushnyi made incredible strides at a young age.

Anton Ratushnyi recently became one of the youngest bodybuilders in history to earn their Pro Cards. After all of his hard work, Ratushnyi took the stage during one of the biggest amateur shows in the world and impressed right away. At just 19 years old, it is no surprise that Ratushnyi has gained success due to his extreme motivation. Earlier this year, Ratushnyi showed off his insane three-year transformation.

The NPC National Championships was held at the Irving Convention Center in Irving, TX over the weekend. This is one of the biggest amateur competitions of the year and Ratushnyi impressed with his aesthetically-pleasing physique.

After his victory, Ratushnyi earned his pro card and became the youngest competitor in the division. He is also one of the youngest bodybuilders ever to earn his Pro Card. Jeff Seid also received his Pro Card at 19 years old during the early days of Men’s Physique.

“15 to 18 yo transformation”


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Ratushnyi put together three consecutive victories at the NPC level, with the final coming in Texas where he earned his Pro Card. As a Classic Physique competitor, he became the youngest in the division to ever earn their Pro Card. For reference, Chris Bumstead first competed at 19 years old but earned his Pro Card two years later at 21 after winning the 2016 IFBB North American Bodybuilding Championship. It did not take long for Bumstead to take over Classic Physique and is at the top of the bodybuilding world today.

Anton Ratushnyi has been mentioned in great company since his performance and that includes Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Schwarzenegger made history when he was able to win the Mr. Universe competition at 20 years old. He became the youngest competitor in history at the time to earn their Pro Card. Now, Ratushnyi has been able to do it just one year before the great Arnold Schwarzenegger.


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Anton Ratushnyi has put in an insane amount of work early in his life to reach his goal. Now, he will continue to work toward the overall goal of becoming a champion at the Olympia.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Try High Protein Chips for a Delectable Path to Muscle Growth & Fat Loss

high protein chips

High protein chips are a delicious way to add protein to your diet. 

Regular exercise is just one piece of the bodybuilding puzzle; dieting is equally vital. To achieve your fitness goals, careful attention to nutrition is a must. That’s why many professional bodybuilders adhere strictly to a well-crafted diet plan. Specifically, focusing on protein is a must to build muscle and improve your body composition. But pounding protein shakes back daily can be a nuisance. Alternatively, high protein chips, such as Quest Protein Chips, can help you add more protein to your diet while enjoying each bite.

Why Bodybuilders Need More Protein


Everyone needs three macronutrients for optimal health: protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Amongst these, proteins contain amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscles. Over the past couple of years, the muscle-related benefits of high-protein diets have become even clearer (1)

Proteins lead to muscle growth in multiple ways. One is protein synthesis, a body process that fuels lean muscle mass growth. Protein also contains amino acids like creatine and glutamine, which boost human growth hormone (HGH) production, which plays a crucial role in muscle growth.

It’s even more important for bodybuilders to focus on protein. The average bodybuilder punishes their muscles more, which means they’ll need more repairs and, thus, more protein. According to this research, competitive bodybuilders need a higher protein intake than what guidelines advocate (2).

Ways to Add More Protein to Your Diet

Protein is excellent for muscle growth but helps improve weight loss and overall health. Now that we have established that bodybuilders — or any lifters looking to put on more muscle and improve their body composition — need more protein than the average person, it’s time to learn how to increase your intake. Below are five great ways to increase your protein intake as a gym-goer

Start Your Day with Protein

Many fitness enthusiasts consume vitamin-rich smoothies for breakfast. However, while these contain many veggies and fruits, they could be low in proteins. Adding protein powders to your smoothie can make it a protein-rich breakfast shake. You can further increase the protein content of your shake by adding flax seeds, chia seeds, or unsweetened nut butter.

Eat Protein with Every Meal

With every meal, you can incorporate foods like meat, fish, eggs, poultry, legumes, and soy, which are rich in protein. When choosing meat, go for leaner cuts and increase your portion sizes to get even more protein. Eating this way can also help to reduce your meal’s calorie count.  

Try Plant Proteins

Legumes and beans are a rich source of plant protein that can make your meals even more protein-rich. In addition, whole grains are also richer in protein content than processed foods. Adding grains like quinoa, wild rice, millet, or amaranth increases protein intake.

Use Supplements

Protein supplements like protein powder can increase your protein intake and help improve your daily performance. Research shows these supplements and training can enhance muscle mass and performance (3).

High Protein Snacks

Consuming snacks throughout the day can become healthy if you indulge in high-protein snacks. They’ll fill you up and stop you from feeling hungry while increasing your protein intake. A good example is high-protein chips. High protein chips are the perfect protein-increasing snack for bodybuilders. They allow you to enjoy a delicious treat while aligning with your diet goals. Below are more benefits of high protein chips.

Benefits of Consuming High Protein Chips

Healthy Snack Alternative

Cravings can be detrimental if you don’t have the right way to satisfy them. High protein chips help to fill that need while containing the right nutrients. This is great for your overall health and muscle growth as a bodybuilder.


High protein chips give you more energy to work with as you train. These chips contain protein, carbs, and fat. While low in calories, it’s still an addition to your daily energy stores.

Fat Loss 

You can curb your craving effectively by adding high protein chips to your diet as a snack. Proteins also take longer to digest and keep you feeling fuller for longer. As a result, you’ll eat fewer calories, leading to weight loss. High protein chips are low in calories, too. 

More Muscle Growth

Last but not least, high protein chips increase your protein intake. Since protein consists of amino acids, the building blocks of muscle tissues, increasing your protein intake with this snack will induce more muscle hypertrophy

3 Protein Chips to Try

Does protein chips sound better than always reaching for protein bars and shakes? Then below are three protein chips you should try. 

Quest Variety Packs 

Quest Variety Packs protein chips come in three different mouthwatering flavors: Nacho Cheese, Chili Lime, and Loaded Taco. It contains a high protein level of 18-20 grams and low carbs at 3 to 4 grams net carbs. 

Quest Protein Chips

Quest Protein Chips

Quest Protein Chips are also great with up to 19g of protein, only 5g of carbs, and 4.5g of fat in one bag. Quest protein chips come in tortilla style and have many great flavors to satisfy your cravings. 

Atkins Ranch Protein Chips 

Atkins Ranch Protein Chips have ample protein of 14 grams and can be quickly consumed with 4 grams of fiber before a workout, which helps with digestion. These keto-friendly protein bites contain high-quality ingredients that are baked, not fried. 

For more protein chips, check out our list of the Best Protein Chips!

Wrapping Up

Protein plays a crucial role in the muscle growth of weightlifters, making it a vital macronutrient to increase. One effective method to achieve this is by ensuring each meal is protein-rich. Research has shown that individuals who boost their protein intake during breakfast and lunch also enhance their daily protein consumption (4).

Consider increasing your daily protein intake by incorporating delectable high-protein snacks such as protein-rich chips like Quest Protein Chips. These low-calorie treats satisfy your cravings with healthier alternatives that promote weight loss and facilitate muscle growth. 

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more nutrition tips! 


  1. Carbone, J. W., & Pasiakos, S. M. (2019). Dietary Protein and Muscle Mass: Translating Science to Application and Health Benefit. Nutrients, 11(5), 1136. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11051136
  2. Ribeiro, A. S., Nunes, J. P., & Schoenfeld, B. J. (2019). Should Competitive Bodybuilders Ingest More Protein than Current Evidence-Based Recommendations?. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 49(10), 1481–1485. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-019-01111-y 
  3. Pasiakos, S. M., McLellan, T. M., & Lieberman, H. R. (2015). The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 45(1), 111–131. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-014-0242-2 
  4. Verreijen, A. M., van den Helder, J., Streppel, M. T., Rotteveel, I., Heman, D., van Dronkelaar, C., Memelink, R. G., Engberink, M. F., Visser, M., Tieland, M., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2021). A higher protein intake at breakfast and lunch is associated with a higher total daily protein intake in older adults: a post-hoc cross-sectional analysis of four randomised controlled trials. Journal of human nutrition and dietetics : the official journal of the British Dietetic Association, 34(2), 384–394. https://doi.org/10.1111/jhn.12838

“Master Of Men” Ali Gilbert Unveils the Naked Truth About Men’s Health & Erectile Dysfunction | The Mike O’Hearn Show

Ali Gilbert calls herself the queen of men’s health – talks the realities of low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, and more

In a recent episode of The Mike O’Hearn Show, renowned fitness coach Ali Gilbert, self-proclaimed queen of men’s health, delves into the world of men’s fitness, emphasizing the importance of holistic health beyond just physical appearance. Gilbert, whose expertise extends to coaching men in both fitness and sex, sheds light on crucial topics such as testosterone, blood flow, and the rising issue of erectile dysfunction (ED) among younger generations.

During her conversation with Mike O’Hearn, Ali Gilbert reveals how much the culture around men affects their views on health and longevity. She also does a deep dive into ED, how it is happening in younger men with each new generation, and the misconceptions on why ED happens and how to fix it.

Let’s dive into a full recap of this week’s episode below.


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Understanding Men’s Health

Ali Gilbert’s journey into the realm of men’s health began with her realization that men were seeking guidance not just for sports performance but also for an improved physique and sexual wellness. Ali realized that this left an opening for her to grow her career and love of fitness. She would be a female coach that specializes in men’s health and performance – both in and out of the bed.

As her success grew, she now jokingly boasts that men often bring down their defenses and willingly show pictures of their privates asking for help. She has essentially become a men’s health whisperer.

Also of note, Ali Gilbert has been spearheading a growing expo known as the Silverback Summit. Promoted as the ultimate unfiltered men’s health event – Gilbert brings her expertise and connections with others in the field of health and fitness together for a groundbreaking event poised to revolutionize the narrative surrounding topics that men often shy away from discussing.

You can check out more information in our previous coverage of the event right here.

Breaking Down Cultural Barriers

Speaking candidly, Gilbert addresses the cultural stigma surrounding men’s health, specifically the reluctance to undergo bloodwork for testosterone testing. She attributes this hesitancy to societal views that perceive admitting things like ED are a sign of weakness – even when speaking with a doctor. Gilbert stresses the importance of regular bloodwork, challenging the notion that only older men need to monitor their testosterone levels.

More importantly, Ali also warns that ED could indicate underlying cardiovascular problems, emphasizing the need for early detection and prevention through routine bloodwork. So being afraid to address your doctor about ED can lead to longer term serious health situations that went undiagnosed.

She also notes that many fit individuals don’t believe they need to be preventative with their health because they are in incredible shape. But just because you have shredded muscle doesn’t mean that you are healthy on the inside.

Ali Gilbert points out that competitive bodybuilders are the least healthy when we see them on stage. They are operating on a calorie deficit, they are dried out, and they are weak. She notes that this is not just true for enhaced bodybuilders but natural bodybuilders as well.

This is why regardless of age or fitness level, it is important to visit a doctor, get extensive bloodwork done regularly, and be unafraid to hear bad news when something is detected. The sooner it’s detected the better chance you can address it safely.

The Accessibility of Bloodwork & Looking Beyond The Numbers

One key takeaway from the episode is Gilbert’s emphasis on the ease of obtaining bloodwork. She suggests that individuals can opt for cost-effective options from clinics that visit their homes, making the process convenient and accessible.

While testosterone levels are essential, Gilbert stresses that a singular focus on the total testosterone number is inadequate. Every individual’s body is different, and symptoms may not correlate directly with testosterone levels. She advocates for a holistic approach to health, considering lifestyle, diet, and mental well-being.

RELATED: Our List Of The Best Testosterone Boosters For Muscle Growth & Vitality

Becoming Healthy Sometimes Means Changing Your Identity

According to Gilbert, making positive changes to health involves more than just altering diet and exercise routines. It requires a shift in identity and a willingness to navigate the challenges of socializing differently. However, she asserts that the benefits, including improved well-being and longevity, make it worthwhile.

This is likely the biggest reason why fitness comes so hard to many people. It’s not because the act of getting healthier is unwanted. It’s more that the very core of your being is being altered. Changing your health can lead to a complete shift in your usual social habits. Perhaps no more drinks on the weekend with friends and less time spent engaging in passionate hobbies that may have been bad for your health.


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Addressing the Rise of Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men

Gilbert draws attention to the alarming increase in ED among younger generations, attributing it to sedentary lifestyles exacerbated by excessive screen time. She identifies three main factors contributing to ED:

  • Testosterone levels
  • Blood flow
  • Psychological elements such as stress and anxiety

Breaking the Cycle of Stress and ED

For those with normal testosterone levels facing erectile dysfunction, Gilbert recommends exploring potential underlying trauma as a contributing factor. Addressing past traumas can break the cycle of stress-induced ED and promote long-term solutions.

Unfortunately, many individuals who suffer from ED may visit a doctor, only to be told that their testosterone levels are fine and that stress is the contributing factor. They are then given medication to reduce stress and anxiety. This is sometimes antidepressants. These substances can often lead to ED as a side effect. It becomes a vicious cycle.

In fact, Ali Gilbert goes into detail about how trauma can lead to lifelong stress. This stress can then lead to ED in men. Once they experience ED, stress is cyclical – so they become mores stressed by failing to perform in bed. This makes the ED worse. In a case like this, discovering the core trauma that is causing the stress can help with the issue. While not easy – it is often a solution for those who do not suffer from low testosterone but still have ED.

Navigating Social Media Pressures

Mike O’Hearn raises concerns about the impact of social media on athletes, particularly the constant pressure to maintain a lean physique for online content. Gilbert acknowledges the challenges and emphasizes the importance of educating the younger generation about the long-term consequences of unsustainable practices.

The Role of Nutrition in Boosting Testosterone

In response to a query about natural ways to enhance testosterone, Gilbert advocates for the inclusion of red meat, particularly steak, in the diet. She dispels the myth surrounding the demonization of red meat and highlights the benefits of white rice and carbs in supporting natural testosterone production.

Wrap Up

The Mike O’Hearn Show episode featuring Ali Gilbert provides valuable insights into men’s health, encouraging a holistic approach that goes beyond physical appearance. By addressing the stigma around bloodwork, highlighting the link between testosterone and erectile dysfunction, and offering practical advice on nutrition, Gilbert contributes to a broader conversation about men’s well-being in today’s fast-paced and digitally dominated world. As society evolves, so too must our understanding and prioritization of men’s health.

Check out the full episode above and don’t forget to check back every Friday for new episodes only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network – or wherever podcasts are downloaded!

Flex Wheeler Gives Update From Hospital Regarding Back Problem: “The Pain Is Beyond Description”

Flex wheeler provided a health update on Instagram recently.
Flex Wheeler Instagram

Flex Wheeler shared his latest with fans from his stay in the hospital.

Legendary Bodybuilder Kenneth Flex Wheeler has dealt with health issues during his retirement from bodybuilding. He frequently provides updates regarding these issues and took to Instagram on Tuesday to share another. Wheeler has been in the hospital dealing with a back issue and said that his pain is “beyond description.”

Wheeler is known for an aesthetically-pleasing physique that inspired many of today’s competitors. He is considered one of the best, if not the best, bodybuilder to never win a Sandow Trophy. Wheeler has many other victories on his resume, including being a four-time Arnold Classic champion.

Since his career ended, Wheeler has dealt with many injuries. In 2003, Wheeler underwent nine surgeries that almost cost him his life. In 2019, he suffered a medical complication and this led to having his right leg amputated. Recently, he shared that his kidneys were failing. Recently, he shared another update about his current situation.

“At this moment, my pain level is extremely high, and I find myself cringing, crying, and experiencing intense discomfort. It’s a challenging situation, and I’m deeply grateful for the support and understanding I have received from all of you.”

Wheeler has been grateful of the support he has received from fans during this time.

Flex Wheeler Provides Health Update

Flex Wheeler took to Instagram to share an update and a picture of his current problem. The description states that there is a synovial cyst at L4-L5 that has raised from the left facet joint and extends into the spinal canal.

The pain that Wheeler is dealing with is excruciating and explained how he experienced more discomfort while being transitioned.

“Unfortunately, during transitioning from one bed to another, I experienced a traumatic exacerbation of my existing back problem. The pain I’m currently enduring is beyond description, and my discomfort has been overwhelming.Unfortunately, during transitioning from one bed to another, I experienced a traumatic exacerbation of my existing back problem. The pain I’m currently enduring is beyond description, and my discomfort has been overwhelming.”

Wheeler continued to discuss how he is receiving the best care possible and wanted fans to know that their support has not gone unnoticed.

“I want to assure you that I am receiving dedicated care and attention from medical professionals who are working tirelessly to find a resolution to this issue. Your thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes mean the world to me, and they provide a source of strength during this difficult time.”

Wheeler vows to continue to provide updates during this difficult time he is facing.

GI wishes Flex Wheeler a full and speedy recovery. For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.